FAC Meeting Notes 2016

Badger TraCS Guides

FAC Meeting Notes 2016

03/17/16 - Agenda

Friday, February 2, 2018

12:28 PM


Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

Room 356

Hill Farms Transportation Building

4802 Sheboygan Ave


March 17, 2016

9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m.


9:10 a.m.



User Conference

9:50 a.m.

Changes to Call For Service, Citizen Contact and Contact Summary form (DNR)

10:30 a.m.


10:45 a.m.

FAC Referral Items

12:00 p.m.


12:30 p.m.

Act 183

1:00 p.m.

Crash Redesign

3:00 p.m.



FAC Membership 2016

Dane County Sheriff—Paul Thompson

Village of Pleasant Prairie PD—Scott Durkee (Outgoing Member)

Shorewood Hills PD—Nick Pine (Outgoing Member)

UW Oshkosh PD—Donovan Heavener (Outgoing Member)

Pierce County Sheriff—Andrew Thoms

Sheboygan County Sheriff—Jason Liermann

Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD, Matthew Drought

Tribal Community—Stockbridge-Munsee PD, Jeffrey Buettner

State Patrol—Mark Fetzer

Natural Resources— Kristin Turner

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster

Department of Transportation/DMV/DSP— Tina Goede




03/17/16 - Notes

Friday, February 2, 2018

12:27 PM


TraCS FAC Meeting Notes 03/17/16

The TraCS Forms Advisory Committee met on 03/17/2016. Present were Village of Pleasant Prairie PD—Scott Durkee, Milwaukee PD—Matthew Drought, UW Oshkosh—Donovan Heavener, Pierce County Sheriff—Andrew Thoms, Sheboygan County Sheriff—Jason Liermann, Jeffrey Buettner—Scockbridge-Munsee PD, State Patrol—David Harvey, Kristin Turner—Department of Natural Resources, Division of Motor Vehicles—Darlene Schwartz, Geri Polster, Brad Babbler, and Jennifer Schmidt.

Guests from TOPS and BOTS also attended the crash redesign portion of the meeting.

New Members

The committee welcomed new members Paul Thompson, Andrew Thoms, Jason Liermann, and Jeffrey Buettner.


The charter for the committee was reviewed.

User Conference

The FAC brainstormed possible breakout topics for this year’s user conference. A survey will be sent to agencies to have the rank the popularity of the sessions and then based on the survey results a selection of breakout topics will be chosen.

Possible agenda and breakout session brainstorming:

General Session on Crash Form overview – ~1 hour

Breakout Sessions

  • Diagram Tool

  • NEW Location Tool

  • IT – how to’s - Questions

  • Hints and Tips filling out forms

  • How manage your forms

  • Archiving

  • Checking WIJIS if citation transferred

  • How to run and use Analysis Reports/pin maps

  • How to navigate the new Crash Form

  • Show how Amend works

  • When to use Driver Exchange

  • How to import data from Citation

  • How/when to complete Fatal Sup

  • Web Services

  • MACH

  • Email Notifications/Queries

  • Case Management

Question and Answer at end of day – big group

This year we want to have more presenters from the law enforcement community. If you or anyone at your agency wants to present, please send a note to darlene.schwartz@dot.wi.gov.

FAC members may request a single occupancy hotel room for the night before the conference free of charge. The request should be sent to Badger TraCS and we will take care of the reservation. FAC members do not need to pay the conference registration fee, but they do need to register on line.

FAC Discussion Items

The FAC approved the following items:

1240 Driver Condition Report allow unlimited narrative that flows to multiple pages. Fix the appearance of the multipage report.

1261 Add 346.505(2)(a) and 348.8(c) for the non-traffic citation.

1264 Add police number to the officer copy of the NTC under form type/version, next to citation number.

1266 Forward to Vendor to allow the font size in the plain text narrative to be increased.

1267, 1269 Add VIN to officer/violator copy of the non-traffic citation.

