Badger TraCS Guides
FAC Meeting Notes 2013
04/30/13 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
11:42 AM
TraCS FAC Meeting Notes 04/30/13
The TraCS Forms Advisory Committee met on 04/30/2013. Present were Algoma PD—Neil Dorner; Hales Corners PD—Sgt. Brent Kroll; Juneau County Sheriff —Lt. Robert F. Jasinski; La Crosse PD—Sgt. Andrew (Drew) J. Gavrilos; Milwaukee PD—Ken Cecil; Dept of Natural Resources Citation— Todd Schaller and Kristin Turner; Phillips PD—David A. Sonntag; State Patrol—Travis Lauer and Mark Fetzer; Wausau PD—Cheryl Stieve, Watertown PD—Leon Ruder; Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz, Teresa Severson, Dennis Rodenkirch, Jennifer Schmidt, Geri Polster.
The members introduced themselves and the charter for the committee was read.
The next FAC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 16, 2013.
TraCS 10 Progress Report
Over 30 agencies have at least one TraCS 10 workstation configured. Over 100 workstations and field units are now running TraCS 10.
The migration instructions for SQL Server initially did not work properly and they have been rewritten.
Enhancement Requests
Enhancement requests that were collected over the test period for TraCS 10, but not incorporated into the final product were reviewed. The FAC identified two items that should be added to a future patch:
A help menu item will be added to take the user to the state statutes website.
The print menu for the Natural Resources citation should only show the Informing the Accused report if the citation has an alcohol related statute.
The following item will be discussed at the next FAC meeting:
Adding a restitution section to the NTC.
The following items were declined by the FAC:
Allow additional fields to be editable after issuance on the citation forms.
Allow replication from an archived form.
Add affidavit, search warrant and return of officer forms for blood draws after OWI refusals.
Add a symbol for traffic light that allows the different lights to be toggled on/off.
Add a reminder letter for the court to order a boating safety class for OWI boating tickets.
If officer overrides DA routing flag, reset plaintiff and court type automatically.
The following bugs to TraCS 10 were reported:
Themes are not saving with user defaults.
Statute 347.06(3) UNCLEAN/DEFECTIVE LIGHTS (BREAK LAMP) has misspelling. Should be BRAKE, not break.
Form Redaction
Due to recent court rulings affecting the release of personally identifying information to the public, the FAC recommends that redacted versions of TraCS reports be added. These reports should redact the fields specified by the Driver Privacy Protection Act (DPPA).
TraCS Web
DOT has a stated goal of 100% electronic crash reporting by the end of 2014. DOT is investigating TraCS Web and Web Services for TraCS as two possible means for getting to 100% electronic.
DOT currently receives over 95% of crashes electronically. The remaining 5% are primarily very small agencies with no dedicated IT staff.
TraCS Web is a version of TraCS that runs inside of Internet Explorer. The current TraCS Web program differs from the full TraCS program in the following ways:
Requires continuous connection to Internet.
Bandwidth problems can significantly slow down data-entry. A call back to the web server is made each time a field is entered to validate data.
Barcode functionality requires a current version of Java installed.
GPS devices do not work.
Only the TraCS 10 diagram tool is supported, but not Easy Street Draw or Quick Scene.
Only Google Maps is supported for pin maps, not WiSLR maps.
Only basic data bars, which are less user friendly, are supported.
Can only print one report at a time.
No TraCS/MACH interface.
Requires double log in, once for WAMS and once for TraCS.
External Search as implemented in Wisconsin does not work. (Would require creating a new ActiveX component.)
Cannot have Manager and Viewer open at the same time (must fully close Viewer to return to Manager).
An alternative to TraCS Web is to host the TraCS data at the state level, but put the TraCS program on the local computer configured with web services. A brief (~10 minutes) installation process would be required on each field unit prior to entering crashes for the first time.
This would combine the benefits of the full client, but without the administrative burden of host the TraCS data at the local level. Forms are retrieved and save to the state database using web services.
Among the advantages of web services, is that TraCS can continue to function even when connectivity to the Internet is down. Once the connection to the Internet becomes available again, the data is saved to the state database automatically.
