FAC Meeting Notes 2012

Badger TraCS Guides

FAC Meeting Notes 2012

02/15/12 - Notes

Friday, February 2, 2018

11:23 AM


TraCS FAC Meeting Notes 02/15/12

The TraCS Forms Advisory Committee met on 02/15/2012. Present were Cory Hanson (Superior Police Department), Curt Raube (Manitowoc County Sheriff), Seth Tully (Adams County Sheriff’s Office), Todd Schaller (DNR), David Harvey (State Patrol), Gregg Duran (Milwaukee Police Department), Shawn DeMulling (St Croix County Sheriff), Cheryl Stieve (Wausau Police Department), Neil Dorner (Algoma Police Department), Leon Ruder (Watertown Police Department), Darlene Schwartz (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Brian Neil (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Geri Polster (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Jenny Schmidt (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Teresa Severson (Citations and Withdrawals Section).

The committee charter was reviewed.

Save the Date

The next FAC meeting will be Tuesday, April 17th.

TraCS 10 Progress Report

The TraCS development team is roughly three-quarters of the way through milestone 2 and some work has been started on milestones 3 and 4

Milestone 1: View, print, and archive capabilities for legacy 7.3 forms.

Milestone 2: Basic data entry (form layout and single form validation rules)

Milestone 3: Advanced data entry (Printing, auto-population/replication/cross-form validation, external search, incident location tool, hotkeys, online help)

Milestone 4: Office functions (Process flows/statuses, transmission, table manager, logging, citation number inventory)

Milestone 5: Packaging, distribution, and migration (Installer, updater service, migration tools)

Milestone 6: Documentation and training (training manual, integration package, user videos)

Hands-On TraCS 10

FAC worked hands-on with the new TraCS 10 forms. Defects are noted later in this document.

Crash Vehicle Registration Data

No resolution was reached regarding improving the quality of vehicle registration data on the crash form. Brian will continue to research option.

Process Flow Rules

The process flow rules from 7.3 were reviewed to see if there were any improvements that could be made in TraCS 10. The committee approved a suggestion to add a “Withdrawn” disposition code to citations so that agencies can better track citation that were transmitted, but never entered into the court or DA systems. This should provide a better audit trail for the ELCI citation numbers.

Custom Search Fields

The committee identified a list of fields that should be available at the global level for creating custom searches:

  • appearance court

  • vehicle plate

  • name fields: last, first, middle, suffix, company

  • VIN#

  • police #

  • county

  • municipality

  • on highway

  • on street

  • at highway

  • at street

  • statute #

  • statute description

  • ordinance #

  • ordinance description

  • document tags

  • incident time (searchable over a range of times, example: 9:00 through 14:00)

  • parking ticket flag

  • parking ticket paid flag

  • officer name fields: last, first, middle, suffix

  • form disposition code

  • injury status

  • accident severity (traffic citation)

  • reason for stop (contact summary)

  • detailed reason for stop (contact summary)

  • reason for contact (citizen contact)


The committee reviewed the feature set for TraCS 10 to see which features could be cut or delayed in order to get the project done by the end of the year.

Many of the features have already been mostly programmed. The following features have not been started yet:

  • IMAT

  • enhanced Logging

  • custom log reports

  • updater service

  • custom searches (minimal effort required to implement)

  • contact summary form

IMAT could probably be delayed if necessary since it will only work against TraCS 10 forms and it will take a while for enough data to be accumulated to get meaningful results from it.

State Patrol and Milwaukee Police Department reported that they would probably not go to TraCS 10 if we don’t implement the contact summary form. Under that circumstance they would stay with 7.3 so that they could continue to use the Traffic Stop form.

Parking Ticket

The committee preferred option 3 for the parking ticket report, with the following amendments:

  • The agency space should be removed.

  • The middle third should be in a larger font

  • All data from form should be courier font.

  • Return mailing address should also be an agency customizable field.

Notification to Parents/Guardian

The committee recommends the following changes to the parent/guardian notification letter:

  • Letterhead should be image file that agency specifies in a setting.

  • Change wording of first sentence to: “As required by WI statute 343.15(5), you are notified that…”

  • Add “Issuing Officer:” underneath “Citation No:”

  • Add “Mandatory: Yes/No” underneath court time.

  • Paragraph that begins “If you have any questions” and ends “cc:file” should be an agency customizable block.

Citation Cover Letter

The committee recommends the following changes to the citation cover letter:

  • Name and address should fit into window envelope

  • Change salutation from “Dear” to “Attention:”

  • Add “Mandatory: Yes/No” underneath court time.


  • Fill DL # on MV3530 report.

  • Alcohol forms need to be versioned whenever the form language changes so that old forms match old reports. (Jim)

  • Combine MV3519 and MV3530 fields in checkbox section at top of form.

  • At bottom of form add MV3530 issued check box next to the other “issued” check box.

  • If MV3519 or MV3396 checked, need warning if notice date is missing

Citizen Contact

Add hot key to quickly move from location to vehicle information.

Contact Summary

Add comments field for quick narratives for P&P subjects (Jim)


  • License plate doesn’t drag and drop.

  • Unit 2 label not functioning correctly. (March release should fix this.)

  • Can’t enter body style—keeps erasing.

  • Trouble validating streets

  • Substance presence wouldn’t take.

  • On/At street fields may be using wrong location code tables.

  • Want to drag and drop vehicle data onto plate # field not vehicle type field.

  • Street code lists not always keeping up with changes in municipality or on street.

  • At Street list should populate with all streets for county if on street is blank.

  • Statute search prime key is displaying. Should be statute number.

  • Error 232 triggering when not needed. (Example: Dane county Waunakee or Westport and Hwy 113)

  • Error 284 trigger when not needed

  • Change sort order of severity to: Non, very minor, minor, etc.

  • Move Accident location before on hwy/ on street.

  • Move Structure type, number to after At F/R/B

  • Reportable check box in middle of form. Should be in document section.

  • Once you select a number ion “total units” you can’t undo or delete the extra units. (Neil)

  • No insurance still requires policy holder name.

  • (384) Time notified should error if beyond 2400. 384 is a warning.

  • Total injured and total killed don’t correspond to fatal injury checkbox or injury severity in violation. They should .

  • Revisit rules for defaulting of “unknown” in form.

Deer Crash

  • Form name should appear at top, like other forms.

  • Vehicle data check box has data bar label of “Medical Transport”

  • When validating, got a dialog box with the vehicle year in it for no apparent reason.

  • Time fields need to be consistent between Deer and Crash forms.

  • Data bar label for plate expiration year should read “License Plate Expiration Year.”

  • (31) Selected highway 18 from the list-- would not validate. Nor would Dane/Black Earth/14 validate.

  • Should not allow future birthdates.

  • Should have a warning if plate entered without a VIN.


  • Valid customer number came up as invalid.

  • Difficult to select vehicle type by just typing. For example BO should take you to boat.

  • Remove phone country. (No, per Kristin.)

  • Seeing no display data in company name if doing non-individual.

  • Location field ???? (Todd)

  • Ordinance description field should be free-keyable (45 characters.)

