Badger TraCS Guides
FAC Meeting Notes 2014
03/19/14 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
11:56 AM
TraCS FAC Meeting Notes 03/19/14
The TraCS Forms Advisory Committee met on 03/19/2013. Present were Hales Corners PD—Sgt. Brent Kroll, Juneau County Sheriff —Lt. Robert F. Jasinski, Green Lake County Sheriff—Kevin Manning, Marinette County Sheriff—Kevin Solway, Kiel PD—Joseph Jeanty, Milwaukee PD—Ken Cecil, St Croix Tribal Police—Jennifer Brugman, State Patrol—Mark Fetzer, Natural Resources— Kristin Turner, Darlene Schwartz, Teresa Severson, John Egan, Jennifer Schmidt, and Geri Polster.
Introductions and Charter
The new FAC members were introduced and the charter for the committee was reviewed. New members starting their two year terms are:
Green Lake County Sheriff—Kevin Manning
Marinette County Sheriff—Kevin Solway
Kiel PD—Joseph Jeanty
Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD, Matthew Drought
Tribal Community— St Croix Tribal Police, Jennifer Brugman
eCitation Status Update and Discussion
Personnel from DOJ gave a presentation regarding the eCitation web service. The eCitation service was originally built and maintained by the Office of Justice Assistance (OJA). OJA was dissolved last year and the duties transferred to DOJ, including maintenance and support of the eCitation service. The current service is very fragile and requires a lot of babysitting. We have had an unacceptable number of outage days in the first quarter.
DOJ is working on redesigning the service from the ground up with the goal of providing 99.999% uptime. The new service should be up and running sometime this summer. There should be no need to reconfigure TraCS to accommodate the new and improved service.
In the meantime DOJ has put several safeguards in place to reduce downtime for the existing service to the bare minimum.
User Conference Planning
The user conference format will be changing for 2014. There will be no general session in the morning. Instead, there will be a series of break-out sessions throughout the day. Any general announcements will be given at the lunch session.
The FAC and other law enforcement agencies will be playing a larger role in providing content for the conference.
Alcohol Form Revision
The FAC agreed to add the arrest date and arrest time fields to the Alcohol form.
Update Server Changes
The update server will be enhanced so that it will remember the last pack approved by an agency and make it available for deployment even after newer packs, which have not yet been approved, become available.
Badger TraCS will also provide instructions for creating a test environment for packs separate from an agency’s production environment.
Killed Wild Animal Tag
A draft of the new Killed Wild Animal Permit form was demonstrated. The following feedback was received:
An instruction page will be included that contains the same verbiage as is on the form today (with possible minor revisions). It’s preferred it be on the first page following the completed form but space may not allow that.
Allow for capture of an optional telephone number similar to what ELCI form has.
Remove Identification Type field and only have a Drivers License field and a DNR Customer ID field. No other ID field.
Location fields – my note reads use same block as DNR form but in looking at the DNR form it doesn’t capture a Highway location. I have asked Kristin to clarify.
Remove the word Information for the Permittee and Permit sections (also DNR Defendant section as well at some point).
Code values will be determined by Kristin - soon. She has requested the info on her end.
Tag Number. Use Document # or add a field?
Web Service transmission target date is March 2015 per Kristin.
Add Permit Expiration Date that will auto populate to 90 days from current date.
Add a Date of Birth field to Permittee section.
No current timeline for implementation but August 2014 is a reasonable target that would align with the FAC meeting.
FAC Referral Items
The FAC recommend the following changes to TraCS:
Add police number to the DNR citation report.
Add ability to set whether appearance is required for ordinances via table look up.
Add past due notices and report for parking tickets.
Add court date correction letter option for citations.
Add features to make external search behave more like it did in 7.3.
Allow auto-populate/replicate to Fatal Supplement only from the crash form.
Change the sort order on the auto-populate/replicate dialogs to match the order of the quick add list.
Display only the form caption in the quick add list. Use the “short name” for each form.
Add a search facility for property owners on the crash form.
On the warning form make sure the drop down list for the registration type is all uppercase.
Add spaces to the violation search captions to make them more legible.
Generate a hard error if the notice of intent to suspend is a future date.
Add arrest date/time to Alcohol form.
The FAC recommended declining items 202,384,402, 555, and 594.
Feedback on Planned New Features
Overall, the FAC found the user interface for the master index and involvement features confusing. Changes are needed to make the interface more intuitive. As the interface exists today, we would not release it to our agencies. The following feedback was submitted to the vendor.
Master Index Search Screen
The FAC liked the Master Index Search Screen.
Wondering how to limit which fields are listed on the search screen. The Available and Visible settings in external information don’t seem to apply here.
For location, would like to use a selection rectangle on a map to select a search region.
Should be able to directly launch an investigation from search screen.
