FAC Meeting Notes 2018

Badger TraCS Guides

FAC Meeting Notes 2018

2018 Membership

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

3:10 PM


2018 Membership

Winnebago County Sheriff—Diane Groff (Outgoing Member)

Wisconsin State Capitol Police— Sgt. Mickael Price (Outgoing Member)

Town of Beloit Police—Bryan Hasse (Outgoing Member)

Sparta Police Department – Sgt. Booker Ferguson

Hortonville Police Department – Officer Sean Stephens

Walworth County Sheriff – Juan Ortiz

Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD, Matthew Drought

Tribal Community—Vacant

State Patrol—Mark Fetzer

Natural Resources— Kristin Turner

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Brian Neil

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Rita Richter

Department of Transportation/DSP/BOTS—Michael Satteson



Jeff Buettner (Tribal Rep) left in March 2018

Rita Richter (CWS) left in July 2018

Kristen Turner (DNR) left in August 2018




04/11/18 - Notes

Friday, February 2, 2018

2:02 PM


TraCS Forms Advisory Committee Meeting

DSP - De Forest Post - Large Conference Room

April 11, 2018 - 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Attendees: Sgt. Mickael Price, Bryan Hasse, Sgt. Booker Ferguson, Officer Sean Stephens, Juan Ortiz, Matthew Drought, Jeffrey Buettner, Travis Lauer, Kristin Turner, Rita Richter, Michael Satteson, Geraldine Polster, Brian Neil and Darlene Schwartz.

Absent: Diane Groff


Brian went over the housekeeping details. Introductions were made and then he reviewed the charter.


DNR Crash Form

  • New form for the Fall 2018 release

  • Once the type of accident form has been chosen, you cannot change it. You must delete and start over.

  • Form sections will gray out when not needed.

    • Boat section will only appear when a boat is involved

  • New items

    • Some items like the DT4000 crash form

    • Smaller version of the form

    • You can now have up to 10 sequence of events

  • Location is set to the DNR locations

  • Statuses are different from the DOT Crash

  • Officer advised operator to complete and submit operator incident report field.

    • Used by law enforcement to submit data later if the operator does not submit

  • Vehicle Summary

    • Working on a way to keep plate and make types all in 1 table.

    • Able to add plate and make types now as needed. No need to wait for a new schema

    • Working on the Filter option to show only make types with each body style

      • Would like to get this option to work in all forms. May not get done in all forms for fall release.

    • Not all boat details do not come in from Common information

  • Unit activities will be filtered out by land verses water vehicles.

  • Vehicle damage list will be filtered by vehicle type

    • Will collect Vehicle and property damage estimates

  • Contributing factors should be listed in priority order

  • DNR tickets are only available for this form

  • Dynamic list grow as individuals are added in the form.

    • Will change if changes made to any of the individuals or owners.

    • When the Individual button is selected, the list is not able to be changed to look like the listing from the dynamic list .

      • Law enforcement is ok with this.

  • Most officers now issue citations then complete the DT4000 at a later time.

    • Take too long to complete the DT4000 form

    • Some agencies complete the DNR crash not on site and issue the tickets later and mail them out.

  • Crash Diagram tool

    • DNR has someone working on creating palettes for recreational vehicles.

    • Has there been thought to partner with Quick Scene, Easy Street, Visio and TraCS?

    • TLT map can now be imported into the diagram.

    • Vehicle types and unit numbers will be brought in from the information in the crash form.

    • Vehicle in motion palette will be removed. Now able to toggle it on or off

    • New palettes are available:

      • Lane markings

      • Intersection

    • Narrative

      • Zoom feature for text. Now stay until changed

      • Cut, copy and paste are now available

      • Field list is available to populate the diagram

    • Validation of form is now a two-step process.

      • Preliminary validation of required fields for notification

        • Can be transmitted

      • Then can go back and complete the form and validate

        • Can be transmitted again when completed.

      • Transmission history keeps track of preliminary and other transmissions.

    • Reports

      • 3 available

        • Office copy is complete

        • Public version Juvenile report that redacts their information.

        • Attachments

          • Able to print reports without opening

          • Should be available for all forms this fall.

  • UTC Updates

    • Last meeting was January 17th.

      • Courts would like to have to have the telephone number and website on the citation

      • Proposed change to the wording on top of the form:

        • You are notified to pay or appear

          • Toggle if mandatory appearance

        • Feedback from FAC

      • Edit information after transmission

        • Request has been tabled by the UTC council

        • Discussion on ownership of tickets:

          • Should be able to change until the ownership changes from agency to courts when transmitted.

          • Biggest issue is when customer shows up with a different citation than the courts have.

        • UTC is considering having an Amended citation available.

          • Courts will have to change software to accept amended tickets

        • The Officer that wrote the citation may change the following:

          • Police Number

          • Crash Document Number

          • Tags

          • Violator Phone Number

          • District Attorney Routing Flag

          • Narrative

          • Actual Speed

          • Speed Limit

          • Accident Severity

          • Weather Condition

          • Road Condition

          • Light Condition

          • Traffic Condition

          • Agency space

        • In addition to the fields above a user with Supervisor Rights can edit the fields below:

          • Court date and time and method served,

          • The violator’s physical attributes: Sex, Race, Height, Weight, Hair and Eye Color,

          • Violator address information

          • Locations fields,

    • LE would like to be able to easily change the mandatory appearance on NTC

      • We could program a warning for all tickets that don't match up with the mandatory appearance. Would need to be discussed further and approved by the FAC.

      • State Patrol each user sets own defaults.

        • Can replicate a from a bad ticket to a good one.

      • Courts differ in how they handle changes to or bad citations.

  • SharePoint

    • Brian will be sending out a SharePoint link to all FAC members for their use.

    • There is an FAC folder/page that has been created to record agendas, notes, charter and other materials regarding the FAC.

    • It is a read only page.

    • There is a OneNote document that is capturing the Agendas, notes and materials for the FAC meetings.

      • The January 2018 survey is out there.

    • Working on adding the notes of the April meetings so you don't have to wait for them to be sent out.

    • We will be adding a User Conference folder as well.

  • Vehicle make Table

    • DOT needs updating to work

    • May be included in Fall

    • 5 tables of makes now exist for different forms.

    • Kristin has concerns with changing DNR's process. She likes the way it is working now.

      • We may be able to keep all the processes close to what they are now.

    • Odd vehicle types can be handled more efficiently

    • Pre filtering could be used to limit which makes are available based on forms

  • DNR Transmission Popup Issue

    • When transmitting DNR citations to DA there is a popup message that stops the transmission

    • Trying to suppress the message until the end of transmission.

      • This is what DNR wants to happen.

    • This is ok for other forms.

  • User conference and other items

    • Darlene discussed why we survey, what questions we ask and how we use the information.

      • Some of the survey results were reviewed

      • TraCS National wants to end support on Windows 7 and 32 bit operating systems

        • 1/14/20 - Windows will end support on Windows 7

        • We will want law enforcement to get rid of all 32 bit operating systems by January 2020

      • TraCS National wants to end support of MS Access for use as a database

        • Wisconsin has concerns since they have 550 agencies using TraCS and the majority of them are using Access

        • Discussing hosting a central database at the state using web services

        • Iowa hosts a central database as well as Florida is set up the same way, but a law enforcement agency actually houses the central database

      • DOT will continue to discuss and research options to assist law enforcement with the upcoming technology changes

    • Web based TraCS --

      • WI has stayed away from this based on information from the vendor and other states

      • TraCS sends a message back to the server after every field is entered.

      • This doesn't seem efficient and would slow things down.

      • If you lose connection, you lose the form.

      • Need to be connected.

    • Draft Agenda

      • User Conference is scheduled for Oct 23-24, 2018 at the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells

      • DOT provides a lodging room free of charge for the FAC members

        • FAC members help with conference training, presentations and registration

      • General session - 1 hr 45 min with a 30 min break in the middle

        • TraCS update - 20-25 min

        • Diagram tool review - 45 min

        • DNR Crash form - 15-20 min

        • Pursuit form update - 15-20 min

      • Breakouts - Select 2 or 3 items per break out and drill down and get more detailed

        • Previous years, very high level very little detail

        • Best Practice IT - Review the fall release notes and installation instructions, Q & A, hit and drill down another item

        • Office Management - 3 topics

        • Officer - 3 topics

        • IT - 3 Topics

        • New class on "Creating Ad hoc reports - Step by Step - interactive with pre-installed training version on their laptops

          • This will include multiple forms already created for use in the training.