  • Court scheduler not working on this form.

Driver Condition

Add county field as a non-required field. (Approved by Matt Brelie.)


  • Location group on ELCI should be after the violation group, like NTC.

  • Ordinance description field should be free-keyable (45 characters.)

  • Street code lists not always keeping up with changes in municipality or on street.

  • At Street list should populate with all streets for county if on street is blank.

  • Make “Hold CDL” a required field.

  • Body Style and color—don’t show codes just descriptions

  • On/AT F/R/B code lists should be in the same order for both fields.

  • Don’t show expired statutes.

  • Add space to “3 – Non Driver)

  • On hwy type has no open/empty option must click “clear”

  • Police # : only alphanumeric and hyphen (Cory)

  • Structure #: only allow alphanumeric and slash.

  • Do not allow non-alpha characters in name field (expect for hyphen) in last name field.

  • Do not allow non-alpha characters in street field (expect for slash) in street address.

  • If on hwy type is Interstate, only the interstate numbers should show in the highway list.

  • Vehicle overweight by is 5 characters, should be 6 (check schema!)

  • Motorcycle with hazmat placard should validate as class c.

  • Hot key for location group.

  • If on street selected then erased, it is still used for from/at street selections. If no on street selected, do not get full at street listing.


  • Juvenile field should be grayed out if non-individual

  • Schedule didn’t bring forward court appearance date/time

  • (114) do not require “at street” or “at highway.” On street is enough.

  • (137) driver license number not a required field.

  • (150) vehicle information is not required.

  • Court fields should be optional for parking ticket.

  • Should be able to validate without DL # or expiration or issuing territory.

  • Ordinance description field should be free-keyable (45 characters.)

  • WIBRS section should not be opening for parking ticket.

  • Need offense code in ordinance table.

  • Is an additional method served needing for parking ticket? Does it need to be required? (Ruder)

  • WIBRS—Battery choices should be limited. (Gregg)

  • Motor vehicle make auto pops to “MC” when reg type is CYC, but MC is not selectable option in the vehicle type field.

  • If plate number is entered then registration issuing state is required.

  • (137) triggered when ticket was for a non-individual.


  • Violation search field very buggy compared to ELCI. (Leon)

  • Need signature line on Warning/Equipment notice.

Agency Courts

  • Add new group after pressing enter on the last field.

  • Do not allow duplicates

Court Appointments

  • Adding appointment for specific date does not work.

  • Add new group after pressing enter on the last field.

  • Need error message to check combination of specific date with other frequencies.

Court Blackout Dates

  • Allow recurring dates (Christmas, etc.)

  • Do not allow duplicate entries.

  • Focus not moving to correct field when group deleted, causing lock up.

  • Add new group after pressing enter on the last field.

  • Black dates should include a time range to allow for half days etc.

Court Schedule

  • Add new group after pressing enter on the last field.

  • Do not allow duplicates

  • Add ability to print schedule to verify.


  • Need defaults.

  • External Search workflow is awkward and confusing.

  • Navigating multi-lists is different from 7.3 and more awkward.

  • Spell check does not work if data is all caps.

  • After validation is successful, give pop-up indicating this and close validation window.

  • Need hot key to jump to location group.

  • Night mode is too bright.

  • Vehicle external search test records incomplete.

  • Street tables should be empty by default aside for NB, SB, Parking Lot, Private Property, etc., so that use of the ILT is encouraged.

  • Allow phone extension to be saved.

  • An exit from print preview that returned you to the print list would be nice.

  • Check boxes: if you pick yes you cannot pick no later by hitting the N key. Drop down lists difficult to work with.




02/15/12 - Agenda

Friday, February 2, 2018

11:23 AM


Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

Room 356

Hill Farms Transportation Building

4802 Sheboygan Ave


February 15, 2012

9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m. Introductions and Charter

9:15 a.m. Progress Report

9:30 a.m. Hands-On TraCS 10: Citations

10:15 a.m. Break

10:30 a.m. Citation Discussion

11:15 a.m. Hands-On TraCS 10: Crash

12:00 p.m. Lunch

12:30 p.m. Crash Discussion

1:00 p.m. Process Flow Rules

1:30 p.m. Custom Search Fields

2:00 p.m. Break

2:15 p.m. Priorities Discussion

3:00 p.m. Hands-On TraCS 10: Other Forms

4:00 p.m. Adjourn


FAC Committee Membership 2012

Adams County Sheriff—Seth Tully

Manitowoc County Sheriff—Curt Raube

St Croix County Sheriff—Shawn Demulling

Altoona PD—Dana Brown

Milwaukee PD—Rich Stein

Superior PD—Cory Hanson

State Patrol—Jim Larson

Wausau PD—Cheryl Stieve

Algoma PD—Neil Dorner

Watertown PD—Leon Ruder

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Brian Neil

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Dennis Rodenkirch

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster

Natural Resources Citation— Todd Schaller (DNR)




04/17/12 - Notes

Friday, February 2, 2018

11:24 AM


TraCS FAC Meeting Notes 04/17/12

The TraCS Forms Advisory Committee met on 04/17/2012. Present were Cory Hanson (Superior Police Department), Curt Raube (Manitowoc County Sheriff), Seth Tully (Adams County Sheriff’s Office), Kristin Turner (DNR), David Harvey (State Patrol), Gregg Duran (Milwaukee Police Department), Shawn DeMulling (St Croix County Sheriff), Cheryl Stieve (Wausau Police Department), Neil Dorner (Algoma Police Department), Leon Ruder (Watertown Police Department), Darlene Schwartz (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Brian Neil (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Geri Polster (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Jenny Schmidt (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Teresa Severson (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Dennis Rodenkirch (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Steven Parker (TOPS), Andi Bills (TOPS), JJ DuChateau (BITS), Scott Stary (FARS).

Save the Date

The next FAC meeting will be Tuesday, July 17th.

TraCS 10 Progress Report

Milestone 1 is complete. Milestone 2 is 90% complete.

Milestone 3 is 80% complete for reports, 90% complete for external search, 75% complete for ILT, 90% complete for hot keys, 25% complete for online help.

Preliminary research on auto-population/replication/cross-form validation has begun.

Milestone 4 is 80% complete for table manager. Preliminary research has begun on logging and process flows.

Milestone 1: View, print, and archive capabilities for legacy 7.3 forms.

Milestone 2: Basic data entry (form layout and single form validation rules)

Milestone 3: Advanced data entry (Printing, auto-population/replication/cross-form validation, external search, incident location tool, hotkeys, online help)

Milestone 4: Office functions (Process flows/statuses, transmission, table manager, logging, citation number inventory)

Milestone 5: Packaging, distribution, and migration (Installer, updater service, migration tools)

Milestone 6: Documentation and training (training manual, integration package, user videos)


Customizable Reports

Customizable blocks of text have been added to the citation letters and the parking ticket. Agencies will be able to update the letterhead banner, closing paragraphs, and instructions through a utility form. The utility form contains a rich text editor with which a variety of fonts and styles may be used as well as small graphics (logos).

User Conference

The user conference is tentatively scheduled for this October with one session in Wausau and one in the Dells.