Master Index Main Screen
We recommend eliminating the Master Record Details button. FAC members found the details page extremely confusing. In their words, “The point of the master name index is that there is only one name per person. Why would we ever see multiple names?” The concept of groups of common information clustering around a master index entry just went totally over their heads. This is an implementation detail that we should avoid exposing to them whenever possible.
Split screen mode is confusing and redundant. Eliminate the right panel. Keep the “common info” type display interface in the left panel, but list all matching records in unexpanded view. User can then expand entries that they need to see more detail on.
Recommend moving merge/split functions to a separate dialog dedicated to that purpose. Have a button on the master index screen to bring it up.
Apply/Cancel both do the same thing. Eliminate the apply button.
Involvement button is the most interesting button on the screen, but it hiding on the left. Make it the rightmost button.
Need ability to edit the common info data. Should be able to do it in the common info panel just like you can do elsewhere in TraCS. Provide an update button. When pressed, it should create a new entry in common info with the same master index.
Need ability to add/edit alerts.
Split/Merge Functions
Splitting and merging seemed very confusing. Most of the time you are looking at data grids that all look the same and there seems to be very little context.
We need a new merge/split screen available from the Master Index Screen and from the clean up utility via a button to launch. We recommend a horizontally split screen with buttons in the middle.
Top panel displays the subject master index entry and detail
Single line display of the master Index entry, For example, John Smith, etc.—large and bold.
Master detail beneath, grid style, ideally indented under master index entry. Should include form name, number, date from where the common info came from. This is to emphasize that the master index is aggregating data from forms, not clustering common info records (which is just too abstract for them.)
Bottom panel displays the available master index records also grid style, only one row per master index entry.
Make the Control F search bar visible at all times in the bottom panel. This excellent functionality is now hidden, which is bad.
To split, one or more detail items are selected in the top panel and the split button is pushed. The split button should be located in the middle of the screen between the top and bottom panes and should include a down arrow symbol. You are moving the records off of the subject master index entry and creating a new unrelated master index entry which is then available in the bottom panel. If multiple records are select to the split, they become part of same new master index entry.
To merge, use the search bar to find a record in the bottom pane to merge with the subject master index entry. Select the record and press the merge button which is located between the two panels and shows an up arrow. The master detail in the top panel is updated to show the merged in detail.
The FAC liked the involvement feature, but again felt that the interface was confusing. The FAC strongly wanted a tabbed layout, similar to other records management systems they had experience with. They found having individual/vehicle/location grouped in single pane confusing. We recommend the following changes:
Reserve the left panel for the investigation tree only. It’s the cool part and it deserves prominence.
Right panel is a series of tabbed windows that change in response to which item is selected in the investigation.
First tab is the subject master index entry, i.e., whatever entry is selected in the investigation. Displays the data using the common info display interface. Option to edit as described above under master index screen.
Next tab is a list of alerts related to the subject. Show first line of each alert only. Clicking the plus next to the alert expands the item to display the full alert. Need ability to add/edit alerts here.
Next tab is a vertical split panel labeled Vehicles. This tab should show vehicles related to the subject via forms. The divider should be movable per user preference.
Left pane within tab shows vehicles related to the subject shown common info style.
Right pane lists forms which link the subject to the vehicles.
Selecting a vehicle causes the related forms in the right pane to highlight.
Selecting a form causes the related vehicles in the left pane to highlight.
Double clicking a form will open it for view in the forms editor.
Right clicking a vehicle gives option to add it to the investigation.
Next tab is a vertical split panel labeled Associates. This tab should show individuals related to the subject via forms. The divider should be movable per user preference.
Left pane within tab shows individuals related to the subject shown common info style.
Right pane lists forms which link the subject to the associated individuals.
Selecting an individual causes the related forms in the right pane to highlight.
Selecting a form causes the related individuals in the left pane to highlight.
Double clicking a form will open it for view in the forms editor.
Right clicking an associate gives option to add it to investigation.
Next tab is a vertical split panel labeled Locations. This tab should show locations related to the subject via forms.
Left pane within tab shows locations related to the subject. There should be a toggle to switch between display the locations pin map style or common info style.
Right pane lists forms which link the subject to the locations.
Selecting a location causes the related forms in the right pane to highlight.
Selecting a form causes the related locations in the left pane to highlight.
Double clicking a form will open it for view in the forms editor.
Right clicking a location gives option to add it to investigation.
Last tab is labeled Forms and contains the same functionality as the forms pane in the current release.
Investigation Tree | Subject (Individual, Vehicle, Location, etc.) | Alerts | Vehicles | Associates | Locations | Forms |
| Common info expanded view for item selected in tree. |
Investigation Tree | Subject (Individual, Vehicle, Location, etc.) | Alerts | Vehicles |
| Associates | Locations | Forms |
| +Vehicle 1 common info view condensed |
| Form A |
| +Vehicle 2 |
| Form B |
| Vehicle 3 common info view expanded
| Form C |
| +Vehicle 4 |
Contact Management
Search panel in forms manager should remain dedicated to search; do not busy this area by adding contact management viewers.