          • Would need multiple people to help walk around and provide assistance

        • In a session - Discuss how to move to Web Services - Step by step instructions-- 15 minutes in a session.

        • In a session go over Common errors in IT that come up. Run into this issue and how to solve.

        • The crash team will have two breakouts. They may look at discussing Community maps and use for enforcement.

        • See attachment???

      • Thoughts…

        • Sounds good for 3 topics

        • All FAC Members should send me any topics that should be discussed in any of the breakout sessions. Send comments to Dar by Friday, April 20, 2018

        • What questions do we get over and over?

      • Pre-conference training day

        • Same training as last year

          • TraCS Admin - 4 hours

          • TraCS Office Management - 4 hours

        • Last year's conference evaluations showed that 80 stated they would attend one of the trainings and 50 would attend the other training this year

      • Pre-conference training day

        • There was a request to hold a full day training on how to use TraCS for Tribal agencies.

          • Not enough staff to conduct it.

          • 2 years ago, we attended the Governor's Conference and held a training for Tribal agencies there.

          • Suggested to attend a Tribal Conference - and hold the training at their conference.

        • The Crash Records Unit was interested in holding 2 - 2 hour trainings on the crash form

          • Dar was concerned with cost/getting an additional room and the completion of having 3 trainings in the afternoon all at once.

          • There was a suggestion of having a 3 hours Crash training in the morning and be able to dive in and get more detailed on some issues

        • Dar asked is we needed to provide a lunch on the first training day? The committee agreed we didn't. Allow an hour for attendees to grab their own lunch.

        • Discuss the cost for the conference. Suggestions were $20 for one day and $60 for both days.

    • DNR Daily Log discussion

      • Patrols for reimbursement. Agencies: 118 boat 62 snowmobile 46 atv

      • Daily, monthly, and yearly log and reports needed

      • Some agencies currently using excel to record and report.

      • Submit to DNR.

      • 18 different ways to handle this now.

      • TraCS would have the daily log form.

        • These totals would be rolled into a monthly report and sent to DNR

        • Would need to have the monthly totals rolled into an annual report and sent to DNR

        • Could add additional fields i.e. salary to the daily log to help gather information needed for the annual report.

      • Not this year.

    • Defect list discussion

      • Geri brought up the current defect list.

      • LE would like to be able to click on the seat position number on the vehicle map and have it put into the form.

      • LE would like to be able to click on the area of damage number on the vehicle map and have it put into the form

        • May look into the TRCC for funding these two items.

      • Juan reported that the log form contains all the information for the day. The workaround is to open the form then look at the log for that form

      • Transmission memory leak

        • Need to restart the transmission machine

        • TEG has changed the process and we will be implementing in the fall.

      • Phone number extension is not being cut off making the field too long. This will be fixed in the May pack.

      • Train / Bus crash total occupants F2 help does not reflect how the validation work.

      • Rejection message

        • If a carriage return is included, the message does not save.

        • Change options

          • All fields set to Memo field

            • This is the choice of the FAC

          • Message Box set to Text box

        • LE would like to have an email to send the reason to the officer that wrote the citation

          • Can we send directions on how to do this out to LE?

  • Crash form

    • 15 months in use.

    • Improved a lot since the beginning

    • About the same number of crashes as previous years.

    • Kenosha not actually transmitting. Fixed.

    • Finalizing 2017 crashes

    • DNR Crash form has the clock diagram, would like to add to pdf. - FAC doesn't see any problem with that.

    • F2 help index. Add button to crash table that open index to all F2 Helps. Web page list all fields with links. Priority since helpful to Michael. Very helpful. FAC agrees that it would be helpful.

    • Add Insufficient Sight Distance attribute to Roadway Factors?

      • Will need some additional research to clarify what it means.

      • Does not really fit in this category according to Mike.

      • Would help in fixing the "shitty" engineering problems.

      • FAC would like to wait until a better definition and help is created.

    • Additional informational list items

      • Would like to see the specific item listed for videos

      • Select multiple types

        • Traffic Camera

        • Dash Camera

        • Body camera

        • Cell phone

        • Security

        • Crash scene

      • Not a mandatory field

      • Approved by FAC

    • Private Property \ Parking Lot Crash

      • Should this be a true abbreviated form? i.e. Car \ Deer \ Non Domesticated Animal

        • Need to research what field are truly needed.

      • Should this be removed as a form and just complete a full DT4000

      • Need additional training for those filling out this form

      • LE would like a simplified parking lot report that only takes a few minutes to complete

        • This is what BOTS should look at

    • Distracted by field

      • Need / want to collect for bicyclist and pedestrians.

      • Would need to move this field to bicyclists and pedestrians groups.

        • Option 2 would be to create another field.

        • FAC recommends moving the field.

    • Incorporate Fatal Supplement into the Crash Form

      • Should these be combined?

      • If combined, then only have the fields open if a fatality is included.

      • Does this change the way to transmit - No

      • FAC recommends this be done.

    • Emergency Vehicle Involvement form

      • When another agency creates accident report, they should submit the form for the involved agency.

    • Amended Fatal Supplement

      • No longer needed if the Fatal Supplement and Crash form are combined.

    • Unknown Time of Accident

      • Currently uses 00:00 for unknown time.

      • Would like to have 99:99 as the unknown time

        • TraCS databars will not allow this as this is not a valid time.

      • Options:

        • Field for Unknown Time. If not checked, then open the time field.

        • Change field to Estimated or Approximate time of Crash

      • Time is usually know really known.

    • Data Completion by linkage

      • Would be able to make the form shorter

        • If done, does this field need to be left on the form?

      • Would this data need to be added to the form by DOT and\or LE

        • Should be done only when LE adds to the form. Should not have 2 different forms available.

      • Examples:

        • Test results directly from the labs

      • Could remove the BAC field from the form, just leave the Alcohol Test Given field.

      • Does removing fields affect the RMS data and what affect does this have on the Vendor and Agency

        • Does the RMS have validation rules that would need to be changed

      • Collecting all the data for the report at one time is difficult

      • Feelings are out there that not all of the data is deemed valuable for LE to collect.

    • Engineers concerns

      • Want more and better data

      • Diagrams and narrative.

        • LE wants engineers to understand what they do at a crash site

      • Sequence of Events

        • Need better understanding of how this should be used.

  • Referral Items

    • 2107--no do it in word

    • 2112--yes but on alcohol DNR Informing the accused check box on Alcohol would like a Spanish version.

    • 2130--no

    • 2232--yes not high priority

    • 2249--Yes

    • 2251--yes

    • 2255--no rule but form minimum groups unit and individual form = 1

    • 2280--yes

    • 2321--no suggestion put in Agency Space Other: M##

    • 2329--no vendor change use contact summary only one per case.

    • 3 digit lab BAC.

  • The Committee came up with the following dates to hold the rest of the 2018 FAC Meetings:

    • Wednesday, June 19, 2018

    • Tuesday, September 18, 2018 (Changed to September 19 later since the room was not available on 9/18)

    • Wednesday, November 28, 2018

  • Jeffrey Buettner received a Certificate of Appreciation for sitting on the Forms Advisory Committee. He has represented the Tribal Community. This was his last meeting, so Brian will be looking to find someone else to take his place.




















04/11/18 - Agenda

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

8:01 AM


Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

Large Conference Room

State Patrol – DeForest Post

911 W North St


April 11, 2018

9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Rescheduled from February 20th

9:00 a.m.



Introduction of members

Overview and Charter Review

9:15 a.m.

DNR Crash Form Update

9:45 a.m.

UTC Meeting Update

10:00 a.m.

10:15 a.m.

10:30 a.m.

10:45 a.m.

11:00 a.m.

11:30 a.m.

SharePoint Page

Vehicle Make Table Update and discussion


DNR Transmission Popup Issue

User Conference

Survey Results

Breakout Sessions

Participants for Fall


DNR Daily Log discussion

12:00 p.m.


12:30 a.m.

Planning Document

1:00 p.m.

2:30 p.m.

3:00 p.m.