We would like more involvement from the FAC members in giving presentations at the conference. FAC members would be split between the two conferences.

Possible conference topics include:

  • TraCS 10 Overview

  • New Forms and Features

  • ILT Demo

  • IMAT Demo

  • Updater Service

  • Contact Manager Functionality

  • Status of TraCS Web

  • Online Training

We plan to charge a registration fee for the conference this year.

FAC members will have one night’s lodging and registration fees provided gratis.

We do not plan on holding a FAC meeting the day prior to the conference as we have done in past years.

Document Numbers

The 7.3 document numbering system for most forms (excluding crash forms and ELCI) vary in size from 8 to 15 characters, growing in size as more forms are issued. There are some disadvantages with this:

  • If you write down a document number, you can never be sure if it is complete because you don’t know how many digits it should be.

  • Document numbers don’t sort/search correctly. For example, the sort sequence is 366001N1, 366001N11, …, 366001N19, then 366001N2, etc.

The FAC agreed to go to a new document numbering scheme for most forms that would make the document number exactly 10 characters:

The document number for all forms except crash, deer crash, amended crash and ELCI forms will follow this format. (Crash may adopt this format as part of the MV4000 redesign project.)

The document number is a total of 10 characters and is a base-30 document number composed of digits 0-9 and letters B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, and Z. (Vowels A, E, I, O, U and Y are omitted so that it is impossible to accidentally spell words.) The document number will encode the TAS agency number, form indicator, field unit number, and serial number.

The document number is composed of the TAS agency number, which is a 3 digit number ranging from 000 to 899. The next digit indicates the form name, ranging from 0 to Z. (See table.) The next 4 digits are the field unit number and ranges from 0000 to 9999.(Four digit field unit numbers may be allowed after the implementation of the MV4000 redesign in 2014) The next 6 digits are a serial number ranging from 000001 to 999999. The TAS number is compressed using the base 30 algorithm, the form indicator is appended and the unit number and serial number taken together are compressed to base-30 and appended.

Indicator Digit







Citizen Contact


Contact Summary




Driver Condition








Natural Resources Ticket, agency 366, field unit 001, serial number 1

TraCS 7.3 format: 366001R1

TraCS 10 format: D65001713C (366 & 05 & 0001000001 converted to base 30)

Warning, agency 012, field unit 875, serial number 999999

TraCS 7.3 format: 012875W999999

TraCS 10 format: 0D9161GF9Z (012 & 09 & 0875999999 converted to base 30)

Although the 3 digit TAS number is converted to a two character code, the two character code will remain consistent for all forms that an agency issues. For example, “D6” is always DNR; “0D” is always the test agency.

If an agency sorts by document number in the contact manager, the forms will sort by TAS number first and then by form indicator, followed by unit number and then serial number.

Future possibilities after MV4000 redesign:

This format will allow for the possibility of 4 digit unit numbers after the MV4000 redesign is complete.

Warning, agency 899, field unit 9999, serial number 999999

TraCS 10 format: ZZ9FPHNC39 (899 & 09 & 9999999999 converted to base 30)

Zippity-Do-Da (form indicator 29), agency 899, field unit 9999, serial number 999999

TraCS 10 format: ZZZFPHNC39 (899 & 29 & 9999999999 converted to base 30)

“Towards” Discussion

UW TOPS Lab (Andi Bill and Steven Parker) presented on behalf of WisDOT Bureau of Highway Operations (BHO.) The issue: being able to correctly identify cross median crashes and left turn crashes at intersections from the data, not only the police diagram.

A hand-out of proposed solutions was provided for discussion, along with a memo written by the previous BHO State Traffic Safety Engineer indicating that 31% of all left-turn crashes are coded incorrectly. Although the individual police diagrams provide details with regard to sequence of events, there is no reliable way at this time to identify specific locations of interest with regard to cross median and left-turn crashes from a database context.

Solutions were proposed for each case:

Cross median crashes:

  • Should be solved through clarification and training about the vehicle direction of travel prior to the sequence of events.

  • Change wording for field to “Before the crash and prior to any turning movements”

Left-turn crashes at intersections. Three alternatives were proposed:

  • Capture turning movements based on intersection diagrams

  • Different attributes (approach turn, broadside) in combination with clarification / training about vehicle direction of travel

  • Sequence of events that begin with starting direction (required field)

The group offered several comments:

  • The solution should be a simple as possible. In particular, the first two left-turn crash alternatives were felt to be too complex.

  • There was some discussion on how to best clarify the definition of Direction of Travel.

  • The new TRACS form has opportunities for “F2” pop-up help to assist with definitions

  • The new TRACS form makes extensive use of “smart” highlighting. For specific cases, such as left-turn crashes, users could be prompted to enter additional information.

  • To the extent possible, any changes in this regard should have similar look and feel as the Fatal Supplement, which has similar detail. Sequence of events is also already entered for truck crashes, which could provide a template for these cases.

  • The group would be willing to comment on subsequently proposed solutions and / or get additional police officer feedback.


Various reports for the IMAT tool were reviewed and rated:

Pin Map

Must Have 4 Nice To Have 5 Don’t Want 0

Does already

  • DNR wants DNR citations included (Ability to view only DNR If possible

  • By jurisdiction

  • Map needs to have layers ELCI, NTC, etc(per forms) all together and separately (filters?)

To-do if approved.

  • Yes, add the # in each circles-color code based on incident.

  • Have a little more detail for the circles

  • Make the circles a Flag

  • Nice to have Different Colored dots would be nice

  • Put number in the circles

  • Please color code

Abbreviated Crash Report

Must Have 2 Nice To Have 7 Don’t Want 0

To-do if approved.

  • Can you add Day of Week? Mon-Tue-Wed etc…

  • Add Reportable/Non-Reportable

  • Can this be a report based on form type? Literal description = Statute Description

  • Add Officer

  • Would be nice to have time listed and ability to sort by time

  • Get rid of DOT case # and city

  • Add Injuries

Driver and Time Summary

Must Have 4 Nice To Have 5 Don’t Want

  • Not too important RMS provides reports

  • Nice tool

Does already

  • Change for Citations also

  • DNR would love this! It there the ability to run this based on the TAS so we could teg data on all citations written by the DNR?

  • Filter by age

  • Filter by time of day

  • Filter by officer

  • Should be available for most or all forms

To-do if approved

  • Get rid of Drug/Alcohol Summary

  • Get rid of Fixed Object Struck Summary

Cannot do

  • Make Drug/alcohol and fixed object struck summary user definable?

  • Make Drug/alcohol and fixed object struck summary user definable? (Different Person)

Major Cause Summary

Must Have 3 Nice To Have 2 Don’t Want 3 No Answer 1

Does already

  • Yes with our violations

  • Filter by officer

Cannot do

If there is no incidents of say, “Improper Booking” can it Not show on the form.

TraCS Warnings & Citations

Must Have 4 Nice To Have 4 Don’t Want 1

Does already

Based on statute categories

Cannot do

Would be more useful if available for most forms (works for 4 out of 8 forms since statute based has to have a statute on the form. So only NTC, UTC, Parking, DNR, Warning forms will work.)

