Badger TraCS Guides
FAC Meeting Notes 2010
03/10/10 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
9:36 AM
Forms Advisor Committee Meeting Minutes 03/10/2010
Law Enforcement: Tim Strohbusch, Corey Bennett, Aaron Dufek, Brandon Penzkover, Andrew Hyer, Joshua Kowalke, Jeff Davis, Steve Kraus, Tom Rolling, Richard Stein (guest)
DMV: Taqwanya Smith, Erin Egan, Teresa Severson, Brian Neil, Dennis Rodenkirch, Jennifer Schmidt
DNR: Todd Schaller, Kristin Turner
The charter for the Badger TraCS Forms Advisory Committee (FAC) was reviewed. New members were welcomed.
Steering Committee—Steve Krause and Tim Strohbusch were select to represent the FAC on the Badger TraCS Steering Committee.
2009 TraCS Pack—the FAC members gave feedback on the 2009 TraCS pack. The new streamlined TraCS pack is very easy to install and maintain. The CNUM form is making managing citation numbers much easier. The NTC form with the parental notification letter is nice. Overall the new TraCS pack is well received. Some agencies are waiting to install until their RMSs are upgraded.
Some suggestions for improvement were made. Add Police number on all printed forms. Change the language on the warning form to remove “No further action required” and replace it with “Any future operation with above violation is illegal.”
ILT Base Map— the FAC approved the use of the Wisconsin Local Roads database (WISLR) as the base map for the incident location tool to be included in TraCS 10. This recommendation was passed along to the steering committee.
Traffic Stop Data Collection— Effective January 1st, 2011, all Wisconsin law enforcement officers will be required to collect data at traffic stops that will be used to determine whether vehicles operated or occupied by racial minorities are disproportionately stopped.
Taqwanya, Erin, and Rich reviewed the requirements for traffic stop data collection and shared a draft of proposed data elements likely to be collected. FAC members were encouraged to send comments on the rule to the Office of Justice Assistance (OJA). OJA will take comments from the public through April.
The rule is expected to be finalized in May/June.
The plan is to modify TraCS to facilitate this new data collection requirement.
TraCS 10— Preliminary work is being done to scope out the extent of the TraCS 10 project. The FAC commented on the following:
Attachment Form
Keep the standalone attachment form.
Citations and Warning:
(1) We need to keep collecting vehicle makes.
(5) Need to keep warning form.
(6) Need to keep calculating ELCI numbers from inventory system.
(7) Be able to correct citation after issuance with automatic letter back to violator. Requires supervisor authority.
(8)Should not have to fill out citation if voided. Submit voided citation via a separate schema.
(9)Need court date selector.
(10)Continue assigning citation number to computers, not users.
(11)Stop unnumbered ELCI forms from opening when there is a problem with the citation numbers.
(13) Need audit trail.
(14) Allow rank table to be locally customizable.
Customizable statuses or categories for citations.
(16)For DA routed citations omit court time.
(17)”Duplicate” button idea requires more discussion.
(25) For felonies, print in a bond amount instead of 0.00.
New Forms
(3) Do not want an office work report.
Field Interview Form
Warning version of the NR Form
03/10/10 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
10:23 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Hill Farms State Transportation Building
Conference Room 254
Madison, WI 53707-7919
March 10, 2010
9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. Introductions – Mission/Charter
9:15 a.m. Steering Committee Representatives Selection
9:30 a.m. Feedback on 2009 TraCS Pack
10:00 a.m. ILT Base Map Recommendation
10:15 a.m. Break
10:30 a.m. Traffic Stop
12:15 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m. TraCS 10
1:45 p.m. Adjourn
(2:00 p.m.) (Steering committee meeting commences in room 515.)
06/23/10 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
9:37 AM
Forms Advisor Committee Meeting Minutes 06/23/2010
Law Enforcement: Brandon Penzkover, Andrew Hyer, Joshua Kowalke, Jeff Davis, Steve Kraus, Tom Rolling, Richard Stein (guest)
DMV: Erin Egan, Teresa Severson, Brian Neil, Dennis Rodenkirch, Jennifer Schmidt, Geri Polster
DNR: Todd Schaller
OJA: Kristi Waits, Rachael Lohr
Traffic Stop Data Collection/Field Investigation Form:
Milwaukee PD submitted a Field Investigation form proposal after the last FAC meeting. DMV combined both the Traffic Stop Data Collection form and Field Investigation form into one form which was reviewed.