FAC did not like putting this information in the navigation pane although it was preferable to the search pane.
Preferred to access these features via ribbon button(s).
Suggest a separate contact manager screen for doing case management activities.
Do we also need a case notes feature?
Assuming that when tasks feature is implemented It will have the ability to assign tasks to officers and have due dates. Be able to generate an officer’s to-do list which can be e-mailed.
Regarding naming, FAC preferred leaving contacts called contact. We don’t have strong feelings about this and I doubt that we would oppose a name change. The FAC made the comment that everything relayed through dispatching is an “Incident” and some incidents eventually graduate to the status of a “case,” depending upon the amount of work required.
03/19/14 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
11:57 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Room 354
Hill Farms Transportation Building
4802 Sheboygan Ave
March 19, 2014
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. Introductions and Charter
9:15 a.m. eCitation Status Update and Discussion
10:00 a.m. User Conference Planning
10:30 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. Alcohol Form Revision
11:00 a.m. Killed Wild Animal Permit (aka Deer Tag)
12:00 p.m. Lunch
12:45 p.m. Enhancements Update
National Steering Committee Report
Update Server Proposal
1:15 p.m. Master Index Demo/Hands-On
1:45 p.m. Break
2:00 p.m. Miscellaneous FAC referral items
3:00 p.m. Adjourn
FAC Membership 2014
Hales Corners PD—Sgt. Brent Kroll (Outgoing Member)
Juneau County Sheriff —Lt. Robert F. Jasinski (Outgoing Member)
La Crosse PD—Sgt. Andrew (Drew) J. Gavrilos (Outgoing Member)
Phillips PD—David A. Sonntag (Outgoing Member)
Green Lake County Sheriff—Kevin Manning
Marinette County Sheriff—Kevin Solway
Kiel PD—Joseph Jeanty
Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD, Matthew Drought
Tribal Community— St Croix Tribal Police, Jennifer Brugman
State Patrol—Mark Fetzer
Natural Resources— Kristin Turner
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Teresa Severson
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Brian Neil
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Dennis Rodenkirch
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster
06/17/14 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
11:56 AM
TraCS FAC Meeting Notes 06/17/14
The TraCS Forms Advisory Committee met on 06/17/2014. Present were Hales Corners PD—Sgt. Brent Kroll, Green Lake County Sheriff—Kevin Manning, Kiel PD—Joseph Jeanty, Milwaukee PD—Ken Cecil and Matt Drought, State Patrol—Mark Fetzer and Tom Erdmann, Natural Resources— Kristin Turner and Todd Schaller, Division of Motor Vehicles—Deborah Godt, Darlene Schwartz, Teresa Severson, John Egan, and Jennifer Schmidt.
TraCS 10 Update
Over 55% of agencies have migrated to TraCS 10. Our goal is to have remaining agencies migrated by the end of the calendar year.
The project list which came out of the December 2013 FAC meeting was updated and reviewed:
Project | Priority High/Medium/Low | Start Date | Completion Date |
New Form: Killed Wild Animal Permit | Committed | 04/01/2014 | August/September 2014 |
RMS Project: Master Name Index | Committed | 07/01/2014 | August/September 2014 |
RMS Project: Master Vehicle Index | Committed | 07/01/2014 | August/September 2014 |
RMS Project: Master Location Index | Committed | 07/01/2014 | August/September 2014 |
RMS Project: Involvement Explorer | Committed | 07/01/2014 | August/September 2014 |
RMS Project: Case Level Statuses/Validations | Committed | 07/01/2014 | August/September 2014 |
RMS Project: Tasks | Committed | 07/01/2014 | August/September 2014 |
RMS Project: Case Level Attachments | Committed | 07/01/2014 | August/September 2014 |
Misdemeanor Citation Add victim info to NTC—No need for separate form | Committed |
| August/September 2014 |
TraCS LITE Project | Committed | 07/01/2014 | TBD |
RMS Project: Case Import/Export | Committed | 09/01/2014 | TBD |
RMS Project: Equipment Inventory Form | Committed | 09/01/2014 | TBD |
RMS Project: Confidentiality | Committed | 09/01/2014 | TBD |
RMS Project: Master Property Index | Committed | 09/01/2014 | TBD |
Warning Transmission (Data Warehouse) | Committed |
| 2014 |
Revised Form: DNR | Committed | July 2015 | March 2016 |
Revised Form: Crash | Committed |
| October 2016 |
RMS Project: Incident Report/Arrest Report (IBR/UCR) | High for RMS |
| TBD |
RMS Project: Chain of Evidence/Property Sheet | High for RMS |
| TBD |
Killed Wild Animal Permit Transmission | Low |
| TBD |
New Form: DNR Crash form (ATV/Snow/Boat) | Medium |
| TBD |
New Form: Probable Cause Affidavit | Medium |
| TBD |
New Form: Intoximeter (Test Results) Report | Low |
| TBD |
New Form: Daily Activity Log | Low |
| TBD |
New Form: OWI Affidavit | Low |
| TBD |
New Form: OWI Warrant | Low |
| TBD |
New Form: Blood Draw Warrant | Low |
| TBD |
New Form: Jail Intake | On Hold |
| TBD |
New Form: Emergency Detention | On Hold |
| TBD |
New Form: Suspension Order Unpaid Parking Tickets (TV&RP) | Superseded by new DOT web app under development. |
| N/A |
Revised Form: NTC | Implement separate misdemeanor citation instead. |
| N/A |
New Features Coming Soon
The new contact manager, master index, involvement explorer, and task manager features were previewed. These features have been greatly improved over the version we saw at the previous FAC meeting.