Total forms

Must Have 3 Nice To Have 5 Don’t Want 1

I like this--------

Tags Report

Must Have 3 Nice To Have 6 Don’t Want

Does already

  • *”Tags” need to be customizable per Department (Ex. Location local event, etc

  • But, would need to be configurable for grants

Cannot do

Set up to be able to match requirements to actual (patrol hours/citations) Add area to manually enter Patrol hours to see if req’d. (Not in TraCS database so cannot get information)


Auto-population in TraCS 10 works differently.

  1. After completing a form (for example ELCI), the officer presses the auto-populate button and a list of available forms is presented.

  2. The officer selects the forms they want (for example, Alcohol, Warning, etc.) and the forms open with the data populated.

In 7.3, the officer had to manually open the new form and then press auto-populate to bring in any available data from the entire contact.

Under the new functionality the officer has more control. Basically they are publishing data from a completed to new form(s) of their choosing.

The FAC likes the new version of auto-population. Data import buttons may be used in data bars where it is necessary to pull data in from multiple forms like on the contact summary form or the alcohol form.


  1. Icons need to be brighter and more distinct. They look too much alike. (Dave)

  2. Button borders should be clearly visible. (Dave)

  3. Remove Accept, Reject, Rejection Reason buttons from field unit version. (Curt)

  4. Perhaps add remove group is better option for field units (Curt)

Fatal Supplement

  1. F2 help needs to be very complete since officers under trained and form seldom used. (Dave)

  2. Zero killed should result in error message. (Dave)

  3. Relation to roadway choices hard to understand. (Dave)

  4. Pre-event movement choices hard to understand. (Dave)

  5. “Occupant # On Crash” field has data bar label of “Occupant No.” (Dave)

  6. Person Type choices hard to understand. (Dave)

  7. Alcohol test results should have “0.05” instead of “05”, etc. or data bar label should be changed. (Dave)

  8. Alcohol test type: “0-Test Not Given” still allows entry of test result. (Dave)

  9. “Drug test given” does not allow multi-select. (Test refused & drugs reported when forced blood.) (Dave)

  10. Drug Test Results has blank checkbox at the top. (Dave)

  11. Should be able to leave Unit Status blank and not get error, like crash. (Shawn)

  12. Drop down lists should have words first, codes second. (Seth)

  13. When you hit a key to select the number of travel lanes it jumps you to 1 no matter what number you hit.

  14. If you change the person type from pedestrian to driver, validation errors come up for ped info that cannot be cleared.

  15. Don’t allow 0 (“O”???) for injury severity. Causes problems. (Curt)

  16. No data bar for unit # (Curt)

  17. Date of Death error: go to error button did nothing (Curt)

  18. Validation is rough go to error button works sometimes, not all the time. (Curt)

  19. Maxed out at 3 limits to how many factors to select why? (Gregg)

  20. Individual 2 was injury only and showed that data of death was an error. (Gregg)

  21. Re-opened form to edit and it locked out location of death field when this was a fatality.(Gregg)

  22. Fire Y/N highlight and click enter should select option.(Kristin)

  23. Medical Transport=not transported, default ambulance notification to “Ambulance not notified.(Kristin)

  24. Get e-mail address w/warning however when the form is closed, re-opened in edit mode, validated and the warning was gone. (Kristin)

Custom Text Utility Form

  1. Updating texts does not always work. Sometimes get 0 forms updated. (Dave)

  2. Right alignment and center alignment are reversed. ( Shawn)

  3. Should disable custom text field until custom text name selected. (Jenny)


Vehicle owner info should come from vehicle collection.

Deer Crash

  1. Accident location should be moved before the on highway. See Accident Location on the crash form. (Brian)

  2. “Error 77: Longitude is Required” Add Long val deletes. (Brian)

  3. Error 79: Validation keeps deleting longitude. (Brian)

  4. Move est dist/direction to same position it is on the crash form. (Brian)

  5. Reportable Y/N move to same location as on crash form (Brian)

  6. Why is accident Summary not on top? Can see date of report being filled in as accident date. (Brian)

  7. Police\accident number order backwards from 7.3. (Brian)

  8. Why is date of report in document group instead of in accident summary with other dates. (Brian)

  9. Move accident summary above location block (Brian)

  10. If on hwy entered grayed out fields populates. If on highway removed grayed out fields do not clear out. (Brian)


Be able to double click statute when searching for violation. (Anonymous)


  1. The form numbers for NTCs are confusing when they start with the letter O better to have an identifier like “N” (Dave) ?????


  1. After using the ILT to locate a stop and import the location, how do you clear out X, Y, and roadway IDs if you change the location data? (Dave)

  2. Unhandled exception when off highway locations are selected.(Dave)

  3. Zoom buttons in upper right don’t seem to work. (Dave) ???? Training issue?

  4. DMV municipality not filling in for most areas in Manitowoc county (Curt)

  5. NTC sometimes fills quickly and erases itself. (Curt)

  6. When selecting a highway and local road location the “Get Roadway Cardinality” dialog prompts for parking lot or private property and the “Done” button is grayed out. Closing the dialog throws an exception. (Example: US 45 & Robbin Road) (Steven Parker & Andi Bill)

  7. Asks if parking lot/private property everytime. Kind of hard to use. (Cheryl)

  8. Sometimes when zooming in the puck moves to a different location.(Gregg)

  9. Lake Michigan gives question of parking lot/private property.(Gregg)

  10. Tape measure function is glitchy—if you pull from and intersection, it will give you the same street name for on and at.(Gregg)

  11. Choose type of off roadway location: Parking lot, private property, or public property. (Kristin)

  12. All forms: negative longitude throws error. Fix errors. (Neil)

  13. On all forms, after locating incident, jump to the next field to be keyed. (Jenny)


Report for citation status: date range; void, issued, transmitted; sorted by officer and citation number. (Shawn)

Contact Summary

  1. Race should be required. (Dave)

  2. Vehicle Color and model should be optional. (Dave)

  3. Date Occurred databar flashes when you enter it coming from the Tags field. (Dave)

  4. Add “OTHER” to vehicle makes table.

  5. NTC count showed up in crash field. (Gregg)

  6. ILT does not populate From/At street field. (Neil)

  7. Autopop only vehicle and driver info from Warning, ELCI, Crash, Deer Crash, Driver Condition, and Citizen Contact. Any other additional Individuals/Units should be entered by the officers as needed. (Dave and Gregg)

  8. Role, Sex, Race should all be required fields (Dave and Gregg)

Ordinance Utility Form

  1. Should you be able to associate a statute with a parking ticket? (Jenny)

  2. Gray out associated statute desc, and WIBRS code until statute is entered. (Jenny)

  3. Tree values à Parks (NTC) (Curt) ?????


  1. Intent to suspend: There’s a dash between officer first name and middle initial. (Teresa)

  2. Require plaintiff info for notice of intent to revoke. Otherwise disable. (Teresa)

  3. Should be able to type in last name or plate number without clicking edit. (Teresa) (Per Jenny, need to begin in list mode for external search purposes.)

