Badger TraCS Guides
October 2024 FAC Request List
Geraldine Polster
October 2024 FAC Request List
Kenosha PD issues about 150 Parking Tickets a day and they are requesting that the regular printed report be changed to look better. We would like the officer name moved.
The FAC looked at this along with the Developer. The location they wanted the officer name moved already had information located there, just not all the time. It was the court information for when they used the citation for a court appearance. The FAC requested that the ticket be reformatted.
Here is the sample of the new format. Again the Defendant and the court information will disappear. Also used the warning report as an example to refresh the look.
Please pass along to the FAC...
Our department was made aware of a 2017 act that creates a responsibility of the issuing officer for certain Right-Of-Way violations to alert the defendant of a possibility of their license being suspended/revoked. See attached and below statute.
With that said, I was wondering if maybe a letter be generated when the ELCI meets certain criteria. For instance, there could be conditional logic between this list of statutes for the violation PLUS the "Accident Severity" block listed in the ELCI form. When applicable, a "Suspension Notification Letter" could be printed out, similar to a parental notification letter that pops up as a "Warning" when validating a juvenile citation currently.
Thank you for your consideration,
345. Information to persons charged.
(1) Whenever a person is charged with a violation of a traffic regulation, the law enforcement officer shall inform the person of the following:
(a) That certain convictions may result in revocation or suspension of his or her operating privilege if the conviction will have that effect.
(b) That demerit points may be assessed against his or her driving record for the offense. The law enforcement officer may estimate the number of demerit points for the particular offense and list it on the traffic citation form.
(c) The number of demerit points that is cause for revocation or suspension.
(2) Before taking the plea of a person charged with a violation of law the judge shall inform the violator of the following:
(a) That conviction of the charge may result in the revocation or suspension of his or her operating privilege.
(b) The number of demerit points that may be assessed against the violator upon conviction of the violation, based on the available information.
(3) Whenever a person has been convicted in this state on the basis of a forfeiture of deposit or a plea of guilty or no contest and the person was not informed as required under subs. (1)and (2), the person may, within 60 days after being notified of the revocation or suspension of the operating privilege, petition the court to reopen the judgment and grant him or her an opportunity to defend on the merits. If the court finds that the petitioner was not informed as required under subs. (1)and (2), the court shall order the judgment reopened. The court order reopening the judgment automatically reinstates the revoked or suspended operating privilege
I'm requesting for the Incident form the following:
Good morning,
Our Municipal Court Judge noticed that the Wisconsin Uniform Citation form (Form No MV4017, Version CT 0901), under the section Instructions –Read Carefully contains the following language geared towards individuals with disabilities:
If you have a disability and need help in court, please contact the above Clerk of Court's office.
The Wisconsin Non-Traffic Citation and Complaint form (Form No MUNI, Version CT 0405), under the Instructions – Read Carefully section does not contain any language for individuals with disabilities. Can this form be updated to include the same sentence as shown on the Wisconsin Uniform Citation form?
Thank you,
I am not sure if this is the right email but would like to suggest two improvements for the WI Tracs system. These are merely suggestions, and I do not expect implementation, rather the suggestions are to spur conversation.
There are many predominate Spanish speakers in our state. The suggestions are in relation to Spanish written warnings and citations. Suggestions are below.
· Spanish formatted written warnings. Written warnings are only formatted in English.
· The option to print citations in just Spanish. Currently you have to print an English copy to print a Spanish copy. Not sure if there is policy/law that require that an English copy be printed. Having to print the English copy when not needed creates waste.
I do acknowledge that these options may be available, but correct settings may not be applied. If that is true, could you please let me know how to adjust the settings.
If there are any question or follow-up needed, please do not hesitate.
Cannot do second option – print citations just in Spanish, Spanish copies of the NTC and ELCI are courtesy copies and are not official citations.
This needs DMV approval
With the new statute for cell phones in emergency zones, when selecting that statute (the same as phones in a const. zone) it requires a box to be checked in the “ROADWAY ZONES” box. That box only has C construction, R railroad, S school, and U utility. I guess for court purposes when writing this violation is there any way an E emergency zone can be added to that box?
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