FAC Referral Items




Planning next 3 meetings



2018 Membership

Winnebago County Sheriff—Diane Groff (Outgoing Member)

Wisconsin State Capitol Police— Sgt. Mickael Price (Outgoing Member)

Town of Beloit Police—Bryan Hasse (Outgoing Member)

Sparta Police Department – Sgt. Booker Ferguson

Hortonville Police Department – Officer Sean Stephens

Walworth County Sheriff – Juan Ortiz

Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD, Matthew Drought

Tribal Community—Stockbridge-Munsee PD, Jeffrey Buettner (Outgoing Member)

State Patrol—Mark Fetzer

Natural Resources— Kristin Turner

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Brian Neil

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Rita Richter

Department of Transportation/DSP/BOTS—Michael Satteson



January LEA Survey Results

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

7:43 AM


January 2018 LEA Survey Results

241 Agencies responded to this survey.




How many TraCS computers in your agency run Windows 10?






How many TraCS computers in your agency run Windows 7?






How many TraCS computers in your agency are 64 bit machines?






How many TraCS computers in your agency are 32 bit machines?






Agencies Use the TLT






Use the Parking Ticket






Use Batch Transmission












Squad Printers:



Brother/Pentax Pocket Jet



Cannon Pixma iP110



HP 110 (inkjet)



HP Officejet 100 mobile printer



HP Officejet 200 inkjet









Jail Intake Form



Misdemeanor Citation Form



Incident Form



Set Purge Date when Archiving



Chain of Evidence/Property Sheet Form



24 Hour Out-of-Service Order Form



Prescription Drug Monitoring Form



DNR Alcohol Form



Intoximeter Test Results Report



Hunting Accident Form






Merge Fatal Supplement and Crash :



Negative Impact



Positive / Minimal to No Impact






User the Paper Uniform Misdemeanor Citation Form (GF-119)






TraCS run on Android devices






TraCS run on IOS (Apple) devices






TraCS Able to do Speech-to-Text






Still access data from TraCS 7.3




Concerns if Fatal Supplement and Crash Form Merged

Positive Impact: (61)

  • That may cause our records management vendor to alter or add fields because when the accident form is transmitted into our records system, it may cause errors due to added or changed fields. This may cause us to incur a charge. (West Salem PD)

  • Only concern is how it impacts import of report to records management as we have struggled with or vendor on importing the crash report correctly ever since the new one was put in place in 2017. (Portage County)

Negative Impact: (4)

  • It will lengthen the crash report and will have a greater chance of not validating the crash form. (Everest Metro PD)

  • We do not use the fatal supplement on a regular basis, so it would just make the form longer and might confuse some. (Platteville PD)

  • If you want this information immediately after the Crash, do not combine these reports. We do not do our crash reports on fatals immediately. (Racine PD)

Minimal to No Impact: (174)

  • We only do marine crash reports. (Rock River Safety Patrol)

  • Assuming it is still easy to search for and view the forms for crashes with fatalities. They are reviewed differently in our organization than non-fatal crashes. Currently, it is simply to search for all fatal supplement forms to find these crashes and review the reports. (Dane CSO)

  • I am not sure if it would cause any issues in releasing the document with fatal supplement information under the open records law. That would be the only concern, but we have them so infrequently, it would likely not be an issue. (Appleton PD)


















Using TLT: (216)

  • We use TLT but sometimes officers still use Override features for areas such as private property or areas that don't "search" well. We do not use GPS and a physical address is sometimes more accurate. Furthermore, the MAP often times has local streets and county or state HWY's and don't associate the local street. (Delevan PD)

  • I didn't know I could still use the old one I would I liked it better. (Lac La Belle PD)

Using ILT: (16)

  • Didn’t know about it. (Balsam Lake PD)

  • Not sure. Our Investigators write very few tickets. (Milwaukee County DA)

  • Have not upgraded to TLT (Oconomowoc PD)

  • Have not been able to deploy. (Polk County SO)

  • Did know (Saint Nazianz PD)

  • We need to update our computer (Rock River Safety Patrol)

Don’t use Either: (8)

  • We use both TLT and when reservation not located on map, do override. (St. Croix Tribal PD)

  • Actually, we use both as we also patrol a lake and the puck doesn't work. It would be nice for pin-pointing for watercraft, and in winter, snowmobiles, and ATVs. (Town of Hartford)

  • University is not mapped. (UW Whitewater PD)

  • I strongly dislike It (Pepin PD)

  • Not familiar with how to use it (Bayfield PD)

















Keep It: (9)

  • Cudahy PD

  • Dane PD

  • Freedom PD

  • Hobart/Lawrence

  • Monroe CSO

  • Theresa PD

  • Marinette CSO

  • Coleman PD

  • Pulaski PD

No, don’t need it: (228)

  • I haven’t used it but may in the future?

  • No idea what this even is.

  • Not familiar with this

  • Sungard isn’t a company anymore, they are Superion. We are currently a Superion Customer and would love for this to work. (UW-Madison PD)

  • We are going to be going to Sungard aka Superion and may use it in the future. (Everest Metro PD)

  • We connect using MACH

  • We don’t use it.

  • We use Prophoenix.

Unsure: (5)

  • Unsure what this is (Balsam Lake PD)

  • Not sure (Menasha PD)

  • Stop changing things that makes it hard for LE to use (Pepin PD)















What features in TraCS do you find difficult to use?


Agency Name:

What features in TraCS do you find difficult to use?

UW La Crosse Police

A cleaner workflow using RMS

Town of Hartford

A zoom feature that does not block out fields would be nice. Especially as devices keep getting smaller and we keep getting older. Distribution should be a one click button as it was in 7.3

Brooklyn PD

Accident and diagram

Twin Lakes PD

Accident Diagram

West Salem PD

accident diagram. Often times it crashes when we close the diagram tool and then have to redo the accident diagram.

Lake Geneva

Accident Diagrams

Norwalk PD

accident form

Muscoda PD

accident forms, way too many irrelevant questions

Blue Mounds Police Dept

Adding or changing ord violations, adding new court dates

Cornell Police Department


East Troy

Alcohol/Influence forms


all the little check boxes on a touch screen computer and accident form

Iowa County S/O

Amending Crash report

WI State Patrol

Analysis reports

Fitchburg PD

Autopopulation config always seems to be a mystery.

Readstown PD

Changing settings and getting it out to work stations

luck police department

correcting mistakes

Freedom PD

Crash / Amended Crash

River Hills PD

Crash diagram tool

Hammond PD

Crash Form

Milton Police Department

Crash Form

Siren Police Department

Crash form

Menasha Police Department

Crash form (repeated data entry, some drop downs are check boxes and some are selections), Warning form (new total violations box)

Brownsville PD

Crash form diagram needs a "straight truck" included as vehicle choice.

Elmwood PD

Crash Forms

Lac La Belle

Crash forms

Greendale Police Dept

Crash forms are tedious

Boyceville PD

Crash report

Grand Rapids PD

Crash report building roads, driveways due to no options from the presets.

Ashwaubenon Public Safety

Crash reports - too much duplication of fields. Also difficult to go to the State patrol for crash reporting questions.

Thiensville PD

Crash reports are getting more involved

Hartland Police Department

Crash Reports. It would be nice to have an updated version of the Law Enforcement Officer's Instruction Manual for Completing the DT400 vs just having the F2 function for assistance.

Bayside PD

Creating data reportd

Glendale PD

custom reports

Lake Delton PD

Customer Service-hard to get a hold of

Monroe County SO

Data collection (for the types we need) - limited

Town of Ripon PD

Diagram on Crash Report

Washburn PD

Diagram section in accident reporting is hard to use.

Town of Beloit

Diagramming tool remains a bit cumbersome

La Pointe

don't know still learning the program

Everest Metro PD

drawing software... too many options

Town Of Gibraltar Polce

DT4000 form

Dane County Sheriff

Editing AdHoc reports does not always work. Many times after editing it keeps running the old report without pulling the new fields. Having to rebuild the AdHoc report is frustrating. I've learned to screen shot and save all my reports so when I have to rebuild them I have a starting point (learned the hard way).

Marquette County SO

Electronic signatures, adhoc queries, analysis reports,

Coloma Police Dept.

finding owi forms

Ozaukee County SO

Generating ad-hoc reports

Coleman PD

Getting the new diagram tool to work


GPS feature.

Wauwatosa PD

GPS. It is very sketchy

Hales Corners

I should be asking the users this questions. I will ask them the question and offer you some feedback via email.

Waterloo PD

I'm still wary about updates since I've had no formal TraCS training.

Muskego PD

It depends on the day...

