FAC Meeting Notes 2009

Badger TraCS Guides

FAC Meeting Notes 2009

04/28/09 - Notes

Friday, February 2, 2018

9:29 AM


Wisconsin Badger TraCS, Forms Advisory Committee Meeting

28 April 2009


Cory Bennett, Aaron Dufek, Brandon Penzkover, Andrew Hyer, Martin Schrampfer, Rich Stein, Mark Rohloff, Erin Egan, Brian Neil, Dennis Rodenkirch, Jennifer Schmidt


Mary Jackson, Tim Strohbusch


  • New members introduced:

    • Aaron Dufek, Kewaunee CO

    • Brandon Penzkover, La Crosse CO

    • Andrew Hyer, State Patrol

    • Cory Bennett, Merrill PD

    • Tim Strohbusch, Clear Lake PD

    • Dennis Rodenkirch, DOT

  • TraCS staff will find a replacement by next meeting for Chief Tully because he changed agencies.

  • Reviewed charter and mission

TraCS Pack 2009 Overview:

  • Still planning on releasing in 2009

  • Items in Pack

    • DNR Form

    • Citation Inventory Control Form—Demo both workstation and fieldunit use. Form still in development. Has ability to use multiple prefix letters.

    • Streamline TraCS installation process--Demo of Badger TraCS Command Center. Still in development.

    • Upgrade to TraCS 7.3 N

    • Remove MUNI number from form

    • Pack won’t overwrite agency personal settings: Defaults

Form Issues:

  • Jenny will email Andrew Hyer, State Patrol the list of current Muni statutes

  • Better explain in Badger TraCS User Manual, more than one attachment aloud

  • Winnebago Circuit Court name change will be investigated more by Marty Schrampfer and Andrew Hyer.

  • Increase length of Ordinance field—This will be considered for the UTC redesign which is 3 to 5 years out. Many systems would be impacted by this changed

  • Suggested increase length of Narrative field not approved by FAC

Items approved to be added to TraCS Pack 2009:

  • Marty suggested and was approved to add the ability distribute Users through Table Manager

  • Suggestion and approved to change name MUNI to NTC as add contact name

  • Suggestion and Approved to add scripts link option on Installation Repair Manager

  • Add non-vehicle line on MUNI form. Reg number and type. Same as DNR form. If non-vehicle selected, vehicle area will gray out.

  • “Notice to Suspend” Alcohol report will be FTPed to DOT

  • Check for spelling errors in all forms

Form Enhancements:

  • The issue was brought up again to have agencies have a way to change citations after being issued. Erin has had meeting on this and will investigate more. If approved, won’t happen until at least TraCS 10.

  • Rich Stein brought up adding a “Probable Cause” statement on the MUNI form. Issues with it: No room on MUNI report, COWS would need to be changed to allow more data. “Probable Cause” statement will be needed on the WIBRS form.

  • Mark Rohloff suggested adding another field on a form so his agency could type in location information because his RMS can’t use the TraCS location naming convention. Committee suggested using the “Agency Space” for this purpose.


  • Rich Stein suggested increasing the number of electronic citation from Ears in a single request to 50,000 from 10,000. Erin will research suggestion.

  • Marty gave Jenny copy of a new possible TraCS form: Property Survey form. To be discussed later.

  • New forms will be discussed after next meeting. Next meeting will be testing in the 2009 TraCS Pack.

  • Jenny will demo Iowa’s WIBRS form at a future meeting.

  • Rich Stein suggested new WIBRS and will be discussed more at the new form meeting. Adding WIBRS information at the end of the MUNI form or have a separate form.

  • GPS not working well with TraCS. Agencies have stopped using GPS. Seems to be a Com-splitter issue. Both Kewaunee County and Menasha PD having issues. TraCS staff will look into issue more.

  • The development of TraCS Pack was delayed because of TraCS staffing levels. Dave Frey (Developer) changed jobs; Dennis Rodenkirch (Help Desk) project expired. Since then Dennis Rodenkirch has been rehired as a Devleoper/HelpDesk project employee and Rob Combs was hired fulltime Help Desk. There still is one TraCS FTE position not filled.

Next meeting set for June 17, 2009.