The FAC preferred the Web Services solution over the TraCS Web solution because of the better feature set and because they did not like the idea of having TraCS available anywhere a web browser was available. They thought it was best to control the computers that TraCS runs on.
TraCS as Records Management System
DOT is seeking funding to improve the functionality of TraCS so that it can function more as a Records Management System. The following items are under consideration for enhancement to the baseline version of TraCS:
Implement master index-- Provide screens that search and display lists of each common information type (Individual, Vehicle, Location, etc.) based on criteria entered. Double clicking an item in the list will display all forms related to the selected item in the Forms Manager.
Implement involvement feature-- Allow users to find a form and then branch out to find all related forms that include the same individuals, vehicles, locations, etc. and then all forms related to those forms, and so on.
Implement contact level status and validation rules-- This would allow contacts in TraCS to act like case files and apply process flow to the file based on the status of the individual forms in the contact. Contact level rules will only be able to run on a Workstation in Database mode.
Implement ability to have multiple forms share one transmit file.
The FAC indicates that the following forms would also have to be added to TraCS to have the functionality expected of an RMS:
Incident Report including Arrest Report (IBR/UCR)—should include electronic submittal to WIJIS
Chain of Evidence form including Property Sheet
New Forms Prioritization
Jail Intake
Emergency Detention (tied for first place.)
Incident Report/Arrest Report (IBR/UCR)
Deer/Animal Tag
Suspension order for unpaid parking tickets (TV&RP)
ATV/Snow/Boat Crash (DNR)
Probable Cause Affidavit
Chain of Evidence/Property Sheet
Intoximeter (Test Results) Report
Daily Activity Log
Law Enforcement Data Warehouse
The Bureau of Transportation Safety (BOTS) is working with the University of Wisconsin Traffic Operations and Safety Lab (UW-TOPS) to establish a law enforcement data warehouse that can be used by law enforcement agencies across the state to query incidents. Currently it houses crash data. Warnings and citations are planned for the future. Badger TraCS has been contacted about providing a means to transmit warnings to the database.
04/30/13 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
11:44 AM
07/30/13 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
11:43 AM
TraCS FAC Meeting Notes 07/30/13
The TraCS Forms Advisory Committee met on 07/30/2013. Present were Algoma PD—Neil Dorner; Hales Corners PD—Sgt. Brent Kroll; Juneau County Sheriff —Lt. Robert F. Jasinski; La Crosse PD—Sgt. Andrew (Drew) J. Gavrilos; Milwaukee PD—Gregg Duran; Dept of Natural Resources Citation— Todd Schaller and Kristin Turner; State Patrol—Mark Fetzer; Wausau PD—Cheryl Stieve; Watertown PD—Leon Ruder; Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz, Teresa Severson, Dennis Rodenkirch, Jennifer Schmidt, Geri Polster, and Brian Neil.
The members introduced themselves and the charter for the committee was read.
The next FAC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 26, 2013.
TraCS 10 Progress Report
We currently have 62 agencies using TraCS 10.
DNR has a small pilot group going. They are waiting for additional work on the ILT to be completed. They need the mailing address on the citation to be customizable by officer. This functionality will be added in a future patch. They are planning full roll out in October.
La Crosse PD hopes to start a pilot in 2 or 3 weeks. They are waiting on La Crosse County to take the lead. RMS project is taking priority.
Wausau PD recently had their CAD upgraded and they are in process converting to Windows 7. They haven’t started a TraCS 10 pilot yet. They hope to start one soon.
The project leader at Milwaukee PD is switching to Ken Cecil. They have not yet started a pilot.
Juneau County has the first field unit install done and has written a production citation.
State Patrol hopes to start a pilot in mid-August
Hales corners master computer will be set up mid-August along with one field unit.
Watertown is done. Unarchive is causing problems. The staff members love it. They even love the ILT. It is less work.
Algoma PD is done. They like the ILT for traffic stops but not for non-traffic. Distribution process needs to work better.
Enhancement Requests
Form Redaction
The discussion on form redaction was tabled until the next meeting.
TRCC Grant Proposal
Darlene is working on securing funding for additional work to be done to the baseline version of TraCS:
Add “user definable fields” to Active Directory support.