State Patrol volunteered to work with us to give additional testing and feedback on case management.
These features are expected to be released in the August/September timeframe and will be available in a separate menu tab. Agencies that prefer to use TraCS as-is can simply ignore the new tab.
User Conference Planning
The user conference is scheduled for Monday, October 27th at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells.
The user conference format will be changing for 2014. There will be no general session in the morning. Instead, there will be a series of break-out sessions throughout the day. Any general announcements will be given at the lunch session.
Attendees may choose from five breakout topics scheduled over 4 different breakout sessions during the day.
New Features (4 sessions)
Hints and Tips for IT Staff (3 sessions)
Hints and Tips for Officers and Administrative Staff (4 sessions)
MACH (3 sessions)
TraCS 10 Migration (2 sessions)
FAC members will assist with the breakout sessions
Killed Wild Animal Permit
A draft of the new Killed Wild Animal Permit form was demonstrated. Most features are now in place. The form will be ready for release in the August/September timeframe. Initial version of the form will not include electronic transmission of the data to DNR. That will happen when the DNR interface is ready.
Property Sheet/Chain of Evidence Form
The Iowa property sheet/chain of evidence form was reviewed. It was thought it could be used in Wisconsin. The signature images are not needed. As long as the person that the goods are being transferred to is signed in to create the form, that is good enough.
FAC Referral Items
The following FAC referral items were discussed:
We will not make a separate misdemeanor citation. Instead the victim name, address, phone number, DOB, and restitution requested will be added to the NTC form. Victim information and restitution will only print on the officer and court copies.
#614, request for analysis report showing pending OWI tickets, was declined. The suggestion was to use tags and the accompanying tags analysis report.
#670, request that the narrative remain available for edit after the citation goes into issued status after printing, was approved.
#695, request for DNR cover letter with officer configurable closing, was approved.
#701, request for analysis report of transmitted forms for a given day, was declined. Suggestion is to use advanced search instead.
#702, request for analysis report to list TransExport and TransComm log entries in chronological order, was declined. Instead, a request will be made to fix the baseline bug in the log viewer.
#703, request for analysis report to print the log, was declined. Instead a request will be made to add a print button to the log viewer.
#714, request to add the agency’s distribution level to the document section of the form so that it is available for troubleshooting, was declined. Instead a request will be made to fix the baseline bug in the web services client that prevents the distribution level from being logged.
#715, request to add an “on behalf of” button in TraCS so that other agency’s ordinance table and court list may be used in a contracting out situation, was approved.
#716, request to add “on vehicle” delivery type to the citation schema, was deferred until more analysis can be done.
#717, request to add an analysis report for better managing citation numbers, was approved.
06/17/14 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
11:57 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Room 356
Hill Farms Transportation Building
4802 Sheboygan Ave
June 17, 2014
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. | TraCS Update
9:15 a.m. | New Features: Contact Manager, Task Manager, Master Index and Involvement Explorer
10:30 a.m. | Break
10:45 a.m. | Wild Animal Killed Permit (AKA Deer Tag)
11:30 a.m. | Misdemeanor citation
12:00 p.m. | Lunch
12:45 p.m. | FAC Referral Items
1:15 p.m.