FAC voted NOT to combine the two forms.
Because of DMV resources must likely only the Traffic Stop Data Collection form will get developed by January 2011
Rich Stein gave overview of Field Investigation form and was tabled
Traffic Stop Data Collection form: FAC gave comments on each form field.
Change field name “Reason for field investigation” to “Citizen Contact”
Forms fields:
Citizen Contact field dropdown list and sort order
Probable Cause Traffic Violation
Probable Cause Equipment Violation
Probable Cause Other
Reasonable Suspension
Community Care Taker
Traffic Stop out Come field dropdown list
Custodial Arrest
Written Warning
Verbal Warning
No Action
Disposition field dropdown list (Same as Traffic Stop out Come field)
Total Passenger field change name to Total Passengers Observed
Consent Given for Vehicle Search field dropdowns
Just leave a blank space
Basis of Vehicle Search field dropdown list
Probable Cause
Consent Search (Person only)
Incident to Custodial Arrest
Inventory (Vehicle only)
Exigent Circumstances
Contraband Found In Vehicle field drop down list
Illicit drugs / Paraplenlia
Evidence Of Crime
Stolen Goods
Excessive Cash
Time fields. Have a start time and then another field for duration time. Use the following values for duration.
Forms suggestions and prioritization:
1-Traffic Stop
1-DNR Court Required Field
2-Citizen Contact
2-DNR Warning (With limited Validations)
Vehicle Canvas (Milwaukee PD suggestion)
Criminal Complaint
Boat Crash
ATV Crash
TraCS 10 Diagram Tool
Booking Sheet
Vehicle Inventory
Demonstrated TraCS 10 diagram tool
FAC agreed it should be offered to law enforcement as an optional add- in.
Reviewed development timeline
2011 TraCS Pack tentatively scheduled for release November 1st. This will give law enforcement ample time to become familiar with traffic stop data collection requirements. Goal is to pilot in the month of October.
Reviewed more TraCS 10 discussion suggestions
See TraCS 10 discussion document.
ABATE Suggestion
We received the following suggestion from ABATE and Representative Pridemore:
If a citation is issued for statute 346.18, Failure to Yield, give the following pop up message in TraCS, “If this violation resulted from injury / death to a pedestrian, bicyclist, or motorcycle, driver license suspension and additional penalties apply. Please notify driver.”
The Forms Advisory Committee recommended against adding this warning message. It could have unintended consequence whereby officers may NOT issue these citations anymore if they know about the more severe penalties involved. It was also felt that there were too many situations where the pop up message would not apply and that officers could find it annoying rather than informative.
Miscellaneous Issues
Milwaukee PD needs a way of adding Paper citations to their TraCS database. Was discussed and then tabled.
Increase citation Narrative size which would be OK to spill over to 2nd page
Add more Autopop rules: All other forms to DNR form
Add more Autopop rules: MUNI to MUNI
06/2310 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
10:29 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
WisDOT Technology Training Center
610 N. Whitney Way
Madison, WI 53705
Madison, WI 53707-7919
June 23, 2010
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
9:00 a.m. Traffic Stop Data Collection/Field Investigation Form
Minimum required fields
Code tables
Hands On with Field Investigation Form
10:30 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. Traffic Stop Data Collection/Field Investigation Form
12:00 p.m. Lunch
12:45 p.m. 2011 TraCS Pack
New Diagramming Tool
Enhancement prioritization
2:30 p.m. Break
2:45 p.m. TraCS 10
4:00 p.m. Adjourn
08/04/10 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
9:37 AM
Forms Advisor Committee Meeting Minutes 08/04/2010
Law Enforcement: Brandon Penzkover, Andrew Hyer, Arron Dufek, Jeff Davis, Steve Kraus, Tom Rolling, Richard Stein (guest)
DMV: Erin Egan, Mary Mcfarlane, Dennis Rodenkirch, Jennifer Schmidt, Geri Polster
DNR: Todd Schaller
OJA: Derek Veitenheimer, Rachael Lohr
Traffic Stop Data Collection/Field Investigation Form:
The following suggestions for the traffic stop form were agreed to:
Stop date and Time should autopopulate from citation if available.