  4. No vehicle info needed if just doing informing the accused. (Teresa)

  5. Informing the accused: Only need person’s name, UT # and statute. (Teresa)

  6. Only need vehicle operated class on Notice of Intent to Revoke.(Teresa)

  7. Report Manager Print dialog shows MV3919 instead of MV3519(Teresa)

  8. Can you limit report manager dialog to reports corresponding to the reports selected on the form?(Teresa)

  9. Need a comma after last name on Intent to Suspend report.


  1. Default phone country to “United States” (Kristin)

  2. Default country to “United States” (Kristin)

  3. Municipality type needs to add “River/Lakes” (Kristin)

  4. Seizure tag information should be editable after printing

  5. After issuance should only be able to edit: Officer narrative, seizure tag info, an assisting officer.




04/17/12 - Agenda

Friday, February 2, 2018

11:30 AM


Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

Room 356

Hill Farms Transportation Building

4802 Sheboygan Ave


April 17, 2012

9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m. Progress Report

9:15 a.m. Hands-On TraCS 10: Fatal Supplement

9:45 a.m. Fatal Supplement Discussion

10:15 a.m. Break

10:30 a.m. Customizable Reports

11:00 a.m. “Towards” Discussion

11:15 a.m. Hands-On TraCS 10: ILT

11:40 a.m. ILT Discussion

12:00 p.m. Lunch

12:30 p.m. Document Numbers

12:45 p.m. Hands-On TraCS 10: Contact Summary

1:30 p.m. Contact Summary Discussion

2:00 p.m. Break

2:15 p.m. User Conference

2:30 p.m. Auto-populate Options

2:45 p.m. Ordinance Utility Form

3:00 p.m. Hands-On TraCS 10: Other Forms

4:00 p.m. Adjourn


FAC Committee Membership 2012

Adams County Sheriff—Seth Tully

Manitowoc County Sheriff—Curt Raube

St Croix County Sheriff—Shawn Demulling

Altoona PD—Dana Brown

Milwaukee PD—Gregg Duran

Superior PD—Cory Hanson

State Patrol—Jim Larson

Wausau PD—Cheryl Stieve

Algoma PD—Neil Dorner

Watertown PD—Leon Ruder

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS—Teresa Severson

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Brian Neil

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Dennis Rodenkirch

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster

Natural Resources Citation— Todd Schaller (DNR)





07/17/12 - Notes

Friday, February 2, 2018

11:24 AM


TraCS FAC Meeting Notes 07/17/12

The TraCS Forms Advisory Committee met on 07/17/2012. Present were Cory Hanson (Superior Police Department), Curt Raube (Manitowoc County Sheriff), Seth Tully (Adams County Sheriff’s Office), Todd Schaller (DNR), Jim Larson (State Patrol), Gregg Duran (Milwaukee Police Department), Cheryl Stieve (Wausau Police Department), Neil Dorner (Algoma Police Department), Leon Ruder (Watertown Police Department),Tommy Winkler (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Darlene Schwartz (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Brian Neil (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Geri Polster (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Jenny Schmidt (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Dennis Rodenkirch (Citations and Withdrawals Section).

Save the Date

The next FAC meeting will be Wednesday, September 12th.

TraCS 10 Progress Report

All data-entry forms: Basic and advanced data-entry ready for testing.

  • Basic validation Printing

  • Cross-form validation

  • Auto-pop

  • External search

  • ILT

  • Hotkeys

  • Help files

Utility forms: ready for testing.

CNUM replacement: 95% complete. (Waiting on bug fix from vendor.)

Database build: ready for testing.

Transmission: 30% complete.

Packaging and distribution: 20% complete.

Migration tools: 40% complete.

Documentation and Training Materials: 20% complete.

  • Workbook/training manual

  • Forms Reference

  • Office Procedures

  • Integration package

  • User videos


Document Numbers

The new format for document numbers for forms other than crash or traffic ticket was approved by the committee.

The traffic citation number inventory control system was approved with additions. (See fix list.)

Training Materials

The training videos were reviewed. The FAC believes these videos would be helpful in training officers. More videos are needed. Computerized voice needs to be replaced with human narration.

Process Flows

The FAC approved the process flow rules with additions and corrections. (See fix list.)

Withdrawn button needs to be renamed and made to function differently. It will write out the updated disposition status (Declined, Withdrawn) to the log only. This will aid State Patrol and other jurisdictions without RMS systems to track citations better.

User Conference


Update Server

Badger TraCS is in the process of putting an update server in place to automatically update field units and workstations with state level patches. In the coming weeks, FAC members will be asked to assist with testing of the server by enabling the update service on their copy of TraCS 10.

Update server reports should include comma delimited files as well as PDF.

Migration Planning

Facilities will be in place to provide backwards compatibility for export of TraCS 10 data in 7.3 format for local RMS systems. This will allow agencies to use TraCS 10 even if their RMS has not been updated to support TraCS 10 data formats.

A migration worksheet form will be provided within TraCS 10 to automate moving customized settings and code tables from 7.3 to 10.

We will not be providing facilities to view data created in 7.3 in TraCS 10. Doing so would have cause the code table database to double in size and caused inefficiencies in the TraCS office database. The FAC agreed we should not weigh down TraCS 10 with the extra files and tables only to provide a slightly easier transition that would have only been usefully during the first 90 days of using TraCS 10.

7.3 data will still be viewable through the 7.3 program and both versions of TraCS can be open at the same time on the same machine.

Defaults and Labels

User defaults were demonstrated in TraCS 10. TraCS 10 is able to separate agency level defaults from state level defaults, which is a welcome improvement.

We’ve also added label in the navigation panel to make it easier and quicker to jump to the correct form and group. If additional labels are wanted, the FAC should let us know.

Need to include documentation/method for users to edit their own defaults.

TraCS 10 Testing

A take-home copy of TraCS 10 was given to the FAC members along with a test agency name and serial number. At this point FAC members should install the software per instructions given and begin additional usability testing concentrating on data-entry and printing. Additional instructions for testing and using the update server will be given at a later date.

Test sessions have been scheduled throughout the months of August and September. All agencies are welcome to test and we have plenty of space.

Fix List

TEG Referral:

  • Click New contact select new form with down arrow. Can’t use enter key, must click OK. Want a keyboard only way select new form. (Gregg)

  • Defaults editor should have dropdown list tied to code tables. (Gregg)

Code Tables:

Remove “No return” from method citation served table. (Todd)

Navigation Labels:

  • Add label for location in nav panel for all forms.

  • Add label for violation in nav panel for citations and warnings.