06/17/09 - Notes

Friday, February 2, 2018

9:30 AM


2009 TraCS Pack Exercises

  1. Upgrade Installation

    1. Field Units along wall

    2. Workstations along aisle

    3. Do database sync on workstations

  2. Distribution Upgrade

    1. Create start-shift distribution

    2. Run start-shift distribution

  3. Pristine Installation

    1. Uninstall TraCS

    2. Install field units along wall

    3. Workstations along aisle

    4. Configure mailboxes

    5. Associating ordinances with statutes.

  4. Custom Installation

    1. Build

    2. Uninstall TraCS

    3. Install custom install

  5. Citation Numbers

    1. Add citation numbers to inventory. (A100000 – A104999)

    2. Install citation numbers on workstation.

    3. Create citation number bundle for distribution.

    4. Install citation number bundle on field unit.

  6. Table manager new features.

    1. Street table download

    2. Repair center

    3. Distribution

  7. New Form Features

    1. Natural resources citation

    2. Parental notification letter

    3. New warning report options

    4. New, optional, process flow for citation forms:

      1. Accepted

      2. Rejected

      3. Completed

    5. Police number field appears on all forms. Should it replicate/auto-populate?

    6. DOB present for all individuals.

    7. ELCI

      1. $8.00 Truck surcharge is only applied to criminal charges.

      2. Last name separated by comma

      3. Replicate grays out individual and vehicle information on replicated form to prevent the “crossed common information problem.”

      4. Ordinance populates when statute is entered if associated.

      5. Licensed As and Licensed Endorsement fields removed from ELCI.

      6. Actual speed vs. posted speed must correspond with statute cited.

      7. Work zone statutes must have construction zone checked.

      8. Underage passenger statutes must have underage passenger checked.

      9. Violation search engine indicates which statutes are criminal.

    8. Crash

      1. Unknown fills for as many fields as possible for hit and run crashes.

      2. Unit status is first field in unit group.

      3. Driver exchange report now includes vehicle year, make, model, vin.

      4. “Invalid unit type/vehicle type/classification/endorsement combination” and “Invalid plate/unit/vehicle combination” are now warnings instead of errors.

      5. When accident is parking lot or private property, gray out On Highway fields.



TraCS Test Results for Law Enforcement

Test Plan ID: FACDNR061709

TraCS Version: 7.3 N

TraCS Pack Version: LEA060809

Test Coordinator: Jenny Schmidt



Total Tester Hours: 104 hours

The following are test results from FAC and DNR meetings held 06/17/09 and 06/18/09.


Items that should be fix:

All Forms:

  1. Police number should appear on officer copy of all forms.

  2. Police number field should be defaultable on all forms.


  1. Because DNR uses different county/muni codes, do not auto-pop these fields from ELCI/NTC/WARNING.

  2. Add auto-pop for DNR-to-DNR.

Citations (All):

  1. Filter court list so that only courts for the violation county and selected court type appear.

  2. If you void the citation from the contact manager, the description will not change to voided until you open the citation.

  3. Void reason doesn’t pop open so you can write the reason.

  4. Make sure ordinance does not convert to all caps.

  5. Make voiding faster by populating affected fields with word void automatically.

  6. Police number field to be edited after issuance.

  7. Police number field should appear on officer copy.

  8. Provide warning if Race is left blank.

  9. Be able to add a rejection reason.

  10. Fix replicate gray out so that changing defendant cannot get it around type to non-individual and then back to individual.

  11. Parental notification should remain open after issuance.

Contact Manager:

Add completed button for reporters/sups.