Highland Police Dept.

its pretty easy to use

Balsam Lake Police Dept

many of the features are not familiar

Pepin Pd

Map thing, Adding new officers, up changes so on.

Outagamie County SD

mapping and accident diagram are hard to use

Boscobel PD


Juneau County SO

New Crash report.

Beloit Police Department

Not user friendly for Administration to do things, as well as users.


Officers complain of crash form now having too many fields

Monona Police Department

Our Officers have the most problems with Crash validation (license plate, vehicle type, etc.) but there have been overall complaints of the program running more slowly since the fall update.

Middleton Police

OWI forms Most officer still like using old written forms because process is cumbersome.

Pleasant Prairie PD

OWI paperwork

Stevens Point PD

Patching is easier but breakage due to errors is highly unacceptable

Fort Atkinson PD

Running the delta script

Manawa PD

search warrant for OWI

Menomonee Falls PD

Searching functions are not user friendly especially Custom and Advanced searches.

Belmont PD

Sequence of events on crash forms.

Trempealeau County

Setting up a custom advanced search.

Hartford PD

Setting up the GPS use from a UDP device.

Brodhead PD

some officers have difficulties with accidents

Beaver Dam PD

the accident form is too long

Cross Plains Police Dept

The complaint I receive the most is the entire diagraming tool. Too small etc.

Cudahy Police Department

The crash form has become a nightmare to validate due to all of the required fields for insurance agencies to review.

Wisconsin Rapids Police Department

The crash form has too many unnecessary fields that are not required. The use of the crash report used to reduce the amount of time needed to complete, and now even a skilled officer takes too long to complete the information. I would recommend that requested information but not necessary for validation be a different color.

UW Milwaukee Police

The crash form is terrible

Eagle River Police Department

The file distribution system. We have to make the update to the user defined table, then go in and select users through multiple steps, then set up a distribution packet, then send an email to everyone to let them know an update was sent out and to run distribution on their field unit. It would be really nice if we could just make an update in one the user defined tables and be done with it.


Automate the update process.

Appleton Police Department

The map can be glitchy. Gives crossover versus actual street names that intersect. Sometimes causes errors with parked vehicles and/or hit and runs

Clear Lake PD

the query and statistical part is difficult to use. it takes a while to search...almost too many options.



Barron Police Department

The system doesn't always accept a pickup truck plate as a regular vehicle.

Town of East Troy PD

This varies per user

Winnebago County SO

TLT doesn't work all the time

CN Railroad Police

TLT is slow and cumbersome at times, when GPS does not work, finding location is difficult. Search for City,State many times fails delaying a stop and enhancing officer safety risk.

Menomonie Police Department

tlt is too cumbersome at times. We do some overrides because of it. New drawing tool is robust, but maybe went a little too far.


TLT street are consistently needing tweaking and after updates causes problems with converting into our RMS because the alias get mixed up. once the roads are identified and sent for updating, its several months before another map update which causes citations to be hand entered into our RMS correctly.

Manitowoc Police Department

tracs configuration program, for those officers that have to run their tracs program with no computer knowledge and no IT for the department

Town of Madison PD

Transmitting takes a long time

Oconomowoc PD

Update installations

Cameron PD


Trempealeau PD

Updates and distributions

Elm Grove PD

updates, Crash form still has some hiccups

Taylor County SO

Updating field units with new/updated ordinances, etc. Court Calendar.

Williams Bay

updating packs

Shell Lake Police Dept

Upgrading is a pain. Why can't it be a simple double click EXE that takes care of everything?

Sheboygan County Sheriff

Validating accident reports

Jefferson County Sheriff

We are having major issues with flash drive transmission from field unit to office. We are working on its solution but is major issue with end shifting a lot

Woodruff PD

we do not have the GPS activated in our squads

Galesville Police Department

We have the most difficulty with the diagrams. Some fields are also difficult to understand.

Waushara County Sheriff's Office

When a duplicate form will not end shift into the master computer, would be nice to see who attempted to re-issue that form number

Black Creek

When marking the weather and road conditions you must check the box. It would be easier if you could just tab or arrow down the choices much live the other boxes are. Basically eliminate having to check the box. The mouse on a laptop pad is difficult to use.

Milwaukee PD

When sections of forms gray out, not allowing corrections

Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Police

With last update we lost the option to print out reports of citations issued by date. This was very helpful to our department.



What other features and /or forms would your agency like to see in TraCS?

Agency Name:

What other features and/or forms would your agency like to see in TraCS?

River Hills PD

A better crash diagram application

Platteville PD

A folder system, different than ARCHIVE, where our active parking tickets would automatically be routed and not clutter up the manager.

Wisconsin Dells PD

a more streamlined method for sharing our local ordinances with outside agencies assisting at our special events/mutual aid.

Jefferson County SO

Ability to import our own forms into tracs. the property and other forms you put in are good for few agencies but most I know cannot use or are rejected by judges(ei owi search warrant form). there is no standardization for most non state forms in my experience

Burlington PD

Accept button in mobile units. We use a different form in Racine County for Misdemeanors. It would be nice to be able to use our own forms in TraCS. To be able to customize TraCS forms for agencies. We use a Notice of Detention form for those going to jail, it would be nice to customize TraCS for our agency with our forms. Using TraCS for our parking person while on foot (printer recommendation) Combining the Influence report with the Alcohol forms.

Muscoda PD

Adding the themes back and also getting rid of all the unnecessary 10/50 q's

Town of East Troy PD

Animal bite form

Lac La Belle

Be able to transmit DNR cites to municipal court, have non LE agencies that can write citations get tracs



Omro Police Dept

Ch51 and ch55 comittal forms.

Winneconne PD

Chpt 51 form.

Cameron PD

Cloud Based Tracs on DOT servers for small agencies with no IT services - Possibly merged with MACH in one application

Elmwood PD

Daily Logs

Monroe County SO

Data collection for our Office (forms - types of reports may vary, but an easy way and ability to make them would be very helpful for various data requests

Milwaukee PD

Device List of Tracs Devices, Indicator in mobile unit that report uploaded correctly (web services)



Rock River Safety Patrol

DNR warning citation, DNR Boat accident forms, DNR BWI forms

UW Milwaukee Police

Easier Crash Form! Many fields are duplicated such as where the incident happened. On Crash forms, I have to select "private prop or parking lot" multiple times during the form and if one is missed it errors out. Also, the crash form does not like it when you delete info. One has to delete if from the left task bar to effectively delete it. Shortening the crash form would help significantly. Also, shortening the traffic citation for would help if possible by eliminating the Location tool. This way, we could type out the address of the stop and maybe the location tool could give you the GPS coordinates in the background so the user does not have to use it.

Everest Metro PD

Easier to understand reason for failure, easier way to facilitate completing amended crash reports

Pleasant Prairie PD

emergency detention forms;

Waushara County SO

end of year data report (without having to build the report each year)

Town of Norway PD

Form that can be customize to collect duty mileage and activity with ability to run activity reports by dates.

Manitowoc PD

form that TraCS the wrong way on a one way that the state is requiring us to report as of 01-01-18

Menasha PD

Free text tables, more access to customize tables like hospitals

Hales Corners

Have the ability to require the name in a parking citation. Be able to receive alerts when forms are not transmitted within a certain time frame. Driver condition reports are always overlooked. Also an audit feature where the system can identify if a citation is not accounted for. Meaning its still on the mobile machine and did not end shift in. We have been having trouble with occasional citations not making it into the station when the officer end shifts them. WE might have to go to web services to eliminate this.

West Salem PD

I would like added features to the accident diagram tool. There needs to be additional icons added for a variety of vehicles currently not offered and additional types of intersections not offered.

East Troy

I would like to see the alcohol/influence forms condensed under one tab. Also open the forms in order, like informing the accused, notice of intent to suspend, alcohol influence report, etc...

Stevens Point PD

Incident reporting and evidence module would eliminate need for vendor RMS fees and issues

UW La Crosse Police

Incident/Case Report

UW-Madison PD

Is the PC (Probably Cause) Form going to be ready to go on TraCS anytime soon, we were told at one point this was a possibility

Freedom PD

Jail Booking Sheets/DA Charge Sheet/OWI Release Form/Medical Release

Town Of Gibraltar Polce

less glitches. Ability to use satellite images in diagram

Coloma PD

make a flow chart for owi that automatically pulls the forms you need

Sheboygan County SO

Misdemeanor Cite!!