Change “Event Time” and “Event Date” to Stop Date and Time in the databar.
Change label to read “Other Contraband found in Vehicle”
Don’t gray out LEA block on printed form.
Birth date miscalculating age.
Reason for Stop Should be Multi-List
Passenger language should be changed to “Occupant” Definition of occupant includes the driver.
Change Zipcode field to linked text field.
For passenger minority label use “At Least One Minority Passenger”
Search Basis should be Mulit-list
Searched subject race should be enabled.
Add warning if duplicate DOBs entered.
Separate Driver and occupants into separate groups. Drop Role field.
Add total occupants searched field.
Change order of search boxes: Conducted, Basis (Mulit list),Requested,Given
Add field for total occcupants searched
Search requested and consent given must be enabled regardless of what is in the other search boxes.
08/04/10 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
10:30 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
WisDOT Technology Training Center
610 N. Whitney Way
Madison, WI 53705
Madison, WI 53707-7919
August 4, 2010
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
9:00 a.m. Traffic Stop Data Collection—Hands On Demo
10:30 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. Traffic Stop Data Collection—Wrap Up
11:00 a.m. Citizen Contact Form
12:00 p.m. Lunch
12:45 p.m. Citizen Contact Form Continued
1:30 p.m. Miscellaneous Issues
Add US DOT number to warning form
Add Court phone number to front of citation forms
Change LEA phone number to court phone number on parental notification form
Holds CDL field for ELCI?
Future of shortcuts
Narrative Replication (ELCI VS NTC)
2:30 p.m. Break
2:45 p.m. TraCS 10 Court Date Selector
4:00 p.m. Adjourn
09/20/10 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
9:37 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Aztec Room
Chula Vista
2501 River Rd
Wisconsin Dells
September 20, 2010
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
10:00 AM 2011 TraCS Pack Progress Report
BAE Test Results
New Diagram Tool
DNR Statute Table
Contact Manager Form Description
10:30 AM National TraCS Steering Committee Update
10:45 AM User Conference Overview
FAC Recognition
Best Practices
11:00 AM ILT- Frequency of WISLR Updates
11:15 AM TraCS 10—User MetaData
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM TraCS 10—RMS Features
2:30 PM Break
2:45 PM TraCS 10—Transmission
Transmission Courts/DA
Local RMS
4:00 PM Adjourn
09/20/10 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
10:32 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Aztec Room
Chula Vista
2501 River Rd
Wisconsin Dells
September 20, 2010
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
10:00 AM 2011 TraCS Pack Progress Report
BAE Test Results
New Diagram Tool
DNR Statute Table
Contact Manager Form Description
10:30 AM National TraCS Steering Committee Update
10:45 AM User Conference Overview
FAC Recognition
Best Practices
11:00 AM ILT- Frequency of WISLR Updates
11:15 AM TraCS 10—User MetaData
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM TraCS 10—RMS Features
2:30 PM Break
2:45 PM TraCS 10—Transmission
Transmission Courts/DA
Local RMS
4:00 PM Adjourn
Court Date Requirement for UTC
Friday, February 2, 2018
10:23 AM
This is what we received from Todd Meurer concerning court date requirement for the UTC:
The Council felt quite strongly that a citation without a court date should not be considered a proper or valid citation. Most importantly, we thought that providing notice of a time and a place for contesting the citation was part of the minimum requirements of due process. A court date and location is, we believe, fundamental to providing proper notice to a defendant. Until the defendant is aware of a court date, the charge really does not exist. A citation without a court date only provided information to a defendant that he/she “might in the future be charged with the offense”.
In order to get jurisdiction over the defendant, the citation must be booked into court. See 345.11(5). In circuit courts, CCAP will not accept a citation to be booked into court without a court date and time. Consequently, a citation issued without a court date cannot provide jurisdiction over the defendant without further notice to the defendant. Providing notice of a court date at a separate and later time from the issuance of the citation does not provide necessary assurances that the defendant has actually received this essential notice.
Further, the Council believed that the time and date to appear in court was “any other information as may be pertinent to the offense”. See 345.11(2).