  1. All names should be searchable.

  2. Allow drivers under the age of 7 for equipment.


  1. Why does SSN # default to all zeroes?

  2. Should be able to validate without registration type filled in.

  3. Implement autopop DNR-to-DNR

  4. Need more detailed species table.

  5. Date of birth should default to 19th century

  6. Back tab should be alphanumeric and exactly 7 characters

  7. Add validation rule for customer id check digit.

  8. Statutes should be grouped by violation code.

  9. Gray out certain fields depending on violation code.

  10. Hotline field should be yes/no drop down.

  11. Recalculate fees when approval type changes.

  12. Rename boat/snow/ATV to Recreational Vehicle Make.

  13. Add field on face of citation to show if WVC applies.

  14. When Crimes are selected, no bond/bail appears for misdemeanors.

  15. Need to be able to enter decal # and type (Boat, ATV, etc.)

  16. Wildlife violator compact notice should not print when not applicable (boats, ATV, etc.)

  17. Approval type ATV trailer is wrong price: $35.00.

  18. Violation Search: DA column is not accurate.

  19. Couldn’t get the restitution to clear even after removing the approval type.

  20. Default country to USA.

  21. Default phone country to USA.

  22. Violation codes need to be associated with approval type.

  23. Add BOA, SNO, ATV to registration type.

  24. BAC associated with certain violation codes.

  25. Use “single list other” for recreation vehicle make field.

  26. Display text “Wildlife Violator Compact Notice” on face of citation if statute is a wildlife compact statute.

  27. Default DL state to WI.

  28. Male/Female should be drop down.

  29. “Animal units” should be better explained in the databar area.

  30. Vehicle issuing state should default to WI

  31. Entered spaces for first and last and passed validation.

  32. Statute descriptions do not use consistent wording which renders some searches ineffective (ATV vs. all terrain vehicle or waterfowl vs. duck)

  33. Under Dane county missing Wisconsin River- 90

  34. County list should sort in code value order.

  35. Databar for court time should make clear that military time is needed.

  36. BAC level should be expressed with the decimal point ( .08 or 0.08)

  37. Add alcohol flag to statute table.

  38. Include vehicle and evidence tag info, BAC, and GPS on officer copy

  39. Line up name/address block with window envelope.

  40. Officer copy should have same fields as data-entry screen.


  1. Drop down top margin 2.5” for parental notification so that letterhead may be used.

  2. Use the correct statute citation for parental notification (343.15(5))

  3. Time validation rules sometimes confused by incidents occurring around midnight.

  4. Add validation rule if state statute is missing.

  5. Labels should be “Vehicle Operated Class” and “Vehicle Operated Endorsements”

  6. Need validation rule that narrative is present before completed status can be set. (May not be technically feasible.)

  7. Add DOB for parent info.

  8. Should not validate with time and date greater than current time.

  9. Parent/guardian should be searchable.

  10. Parental notification: court time showing up as military time.

  11. Leave crash document # open after issuance.

  12. Enlarge size of deposit bond field.

  13. Give error if state statute # is missing.


  1. Change resend archive to 90 days on pristine installs.

  2. Turn off contact description prompt on pristine installs.


  1. Make block code an invisible field for possible future use.

  2. Beginning/ending number: Make clear in caption that the prefix letter is required.

  3. Get rid of “Maximum Number” text in the quantity field.

  4. Icon should be changed from traffic light to something more visually meaningful.

  5. Rename “Refill ELCI” to “Citation Number Utility”

  6. Field unit user needs to be able to see a form made by someone else.

  7. Need way to allocation citations to a field unit without going through start-shift.


  1. Make deposit amount on printed form a little larger to accommodate large fines.

  2. Drop down top margin 2.5” for parental notification so that letterhead may be used.

  3. Rename MUNI citation to NTC in form manager

  4. Add Lat and long

  5. Populate ordinance description after ordinance # hand keyed.

  6. Ordinance # missing on NTC should be a warning rather than an error message.

  7. Ordinance amount should override statute amount.

  8. Be able to enter Boat/ATV registration.

  9. Add Lat/Long fields

  10. Parental notification: replicate misses city, state, zip, phone#.

  11. Want more choices for method served or ability to edit (e.g., In custody, qualified individual, fingerprint, etc.)

  12. Don’t require ordinance # if statute # is present.

Table Manager

Received data access error when attempting to associate an ordinance and statute. See screen shot.

Test Data:

  1. “JR” listed as middle name rather than suffix.

  2. No truck/bus, double trailer, train-- truck/bus reports available.

  3. Create some bad records for issues like issue #87.


  1. County should print on warning.

  2. “Mail In” printed form has extra borders—remove.

  3. “In Person correction” form has extra borders—remove.

  4. “In Person correction” form prints wrong version.

  5. Violation not showing up on officer copy.

Fixed Items:

All Forms:

Validation rules to check all data that can be brought in from MDB matches drop down lists.