Improve the update server to make deploying patches more efficient.
Add maintenance services to TraCS for baking up files/dtabases, compacting and repairing access databases, removing old log entries, and cleaning back up files.
Keep Drag and Drop groupings in place between sessions by storing them with user defaults.
Add ability to print pin maps.
Clean up display of form names in the Quick Add menu.
Add ability to export “code text” along with code value for TraCS export of data.
During distribution call from inside TraCS, implement allowing USR file of currently logged in user to be update
Advanced RMS Features: Master Index, Involvement Feature, contact level statuses and validation rules
New Forms
Jail booking and Emergency Detention forms were reviewed. The Emergency Detention form is a standardized state form, but the jail booking form is highly individualized in each county and it may be more difficult. The ED form looks like it would be an easy and useful form to do. However, HIPAA was mentioned as a concern. The probable cause statement was also discussed. This is also a standard state form.
Issue Tracker Items
The FAC requested that the Master Computer require admin credentials before allowing patch to be deployed to field units.
Items, 68,112, 130, 131, 154, 189, and 193 were declined by the FAC.
07/30/13 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
11:44 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Room 701 (Superior Room)
Hill Farms Transportation Building
4802 Sheboygan Ave
July 30, 2013
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. TraCS 10 Status Report
9:30 a.m. User Conference planning
10:30 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. TraCS Development Plans (TraCS as RMS, TraCS Lite)
12:0 0 a.m. Lunch
12:45 p.m. Form Redaction Revisited
1:15 p.m. FAC Referral Items
2:00 p.m. Break
2:15 p.m. FAC Referral Items Continued.
3:00 p.m. Adjourn
FAC Committee Membership 2013
Algoma PD—Neil Dorner (Outgoing Member)
Hales Corners PD—Sgt. Brent Kroll
Juneau County Sheriff —Lt. Robert F. Jasinski
La Crosse PD—Sgt. Andrew (Drew) J. Gavrilos
Milwaukee PD—Gregg Duran
Natural Resources Citation— Todd Schaller (DNR)
Phillips PD—David A. Sonntag
State Patrol—Travis Lauer
Wausau PD—Cheryl Stieve (Outgoing Member)
Watertown PD—Leon Ruder (Outgoing Member)
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS—Teresa Severson
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Brian Neil
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Dennis Rodenkirch
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster
09/26/13 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
11:43 AM
TraCS FAC Meeting Notes 09/26/13
The TraCS Forms Advisory Committee met on 09/26/2013. Present were Sturgeon Bay PD—Neil Dorner; Milwaukee PD—Ken Cecil; State Patrol—Mark Fetzer and Tom Tweedy; Wausau PD—Cheryl Stieve; Dave Sonntag—Phillips PD; Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Tommy Winkler Jr., Darlene Schwartz, Teresa Severson, Jennifer Schmidt, and Geri Polster.
The next FAC meeting will be the first week of December, date to be determined.
TraCS 10 Progress Report
Approximately 75 agencies are using TraCS 10.
Algoma has TraCS 10 up and running. It’s going ok, working out distributions. Have concerns about ILT interrupting workflow. Expecting to migrate Sturgeon Bay in November (13 or 14 squads.)
Phillips PD is fully migrated has concerns about ILT—how long it takes to use, road data incomplete.
Wausau PD is waiting on an ILT fix before starting TraCS project.
State Patrol has started a web services project with one squad so far.
Form Redaction
No changes proposed for redacted forms.
Warning Data Warehouse
Transmission to the warning data warehouse is coming to TraCS soon. This feature will be opt-in only, but FAC members believe it will be very popular. FAC members wondered how data warehouse would access by law enforcement.
User Conference
Darlene reviewed the assignments for the user conference with the FAC members.
TraCS as RMS
Badger TraCS is contracting to have features commonly found in most RMS systems added to TraCS 10. The FAC brainstormed feature ideas:
Master Name Index (MNI)
Data captured
Standard TraCS individual data (name, address, DOB, etc.)
Prior addresses
Former names
Booking photo
Identifying Marks (Tattoos, Scars, etc.)