The Council strongly believes that if an officer is unsure what court date should be used, the officer should wait to issue the citation until such time as this information is known. There is no requirement that a citation be issued at the scene of an offense. At a later time, when the proper charging information and court date is known, the officer may issue the citation either in person, or by mail. The Council did not wish, in any way, to encourage the issuance of citations without information that is essential to notice and due process.
TraCS 10 Discussion
Friday, February 2, 2018
10:28 AM
TraCS 10 Discussion
Software Requirements
1. Consider releasing Web TraCS and TraCS 10 at the same to so that LEAs can choose between thin and fat clients (Jenny)
Attachment Form
Drop the attachment form from the suite. (Jenny)
Citations and Warning
Do we really need to collect vehicle makes? (Rob)
Re-evaluate statute tables and how they’re maintained. (Dar)
Increase ordinance field size. (Dar)
Rewrite warning form. (Brian)
Get rid of warning form and implement warning status for existing citations. (Jenny)
Calculate ELCI numbers the way other form numbers are calculated. (Rob)
Be able to correct citation after issuance with proper audit trail. (FAC)
Void should pre-fill form with dummy data or we should a separate schema for voids. (FAC)
Need court date selector. (court calendar) (FAC)
Be able to delete citation don’t have a form #.(FAC)
Assign citation numbers to users instead of computer(FAC)
Stop unnumbered ECLI forms from opening when there is a problem with the citation numbers. (FAC)
A “Notes” field that would allow clerical employees to keep better notes associated with citations and crashes. It would not be part of the “official” ELCI form (because of legislative constraints on form content and design) but would be available to administrative staff (workstation version only) to keep notes such as changes to court dates, voids and re-issues or anything else the staff feels necessary to keep accurate and timely information related to each citation or crash. (Matt Jolly)
Add the following to CitRank: PSLO = Police School Liason Officer. PTLM = Patrolman (FAC)
A great enhancement would be that if not all the fields are completed and the user closes the form, the user is prompted to do one of the following things:
Save the form for later use (ie…they’re planning on using the form and form number and will be coming back to the form later) The form number is then saved and the counter of how many ELCI’s remain is incremented down by one.
OR, discard the form and make the citation number available for later use….ie…don’t increment the counter down and do not save that form in any way.(FAC)Is there any way we can set up a way to put the DA to notify in the bond box and no time.(FAC)
Add a "Duplicate" button in addition to replicate. This button would open up the next ELCI or NTC (MUNI) with everything filled in except the violator’s info. You would be able to change the violation if necessary (example: you write a 20 year old for underage drinking and then a 16 year old, different entries from violation table as bond amounts are different). Good for house party.(FAC)
Ability to enter past court date for BAC form (because the person has been to court since the blood work was finished) (FAC)
Remove severity requirement for shortcuts, use the description to separate statutes (FAC)
The local violations table does not have a “sort’ column like the Wisconsin violations table does. Consequently an officer cannot simple scroll through the table to find 1st, 2nd, and subsequent violations of the same offense because they are all out of order. Is there any way I can correct that? (FAC)
Confirmation window when "Replicate" is pressed warning that the same violator needs to be getting the replicated ticket.(FAC)
Have an audit report for citation numbers. Which field unit were the numbers assigned to? What's the status of the citation? (FAC)
Just like the new form NOTIFICATION TO PARENTS/GUARDIAN, our new idea would be a spin off of that and would be used when we mail out via U.S. Mail any of the ELCI and other citation forms. It could be named something like NOTIFICATION OF CITATION ISSUED and would include much of the same language used in the Notification to Parents/Guardian form. (Sgt Ratter, Green Lake PD)
Column in contact manager that shows statute number and court. (Rob)
Don’t overwrite any customized settings. (Dennis)
To extent possible move table manager functions to configuration manager. (Jenny)
Better management of the distribution process. Audit report of which field units have applied a TraCS pack available from workstation. Distribution based by field unit rather than by user. (FAC)
Investigate delivering the TraCS 10 TraCS pack as a TraCS distribution. Get away from WISE Install. (Jenny)
Utility to change document number on crash form. (Brian)
Do we really need to collect vehicle makes? (Rob)
Redesign crash report in tracs to more closely resemble paper form—2 units on a page.(Jenny)
Provide receipt s for transmitted crashes via web services instead of using FTP, which has no receipt capability. (Jenny)
Review pros and cons of submitting crashes via WIJIS. (Dar)
When we go to implement the new revised MV4000, how will law enforcement access the correct form? Old – crash on or before 12/31, new 1/1 (FAC)
Don’t want to have to enter Driving as D for hit and run. (FAC)
Database Considerations
SQL server archive. (Dennis)
Lock down the database. (Brian)
General Forms
Get rid of hidden fields on forms. (Jenny)
Rewrite validation rules to make use of the Else clause. (Jenny)
Allow agencies to have a customizable group on each form. (Dennis)
Be able to brand some forms for your agency. (Customize some static text and bitmaps.)