  1. DL did not fill when person selected from common info.

  2. Agency code should populate from new column in Codes-Department. See Teresa’s list.

  3. Add comma to separate last name from first name.


  1. Add TAS # to Document # in autonum file.

  2. When file is attached there is no evidence of its presence w/o clicking on the field and then attempting to attach an additional file.

  3. Hit 100KB max when trying to attach a large file. Add explanation in online help


  1. On hwy # field is grayed out on non-intersection

  2. From direction grayed out even though est dist filled in.

  3. Leaving From Direction blank creates error. When field opens up you can put value in, but re-validating removes it and creates the error again.

  4. Vehicle owner DOB should populate when owner same as operator flag is checked.

  5. On hit & run, pre-fill these additional fields: Insurance with unknown, Total Occs with 1, Substance Presence with unknown, and trapped/extracted with unknown.

  6. Vehicle owner date of birth should be grayed out for pedestrian.

  7. Able to enter both owner last name, first name as well as company name and got no error. (Issue 224)

  8. Entered owner name and no Org Type and got no error (Issue 223.)

  9. Error 403 is duplicate trailers error. Thought it was 412?

  10. On hwy # field: business/frontage/ramp & from dir gray out when accident location = intersection.

  11. Error 239 required is misspelled.

  12. Field 136 Change label and prompt for “TOWED” per Rick Acklin’s recommendation.

  13. Ctrl-V doesn’t work.

  14. Check with Rick Acklin and Jim Newton regarding additional validation rules for Truck/bus section, especially formatting of USDOT and ICC MC numbers.

  15. Did not get error when org type blank but vehicle owner filled in.

  16. Should get an error message if vehicle type blank (except Hit and Run?)

  17. Error 413 message should read “…structure type and structure #…”

  18. Warnings 22 and 60 very similar (one for 8 yrs old and one for 9 yrs old.) Should have one or the other.

  19. Suppress error 0334 ”Vehicle owner name is missing” if org type is unknown.

Deer Crash:

  1. All transmitted non-reportable deer crash forms to be reverted to non-reportable status via table manager. (Currently only works with crash form.)

  2. Doc # field should not open up if there is an error in the construction of the document # or is missing.

  3. There is a stray “Unit” at the bottom left side of form.

  4. Unit Status = On Emergency, no on duty selected, but form still validated.

  5. Error 0279 regarding longitude. Field “jump list” should include Latitude, since this is where the databar for GPS coordinates are located.

  6. Remove cheat notes for hot keys: Ctrl-Y, Ctrl-O, Ctrl-R, Ctrl L, Ctrl-T, Ctrl-B, Ctrl-shift K, since they do not apply to the deer form.

  7. Ctrl-H and Ctrl-G do not work.

  8. Decimal degrees for GPS should have a length requirement.

  9. If On street = Parking lot, gray out business/frontage/ramp. (Recheck what is wanted on this one. Notes unclear.)

  10. Error 140 and 449 are about the same got both for auto, O, no endorsements. Remove 140 and replace with warnings as in the crash report.

  11. On street = parking lot, est distance opens but not from direction.


  1. Got a check digit error on a real WI DL (B4200166234904), but same DL works fine on ELCI.

  2. DL # does not fill in from common info.

  3. Have drop down list for countries.

  4. Phone country only allows 3 characters.

  5. Use SSN databar for SSN.

  6. In violation search engine lengthen with of statute # field.

  1. Have process flow rule that the ELCI must be in a status of validated or better (i.e. don’t replicate open status citations) in order to replicate.

  2. If the violator birth date makes them a minor, have a validation rule which requires “parent/guardian information” section.

Fatal Supplement:

  1. Driver date of birth should come forward from common info.

  2. Estimated speed drop down list does not remember value.

  3. Have estimated travel speed have a blank at the top of the list and error message if field is left blank.


  1. Form disposition code should not print on the violator copy. See sample.

  2. Operating As, licensed as and licensed endorsements are still present on printed copy.

  3. Actual speed 75/speed limit 55, points defaulted to 4 before validation. Should be 6 points.

  4. Address does not clear when “Address Same As Defendant” is unchecked.

  5. Parent/Guardian info doesn’t replicate.

  6. Adding parent guardian info into second citation from common info does not bring populate city, state, zipcode, or phone number fields.