E-mail attachments
Officer safety alerts
Special needs alerts
Duplicate name resolution
Merge feature
Junior vs. senior
Names cannot change on TraCS forms after transmission or issuance.
Same name
Similar name
Case number
IBR category
History—why is this person in the RMS?
WIJIS gateway search
External Search should be able to bring back MNI data for populating forms.
Supplement, not replacement for, to DOT returns
Must have in the squad
MACH integration
Be able to send case notes to officer.
WIJIS gateway integration
Publish to the gateway via TraCS
Master Vehicle Index
Data captured
Standard TraCS vehicle data
Damage description
Special features (free form text)
Officer alerts
History—why is vehicle in system?
Sort by case
Sort by IBR number
Master Location Index
Data captured
On/At Road
GPS coordinates
Officer safety alerts
History—why is location in system?
Sort by case
Sort by IBR number
Be able to use selection rectangle on map to select locations in index.
Overlay data on map
Master Property Index
Chain of Evidence
How to dispose
Date acquired
Date disposed
Retention schedule
Who taken from
Why taken
Involvement Explorer
Links among (via forms)
Property owned
Visual involvement graph (spider web)
Click on nodes to expand to new nodes.
Be able to view forms associated with nodes.
Nodes associated with location should overlay on top of map.
Ability to Filter data
Case Level Statuses (Follow IBR codes for this. Statuses may change multiple times—closed back to open, etc.)
Under Investigation
Closed (Multiple statuses related to closed)
TraCS Lite
New installations by appointment only according to schedule.
Adding users: 5 business days. 2 business days if emergency.
Deactivating users: Within 2 hours, 24/7.
Code table changes: 5 business days.
Agency transmits their own data to WisDOT and courts—no auto-transmit.
7 Year retention period.
Availability: 9 to 5 Monday through Friday (Minimum requirement)
Resend folder set to one year. (May not apply.)
DOT e-mails analysis reports/pin maps periodically
Analysis report package should be auto-generated by the state and e-mailed out. No on-demand analysis reports
NTC Proposals
A proposal for a new layout for the NTC form was shared by Dave Sonntag. This will be discussed in more detail at the December meeting.
09/26/13 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
11:44 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Room 701 (Superior Room)
Hill Farms Transportation Building
4802 Sheboygan Ave
September 26, 2013
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. TraCS 10 Status Report
9:30 a.m. Form Redaction Revisited
10:00 a.m. User Conference planning
10:30 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. TraCS as RMS
Master Index
Involvement Search/Report
Contact Level Statuses and Rules
12:0 0 a.m. Lunch
12:45 p.m. TraCS Lite
Service Level Expectations (Data Retention, Reliability, Availability, do we need analysis reports, data exports?)
2:00 p.m. Miscellaneous
3:00 p.m. Adjourn
FAC Committee Membership 2013
Algoma PD—Neil Dorner (Outgoing Member)
Hales Corners PD—Sgt. Brent Kroll
Juneau County Sheriff —Lt. Robert F. Jasinski
La Crosse PD—Sgt. Andrew (Drew) J. Gavrilos
Milwaukee PD—Gregg Duran
Natural Resources Citation— Todd Schaller (DNR)
Phillips PD—David A. Sonntag
State Patrol—Travis Lauer
Wausau PD—Cheryl Stieve (Outgoing Member)
Watertown PD—Leon Ruder (Outgoing Member)
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS—Teresa Severson
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Brian Neil
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Dennis Rodenkirch
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster
12/10/13 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
11:43 AM
TraCS FAC Meeting Notes 12/10/13
The TraCS Forms Advisory Committee met on 12/10/2013. Present were Sturgeon Bay PD—Neil Dorner; State Patrol—Mark Fetzer; Wausau PD—Cheryl Stieve; Brent Kroll—Hales Corners PD; Drew Gavrilos—La Crosse PD, Bob Jasinski—Juneau County Sheriff, Darlene Schwartz, Teresa Severson, Jennifer Schmidt, and Geri Polster.