1376 Add the following to Rank table: Corrections Officer, Deputy Inspector, Director, and Superintendent

1397 Add Officer role and Information provided by fields similar to arrest form and change language on affidavit.

1413 Add form date to print grid if possible. Change captions on printed reports to put words like redacted, officer, violator, court in front.

1425 Change references to "crime" on the OWI affidavit/warrant to "offense".

The FAC declined the following items:

1306 Go back to agency and see if "On Behalf Of" feature is a viable option for them.

1377 Believe rules is already in place. Review warnings and check that DA routing is changeable after issuance.

The FAC Held the following item for a future meeting:

1268 Requested improvement for symbols editor.

Crash Redesign

The FAC approved the following items:

  • Drop down list for Crash type field should be: DT4000 (Standard Crash), Non-Domesticated Animal w/ No Injury, Private Property/ Parking Lot

  • Add green border to “form mechanics” fields. Get feedback from workshops.

  • Will go forward with fatal notification (TTY) functionality. At least one FAC member thought their agency would use it.

  • Set defaults for date notified, time notified, date arrived, and time arrived.

  • Add fields to the Individual group, height, weight, and hair and eye color, to facilitate creation of traffic citations via replicate from crash.

  • Violation fields should come after the sequence of event fields

  • Prompt before deleting unit if there is data in the group.

  • Enable the insurance information fields for car/deer crash. Fields are optional.

The FAC declined the following item:

“Violation search” style dialog on Driver Actions field

Call for Service Form/Citizen Contact

The committee approved the following changes to the Call for Service and Citizen Contact forms:

When new TraCS Location Tool becomes available, import additional location data into the Call for Service form based on the coordinates passed in from MACH when CFS is imported.

Note: unclear if we’ll be able to go back in time and update pre-existing forms.

  1. Provide printed reports of the Call for Service Form.

  2. Public (redacted) report will have any text in the dispatch note that is surrounded by curly braces redacted. Examples:

  3. Blah {John Smith} blah becomes Blah {Redacted} blah

  4. If no closing brace present the note is redacted to the end. Blah {John Smith was on a boat becomes blah {Redacted}

  5. Public (redacted) report will not include any data entered in MACH as resource:

  6. Vehicles

  7. Persons

  8. Locations (incident location will be printed, but not resource locations.)

  9. Internal report will include all data elements found on the Call for Service form.

  1. Modifications to Citizen Contact form

  2. Add call back date and time.

  3. Add officer notes field separate from narrative that will only print on officer copy.

  4. In the public comments field, implement curly braces {} to redact specific phrases.

  5. Add DNR specific location fields. (County/Muni)

  6. The heading on the forms and printed report of form will read Citizen Contact/CFS Supplement.

  7. The caption for the quick add menu will read Citizen Contact/CFS Sup.

  8. Create new analysis.

  9. Citizen Contact date and Time subtract CFS created date and time = total time to respond to complainant

  10. CFS Acknowledge time and date subtract CFS created time and date = total dispatch time

  11. Count of Citizen Contact forms by contact reason (Offense) for a given date range.

  12. Workflow:

  13. Dispatcher or officer initiates call for service in MACH

  14. Officer uses the Export CFS Data in MACH to export CFS number, and any available person and vehicle data.

  15. TraCS prompts for form to open.

  16. Officer chooses citation, citizen contact, or other TraCS form.

  17. CFS number is automatically populated into police number field on form.

  18. Officer adds other forms as needed to complete the incident in TraCS. CFS number automatically populates in the police number field for each form.

  19. Officers will enter call back date/time on the citizen contact form.

  20. Call back date and time will be manually collected by having the officer complete a Citizen Contact form in TraCS.

  21. The ability to add private and public comments will be added to the citizen contact form. Can we use the curly brackets trick or do we need another field?