  7. Telephone # is bolded.

  8. Why is DA = No when selecting 346.63(1)(a) 5th and subsequent? But = “Y” on citation?

  9. 346.63(1)(a)5-6 offense. Truck surcharge = “Y,” deposit bail defaulted to $8.00

  10. If you re-open an ELCI in view or edit mode and do a replicate. The replicated form will not have common info grayed out.

  11. When replicating there is a date on the bottom of the citation, make as small as possible if it has to be here.

  12. Based on birth date gray out parent guardian information section.

  13. check with FAC to see if police # field will be shared between forms. If not, don’t autopop.

  14. Parental notification: Move over ordinance and statute so that there is enough room for the code text. See attached

  15. Vehicle Class field databar still says “operating as class”

  16. Vehicle Endorsement databar still says “operating endorsements.”

  17. Error 0548: should say “vehicle class” is required, not “operating as class is required.”

  18. Change hot key ctrl-d to DL # field.

  19. Disable parent/guardian group if defendant is 18 or older.

  20. Add FAR(farmer) FIR(Firefighter or rescue) or REC(recreation vehicle) waiver field on form. Field 24 on MV4016.

  21. Change attachment heading to black and get rid of red bar.

  22. Error 0625 message should say invalid time, use 0000 instead of 2400.

  23. Should have “voided” shown on the report when it’s printed out you know it’s voided.

  24. Have process flow rule that the ELCI must be in a status of validated or better (i.e. don’t replicate open status citations) in order to replicate.

  25. If the violator birth date makes them a minor, have a validation rule which requires “parent/guardian information” section.

HTML Help:

“ITA”:”Help topic not found [Alchl_SP4197]” (Help table in support.mdb)


  1. Custom Builder creates a TraCS Pack folder. Why?

  2. CVT files did not transfer with custom install.

  3. Transcomm, TransExtract settings did not transfer with custom install.

  4. Data storage paths did not transfer with custom install.

  5. ELCIAutonum.ini should be renamed to ELCIAutoNum.old

  6. ELCIAutonum.num should be deleted.

  7. Remove form number menu items from TraCS Utilities.

  8. Cannot print from normal print dialog, just from print preview.

  9. Configuration screen for TAS # should have focus on TAS # field.

  10. Jurisdiction list needs to be in alphabetical order.

  11. Remove or fix “back” buttons that don’t work.

  12. Custom builder: browse for destination path does populate the field.

  13. Patch.ini is downloaded regardless of which radio button is chosen.

  14. Set CreateEndShiftLogFile=True

  15. When street dialog appears, catch error if no county is selected. Force to select county or cancel.

  16. When street dialog appears, tab order is wrong. After selection, <enter> ought continue installation.

  17. Check that unit # is between 000 and 999

  18. Initial focus should be on TAS# field, not next.

  19. Cannot use up/down errors to select transmission image type.

  20. Add shortcut to utilities on desktop for workstations only.


  1. Change message that says “invalid form status for this action. Please contact your TraCS Administrator” to “Form must be validated before clicking search button.”

  2. Add validation rule to check that beginning and ending prefix letter are the same.

  3. Same validation rules for ending number as beginning number.

  4. On a field unit it is possible to do an “add to inventory” action. Give pop up error if this is attempt and do not enable any fields on validation if field unit.

  5. Make sure citation numbers transitions smoothly from range one to range two and from range two to range one.

  6. If a search is done on an inventory record with a status of “allocated” status goes to “inventoried.”

  7. Need clearer message than “No Records Returned.”

  8. Evenly split an allocation between two ranges for new machines.

  9. Add text on bottom of the form explaining how to use it.

  10. Consider renaming the “Create pending citation number allocation” to something more meaningful to the TraCS administrator.

  11. Remove block code. Hide in case we need it later per FAC.


  1. hot-keys do not work.

  2. Statute printing in all caps.

  3. Search engine does not indicate which statutes are criminal.

  4. Parental notification: court time showing in military time.

  5. Parental notification: shows “(VID” JO-NES on the bottom right side.

  6. Parent/guardian needs DOB field added

  7. Was able to select statute # that didn’t match age of person.

  8. Violator copy wording: remove the word “permitted” (shows twice) Says the deposit amount is on the “other side of the citation.”