Clean up validation rules. Remove broken rules and duplicate rules. (Jenny)
Convert autopop rules to the rules builder. (Jenny)
Add cross form validation rules where appropriate. (Dar)
Move increment dll functions to the rules builder. (Jenny)
To the extent possible move home grown vb code to the rules builder. (Jenny)
Embed file type information of attachments in form data. (Jenny via Milwaukee PD.)
Implement conditional printing to reduce the number of separate reports needed. (FAC)
Be able to print a single page in a multi page report instead of printing all the pages. (FAC)
Print out the Parent notice Letter in a format that would allow the PNL to be inserted into a window envelope. (Fixed in 2009 TraCS pack?) (FAC)
Log what is printed out of TraCS by whom? (FAC)
Add "Agency Space" to Validation rules, maybe as toggle? Requested by Chad Billeb of Marathon Co. (FAC)
Create form (or report?) for “Incedent Report” (Rob/General PD Interest)
Help Files
Audio help files. (Brian)
ILT (Erin)
Implement ILT (Darlene)
Fix GPS reliability issues (FAC)
New Forms
Need a Radar log form. (FAC)
Officer work report (Jenny)
Statistical Reporting
Canned reports for example: traffic stop data (Erin) (FAC)
System Integration
Update the universal MDI to work with TraCS 10. (Jenny)
Update universal MDI to work with out of state responses—NLETS (Erin)
Tracking of start and end-shifts—confirmations/receipts. (Dennis)
Come up with better naming scheme for CZP files. (Rob)
Failed endshift files should be moved out the mailbox to somewhere else. (Rob)
Allow transmission destinations to be selected individually—local vs. state (Jenny)
Make it easier to resend a document.(Brian)
Streamline failed transmission process. (Dennis)
Better up time for eCitation. (Dennis)
Improved eCitation dashboard. Verify what’s up/down. (Rob)
Electronic transmission of alcohol forms to DOT (Erin)
Too many confirmations during transmission. Perhaps limit to just one prior to running transcomm. (FAC)
Need nag message for late transmissions on both field unit and workstation. (FAC)
Don’t like all or nothing aspect of czp files if one or two are bad. (FAC)
Have a way to track CZP files so that field unit can confirm all citations were delivered to headquarters successfully. (FAC)
Develop a dashboard or some other mechanism so that agencies can check on whether or not we received a crash report. (FAC)
Endshift process at the Tracs workstation should incorporate the actual date of the endshift file. I want to get that DateTime inserted into the prd_header table when the forms are imported into the database. (FAC)
It is desirable that as part of the end shift operation, Tracs can be made to print hard copies of a citation, then edit/annotate the form description field with some sort of flag, e.g. prefix the existing description field text with "PRN," as an indication to law enforcement supervisory staff that the citation has been printed. This would eliminate supervisory staff from having to manually open each citation, print "n" copies, and edit the form description field. (John Montijo)
User Interface
Use scroll wheel to move through form. (Rob)
Need a preview mode similar to “MS-Outlook preview pane” where you can click next, next, next to flip through forms. (FAC)
Be able to search more fields. (FAC)
Merge TraCS and TraCS Utilities with features secured by users. (FAC)
Be able to tab through fields. (FAC)
Delete and accept buttons should not be so close to each other and should be different colors. (FAC)
Have an “Undelete” button. (FAC)
Be able to change labels on buttons. (FAC)
Don’t have multiple listings of the same people showing up in common info. (FAC)
Capture all common info during external search even if there aren’t plans to use all of it on the specific form. (FAC)
Want to easily find all related forms on the same contact. (FAC)
Add form box and printing box needs big buttons for touch screens. (FAC)
Be able to see the void reason from menu. (FAC)
Ability for agencies not to see/use all TraCS forms. (FAC)
Ability to search for common Default codes, Table Manager (FAC)
Be able to accept and reject from view mode. (FAC)
Ctrl-V should be reserved for paste, not hotkey for vehicle section. (FAC)