Process Flows:

  • Deleted group and form status still said validated, should go back to open. (Brian)

  • Toggled non-report and form still said validated, should go back to open. (Brian)

  • Allow crash forms in validated status to transmit. (Brian)

  • Can edit fields while in transmitted status, but does not save changes. Should not allow edits after transmission. (Brian)

  • Can’t print in transmitted status; should be able to. (Brian)


Remove Add Form button since it is redundant. (Group)

Access Levels:

Have replicate be a separate access level. (Group)


  • Municipalities not showing up in drop down list (Brian)

  • Change sort order of highway number field to allow for leading zeros, but display without leading zeros. (Brian)

  • Gray-out Vehicle Damage and Extent of Damage unless vehicle data flag is checked. (Brian)

  • If warning message for incorrect animal is given, stay on animal hit field, don’t move to first harmful event field. (Brian)

  • Do not allow class O operating class. (Brian)

  • Highway table info not filling in—no way to start the ILT. (Brian)

  • Show code value/not code text in state fields. (Brian)

  • Why do I get both 67-municipality is required and 69-Accident location municipality is required? (Brian)

Amended Crash:

  • Document # override should have yellow background since it is a required field. (Brian)

  • Do not allow dashes in override field. Check for valid number. (Brian)

  • Add hot keys for driver and vehicle owner sections. (Brian)


  • Remove vertical bar next to “measurements taken” (Brian)

  • Why do we have these fields: Diagram, narrative, witness data? (Brian)

  • Witness group needs to be opened manually. (Brian)

  • Property group needs to be open manually. (Brian)

  • Can’t see all study codes in display area of form. (Brian)

  • Change data bar label for What Driver Was Doing to match form label. (Brian)

  • 00-none selected on vehicle damage bar along with other choices. If none chosen, should not allow other values. (Brian)

  • Error 204 given in wrong circumstances for alcohol content. Should only show if alcohol content greater that 1. (Brian)

  • Getting Warning 538 “fatal sup form in contact but no fatalities,” even though no fatal supplement form. (Brian)

  • Locate button is missing on crash form in map field.


  • Validated citation and then tried to do an “Add with subject” and received validation errors that had already been fixed prior to the 1st citation being validated.

  • Selected Registration type as ATV but doesn’t allow entry of recreational vehicle make. Does allow “Motor Vehicle Make.”


When you push done after searching for a statute it won’t populate. (Leon)


ILT not putting in the AT street location/ On street is fine about 25% of the time. (Leon)


  • City not importing from external search. (Gregg)

  • Need error message if no form selected. (Seth)

  • Need to be able to print preview informing the accused prior to validation so statement can be read. (Seth)

  • When adding alcohol from ELCI, says invalid city/municipality. (Seth)

Citation Number Management:

  • Some agencies will want to selective start-shift for citation number bundles despite having a network connection. (Group)

  • Will want to manually transfer citation number bundle to a specific user for selective start-shift purposes and for accountability. (Group)

  • Give pop-up message to field unit for start-shift install confirming installation. (Group)

  • Give auto-install at TraCS start up option for agencies that want it. (Group)


We should try to eliminate as many of the headaches that we had in 7.3 world as possible.

  • Give late prompt if field unit has old documents in it. (Group)

  • Old distributions are sometimes accidently installed; should never install an older version date on top of a newer one. (Group)

  • Distributions should not be “consumed” during start-shift (Group)

  • Problems with user file corruptions. (Group)

  • Difficulties using “Run As” under Windows 7. (Group)

  • Would like both manual and automatic methods for installing distributions. (Group)

  • Locate Run Distribution button in Help menu. (Group)

  • Do not give warning if updating a file that is in locked status since it is just the start-shift file coming back. (Group)

  • Safeguard against file corruption during end-shift by checking file size after delivery and possibly checksum.


We should try to eliminate as many of the headaches that we had in 7.3 world as possible.

  • Would like a proper receipt for crashes like we get for citations.

  • Extracting and converting is a bit slow.


  • How to work with external search.

  • How to use Quick Add including how to rearrange buttons.




07/17/12 - Agenda

Friday, February 2, 2018

11:38 AM


Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

Room 356

Hill Farms Transportation Building

4802 Sheboygan Ave


July 17, 2012

9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m. Progress Report

9:15 a.m. Document Numbers—

New Format

Citation Number Ordering and Management

10:00 a.m. Training Materials

10:30 a.m. Break

10:45 a.m. Training Materials Continued

11:15 a.m. Process Flows

12:00 p.m. Lunch

12:45 p.m. User Conference Assignments

1:15 p.m. Update Server/Distribution

1:30 p.m. Start-shift/End-shift/Transmission

2:00 p.m. Break

2:15 p.m. Migration Planning and Issues

2:45 p.m. Defaults and Labels

3:00 p.m. Take Home TraCS 10

3:15 p.m. Hands-On TraCS 10: Continued

4:00 p.m. Adjourn


FAC Committee Membership 2012

Adams County Sheriff—Seth Tully

Manitowoc County Sheriff—Curt Raube

St Croix County Sheriff—Shawn Demulling

Altoona PD—Dana Brown

Milwaukee PD—Gregg Duran

Superior PD—Cory Hanson

State Patrol—Jim Larson

Wausau PD—Cheryl Stieve

Algoma PD—Neil Dorner

Watertown PD—Leon Ruder

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS—Teresa Severson

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Brian Neil

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Dennis Rodenkirch

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster

Natural Resources Citation— Todd Schaller (DNR)




09/12/12 - Notes

Friday, February 2, 2018

11:24 AM


TraCS FAC Meeting Notes 09/12/12

The TraCS Forms Advisory Committee met on 09/12/2012. Present were Cory Hanson (Superior Police Department), Curt Raube (Manitowoc County Sheriff), Seth Tully (Adams County Sheriff’s Office), Todd Schaller (DNR), Jim Larson (State Patrol), Gregg Duran (Milwaukee Police Department), Cheryl Stieve (Wausau Police Department), Neil Dorner (Algoma Police Department), Leon Ruder (Watertown Police Department), Shawn DeMulling, (St Croix County Sheriff) Darlene Schwartz (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Brian Neil (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Geri Polster (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Jenny Schmidt (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Dennis Rodenkirch (Citations and Withdrawals Section).

TraCS 10 Progress Report

All forms: 95% complete. 3 out of 5 schedule test sessions have been held as of September, 12th. With two more scheduled in September. Over 300 actionable items have been identified and fixed.

Transmission: 50% complete.

Packaging and distribution: 20% complete.

Migration tools: 40% complete.

Documentation: 30% complete

User Conference

The presentations should run around 10 minutes and no more than 15. Below is the list of individuals who volunteered to present at one of the conferences. Those in red have been assigned new topics. Please contact your counterpart who will be presenting the topic in the other location. Feel free to add notes in the notes area - especially the points you want to make. This will help with the audience hearing the same information.

TraCS 10 Feature

Wausau Presenter

Wisconsin Dells Presenter

Presentation Completed

Court Selector

Neil Dorner

Dana Brown

Yes – needs to modify

Diagram Tool

John Egan

Curt Raube


Contact Summary Form

Jim Larson

Jim Larson

NTC – WIBRS Section

Rich Stein

Gregg Duran

Parking Ticket

Neil Dorner

Leon Ruder


Citation Number Mgmt

Seth Tully

Seth Tully


Auto populate/Replicate

Seth Tully

Seth Tully


Incident Location Tool (ILT)

Seth Tully

Seth Tully

Document Tags

Seth Tully - Maybe

Dana Brown

Dana – I need you to create this presentation. Call if you have questions.