| Property Sheet/Chain of Evidence Form
1:45 p.m. | Break
2:00 p.m. | User Conference
2:30 p.m. | TraCS Staffing
3:00 p.m. | Adjourn |
FAC Membership 2014
Hales Corners PD—Sgt. Brent Kroll (Outgoing Member)
Juneau County Sheriff —Lt. Robert F. Jasinski (Outgoing Member)
La Crosse PD—Sgt. Andrew (Drew) J. Gavrilos (Outgoing Member)
Phillips PD—David A. Sonntag (Outgoing Member)
Green Lake County Sheriff—Kevin Manning
Marinette County Sheriff—Kevin Solway
Kiel PD—Joseph Jeanty
Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD, Matthew Drought
Tribal Community— St Croix Tribal Police, Jennifer Brugman
State Patrol—Mark Fetzer
Natural Resources— Kristin Turner
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Teresa Severson
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Brian Neil
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Dennis Rodenkirch
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster
09/25/14 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
11:56 AM
TraCS FAC Meeting Notes 09/25/14
The TraCS Forms Advisory Committee met on 09/25/2014. Present were Hales Corners PD—Sgt. Brent Kroll, Green Lake County Sheriff—Kevin Manning, Kiel PD—Joseph Jeanty, Milwaukee PD—Ken Cecil and Matt Drought, State Patrol—Mark Fetzer, Natural Resources— Kristin Turner, Division of Motor Vehicles—, Darlene Schwartz, Teresa Severson, Geri Polser, and Jennifer Schmidt.
New Features
The following new features were demonstrated:
Case Manager
Master Index
Involvement Explorer
Tasks Form
File Link Attachments
Auto-run Distributions
Auto backup of Setting and Documents
These features will be released shortly after the user conference.
Confidentiality is a new feature that will be released next spring. The confidentiality feature allows an officer to limit access to a form, piece of common information, or an entire case to a sub-set of users.
Many committee members expressed concerns over misuse of this feature and the potential for forms to get lost. We will need to provide good guidance as to who should have the confidential access level and how to use it wisely. Many committee members stated that confidentiality should be used only rarely if at all.
Preliminary suggestions for the confidentiality type code list are:
Medical- Not for Public Release
Under Investigation
This topic will be revisited at the December meeting.
Modes is a new feature that allows you to limit the buttons and forms in TraCS depending on which “mode” a user wants to work in. For example a user could be assigned general mode and traffic enforcement mode, with different buttons and forms in each mode.
Mode worksheets were handed out. The mode topic will be discussed more fully at the December meeting.
User Conference Planning
The user conference is scheduled for Monday, October 27th at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells.
The user conference format will be changing for 2014. There will be no general session in the morning. Instead, there will be a series of break-out sessions throughout the day. Any general announcements will be given at the lunch session.
Attendees may choose from five breakout topics scheduled over 4 different breakout sessions during the day.
FAC members will assist with the breakout sessions
FAC Referral Items
The following FAC referral items were discussed:
#758, request to change the ILT dialog box to add “Government Property” to the dialog box that currently lists “Parking Lot, Private Property, Non-Roadway”, was approved.
#759, request to adapt the Iowa VISIS form for non-ASPEN reported motor carrier inspections, was approved.
#756, request to allow writing of “B” ticket without reporting BAC, was declined. Online help should be updated to explain proper procedure for writing B ticket.
#776, request to change ILT county download to include 1 mile buffer, requires more research.
#791, request not to auto-populate agency space on citations, was declined
#809, request to change the form description for the attachment form, was approved.
#822, request to make speed limit a defaultable field, was approved.
#823, request to add court date to form manager grid, was approved.
#825, request to add rank of Chief Deputy, was approved.
#840, request to add ability to enter data from paper ticket into TraCS, was declined.
09/25/14 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
11:57 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Room 421
Hill Farms Transportation Building
4802 Sheboygan Ave
September 25, 2014
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. | TraCS Update
9:15 a.m. | New Features: case management, tasks, attachments, master Index and Involvement Explorer
10:30 a.m. | Break
10:45 a.m. | New Features: Auto-run distributions, auto-backup settings and document numbers.
11:15 a.m. | Confidentiality and Modes
12:00 p.m. | Lunch
12:45 p.m. | User Conference Planning
1:15 p.m.
| Motor Vehicle Inspection Form
1:45 p.m. | Break
2:00 p.m. | FAC Referral Items
3:00 p.m. | Adjourn |
FAC Membership 2014
Hales Corners PD—Sgt. Brent Kroll (Outgoing Member)
Juneau County Sheriff —Lt. Robert F. Jasinski (Outgoing Member)
La Crosse PD—Sgt. Andrew (Drew) J. Gavrilos (Outgoing Member)
Phillips PD—David A. Sonntag (Outgoing Member)
Green Lake County Sheriff—Kevin Manning
Marinette County Sheriff—Kevin Solway Kim Dobbins
Kiel PD—Joseph Jeanty
Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD, Matthew Drought
Tribal Community— St Croix Tribal Police, Jennifer Brugman
State Patrol—Mark Fetzer
Natural Resources— Kristin Turner
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Teresa Severson
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Brian Neil
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Dennis Rodenkirch
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster
12/03/14 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
11:57 AM
TraCS FAC Meeting Notes 12/03/14
The TraCS Forms Advisory Committee met on 12/03/2014. Present were Hales Corners PD—Sgt. Brent Kroll, Green Lake County Sheriff—Kevin Manning, Kiel PD—Joseph Jeanty, Milwaukee PD—Ken Cecil and Matt Drought, State Patrol—Mark Fetzer, La Crosse PD—Drew Gavrilos, Natural Resources— Kristin Turner, Division of Motor Vehicles—, Darlene Schwartz, Beth Nichols, and Jennifer Schmidt.