Clear Lake PD

modify the call for service to be usable by a small agency as a log. The form will have to be scaled down. Provide basic information, attach names and vehicle from MDB, and printable in a log or shift log format.

Lake Hallie PD

More streamline approach to OWI forms as the paper ones are much easier and make much more sense.

Cudahy PD

Most issues the officers at our agency have are with the crash form. The sequence of events should only be in one place not associated with every vehicle. This is a consistent error problem for officers when completing/validating the crash report. When populating vehicle information in one place, it would be nice to have that information populate to the other appropriate areas automatically. Citations should be able to auto-populate from the associated citations that are added to the crash form or vice versa. I am not sure if this is an internal issue for us, but it would be nice to be able to use the external search feature on passengers, parents, and witnesses. And after validating a crash, officers cannot look at and review the diagram for the crash adequately.

Eagle PD

Notice of Citation form

Marquette County SO

NTC/Ordinance Warning, Click buttons for seat positions and damage areas on crash form, Ability to add agency specific forms (not necessarily to be able to replicate to these forms or populate data, but just access to the forms related to traffic/criminal incidents), Ability to have officer sign warrant/forms via touch screen or saved signature, more customizable/easier to set up searches/adhoc queries- the ability to bundle citation images and a list of defendants and citation numbers into one pdf based on court appointment

Boyceville PD

Offense reports

Kaukauna PD

Only redact the necessary information to comply with the redaction laws. Allow departments to have access to redact their own fields.

Bayside PD

Owi form transmission to dot

Linden PD

OWI Search Warrant form for 1st offense forfeiture 2015 WI ACT 183. This is a modification to Wis. Stat. 968.13(1)(b), 968.13(1)(c) and 968.23--which relates to obtaining a search warrant including obtaining a warrant connected to a violation of 346.63 or a local ordinance in conformity therewith.


Parking notice form/24-Hour parking or TOW form/Abandon Vehicle Form

CN Railroad Police

Railroad Crossing Numbers (DOT Numbers) entered into TLT for more accurate and complete location reporting on citations, crashes and warnings.

Saukville Police

Roads actually get updated to proper names even after contact with WISLR. Transmit OWI forms to DOT

Elm Grove PD

Signature Pad Use for Alcohol Influence Form Interrogation and any other TRACS generated form which requires a signature in order to avoid having to print off paper and sign


Statement of Emergency Detention by Law Enforcement Officer (WI chapter 51 form ME-901),


Court Referral - Child/Juvenile (WI Law Enforcement Referral form JD-1701), Statement of Emergency Protective Placement (WI chapter 55 form GN-4000.

Park Falls PD

The ability to be able to transmit ordinance citations for ATV and snowmobile violations.

Menomonee Falls PD

The ability to flip/transpose identifying information for Units 1 & 2. In other words, reassign Unit #’s

Eagle River PD

UCR/IBR capable for Incident Reporting


Warning form Cover letter with redacted information

Waterloo PD

We currently do handwritten daily logs. It would be nice to have a log feature.

Adams Police

Where reports can be types just as other software such as spillman etc, have a nice state wide database

Twin Lakes PD

Written warnings for Ord violations

Town of Hartford

You have an incomplete RMS. Proper RMS systems have an INCIDENT REPORT.




06/19/2018 - Agenda

Monday, April 30, 2018

1:25 PM


Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

Large Conference Room

State Patrol – DeForest Post

911 W North St


June 19, 2018

9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m.




9:15 a.m.

Diagram Tool Demo

9:45 a.m.


Demo new Document Number Change Button

10:00 a.m.

10:30 a.m.

10:45 a.m.




11:15 a.m.

11:45 a.m.


Evidence Collection (Kristen)



User Conference


Breakout Sessions

Participants for Fall


TLT - List of issues/what to improve

Shape Files - Marathon County project


Statute Items

Table Format Changes

Inclusion on both Traffic and Non Traffic tables


12:00 p.m.



12:45 p.m.

Letter Formats - ATTENTION

1:00 p.m.

2:45 p.m.

3:00 p.m.

FAC Referral Items


Next Meeting Location Change





06/19/2018 - Notes

Monday, June 18, 2018

3:54 PM


TraCS Forms Advisory Committee Meeting

DSP - De Forest Post - Large Conference Room

June 19, 2018 - 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Attendees: Mark Fetzer, Mike Satteson, Booker Ferguson, Kristin Turner, Juan Ortiz, Diane Groff, Sean Stephans, Darlene Schwartz, Bryan Hasse, Geri Polster, Brian Neil



  • Brian welcomed everyone. Explained the location of restrooms and break rooms.

  • Explained the pack will be out this week


Diagram Tool Demo

  • Tool inserts the map from the location

    • This can be turned off if it is not wanted

    • If some want it and others don't you will need to modify each machine

  • Background can be changed

  • Will bring in unit types that are listed in the accident

  • New palettes are available

    • Recreational vehicles

    • Intersections available

    • Lane markers

  • Vehicles and intersection are now scalable

  • Pan and zoom dialog box is now shown on the right hand side

  • Includes a Property grid with label text changing done there

  • The eraser has not been added

  • Drawing area is now changeable with a menu item(small, medium and large)

  • Toggle in motion is now a button instead of the in motion palette

  • Questions and comments

    • Why is TraCS set to bring in the map?

      • Some agencies would prefer to turn it off

    • Would like to have it blank and use a button to bring in the map if wanted.

      • We have the SET button already, just need some training on how and when to use it.

    • Using Google maps for background brings in road names and lane markings.

    • Would like to double click to Set In Motion

    • How can I re-use the vehicles that were originally brought in?

      • Can right click and use copy and paste.

    • Can we turn off all of the other diagram tools that we don't use?

      • These can be removed in the ini settings.

    • What is the philosophy of using the TLT to bring in the map to the diagram

      • Requested by agencies that have already selected the location

    • Is there a size limit on the diagram tool

      • There is a size limit that is editable

      • We have it set at 1 meg

      • Will automatically shrink the size when it gets too large

    • Is there a cost for having TLT use Google Maps?

      • Yes there is.

    • Can the TLT use county GIS maps?

      • Not at this time


Duplicate document number change demo

No longer able to delete the document group to reset


Evidence Collection

  • Saw this on TEG website

  • Would like to use evidence tracking

  • Some issues with RMS doing a double entry

    • There is an evidence system already in use in some agencies

      • Officers still have to enter property and tag number in RMS

  • Would be beneficial that do not have an RMS

  • State Patrol would use it

  • Can see TraCS moving towards a full RMS but will need Incident reports as well


Pursuit form

  • Is there any feedback on how it is going?

  • It seems streamlined for the officers to use.

  • Agencies can request data from state patrol

  • Should be able to map start and end locations in the fall.


User Conference

  • Darlene showed the new brochure.

  • Explained the costs of registration and/or training

  • Optional training

    • Crash area will conduct a 3 hr training in the morning

    • Break for lunch

    • TraCS will provide the same 2 training sessions as last year in the afternoon.

  • Overview of the Conference Day schedule

    • Looking for volunteers for demonstrating the diagram tool during the general session

      • Bryan Hasse will help out as long as he has time to learn it.

    • Can TraCS work better for your agencies?

      • Volunteers to be there for their comments and experience

    • Understanding Errors

      • What types of error happen and how to trouble shoot them

      • Volunteers?

        • Juan Ortiz

    • Helpful Hints for Officers

      • How to complete forms (old and new)

      • Shortcuts, replicate, add new, key strokes(need the list of keystroke)

      • Need to include how to use the F2 help (suggestion)

      • Will take questions from the floor (question and answer session)

      • Talk about the Parental Letter

      • Volunteers?

    • Creating AdHoc reports

      • Would like to be a hands on session

      • Need volunteers to help out during this session

        • Booker

        • Kristin

      • Plan on doing this in the general session room to be able to use the round tables to facilitate helpers moving throughout the room.

    • Crash Form Q&A

      • Mike tracks questions received throughout the year and incorporates them into the presentation

      • Volunteers

        • Juan Ortiz

    • Questions and comment?

      • Will there be room for another person to learn adhoc queries in order to help out? (Booker)

    • Registration form is being worked on at this time.

    • FAC Members do not need to pay for the conference, but they do need to Register

      • Have tax exempt number handy

    • Registration

      • Will take volunteers to help with this on both days

  • TLT List of Issues

    • Default jurisdiction. Nice to default cvt boundaries set by WISLR. How do you choose the default. Not feasible for State, county. Disregard this issue.