Common information manager does not always update all forms. (phone # from ELCI form) (FAC)
TraCS 10 Discussion 2
Friday, February 2, 2018
10:31 AM
TraCS 10 Discussion
Software Requirements
1. Consider releasing Web TraCS and TraCS 10 at the same to so that LEAs can choose between thin and fat clients (Jenny)
2. Consider having two-way flow of streets data (Rob & Kelly Schieldt)
3. Should we have a DB Sync happen every time people log into a work station? Or have it happen somehow on a regular basis? This could help us with our patches/fixes/etc. (Rob)
4. “Version” for distribution should include unique timestamp. (Rob)
5. Have a “Minor:Y/N” flag that auto-populates when the DOB is filled in on all forms. (Grand Chute PD / Rob)
6. Uniform numbering system for status (0 = Issued, 4 = Issued) (Rob)
Attachment Form
Drop the attachment form from the suite. (Jenny) No, per FAC, 03/10/10.
Citations and Warning
Do we really need to collect vehicle makes? (Rob) Yes, per FAC, 03/10/10.
Re-evaluate statute tables and how they’re maintained. (Dar)
Increase ordinance field size. (Dar)
Rewrite warning form. (Brian)
Get rid of warning form and implement warning status for existing citations. (Jenny) No, per FAC, 03/10/10.
Calculate ELCI numbers the way other form numbers are calculated. (Rob) No, per FAC, 03/10/10.
Be able to correct citation after issuance with proper audit trail. (FAC) Yes, per FAC, 03/10/10. Letter back to customer. Requires supervisor authority.
Void should pre-fill form with dummy data or we should a separate schema for voids. (FAC) Yes, per FAC, 03/10/10. However, implement a “void” schema that would allow transmission of void data only, Form Disposition, UTC number, agency.
Need court date selector. (court calendar) (FAC) Yes, per FAC, 03/10/10.
Be able to delete citation don’t have a form #. (FAC) Yes, per FAC, 03/10/10.
Assign citation numbers to users instead of computer (FAC) No, per FAC, 03/10/10.
Stop unnumbered ECLI forms from opening when there is a problem with the citation numbers. (FAC) Yes, per FAC, 03/10/10.
A “Notes” field that would allow clerical employees to keep better notes associated with citations and crashes. It would not be part of the “official” ELCI form (because of legislative constraints on form content and design) but would be available to administrative staff (workstation version only) to keep notes such as changes to court dates, voids and re-issues or anything else the staff feels necessary to keep accurate and timely information related to each citation or crash. (Matt Jolly) Yes, per FAC, 03/10/10. Implement as part of the audit trail.
Add the following to CitRank: PSLO = Police School Liason Officer. PTLM = Patrolman (FAC) Yes, per FAC, 03/10/10. Allow local agency to customize rank table.
A great enhancement would be that if not all the fields are completed and the user closes the form, the user is prompted to do one of the following things:
Save the form for later use (ie…they’re planning on using the form and form number and will be coming back to the form later) The form number is then saved and the counter of how many ELCI’s remain is incremented down by one.
OR, discard the form and make the citation number available for later use….ie…don’t increment the counter down and do not save that form in any way.(FAC) Yes, per FAC, 06/23/10. Provide a separate schema for eCitation to handle voids.Is there any way we can set up a way to put the DA to notify in the bond box and no time. Allow “To be notified” for time and date for citation going to DA.(FAC) Yes, per FAC, pending opinion by Todd Meuer.
Add a "Duplicate" button in addition to replicate. This button would open up the next ELCI or NTC (MUNI) with everything filled in except the violator’s info. You would be able to change the violation if necessary (example: you write a 20 year old for underage drinking and then a 16 year old, different entries from violation table as bond amounts are different). Good for house party.(FAC)?????
Ability to enter past court date for BAC form (because the person has been to court since the blood work was finished) (FAC)To be determined court date would handle this; see 16 above. FAC, 06/23/10.