Streamlining Updates and Distributions
The FAC recommended that the process for applying state level updates and local distributions should be improved. The following improvements are planned.
Automatically run distributions at log in time. (Implemented in November.)
Require admin log in before updating master computer.
Remove the need to manually extract tables from SQL server for import into support.mdb.
Reduce the frequency with which distributions must be created.
Reduce the number of steps required to create a distribution.
The FAC recommended that only one confidentiality type, “Not for Public Release” be created in TraCS. If a form is marked confidential, the printed reports should bear a “Not for Public Release” watermark.
A new access level will be created, “Confidential Administrator”. This access level will be assigned to the individual or individuals in each agency responsible for administering confidential records. This is typically also the person(s) who handles open records requests. The confidential administrator will be responsible for marking confidential records and determining how confidential records will be viewed within the agency.
The FAC recommended adding a confidential flag to the form grid.
The FAC recommended that Modes be implemented for the form viewer only, not the form manager. Two modes would be created, one for traffic enforcement and one for natural resources enforcement.
Equipment Inventory Form
A demonstration of the new equipment inventory form was given. This form will be released in April and is designed to help law enforcement agencies manage their equipment inventory. Use of this form is optional.
Case Dispositions
The April release of TraCS will include the ability to interface with CCAP to record court case dispositions.
Form Referrals
The April release of TraCS will include the ability to refer a courtesy copy of any TraCS form to State Patrol. This will facilitate communication when agencies work with State Patrol’s Technical Reconstruction Unit.
FAC Discussion Items
The FAC approved the following items:
#885 Add the ability to set the messagecache to %userprofile%/downloads to simplify configuration.
#861 Add option to Remove the Change Password button.
#896 Add transmission for the Deertag form.
The FAC declined the following items:
#862 Rewrite the violator instructions for the NTC.
#863 & 937 Add support for serving distributions via Google drive
Project Prioritization
The FAC reviewed the results from the forms survey that was conducted in November.
The blood draw warrant and affidavit scored very high in the survey. The comment was made that for OWI processing to be complete, we would need to include the intoximeter results and the IBR report.
The FAC suggested that the Emergency Detention form, Criminal Complaint and the Probably Cause Affidavit not be considered for TraCS and regarded as “out of scope.”
The FAC suggested adding Custody Report for Juveniles. Below are the survey results.
Forms Survey Results November 2014
115 agencies responded to our Development Priorities Survey.
Scoring used the following formula: High Priority = 5, Medium Priority = 3, Low Priority = 1, Would Not Use = 0. These scores were then multiplied by the number of sworn officers in each agency to arrive at a weighted score for each form.
Weighted By Agency Size |
Form/Report | Score |
Blood Draw Warrant | 11406 |
OWI Affidavit | 9273 |
OWI Warrant | 9241 |
Intoximeter (Test Results) Report | 7736 |
DNR Crash Form (Boat/ATV/Snow) | 7558 |
Emergency Detention | 7457 |
Probable Cause Affidavit | 7455 |
Chain of Evidence/Property Sheet | 6659 |
Incident Report/Arrest Report (IBR/UCR) | 6559 |
Call for Service Form (Integrated with MACH) | 6150 |
Criminal Complaint | 4692 |
DNR Complaint | 4589 |
Motor Carrier Inspection | 3779 |
Jail Intake | 3662 |
eReferral Form DAIT | 3013 |
Miscellaneous Requests
Medium Priority = Temporary Physical Custody (Juvenile)
High Priority = incident report would be a great addition, ;Medium Priority = Victim/witness information (?) idea only;Low Priority = photo log, including photo, description, photo # (and other information)
High Priority = Parking Ticket - Non Court appearance
High Priority = No;Medium Priority = No;Low Priority = No
Medium Priority = Personal Recognizance Bond
High Priority = None;Medium Priority = None;Low Priority = None
Medium Priority = Shift/Patrol Log
High Priority = Arrest/booking report, emergency detention;Medium Priority = owi blood warrant facesheet
High Priority = Non consent form, owi driver release form, ;Medium Priority = written Statement form, ;Low Priority = dnr owi forms
High Priority = Use of force supplement, School Bus Inspection,
High Priority = Property tag for crash damage;Low Priority = some form of radar log??