    • Map stops and cuts off at the Illinois boarder.

    • Code so that the override does not work for an agency. You must use the TLT. Override has been disabled, contact your TraCS admin.

    • Auto pop up the map when entering the field.

    • Drag and drop location that was saved.

      • This would be cause problems with actual location and courts.

      • FAC declined

    • Add saving default location as a helpful hint for officer session item.

      • Also the WHERE AM I button

    • Can we do an Agency Default for a location?

      • Should not do this, as the agency default overrides all user defaults

    • Would like to have the line markings and medium strips come in from the TLT map to the diagram tool.

    • Would like the TLT/diagram map to be more at the lane level than the road level.

  • Statute Issues

    • Statutes and sequence numbers are now being duplicated by CCAP.

      • TraCS was built on the premise that this would not be the case.

    • There are currently 5 statute tables within TraCS

    • We propose to add an unique ID number for each statute. TraCS will be using this ID to look up statutes.

    • TraCS filters out expired statutes for the lookup, but expired ones are still on the table.

    • Statutes listed on both UTC and NTC

      • See email from Mount Pleasant regarding 943.23

      • Some DA's want a citation issued as an UTC.

      • Take caution when looking at both tables as CCAP may not be as up to date as it should be.

      • Can a list of statutes appearing in both tables?

        • 236 duplicate appear

      • Leave parking tickets in both.

      • Send list to FAC for review.

        • Have citation unit designate which statutes go on driver record

        • Discussion at a later date.

      • Leave it as is for now.

  • TraCS unit will be officially located to state patrol next week.

  • Letter Formats

    • A lot of yelling (all uppercase)

    • Leave the Address as Uppercase

    • Leave the titles as Uppercase

    • Use sentence case for the rest of the letter.

    • Would like to be able to have an officer add custom text at the end of each letter.

    • Add colons were needed in each letter.

    • Suggestions:

      • Police number is not necessary on the letter (DNR only)

      • Move the reason of the letter to the top of the letter, then give the other information. (Correction letter only)

        • All thought this was a good idea

        • See notes on letter for new wording

      • Add officer signature block to letters and remove Issuing Officer entry.

      • Remove Court Date from Parent Notification letter

      • Remove statute number reference, word as "Per Wisconsin statute, you are notified…"

      • Remove DOB

      • Change the format of the name to first name, last name.

      • Add Enc. To bottom of the cover letter when items are enclosed.

    • DNR Cover letter

      • Move agency level text to top of letter

      • Leave officer closing on the bottom.

    • NTC and UTC cover letter would like to have an officer closing at the bottom of the letter.

    • Parental contact letter would like to have an officer closing at the bottom of the letter.

    • Mock up changes and send to FAC for review.

    • Some agencies are using their own letters as these are not formatted to work as their agency wants.

  • Parking ticket question - Overdue Parking Letter (Booker)

    • Would like the wording changed on the analysis report regarding collections.

      • He will send an example of what is wanted.

  • FAC Referral Items

    • 1491--add warning if you are missing one or the other.

    • 1577--No

    • 2252--need to have it proofed. Scott Erdman. Need to make a reasonable effort to provide. - No

    • 2302--need example of what they want. Put on our list. Yes. Why and an example.

    • Local transmitting needs research

    • 2383--Add an Error message, letting the user fix it.

    • 2388--Change to defendant on all reports.

    • 2490--discussed

  • Next meeting @ Hill Farms

    • Go through presentations for user conference.

    • Park on street or in ramp.










09/19/2018 - Agenda

Monday, July 02, 2018

2:30 PM


Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

Hill Farms State Office Building

4822 Madison Yards Way, Room N115, Madison, WI 53705

September 19, 2018 -- 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


9:00 a.m.




9:15 a.m.

User Conference Presentation Review Meetings

9:15 – 10:15 – Understanding Errors - David Malisch, Juan and Matt (Room N111) (projector)

9:15 – 10:15 – Creating Adhoc Reports – Dennis Rodenkirch, Mark, Travis and Booker (Room N114) (projector)

9:15 – 10:15 – Diagram Tool – Alex Herrera and Bryan (Room N113) (no projector)

Others will test the Fall Pack/training version – We will have some laptops you can use as well as allow you to load the training version on your laptop if you prefer.

10:15 a.m.


10:30 a.m.

User Conference Presentation Review Meetings

10:30 – 11:30 – Helpful Hints…Officer – Alex Herrera, Sean and Juan (Room N114) (projector)

Others will test the Fall Pack/training version – We will have some laptops you can use as well as allow you to load the training version on your laptop if you prefer.


11:30 p.m.


12:00 p.m.

12:20 p.m.

1:00 p.m.






1:15 p.m.


1:30 p.m.




2:00 p.m.


2:30 p.m.

3:00 p.m.

Review of User Conference expectations/questions


Review changes to Fall Pack


Notice of Intent to Suspend changes

Can’t validate if ‘MV3530 Issued’ is ‘No’

Would you ever print a ‘MV3519’ with a ‘No’ in the MV3530 Issued field?

When you print the ‘MV3530’ or the ‘MV3519’, both forms print.


National Model Steering Committee Update


Incident Based Reporting form

Use of Force




Discuss the concept of “amending a UTC”


FAC Referral Items


Next Meeting / Adjourn






The police chief from Mellon PD called and wanted to know why on the NTC form the Victim Restitution Amount doesn’t show at court.

The CCAP Citation Schema does not include this field. It would have to be brought to the




09/19/2018 - Notes

Monday, September 17, 2018

11:15 AM


TraCS Forms Advisory Committee Meeting

Hill Farms State Office Building – N115 Conference Room

September 19, 2018 - 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Attendees: Darlene Schwartz, Sean Stephens, Kevin Barman, Bryan Hasse, Matt Drought, Dian Groff, Mickael Price, Brian Neil, Booker Ferguson, Geri Polster, Mark Fetzer, Mark Rappe, Mike Satteson, Travis Lauer

Guests: Joe Bartaula, Leah Fixx, Mark Conroy, Sharon Olson


Darlene started the meeting with introductions.


Thank you for volunteering and for being "Volunteered" for helping with the Fall User Conference.

  • You are asked to help present the topic chosen.

  • These presentations are not set in stone. You have a the chance to review and change content. We would like this from the law enforcement side.


Helpful hints for the officer presentation. This is a struggle for us and are asking for officer tips that would be good for a new, or new to TraCS, officer. All inputs are welcome.


If you are not meeting with one of the TraCS team members, please install and test the Fall 2018 preview package.


Fall Pack Change review

  • Statute / Ordinance table updates

    • Tables versioned up to V3

    • Utility available to convert your tables

    • TraCS created an unique number for each statute

      • This is a behind a scenes item

      • It is a Letter followed by 6 digits

      • Please test your reports, if it displays as the Letter digit combo, this is incorrect.

      • Severity code will be transmitted, just not seen.

      • Severity codes are no longer unique within CCAP

  • Location Tool Improvements

    • Autostart when entering the location field

    • Override will be turned off for anyone other than a supervisor.

    • New settings to be enabled:

      • TLT Override set to 'No'

      • Auto TLT In Diagram set to 'No'

      • Attachment file upload – webservices

      • Attachment download retention – default to 90 days

    • When diagram opens, units will be presented

      • NOTE: Would like to have them move with the Pan and Zoom feature

  • New DNR Crash Form

    • Set to release October 25th.

    • Need to be sure palette list contains DNR palettes.

    • Initial contact points and unit damage image changes now work.

  • Federal Inspection Form

    • Need DSP authority to use

  • Crash Form Fixes

    • Violations can now be assigned to anyone in the unit. (passenger, driver, owner, trailer owner, etc.)

    • Distracted by is moving from the vehicle to the individual section.

      • Now will have two fields

    • Row and Seat Position fields will be replaced when the databar is available.

    • Crash time and time arrived can now be set to UNKNOWN.

      • DNR will not be volunteering this as an option.

  • Transmission of forms

    • Changing our transmission over to TraCS standard transmission.

    • Will help with the known memory leak on the transmitting machine.

  • Updated Current Reports

    • DNR reports were all updated.

      • All citation types now look standard

    • Court websites and phone numbers will now show up on the printed ticket.