  9. Under “IF YOU DO NOTHING”, (the first) should be your instead of you.

  10. Name suffix does not come forward from common info.

  11. Parental notification: Move over ordinance and statute so that there is enough room for the code text. See attached

  12. Have process flow rule that the ELCI must be in a status of validated or better (i.e. don’t replicate open status citations) in order to replicate.

  13. If the violator birth date makes them a minor, have a validation rule which requires “parent/guardian information” section.

Table Manager:

  1. Update “About” Badger TraCS e-mail address.

  2. Update users option on distribution should delete old users first


  1. Violation group missing on printed form.

  2. After validation couldn’t fix On Highway name because it was grayed out.

  3. Type of driver license forced to D for individuals. Make it a standard default rather than a validation.

Items that should be include in TraCS 10 release:


Change Delete form pop up to say “ELCI” can’t be deleted. (Instead of “can’t be deleted at this time.


  1. At the login screen after entering user and password tab moves to cancel instead of ok.

  2. Don’t like how the calendar control works for court appearance date.

  3. Data bar for image capture over laps previous, next, close bar.

Items that should be consider for UTC redesign:

  1. Increase officer ID # to 10 characters.

  2. Increase Ordinance # to 25 characters.

Items that will not be fixed:


  1. Why is vehicle owner DOB present in Vehicle Owner section?

  2. Got warning 84: Invalid plate/unit/vehicle combination because plate # was blank (& plate type.) Should plate type blank be allowed or do we need one?

  3. May not want to fill vehicle owner org type as unknown for hit and run, probably better to leave blank.


Ordinance bond amount will overrule state bond amount when both present. (Per state statute, must use published schedule.)


  1. In the contact manager you change the status of a voided citation to either accepted or rejected, the description doesn’t remove the voided word.

  2. You can click the clear button in the contact manager and change the status from voided to complete and then back to rejected or accepted.


  1. On splash screen copyright should be 2009 or more current. (Has 2000-2008)

  2. Remove “Networked” as an install option since we always have them do standalone.

  3. When you exit the command center by clicking the close box (red X), you get an error.

  4. Have agency select TAS # from dropdown list.


  1. Disable search button maximum # filled. (Search button needed for EARS transaction, but not for allocations.)

  2. Allocating: Error 2208 message Indicates quantity must be less than 5000. In reality error triggers for quantities more than 500. What is the correct threshold?


Should parental information be grayed out after issuance since it appears on the face of the citation? No, per FAC.


  1. No “Model” drop down list.

  2. Agency space info shows on violator copy. Okay per FAC.

  3. Should you be able to check both “must be corrected at once” and “Bring proof” boxes? Okay per FAC.


Where do we go from here?




08/06/09 - Notes

Friday, February 2, 2018

9:30 AM



09/14/09 - Notes

Friday, February 2, 2018

9:30 AM


Forms Advisory Committee Minutes

Wisconsin Dells

14 Sep 2009

Present: Tim Strohbusch, Corey Bennett, Aaron Dufek, Brandon Penzkover, Andrew Hyer, Martin Schrampfer, Rich stein, Mark Rohloff, Teresa Severson, Brian Neil, Dennis Rodenkirch, Jennifer Schmidt, Erin Egan

Guest: Chuck Sahr from Menasha Police Department

  • User Conference Overview:

    • TraCS used for Data Collection by 2011/2012.

    • Currently 54% of crashes and 50% of citations submitted by TraCS

    • ILT/IMAT

    • TRCC pushing for 100% of crashes submitted TraCS by 2014

    • Regional TraCS meeting next year because TraCS conference getting to large

    • MV4000 revision starting should be complete by 2013-2014

  • 2009 TraCS Pack Progress Report:

    • Hands-on preview scheduled for week of October 19, 2009 in Madison.

    • FAC members received Alpha version of 2009 TraCS pack on USB drives for the purposes of testing only. The TraCS Pack should not be given to other agencies.

    • DNR pilot will begin mid-November. Will solicit one or two small agencies to join the pilot.

  • Influence form (SP4005)

    • Form sponsor wants the TraCS report the same as the paper report. This is because there isn’t enough time to get the OK for a change in the SP4005.

    • The form sponsor is Sue Hackworthy form State Patrol.

    • Influence form will be part of the 2009 TraCS pack.