  22. Add DNR specific location fields. (County/Muni)

  23. Contact Reason field will be used to collect the offense codes as initially reported by the complainant.

  24. The pre-existing Tags field will be used to categorize the forms.

  25. Up to 99 tags can be defined for the form.

  26. Users may select multiple tags for each form.

Future Meetings

Future meetings will be June 2nd, September 15th, and December 8th.





06/02/16 - Agenda

Friday, February 2, 2018

12:28 PM


Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

Room 356

Hill Farms Transportation Building

4802 Sheboygan Ave


June 2, 2016

9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m.

User Conference


TraCS Priorities

10:00 a.m.

CJIS Security Requirements

10:30 a.m.


10:45 a.m.

FAC Referral Items (Misdemeanor Citations)

12:00 p.m.


12:30 p.m.

Crash Redesign

3:00 p.m.



FAC Membership 2016

Dane County Sheriff—Paul Thompson

Village of Pleasant Prairie PD—Scott Durkee (Outgoing Member)

Shorewood Hills PD—Nick Pine (Outgoing Member)

UW Oshkosh PD—Donovan Heavener (Outgoing Member)

Pierce County Sheriff—Andrew Thoms

Sheboygan County Sheriff—Jason Liermann

Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD, Matthew Drought

Tribal Community—Stockbridge-Munsee PD, Jeffrey Buettner

State Patrol—Mark Fetzer

Natural Resources— Kristin Turner

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster

Department of Transportation/DMV/DSP— Tina Goede




06/02/16 - Notes

Friday, February 2, 2018

12:27 PM



09/15/16 - Agenda

Friday, February 2, 2018

12:28 PM


Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

Room 354

Hill Farms Transportation Building

4802 Sheboygan Ave


September 15, 2016

9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m.

User Conference Update


FAC members work with TraCS staff on User Conference presentations


FAC members test new crash form and transmit

10:00 a.m.

Test new crash form and transmit

10:30 a.m.


10:45 a.m.

Test new crash form and transmit (cont.)

12:00 p.m.


12:30 p.m.

FAC Referral Items

3:00 p.m.



FAC Membership 2016

Dane County Sheriff—Paul Thompson

Village of Pleasant Prairie PD—Scott Durkee (Outgoing Member)

Shorewood Hills PD—Nick Pine (Outgoing Member)

UW Oshkosh PD—Donovan Heavener (Outgoing Member)

Pierce County Sheriff—Andrew Thoms

Sheboygan County Sheriff—Jason Liermann

Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD, Matthew Drought

Tribal Community—Stockbridge-Munsee PD, Jeffrey Buettner

State Patrol—Mark Fetzer

Natural Resources— Kristin Turner

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster

Department of Transportation/DMV/DSP— Tina Goede




09/15/16 - Notes

Friday, February 2, 2018

12:27 PM



12/02/16 - Agenda

Friday, February 2, 2018

12:28 PM


Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

Room 354

Hill Farms Transportation Building

4802 Sheboygan Ave


December 8, 2016

9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m.

Planning Survey Review and Discussion

10:30 a.m.


10:45 a.m.

FAC Referral Items

11:45 a.m.

Lunch (On Your Own)

12:30 p.m.

FAC Referral Items

1:00 p.m.

Incident Based Reporting Discussion

3:00 p.m.



FAC Membership 2016

Dane County Sheriff—Paul Thompson

Village of Pleasant Prairie PD—Scott Durkee (Outgoing Member)

Shorewood Hills PD—Nick Pine (Outgoing Member)

UW Oshkosh PD—Donovan Heavener (Outgoing Member)

Pierce County Sheriff—Andrew Thoms

Sheboygan County Sheriff—Jason Liermann

Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD, Matthew Drought

Tribal Community—Stockbridge-Munsee PD, Jeffrey Buettner

State Patrol—Mark Fetzer

Natural Resources— Kristin Turner

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster

Department of Transportation/DMV/DSP— Tina Goede




12/02/16 - Notes

Friday, February 2, 2018

12:28 PM

email badgertracs@dot.wi.gov or call 608-267-2096