      • Court must request this to be added

    • Violator terminology changed to Defendant

    • Added the 3" parking tickets

      • Only prints on a 3" printer. Do not use if your agency does not have the 3 " printer.

    • Alcohol form

      • Added the 24 hour out-of-service form.

        • Has instructions on where to email form when validated.

        • Signatures needed? If so, how?

      • DNR Informing the Accused

        • Has a different icon to select in the print dialog field

    • Inline attachment report

      • If TraCS is aware of the report type, it will be enabled to be displayed when the Print manager dialog is opened.

    • Machine Number will be able to be increased to 2499

    • Satellite Agencies

      • Used for other city agencies that issued NTC

        • Building Inspectors, etc.

        • Local agency would be hosting

    • Vehicle group standardized

      • All forms with a vehicle group is now using the standardized vehicle group

      • Plates can now be filtered by using the filter button

      • Makes can now be filtered by using the filter button.

      • Phase 2 will be forthcoming

        • This will work like the violation search engine.

      • What happens when a vehicle make from on system is not in there?

        • Need to send out courtesy notification to vendors when a new make is added.

    • User Conference

      • Video taping will take place in Suite F.

      • Looking for a few people help out with registration, jump in if you can.

      • Copies of the power point presentations are available.

    • Notice of Intent to Suspend - Leah Fix

      • There is a field "MV3530 Issued" where LE selects - Y/N

        • When would LE print a Notice of Intent to Suspend with a 'N' in the "MV3530 Issued" field?

          • Never, unless the printer jammed.

        • Should the Notice of Intent to Suspend and the Administrative Review Request form both be printed at the same time? (Currently, you can print them individually.)

          • Yes.

          • Change the print selection name to include both forms

            • Select to print both forms

      • Do we need a validation rule to prevent printing if the field is set to 'N'?

        • Yes, add a rule to not validate if "MV3530 Issued" = N.

      • These changes will not make the Fall pack, but will be added as soon as possible.

    • National Model Steering Committee Meeting

      • Texas has joined the National Model

      • 2 major releases per year, end of 1st and 3rd quarter.

        • We plan on using the spring release baseline for our fall baseline.

        • Spring release options

          • Auto update of test machines

          • Ribbon bars specific to each form

          • System wide speed improvements

          • Smoother screen updates

          • User ID name changes allowed, old will tie to new

          • VSIS form

          • Analysis report enhancements

          • Moving away from the 32 bit platform within the next 5 years

          • Using Machine ID – going to machine name instead

            • Will start seeing this as entries into log files

            • It will be nice to see a names as well when tracking down a pc.

    • Incident Based reporting form

      • Trying really hard to have this into the Fall 2019 release

      • Do you consider the Use of Force (UOF) part of an Incident form?

        • 2 LE agencies have them separate

        • Agencies can and do collect different criteria. Have their own software to create the form.

        • When DOJ mandates collection, then it would be beneficial to have it in TraCS

        • RMS vendors will be creating forms.

        • If it is based on the same format as the alcohol suite, check what forms you will be creating.

      • Suspicious Activity Report

        • Now available on WILENET.

        • Would it be helpful to have in TraCS?

          • Part of the Incident Suite?

            • Transmit to WSIC

      • OUTCOME:

        • All three NIBERS, UOF, SARS, and possibly (Prescription Drug monitoring program) put into an incident suite. FAC approved.

    • Amending UTCs

      • What process would need to implemented?

      • What information would a court need or want to have.

      • Milwaukee Muni allows as long as defendant is notified as well.

      • This is all before the citation has been transmitted.

      • Does there need to be new status for this?

      • Is it possible to show the original and amended document number?

      • Can the TraCS log be part of the transmission process?

        • Analysis report available that shows changes.

      • Something like the parental notification letter?

    • Crash Information – Mike Satteson

      • Distracted by field is now simplified

      • Looked but did not see is now a choice

      • Clarification of the uninjured persons on train / bus accidents

      • Initial contact and point on impact databars will be MMUCC5 compliant

      • Crash transmission error message are now a little more user friendly

      • 2019 wants

        • Private property parking lot form

          • Make it a very simple form

          • FAC seems to approve of the idea

        • Data mapping (RP) automation

        • Federal Highways program (Mire)

        • Parked motor vehicle (when it becomes mobile)

          • May want a new role created.

          • May make it less confusing for officers

        • Moving toward MMUCCV5

        • Clarifying Validation error messages

    • Referral Items:

      • Item 1491 – Add Warning if Crash Severity and \or Crash Document number is blank.

        • FAC Accepted

      • Item 1577 – Add VIN to NTC printed ticket

        • Move Telephone # and put VIN under plate field

        • Put on all 3 versions of the NTC

        • FAC Approved

      • Item 2252 – Spanish version of the Informing the Accused

        • FAC Declined

      • Item 2302 – Analysis report of transmitted forms by date and user

        • FAC Approved

      • Item 2383 – NTC will not Transmit if On Vehicle checked.

        • Use Full NTC – give error message if On Vehicle is checked for Method Served

        • FAC Approved

      • Item 2388 – Change Violator to Defendant on all Citations.

        • FAC Approved

        • Done

      • Item 2458 – Add VIN rules found in the inspection form to other forms

        • FAC Approved

      • Item 2490 – Review of Citation Letters

        • FAC Previously accepted

      • Item 2537 – Change wording on Search Warrant

        • FAC Approved, but should seek legal opinion on added verbage

      • Item 2544 – What forms show in Traffic Mode

        • FAC Declined


Meeting Adjourned


Next Meeting: November 28, 2018. DeForest Post 9:00 a.m.





09/19/2018 - New TraCS Features Overview: Fall 2018

Thursday, September 20, 2018

1:04 PM


New TraCS Features Overview: Fall 2018

In addition to our regular updates to further streamline Badger TraCS to be as user-friendly, efficient, and intuitive as possible, we’ve made some significant improvements for the Fall 2018 Pack Update. We’ve highlighted some of the biggest changes below:

Statute/Ordinance Table Upgrade —.


  • TraCS Location Tool (TLT) Improvements— Forms Advisory committed authorized the following features to be :

    • Auto open

    • Remove ability to override

  • New Diagram Tool—.

    • Autopopulate TLT map

    • Unit auto pop into tool


  • New forms

    • Federal Inspection form—.

    • DNR Crash form—going online on October 25th.


  • Crash Form Fixes

    • Violations to other ppl vehicle owner, insurance company, trailer owner, carrier

    • Distracted by

    • Seating position

    • Time of crash set to unknown.


  • Transmission of forms—.

  • Updated Current Reports

    • DNR.

    • Website on citations

    • Violator à defendant copies.

    • Added 3 in parking ticket report

  • Added to the Alcohol form

    • 24 hour out-of-service report

    • New Blood Draw report

    • DNR Informing the accused

  • Added an inline attachment report that shows up on every form if an attachment is added

  • Attachment file upload

  • Increase machine number 2499

  • Satellite agencies

  • Vehicle Group

    • Make/plate table phase 1

    • All the same across forms.



11/28/2018 - Agenda

Thursday, November 15, 2018

10:23 AM


Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

Large Conference Room

State Patrol – DeForest Post

911 W North St


November 28, 2018

9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m.




9:15 a.m.

User Conference Recap

Thank you to all who helped out




9:30 a.m.


DOJ Use of Force discussion

10:30 a.m.

10:45 a.m.

11:15 a.m.

11:45 a.m.




Contact Summary field changes – Milwaukee PD

Fall Pack Release Status

OWI Warrant Update – Mike Satteson

12:00 p.m.



12:45 p.m.

FAC Referral Items


1:45 p.m.


2:40 p.m.


2:45 p.m.

3:00 p.m.

Current Bug List


LE Survey


Next Meeting






11/28/2018 - Notes

Monday, November 26, 2018

12:06 PM


TraCS Forms Advisory Committee Meeting

DSP - De Forest Post - Large Conference Room

November 28, 2018 - 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Attendees: Geri Polster, Brian Neil, Dar Schwartz, Travis Lauer, Mark Fetzer, Juan Ortiz, Matt Drought, Mike Satteson, Sean Stephens, Mickael Price, Bryan Hasse and Booker Ferguson

Guests: DOJ Derek Veitenheimer & Connie Kostelac


User Conference comments - Dar:

Dar is looking for a venue for next year. She only received 2 bids and 2 venues stated they weren't large enough. She talked about the conference statistics and how the different sessions went. The ratings seemed lower than the previous year. There did seem to be some confusion on completing the evaluation (put a score for the Breakout session they attended and 1's for the others they didn't attend), which may have impacted the scores. We will be looking more into the evaluation results. Comments on conferences were reviewed.