Analysis Reports
The current and planned analysis reports for TraCS were reviewed. The FAC recommended the following:
Graph of crash weather conditions
Traffic Citation Inventory for WisDOT
Light Conditions
Crash Major Cause First Harmful Event
Crash Major Cause Crash Severity
Incident time summary
New Analysis Report Incident Age Gender Summary
Form Status History
Issued Traffic Citations by Tag—ability to filter by tag
Issued NON-Traffic Citations by Tag—ability to filter by tag
Issued DNR Citations by Tag—ability to filter by tag
Add categories to documentation
User Conference Feedback
Darlene shared feedback from the user conference. Overall the conference was very successful. The FAC decided that next year’s conference will be a one-day conference in the Dells. The FAC will serve as the planning committee for next year’s conference.
NTC Proposal
A proposal for a new layout for the NTC form was shared by Dave Sonntag. The new fields would make the NTC very similar to the Misdemeanor Citation. The FAC recommended leaving the NTC as-is, but add the the Misdemeanor Citation as a new form.
Communication Methods— Social Media
The FAC brainstormed different ways to improve communications among TraCS users. FaceBook and Twitter were rejected. The FAC requested that adding a discussion forum to the Lyris List Server for Badger TraCS be investigated.
Members of our current mailing list would have the ability to opt into the forum.
Members should be able to choose between daily digest, individual e-mails, or web only for content delivery.
Our Badger TraCS staff members still want the ability to send out announcements to all members on a regular basis regardless of individual forum settings above.
Badger TraCS staff will not monitor the forum on a regular basis. The forum’s purpose is to facilitate communications among TraCS users, not to provide support.
Moderators will monitor the forum to make sure that the guidelines for posting messages are being followed. Moderators will be selected from the law enforcement members of the FAC.
Project Priorities
The FAC completed a project prioritization exercise. The FAC recommends the following priorities:
Project | Priority High/Medium/Low | Implementation year |
TraCS LITE Project | Committed | 2014 |
RMS Project: Master Name Index | Committed | 2014 |
RMS Project: Master Vehicle Index | Committed | 2014 |
RMS Project: Master Location Index | Committed | 2014 |
RMS Project: Master Property Index | Committed | 2014 |
RMS Project: Involvement Explorer | Committed | 2014 |
RMS Project: Case Level Statuses | Committed | 2014 |
RMS Project: Incident Report/Arrest Report (IBR/UCR) | High for RMS | TBD |
RMS Project: Chain of Evidence/Property Sheet | High for RMS | TBD |
New Form: Deer/Animal Tag | High | 2014 |
Warning Transmission (Data Warehouse) | Committed | 2014 |
Revised Form: DNR | Committed | 2015 |
Revised Form: Crash | Committed | January 2016 |
Misdemeanor Citation | High | TBD |
New Form: DNR Crash form (ATV/Snow/Boat) | Medium | TBD |
New Form: Probable Cause Affidavit | Medium | TBD |
New Form: Intoximeter (Test Results) Report | Low | TBD |
New Form: Daily Activity Log | Low | TBD |
New Form: OWI Affidavit | Low | TBD |
New Form: OWI Warrant | Low | TBD |
New Form: Blood Draw Warrant | Low | TBD |
New Form: Jail Intake | On Hold | TBD |
New Form: Emergency Detention | On Hold | TBD |
New Form: Suspension Order Unpaid Parking Tickets (TV&RP) | Superseded by new DOT web app under development. | N/A |
Revised Form: NTC | Implement separate misdemeanor citation instead. | N/A |
Issue Tracker Items
The FAC approved the following feature requests for TraCS 10:
Delete users on laptops (when deleted out of user database at headquarters) as part of the distribution process.
Remove hot key label for Alt-V since it does not work correctly.
Implement an “exception table” to allow agency to alter bond amounts, DA routing flags and mandatory appearance flags for the non-traffic citation.
Implement a “zoom slider” for the ILT.
Add ability to customize tree heading for ordinances.
Add “every other week” to options for setting up court appointments.
Add option for auto-distribution at log in time.
Add an erase tool to the the TraCS 10 diagram tool.
Add a “Court Report” analysis report listing court date, citation #, subject name, and issuing officer.
Fix suffix field on Alcohol form.