Remove severity requirement for shortcuts, use the description to separate statutes (FAC) Make shortcuts more robust and reliable. FAC, 06/23/10.
The local violations table does not have a “sort’ column like the Wisconsin violations table does. Consequently an officer cannot simple scroll through the table to find 1st, 2nd, and subsequent violations of the same offense because they are all out of order. Is there any way I can correct that? (FAC) Sorting by description is fine. FAC, 06/23/10.
Confirmation window when "Replicate" is pressed warning that the same violator needs to be getting the replicated ticket.(FAC) Not needed. Replicate locks down violator fields since the 2009 TraCS pack. FAC, 06/23/10.
Have an audit report for citation numbers. Which field unit were the numbers assigned to? What's the status of the citation? (FAC) Yes, FAC, 06/23/10
Just like the new form NOTIFICATION TO PARENTS/GUARDIAN, our new idea would be a spin off of that and would be used when we mail out via U.S. Mail any of the ELCI and other citation forms. It could be named something like NOTIFICATION OF CITATION ISSUED and would include much of the same language used in the Notification to Parents/Guardian form. (Sgt Ratter, Green Lake PD) Notification of correction/reissuance. Yes, FAC, 06/23/10.
Implement short cuts for ordinance. Yes, FAC, 06/23/10.
Unique key for ordinance. Yes, FAC, 06/23/10.
Column in contact manager that shows statute number and court. (Rob)
Toggle between multiple Local Ordinance tables for Sheriff Departments that cover multiple jurisdictions. (Rob / Matt Jolly) Implement tree structure for ordinance table. FAC, 06/23/10.
Make DNR violations accessible to the Warning form. (Sturgeon Bay) Add warning as a status for the DNR form. FAC, 06/23/10
I would like to suggest for TraCS 10 making the ELCI form able to be issued to a snowmobile--currently if you fill in a registration number from a snowmobile or boat, there is no corresponding registration type, and teh citation won't validate. Could you fix this in TraCS 10? Thank you! (Sturgeon Bay) DNR form should be used instead. FAC 06/23/10. Also see help file for advice on Snowmobiles.
Timestamp/ticket number record to prevent duplicate ELCI numbers? (Rob)
Allow forms to be tagged with various categories customizable by the local agency for ease of sorting. Yes, per FAC.
Don’t overwrite any customized settings. (Dennis)
To extent possible move table manager functions to configuration manager. (Jenny)
Better management of the distribution process. Audit report of which field units have applied a TraCS pack available from workstation. Distribution based by field unit rather than by user. (FAC)
Investigate delivering the TraCS 10 TraCS pack as a TraCS distribution. Get away from WISE Install. (Jenny)
Once centralized set of shortcuts maintained by us at the same time as we update the statutes; possibly an additional column in the statutes table? (Rob)
An easy way to aim all logs (end shift, void, transmission, etc) to one centralized location. (Rob)
Distribution for workstations. Yes, per FAC 06/23/10.
Utility to change document number on crash form. (Brian) Yes, requiring a special code to be administered by the help desk. FAC 06/23/10.
Do we really need to collect vehicle makes? (Rob) per FAC 06/23/10.
Redesign crash report in tracs to more closely resemble paper form—2 units on a page.(Jenny) Wait for 2014 redesign to be complete.
Provide receipt s for transmitted crashes via web services instead of using FTP, which has no receipt capability. (Jenny)Do not want per FAC 06/23/10.
Review pros and cons of submitting crashes via WIJIS. (Dar)Wait for 2014 redesign to be complete.
When we go to implement the new revised MV4000, how will law enforcement access the correct form? Old – crash on or before 12/31, new 1/1 (FAC)
Don’t want to have to enter Driving as D for hit and run. (FAC) No, per FAC.
Database Considerations
SQL server archive. (Dennis)
Lock down the database. (Brian)
General Forms
Get rid of hidden fields on forms. (Jenny)
Rewrite validation rules to make use of the Else clause. (Jenny)
Allow agencies to have a customizable group on each form. (Dennis)
Be able to brand some forms for your agency. (Customize some static text and bitmaps.)