Thoughts for next year - comments from FAC members:  "Web services - how to set up and what are the benefits?", would be a good session to have. Good for agencies already using web services and those agencies thinking about going to it. Need a discussion on costs and equipment. The session would need to be longer than 1 hour. Could do a demo of how web services works. Maybe a training session on setting up web services, then have a breakout on the benefits and use. This breakout would be good with a panel discussion.


Statewide database: What is the probability of getting a statewide database for smaller agencies? Discussion of costs, both startup and maintenance, based on agency is needed. Who would be in charge of maintenance, user changes and local tables. There would need to be programing to allow some of this to occur at the agency level. Having this would be a good way to keep all the agencies updated. Table updates would be immediately available.


Understanding errors needs to be about the errors that occur on each of the forms. Users could bring in a top 10 list of errors they deal with. Help desk should be collecting errors. Need to be clear on what errors would be collected for the session. Only errors that occur on forms to be discussed. Errors seen during install could be discussed during an IT session.


DOJ Use of Force (UoF)- Derek and Connie


They presented a PowerPoint going over the high level plan of action to develop a background. They have a Workgroup of law enforcement personnel to assist in developing this form, by identifying what fields to include with the attributes and what definitions to follow (Feds or State or a combination). There is an Advisory Policy Board to provide recommendations to the FBI. Started a few years ago Feds collect this data, Death/Serious Injury/Firearm discharged

They started small. Supported by al LEA organizations, fact based no speculation.

Three levels:

  1. Incident

  2. Subject

  3. Officer

No names will be included. Demographics at a very high level--basic info. Major and new for 2019

Bureau of Justice Assistance collects arrest and prison related deaths--federal requirement. Very similar to UoF data. Noncompliance penalties can ensue if states do not comply.


What's Reported?

  • Due to use of force by LE

  • While the descendants freedom to leave was restricted by LE prior to during or following an arrest

  • During interaction with LE…

  • One more…


Report once, not twice. Have a single point of entry. DOJ needs to understand the incident to help law enforcement. Need more context of the incident. What the feds want plus more what Wisconsin needs. Need a name for this data collection


  • Work group start from FBI data elements

  • Look at what WI wants to collect

  • Recommended mechanism = TraCS

  • Expected start date late 2019


Sent out a survey to see if they wanted to use just the FBI or FBI and WI definitions for reporting. The results showed a 50/50 response.


FAC ideas and responses: Can use other programs besides TraCS. Agencies already know TraCS, so easier to get buy in. TraCS ease of data collection and reporting easier. DSP uses for all weapon draws. Agencies required to use it for Feds. NTC--Parking ticket not sent to court so only what the DOJ wants would get transmitted to them. Seems generally excepted and already collected. Mainly on paper. Use an online electronic form, TraCS great already do the same with supervisor look over. Challenge if departments need more information. Make local table also for reasons. Have an agency specific table open with agency specific choice.


Incident based reporting--as you renew get federal/state requirements built into the contract. Only have to make once for the entire state.


Use of force is not a crime . Hortonville has forms but don't use. TraCS is right in front of you. 35 RMS programs, 1 TraCS program. Milwaukee PD wants the power point. Will send to Brian and Brian will email to FAC.


How to handle multi agency jurisdiction issues? When there are multiple officers from multiple agencies, it should work similar to the pursuit form. A little painful but less work in the long run. Whoever investigates the incident should fill out the form. Like the pursuit, if there are two agencies, then they each list the agencies that were involved in it. Each agency only collects their own information. Link the forms/incident by agencies case numbers. Look at date and victim name should be the same. Need process for conflicting data when multiple agencies are involved. Have conflicting information even in the same agency. Need an amendment process and pending investigations. Restricted by agency who gets the form.


Death in custody January 2020


Contact Summary Form Field Changes: Milwaukee PD

Milwaukee needs to provide information to ACLU on stats for 'Pat Downs'. Agreement. Search individual has all the data except search only. Need to indicate

Change both passengers fields titles. Add search basis add attribute Pat down. Language in agreement pat down vs frisk. Can get out in Jan Pack for table update/title change.


NIBRS phased in. 2019?? What is the goal? Standard state wide form. DOJ interested. Majority of small agencies? DOJ really supports a form since Milwaukee needs to go off current system by end of 2019. RMS clicks an extract for a time period to upload to DOJ in a flat file.


NTC Milwaukee PD/Errors amendment


Fall Pack Release

Released Monday to Grp-A. Not a lot of feedback.

Sign up genius for install appointments.

All new forms that were versioned up need to have field level defaults re-added. We will be sending out instructions on how to do this without having to go into each field and redo them.

Ordinance table fix utility available to populate the new table. Table is v3 now.


Form Reports To Make Over


Reports in TraCS now are able to be created in better formats. Many times we just used the entry form as the report. We are now using a standard header and footer for all forms. We would like to be able to update and standardize the reports. The alcohol reports would be some to update. Warning form is in the old format.


Pin map discussion. It is hard to get to the individual data where many pins are located. The groups are too clustered. The suggestion was to uncluster the group. Would also like to have a report that lists out all incidents at that location. Community maps is also an option. Crash unit is lobbying to have an agency filter available. Can export data to a more useful way of handling.


Can you remove file link? Yes, the new pack has you select what you want.


TLT issues:

  • Google search api fix. TEG has it corrected in the 18.01.08. We have not been able to test the new version. There may be a way to get a new key from google.

  • GPSGate software to split\share com ports. Agency has not seen issues with this software.


GPS issue: GPS triangle does not show up on screen. We have not seen this from another agency. Walworth county.


OWI Warrant Update--Mike Satteson


Issue: obtaining consent for blood draw for non-fatal accidents. Crash unit had a meeting with DOJ Impaired Driving Prosecutors to discuss this. Not too much advice given on how to get this. On the crash form, the crash unit revisited the F2 help fields on the fatal supplement. Fatal supplement ask for field sobriety checks or observation of drug or alcohol use. May use this for the crash form as well.


At this point, even though FAC approved an update, we are putting this on hold.


An electronic search warrant request is being developed in Rock county. it is a fillable PDF form that is sent to the judge on duty to be created. Rock county also asking for an a new form for the OWI search for non-fatal accidents.


Signature discussion: Can TraCS handle electronic signature. two types of signatures; one is in the officers users file, or the signature field on the form that would need to be signed. TraCS staff would need to research on this is done. Could the date and time fields be completed and be the same on any additional printed copies? What forms would need to be updated? Could there be a popup that has the time and date similar to the informing the accused?


FAC outstanding request list

  • 2277-Yes

  • 2304-Training issue not a TraCS issue. No

  • 2337--statute is still ok. Just a flag, stating the defendant is under 18. No changes.

  • 2375--change private property to say public/private property.

  • 2476--No

  • 2508--bug not a referral

  • 2541--What do you want improved? We need examples of improvements

  • 2548--add it to the schema list. May be a while. Whole victim group should be sent.

  • 2582--yes with report redesign

  • 2583--yes with report redesign

  • 2584--yes with report redesign

  • 2585--No

  • 2587--yes with report redesign

  • 2588--yes with report redesign

  • 2619--yes add defendants response automatic response

  • 2623--report to TEG.

  • 2638--no need to report to TEG.

  • 2639--no why double reject a form

  • 2641--yes talk to DNR force all tables to be uppercase.

  • 2657--yes

  • 2660--no but talk to DNR about if the statute for bear is required.

  • 2661--yes to creating a project to make all form use the same

  • 2662--yes

  • 2671--no this is a Defaultable field. Order of the code list.

  • 2683--arrest should be able to do the pdf at least. Yes, maybe not the deertag.

  • New issue-- yes Equipment form be able to change the equipment type. Agency specific list.

  • 2704--yes for other supervisor related functions also that don't need programming to work. "Reject" 'Transfer form"


Current Bug list

  • 2305--fixed

  • 2234--fixed

  • 2006--fixed

  • 1702--fixed


Schedule Meetings

  • March 13, 2019

  • June 12, 2019

  • September 11, 2019

  • November 13, 2019






Add Hortonville as a Web Services agency.--Sent email to help desk staff

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email badgertracs@dot.wi.gov or call 608-267-2096