Medium Priority = Hunting Incident Report
High Priority = perhaps a generic parking citation
High Priority = NA;Medium Priority = NA;Low Priority = NA
High Priority = Customizable overdue parking citation non-payment mailings
Medium Priority = DOT Property Crash Tags
High Priority = the ability to make corrections after a form has been printed, I.e. misspelled names or incorrect court dates and reprint the corrected form.
High Priority = Statement of Rights form, Missing person form, Animal bite form;Medium Priority = Juvenile referral
High Priority = The warrant forms for owi and bailjumping would be wonderful additions.
Low Priority = Officer Daily Activity form
High Priority = I need TraCs to do what it was designed for; citation and crashes. Everything else is slowing down my machines and causing numerous headaches.
High Priority = Our agency and many others now issue citations as 15-day warnings then dismiss them when returned, maybe a way to make a option to print a citaiton that is similar to a warnign with # of days to retur
Medium Priority = Easy template or drawing tool in the tracs diagram tool, for common intersections, which can be saved for future crashes
High Priority = none;Medium Priority = none;Low Priority = none
Un-weighted Scores by Agency Type
Scoring used the following formula: High Priority = 5, Medium Priority = 3, Low Priority = 1, Would Not Use = 0. Scores were not weighted by agency size.
Un-weighted Scores – All agencies |
Form/Report | Score |
Blood Draw Warrant | 445 |
OWI Warrant | 407 |
OWI Affidavit | 376 |
Emergency Detention | 318 |
Probable Cause Affidavit | 293 |
Intoximeter (Test Results) Report | 208 |
DNR Crash Form (Boat/ATV/Snow) | 172 |
Chain of Evidence/Property Sheet | 169 |
Incident Report/Arrest Report (IBR/UCR) | 164 |
Jail Intake | 151 |
Criminal Complaint | 138 |
Call for Service Form (Integrated with MACH) | 101 |
eReferral Form for Submitting supplemental data to DAIT | 85 |
DNR Complaint | 65 |
Motor Carrier Inspection | 42 |
Un-weighted Scores—City/Village/Town Police |
Form/Report | Score |
Blood Draw Warrant | 319 |
OWI Warrant | 291 |
OWI Affidavit | 273 |
Emergency Detention | 237 |
Probable Cause Affidavit | 197 |
Intoximeter (Test Results) Report | 135 |
Incident Report/Arrest Report (IBR/UCR) | 126 |
Jail Intake | 119 |
Chain of Evidence/Property Sheet | 116 |
DNR Crash Form (Boat/ATV/Snow) | 92 |
Criminal Complaint | 89 |
Call for Service Form (Integrated with MACH) | 65 |
eReferral Form for Submitting supplemental data to DAIT | 54 |
DNR Complaint | 26 |
Motor Carrier Inspection | 18 |
County Sheriff’s Offices—Un-weighted |
Form/Report | Score |
Blood Draw Warrant | 99 |
OWI Warrant | 93 |
OWI Affidavit | 82 |
Probable Cause Affidavit | 76 |
DNR Crash Form (Boat/ATV/Snow) | 69 |
Emergency Detention | 65 |
Intoximeter (Test Results) Report | 61 |
Chain of Evidence/Property Sheet | 35 |
DNR Complaint | 26 |
Criminal Complaint | 26 |
Call for Service Form (Integrated with MACH) | 23 |
eReferral Form for Submitting supplemental data to DAIT | 23 |
Jail Intake | 23 |
Motor Carrier Inspection | 19 |
Incident Report/Arrest Report (IBR/UCR) | 18 |
Statewide Agencies—Un-weighted |
Form/Report | Score |
Chain of Evidence/Property Sheet | 11 |
DNR Complaint | 10 |
DNR Crash Form (Boat/ATV/Snow) | 10 |
Incident Report/Arrest Report (IBR/UCR) | 9 |
Call for Service Form (Integrated with MACH) | 9 |
Criminal Complaint | 7 |
Blood Draw Warrant | 7 |
Probable Cause Affidavit | 6 |
Motor Carrier Inspection | 5 |
Intoximeter (Test Results) Report | 5 |
OWI Affidavit | 3 |
OWI Warrant | 3 |
Emergency Detention | 2 |
Jail Intake | 2 |
eReferral Form for Submitting supplemental data to DAIT | 1 |
Un-weighted—Campus Police |
Form/Report | Score |
OWI Warrant | 15 |
Blood Draw Warrant | 15 |
Emergency Detention | 13 |
OWI Affidavit | 13 |
Probable Cause Affidavit | 11 |