Please complete your presentation and send it to all FAC members and TraCS so we can load it on our laptop and make copies for the folders.

We would like all presentations completed by October 3, 2012.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the TraCS staff.

TraCS 10 Issues

The FAC agreed that the following issues referred from testing should be included in the initial release of TraCS 10:

  1. NTC, DNR, and Warning forms will no longer be delete-able if the form disposition is issued or voided.

  2. The plaintiff type will be preset based on whether the statute is criminal or non-criminal.

  3. The ordinance field will be grayed out and cleared if the statute entered is criminal.

  4. The arrest time will no longer be filled with the current time on the influence form.

  5. Required fields on parking ticket will be highlighted yellow if the parking ticket check box is checked.

  6. The “Add with Basics” button will be renamed “Add Form” and the “Add with Subject” button will be renamed “Replicate.” This is based on feedback that came out of the test sessions.

  7. There will be two flavors of parking ticket report: “Parking Citation—Vehicle” and “Parking Citation—Owner”. The vehicle version will not contain any personally identify information to comply with DPPA requirements when leaving ticket on windshield.

Technical Guide

The replacement for the red manual was discussed. Overall the red manual has worked pretty well, but the reference to training drive letters and other things that only pertain to training is somewhat confusing.

The TraCS 10 technical guide will cover installation, configuration and maintenance and be geared toward the production environment. The manual will begin with a brief survey on infrastructure. The responses to the survey will be used to guide technical personnel through the various alternatives for each of the tasks. It will always be clear whether a task pertains to a particular agency and whether the task is optional or required.

TraCS 10.05

Information about TraCS 10.05 which is scheduled to be available at the end of September was shared. This version of TraCS 10 includes the following features:

  • Advanced search functions to compare data across multiple form types.

  • Advanced query and report features including the ability to generate tabular reports with counts and sums, graphs, pivot charts, and pin maps.

  • A notification service to schedule delivery of reports when pre-defined trigger conditions are met.

The plan is to include this version of TraCS in the initial release. These features should mean that we don’t need to implement the standalone IMAT program.

Update Server

The update server has been through two stress tests. TEG is working on improving the stability of the update server. Another stress test is scheduled September 29th.


The distribution feature in TraCS 10 was demonstrated and discussed.

  • Distribution will no longer be tied to start-shift.

  • Distribution files will no longer be consumed when they are installed.

  • Distribution will be configurable to automatically run at log-in on workstations or at end-shift on field units or on demand as a button on the help menu.

  • Proper logging and reporting will be provided so that machines needing follow up are easily identified.


The September meeting was the last official meeting of the FAC for calendar year 2012. There will be no meeting on the day before the user conference as we have sometimes done in the past.

The following members are leaving the committee at the end of the year:

  • Adams County Sheriff—Seth Tully

  • Manitowoc County Sheriff—Curt Raube

  • St Croix County Sheriff—Shawn Demulling

  • Altoona PD—Dana Brown

  • Superior PD—Cory Hanson

  • State Patrol—Jim Larson

Outgoing FAC members may still be asked to participate on conference calls, respond to e-mails, or participate in testing until the end of December.

TraCS 10 Pilot

The following agencies have volunteered to participate in a pilot or become an early adopter:


Earliest Willing to Start



Adams CO Sheriff


Full (18-20 field units, 10-12 workstations)


Algoma PD


Full (3 field units, 1 workstation)


Wausau PD




Superior PD



SQL Server

St Croix CO Sheriff



SQL Server

Watertown PD




Manitowoc Co Sheriff



SQL Server




09/12/12 - Agenda

Friday, February 2, 2018

11:38 AM


Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

Room 356

Hill Farms Transportation Building

4802 Sheboygan Ave


September 12, 2012

9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m. Progress Report

9:15 a.m. User Conference

10:00 a.m. Issues Referred From Acceptance Testing

10:30 a.m. Break

10:45 a.m. Referred Issues Continued

11:00 a.m. Installation Guide

11:30 a.m. Pilot Selection

12:00 p.m. Lunch

12:45 p.m. Update Server

1:00 p.m. Distribution Management

1:55 p.m. FAC Outgoing Members

2:00 p.m. Break

2:15 p.m. Hands-On TraCS 10

4:00 p.m. Adjourn


FAC Committee Membership 2012

Adams County Sheriff—Seth Tully

Manitowoc County Sheriff—Curt Raube

St Croix County Sheriff—Shawn Demulling

Altoona PD—Dana Brown

Milwaukee PD—Gregg Duran

Superior PD—Cory Hanson

State Patrol—Jim Larson

Wausau PD—Cheryl Stieve

Algoma PD—Neil Dorner

Watertown PD—Leon Ruder

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS—Teresa Severson

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Brian Neil

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Dennis Rodenkirch

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt

Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster

Natural Resources Citation— Todd Schaller (DNR)




TraCS 10 Priorities

Friday, February 2, 2018

11:23 AM


TraCS 10 Priorities

Which features can we defer if some features have to come out in a patch after the initial release?

  • Sub-groups on crash form

  • Court date/time selector tool for citations

    • MS-Access based

    • Web Service

    • DLL

    • WIBRS Fields (Database change)

  • Electronic Transmission of Alcohol Forms

  • Document Tags (Database change)

  • Cross-form Validation Rules

  • Incident Location Tool

  • Incident Mapping Analysis Tool

  • Enhanced Logging

  • TraCS Updater Web Service

  • Custom Searches

  • Contact Summary Form (Database change)

  • Custom Court List

  • State Level/Local Level Shortcuts

  • Parking Ticket (Database change)

  • Parental Notification Letter

    • DNR version (Database change)

    • Custom Letterhead

    • Custom Footer

  • Natural Resources

    • Informing The Accused Report

    • Deliver Method Added

    • Credit Card/Cash Flag

    • Envelope Number

  • External Search

  • Custom Log Reports




TraCS 10.05 July Release

Friday, February 2, 2018

11:27 AM


TraCS 10.05 (Scheduled for July Release)

Master Index Capabilities

  1. Add 'and' and 'or' options for search criteria. The search criteria screens throughout TraCS will be redesigned to better handle these options.

  2. Include DOB +/- year capability in searches.

  3. Add soundexing for name searches (Smith, Smithe, Smyth, etc.)

  4. Allow filtering in the Contact Manager based on the same individual/vehicle/etc. Sort all forms for each unique John Smith together without needing to enter additional search criteria like DOB or SSN.

  5. Add ability to notify specific user/users if form for a defined person has changed or a new one has been added. Notify upon login to TraCS. Create service to pull database based on saved searches flagged as notifications and email. Additional functionality will be added to notify if a TraCS user is searching for a predefined specific piece of information as well.

  6. Allow fields searched on to be displayed in the Contact Manager with the listed form. (example, if you search forms with a vehicle that is red or blue, show the vehicle color in the Contact Manager Grid).

Contact Level Changes

  1. Ability to have multiple forms to share one report. Two or more forms used to build one report with sequential page numbers for entire report.

  2. Contact level status and validation rules. This would allow contacts in TraCS to act like case files and apply process flow to the file based on the status of the individual forms in the contact.