The FAC rejected the following feature requests for TraCS 10
Produce message on non-master computer warning when the master computer is not up-to-date.
Blank out fields related court/date time if selected court changes.
Add more checking for juvenile status. Sometimes issue tickets for violators that are too young.
Change how the message cached works.
Change the transmission details report.
Require registered owner on parking tickets.
Office staff should be able to issue ticket in officer’s name.
Outgoing Members
We bid farewell to outgoing committee members: Neil Dorner, Cheryl Stieve, Leon Ruder, and Gregg Duran. Thank you for all your contributions to the FAC.
12/10/13 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
11:44 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Room 363
Hill Farms Transportation Building
4802 Sheboygan Ave
December 10, 2013
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. Analysis Reports
10:00 a.m. Redesigned NTC
10:30 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. FAC Referral Items
12:00 p.m. Lunch
12:45 p.m. Communication Methods—Social Media
1:15 p.m. User Conference Feedback
1:45 p.m. Break
2:00 p.m. Prioritization Exercise
3:00 p.m. Adjourn
FAC Committee Membership 2013
Algoma PD—Neil Dorner (Outgoing Member)
Hales Corners PD—Sgt. Brent Kroll
Juneau County Sheriff —Lt. Robert F. Jasinski
La Crosse PD—Sgt. Andrew (Drew) J. Gavrilos
Milwaukee PD—Gregg Duran
Natural Resources Citation— Todd Schaller (DNR)
Phillips PD—David A. Sonntag
State Patrol—Travis Lauer
Wausau PD—Cheryl Stieve (Outgoing Member)
Watertown PD—Leon Ruder (Outgoing Member)
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS—Teresa Severson
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Brian Neil
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Dennis Rodenkirch
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster
TraCS as RMS
Friday, February 2, 2018
11:49 AM
TraCS as RMS
Badger TraCS is contracting to have features commonly found in most RMS systems added to TraCS 10. The FAC brainstormed feature ideas:
Master Name Index (MNI)
Data captured
Standard TraCS individual data (name, address, DOB, etc.)
Prior addresses
Former names
Booking photo
Identifying Marks (Tattoos, Scars, etc.)
E-mail attachments
Officer safety alerts
Special needs alerts
Duplicate name resolution
Merge feature
Junior vs. senior
Names cannot change on TraCS forms after transmission or issuance.
Same name
Similar name
Case number
IBR category
History—why is this person in the RMS?
WIJIS gateway search
External Search should be able to bring back MNI data for populating forms.
Supplement, not replacement for, to DOT returns
Must have in the squad
MACH integration
Be able to send case notes to officer.
WIJIS gateway integration
Publish to the gateway via TraCS
Master Vehicle Index
Data captured
Standard TraCS vehicle data
Damage description
Special features (free form text)
Officer alerts
History—why is vehicle in system?
Sort by case
Sort by IBR number
Master Location Index
Data captured
On/At Road
GPS coordinates
Officer safety alerts
History—why is location in system?
Sort by case
Sort by IBR number
Be able to use selection rectangle on map to select locations in index.
Overlay data on map
Master Property Index
Chain of Evidence
How to dispose
Date acquired
Date disposed
Retention schedule
Who taken from
Why taken
Involvement Explorer
Links among (via forms)
Property owned
Visual involvement graph (spider web)
Click on nodes to expand to new nodes.
Be able to view forms associated with nodes.
Nodes associated with location should overlay on top of map.
Ability to Filter data
Case Level Statuses (Follow IBR codes for this. Statuses may change multiple times—closed back to open, etc.)
Under Investigation
Closed (Multiple statuses related to closed)
TraCS Lite
New installations by appointment only according to schedule.
Adding users: 5 business days. 2 business days if emergency.
Deactivating users: Within 2 hours, 24/7.
Code table changes: 5 business days.
Agency transmits their own data to WisDOT and courts—no auto-transmit.
7 Year retention period.
Availability: 9 to 5 Monday through Friday (Minimum requirement)
Resend folder set to one year. (May not apply.)
DOT e-mails analysis reports/pin maps periodically
Analysis report package should be auto-generated by the state and e-mailed out. No on-demand analysis reports
email or call 608-267-2096