  • 2009 TraCS Pack Training

    • Stop segregating into Day 1, Day 2 training. Just have 2 day or day and a half “TraCS Training.”

    • Revised Content:

  1. Installation and configuration Labs

  2. Defaults lab

  3. Multiple, short data entry scenarios, each scenario adding a new skill. Start with a warning only scenario. Save crash for last. Each scenario should be a separate handout to prevent people from working ahead.

  4. Office Administration lab

  5. Table manager lab (including shortcuts)

  6. Distribution/Patch lab

  7. Citation number lab

  8. Database Maintenance Lab

  9. ASM/External settings Lab (include updating custom installation)

  10. Planning lab

  11. Train-the-trainer lab (Appendix O)

  • Make web casts of each lab for review later.

  • More fake people available when using fake MDI

  • Present day 1 training doesn’t include start/end shifting. Admin need this training.

  • Like the lab/workbook format

  • Delete appendix L (Windows Security)

  • Delete appendix M (Enabling eCitation)

  • Rename appendix N to glossary

Website Redesign:

  • FAC agreed moving the software and documentation from the FTP site to the website is a good idea. Website would be password protected via WAMS/WUID. Password expiring every 60 days might be a pain.

  • Additional content was suggested:

    • Knowledge bases

    • User boards

    • Notices

    • Trouble shooting materials

    • Training video

    • TraCS Agency Listing

    • Link to Bomgar box

    • Best practices

    • Agency contact list: Email/Phone number

  • Other suggestions: Use WILENet. Consider using Yahoo groups as a way to share information. Iowa does it.

  • Mandatory/Non-mandatory patches:

    • Only use mandatory in the email subject line when it’s mandatory by DOT.

    • Do not use the term “Non-mandatory” ever!

    • Agencies will need to read the Patch history to see if it affects them

    • Badger TraCS needs to better explain what is changed in a patch with the most important on top.

    • Discussed how changing statute severity codes break statute shortcuts

  • Miscellaneous Items:

    • Drivers License Type field, change message from an Error to Warning

    • Demote Error 1062 to a warning on the Warning form.

    • Don’t remove the Municipal Court cost button in contact manager.

    • On warning form removing leading zero formatting for officer id.

    • Check for/ add validation rule for court date over a year into the future.

TraCS 10 brainstorming (AKA That’s So Annoying, 7.3 Edition)

  1. Too many confirmations during transmission. Perhaps limit to just one prior to running transcomm.

  2. Need a preview mode similar to “MS-Outlook preview pane” where you can click next, next, next to flip through forms.

  3. Be able to search more fields.

  4. Merge TraCS and TraCS Utilities with features secured by users.

  5. Fix GPS reliability issues.

  6. Ctrl-V should be reserved for past, not hotkey for vehicle section

  7. Need nag message for late transmissions on both field unit and workstation.

  8. Be able to tab through fields.

  9. Common information manager does not always update all forms. (phone # from ELCI form)

  10. Be able to correct citation after issuance with proper audit trail.

  11. Delete and accept buttons should not be so close to each other and should be different colors.

  12. Have an “Undelete” button

  13. Need a Radar log form

  14. Be able to brand some forms for your agency. (Customize some static text and bitmaps.)

  15. Be able to change labels on buttons

  16. WIBRS

  17. Don’t like all or nothing aspect of czp files if one or two are bad.

  18. Void should pre-fill form with dummy data or we should a separate schema for voids.

  19. Don’t have multiple listings of the same people showing up in common info.

  20. Capture all common info during external search even if there aren’t plans to use all of it on the specific form.

  21. Want to easily find all related forms on the same contact.

  22. Add form box and printing box needs big buttons for touch screens.

  23. Need court date selector.

  24. Be able to delete citation don’t a form #.

  25. Be able to archive on SQL Server.

  26. Don’t want to have to enter Driving as D for hit and run.

  27. Assign citation numbers to users instead of computer

  28. Have a way to track CZP files so that field unit can confirm all citations were delivered to headquarters successfully.

  29. Implement conditional printing to reduce the number of separate reports needed.

  30. Be able to see the void reason from menu.

  31. Stop unnumbered ECLI forms from opening when there is a problem with the citation numbers.

Thanked the departing FAC members whose terms are ending at the end of the calendar year.


email badgertracs@dot.wi.gov or call 608-267-2096