Clean up validation rules. Remove broken rules and duplicate rules. (Jenny)
Convert autopop rules to the rules builder. (Jenny)
Add cross form validation rules where appropriate. (Dar)
Move increment dll functions to the rules builder. (Jenny)
To the extent possible move home grown vb code to the rules builder. (Jenny)
Embed file type information of attachments in form data. (Jenny via Milwaukee PD.)
Implement conditional printing to reduce the number of separate reports needed. (FAC)
Be able to print a single page in a multi page report instead of printing all the pages. (FAC)
Print out the Parent notice Letter in a format that would allow the PNL to be inserted into a window envelope. (Fixed in 2009 TraCS pack?) (FAC)
Log what is printed out of TraCS by whom? (FAC)
Add "Agency Space" to Validation rules, maybe as toggle? Requested by Chad Billeb of Marathon Co. (FAC)
Create form (or report?) for “Incedent Report” (Rob/General PD Interest)
Start Parental Notification Letter with “To the Parent or Legal Guardian of…” so that the parent name is not required (it is not always available). (Matt Jolly)
Parking Ticket form added? (Rob)
Add Influence form to Alchohol Suite. (Rob)
Help Files
Audio help files. (Brian)
ILT (Erin)
Implement ILT (Darlene)
Fix GPS reliability issues (FAC)
New Forms
Need a Radar log form. (FAC)
Officer work report (Jenny) No, per FAC, 03/10/10.
Statistical Reporting
Canned reports for example: traffic stop data (Erin) (FAC)
System Integration
Update the universal MDI to work with TraCS 10. (Jenny)
Update universal MDI to work with out of state responses—NLETS (Erin)
Tracking of start and end-shifts—confirmations/receipts. (Dennis)
Come up with better naming scheme for CZP files. (Rob)
Failed endshift files should be moved out the mailbox to somewhere else. (Rob)
Allow transmission destinations to be selected individually—local vs. state (Jenny)
Make it easier to resend a document.(Brian)
Streamline failed transmission process. (Dennis)
Better up time for eCitation. (Dennis)
Improved eCitation dashboard. Verify what’s up/down. (Rob)
Electronic transmission of alcohol forms to DOT (Erin)
Too many confirmations during transmission. Perhaps limit to just one prior to running transcomm. (FAC)
Need nag message for late transmissions on both field unit and workstation. (FAC)
Don’t like all or nothing aspect of czp files if one or two are bad. (FAC)
Have a way to track CZP files so that field unit can confirm all citations were delivered to headquarters successfully. (FAC)
Develop a dashboard or some other mechanism so that agencies can check on whether or not we received a crash report. (FAC)
Endshift process at the Tracs workstation should incorporate the actual date of the endshift file. I want to get that DateTime inserted into the prd_header table when the forms are imported into the database. (FAC)
It is desirable that as part of the end shift operation, Tracs can be made to print hard copies of a citation, then edit/annotate the form description field with some sort of flag, e.g. prefix the existing description field text with "PRN," as an indication to law enforcement supervisory staff that the citation has been printed. This would eliminate supervisory staff from having to manually open each citation, print "n" copies, and edit the form description field. (John Montijo)
User Interface
Use scroll wheel to move through form. (Rob)
Need a preview mode similar to “MS-Outlook preview pane” where you can click next, next, next to flip through forms. (FAC)
Be able to search more fields. (FAC)
Merge TraCS and TraCS Utilities with features secured by users. (FAC)
Be able to tab through fields. (FAC)
Delete and accept buttons should not be so close to each other and should be different colors. (FAC)
Have an “Undelete” button. (FAC)
Be able to change labels on buttons. (FAC)
Don’t have multiple listings of the same people showing up in common info. (FAC)
Capture all common info during external search even if there aren’t plans to use all of it on the specific form. (FAC)
Want to easily find all related forms on the same contact. (FAC)
Add form box and printing box needs big buttons for touch screens. (FAC)
Be able to see the void reason from menu. (FAC)
Ability for agencies not to see/use all TraCS forms. (FAC)
Ability to search for common Default codes, Table Manager (FAC)
Be able to accept and reject from view mode. (FAC)
Ctrl-V should be reserved for paste, not hotkey for vehicle section. (FAC)
Common information manager does not always update all forms. (phone # from ELCI form) (FAC)
email or call 608-267-2096