  3. Contact level rules will only be able to run on a Workstation in Database mode.

  4. Ability to have multiple forms share one transmit file.

  5. Allow contacts to be linked together and contain definable fields.


Allow local and state level versions of transmission rules so that future patches do not break local transmission.




Contact Summary Auto-Pops

Friday, February 2, 2018

11:28 AM


Contact Summary Form Auto-Pops








































































































Amended Crash





Document Numbers

Friday, February 2, 2018

11:29 AM


Document Numbers

Originally most document numbers on TraCS forms were 11-digit fixed length numbers composed of a 3-digit agency, a 3-digit unit number, a 1-letter form indicator, and a 7-digit serial number. For example:


We received several complaints from clerks of court about having to key all the “extra” zeroes. As a compromise we let the serial number portion float. For example the above number became 012001D1, 8 digits. As more forms were issued, the serial numbers grew. For example 012001D1234 is 11 digits.

We would like to go back to the fixed length document number, since this is more standard and less confusing.

We can either use the older format (012001D0000001) or we could go to a style (Base 30) that is more like the crash document numbers. An advantage of going to the base 30 style is that the document number is considerably shorter since we can embed more data when we have both letters and numbers to work with. We would provide a document number decoder just as we do with the crash document numbers.

What are your views on this?




March Progress Report

Friday, February 2, 2018

11:31 AM


TraCS 10 Progress Report, March 2012


  1. Basic data-entry on most forms completed.

  2. Most reports completed.

  3. Most utility forms completed.

  4. New form view menu

  5. Simplified external search


Milestone 1

Milestone 2

Milestone 3

Milestone 4

Milestone 5

Milestone 6




90%-- Reports only




90%-- Reports only




90%-- Reports only




90%-- Reports only




90%-- Reports only







90% Reports only







40% Reports




90%--reports only







90%-- reports only







External Search




Utility Forms






Milestone 1: View, print archive 7.3 forms

Milestone 2: Basic data entry for “version 2” forms

Milestone 3: Advance data entry

Milestone 4: Office functions

Milestone 5: Packaging, distribution, and migration

Milestone 6: Documentation and training

Basic Data-entry—Single form validation rules, common info subscriptions, external search subscriptions, location subscriptions, online help subscriptions.

Advanced Data-entry—printing, cross-form validation rules, external search, ILT, Hotkeys, online help files created.

Office Functions—Process flow rules, transmission, table manager functions, logging, Citation number inventory (CNUM), IMAT

Packaging, distribution, and migration—Installer, TraCS Updater Service (web service), migration tools

Documentation and training—Workbook/training manual, integration package, user videos




July Progress Report

Friday, February 2, 2018

11:34 AM


TraCS 10 Progress Report 07/17/2012

All data-entry forms: Basic and advanced data-entry ready for testing.

Basic validation


Cross-form validation


External search



Help files

Utility forms: ready for testing.

CNUM replacement: 95% complete. (Waiting on bug fix from vendor.)

Database build: ready for testing.

Transmission: 30% complete.

Packaging and distribution: 20% complete.

Migration tools: 40% complete.

Documentation and Training Materials: 20% complete.

Workbook/training manual

Forms Reference

Office Procedures

Integration package

User videos




Sept Progress Report

Friday, February 2, 2018

11:35 AM


TraCS 10 Progress Report 09/12/2012

All data-entry forms: Midway through testing, 95% finished.

Transmission: 50% complete.

Packaging and distribution: 30% complete.

Migration tools: 40% complete.

Documentation and Training Materials: 30% complete.

Workbook/training manual

Forms Reference

Office Procedures

Integration package

User videos




TraCS 10 Schedule

Friday, February 2, 2018

11:37 AM





User acceptance feedback

Friday, February 2, 2018

11:40 AM


User Acceptance Feedback for FAC Action

Should we be “fixing” these?

I noticed I was able to delete an NTC that was issued. I don't know if that is possible in 7.3, but even though its a local form I would think the court would not want an NTC deleted after it has been given to a defendant. Void would be an appropriate ability.

"It would be nice to have the ""plaintiff type"" default accordingly for the ""statute/transportation rule #"" if the statute is Criminal or not... ie, an OWI-3rd would cause the default ofState of WI.

It would be even better to have the ""county"" and ""city/village/town"" default accordingly for the ""plaintiff type"" for the plantiff being City/Village/Town... ie, City/Village/Town would cause the default of Dane-13 and Verona-71,City.

It would be SUPER AWESOME to have both the above and also have the ""court type"" and ""court name"" default accordingly for the ""plaintiff type""... ie, State of WI would cause the default of Circuit and Dane County Circuit Court-Intake or City/Village/Town woud cause the default of Municipal and Verona City Municipal Court.

If a criminal violation is entered into the statute/transportation rule number box, it would be beneficial if the ordinance section would gray out. Additionally, the plantiff should default to State of WI.

After selecting a name of vehicle, why doesn't the program activate the next blank field. Instead it goes to the next field, which has just been populated by the search function

"Arrest Time" is auto filled as the computer's time the form was opened to be created. The actual arrest time would obviously be prior to the form being opened and need to be chagned by the user. This seems to be along the same lines as ELCI's having the "Violation Time" as the time the form was opened. There probably is a good reason TraCS's needs some time number intially on each form even if it's not accurate.

Parking Citation - There is no date of birth listed on the parking citation itself, nor does it include the narrative and the forteiture box is not large enough.

On NTC when clicking "Parking Ticket" it would be very nice if the minimum information required would be highlighted just like the current Amended Crash Form is.

Enable advanced list grouping and drag and drop grouping by default.

People are trained with "Replicate" and "Add Form" - please re-consider renaming these buttons.

The default time occurred on the warning from is the time the form was created not the contact time imputed when the contact was opened. In my opinion this should time should be populated from the contact time.

locking field after print. This is a warning what is the purpose of locking the fields. A user level should be able to edit a warning. My understanding the warning goes no where except into RMS systems

Im sure every dept has a form they complete when taking someone to jail and in most cases the same person is getting a tracs citation also. Tracs needs at least a generic form with basic boxes for the supect name, social security number, criminal charge, court date etc. This would be a contact you can add, populate. Im sure you could have an internal selection so that form is not sent to DOT, this would save time and be more accurate. I have a good generic form if you are interested in adding it in Word format that you can type on save etc.

To comply with legal requirement per Federal District Court of Appeals, individual information should be grayed out when selecting parking citation (can not include individual information).

"Changes in the OWI laws have made determining misdemeanor vs felony almost require a flowchart.

Suggestion - add question/answer box(es) to address the complexity surrounding OWI violations and eliminate charging errors.

For instance, ask a series of questions:

1a. Are there prior OWI convictions?

1b. If yes, what is the date of the last OWI conviction? (and then calculate/display the length of time)

2. Is there a child under the age of 16 in the vehicle?

3. Injury or death?

The answers to these questions could be used with validation rules to ensure the appropriate violation has been selected and pop up a warning or error (ie ""Previous conviction within five years - felony violation indicated"")


email badgertracs@dot.wi.gov or call 608-267-2096