Criminal Complaint | 11 |
Incident Report/Arrest Report (IBR/UCR) | 10 |
Jail Intake | 7 |
Chain of Evidence/Property Sheet | 6 |
Call for Service Form (Integrated with MACH) | 4 |
Intoximeter (Test Results) Report | 4 |
eReferral Form for Submitting supplemental data to DAIT | 1 |
Motor Carrier Inspection | 0 |
DNR Complaint | 0 |
DNR Crash Form (Boat/ATV/Snow) | 0 |
Un-weighted—Tribal Police |
Form/Report | Score |
OWI Affidavit | 5 |
OWI Warrant | 5 |
Blood Draw Warrant | 5 |
Probable Cause Affidavit | 3 |
Intoximeter (Test Results) Report | 3 |
Emergency Detention | 1 |
Chain of Evidence/Property Sheet | 1 |
eReferral Form for Submitting supplemental data to DAIT | 1 |
DNR Crash Form (Boat/ATV/Snow) | 1 |
Incident Report/Arrest Report (IBR/UCR) | 0 |
Motor Carrier Inspection | 0 |
DNR Complaint | 0 |
Call for Service Form (Integrated with MACH) | 0 |
Criminal Complaint | 0 |
Jail Intake | 0 |
Un-weighted—Other Agency |
Form/Report | Score |
eReferral Form for Submitting supplemental data to DAIT | 5 |
Criminal Complaint | 5 |
DNR Complaint | 3 |
Incident Report/Arrest Report (IBR/UCR) | 1 |
Motor Carrier Inspection | 0 |
Emergency Detention | 0 |
Call for Service Form (Integrated with MACH) | 0 |
Chain of Evidence/Property Sheet | 0 |
DNR Crash Form (Boat/ATV/Snow) | 0 |
Probable Cause Affidavit | 0 |
Intoximeter (Test Results) Report | 0 |
OWI Affidavit | 0 |
OWI Warrant | 0 |
Jail Intake | 0 |
Blood Draw Warrant | 0 |
12/03/14 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
11:57 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Room 356
Hill Farms Transportation Building
4802 Sheboygan Ave
December 3, 2014
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. | Streamlining updates and distributions
9:30 a.m. | Confidentiality
10:00 a.m. | Modes
10:30 a.m. | Break
10:45 a.m. | Inventory Form
11:30 a.m. | Case Dispositions/Case Transfers
12:00 p.m. | Lunch
12:45 p.m. | User Conference Feedback
1:00 p.m.
| New Forms Prioritization
1:45 p.m. | Break
2:00 p.m. | FAC Referral Items
3:00 p.m. | Adjourn |
FAC Membership 2014
Hales Corners PD—Sgt. Brent Kroll (Outgoing Member)
Juneau County Sheriff —Lt. Robert F. Jasinski (Outgoing Member)
La Crosse PD—Sgt. Andrew (Drew) J. Gavrilos (Outgoing Member)
Phillips PD—David A. Sonntag (Outgoing Member)
Green Lake County Sheriff—Kevin Manning
Marinette County Sheriff—Kevin Solway Kim Dobbins
Kiel PD—Joseph Jeanty
Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD, Matthew Drought
Tribal Community— St Croix Tribal Police, Jennifer Brugman (Resigned, November 2014)
State Patrol—Mark Fetzer
Natural Resources— Kristin Turner
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Teresa Severson
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Brian Neil
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Dennis Rodenkirch
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster
PAC Violations
Friday, February 2, 2018
12:01 PM
V2ViolationTraffic |
CodeValue | CodeText | BACMin | BACMax |
23.33(4c)(a)2 | OPERATE ATV WITH PAC >= .08 < .10 (1ST) | 08 | 09 |
23.33(4c)(a)2 | OPERATE ATV WITH PAC >= .10 (1ST) | 10 | 99 |
23.33(4c)(a)2 | OPERATE ATV WITH PAC (2ND OFFENSE) |
23.33(4c)(a)2 | OPERATE ATV WITH PAC (3RD+ OFFENSE) |
23.33(4c)(a)2 | OPERATE ATV W/PAC >=.08< 16] | 08 | 09 |
23.33(4c)(a)2 | OPERATE ATV W/PAC >=.10 [PASS. | 10 | 99 |
23.33(4c)(a)2 | OPERATE ATV WITH PAC [PASS. |
23.33(4c)(a)2 | OPERATE ATV WITH PAC [PASS. < 16] (3RD+) |
23.33(4c)(a)2 | OPERATE ATV W/ PAC >=.17 | 17 | 19 |
23.33(4c)(a)2 | OPERATE ATV W/ PAC >=.20 | 20 | 24 |
23.33(4c)(a)2 | OPERATE ATV W/ PAC >=.25 (3RD+) | 25 | 99 |
346.63(1)(a) | OWI (1st) (PAC>=0.15) | 15 | 99 |
346.63(1)(am) | OPER W/CONTROL SUBS (1ST)(PAC>=0.15) | 15 | 99 |
346.63(1)(b) | OPERATING W/PAC (1ST) | 08 | 99 |
346.63(1)(b) | OPERATING W/PAC >=0.15 (1ST) | 15 | 99 |
346.63(1)(b) | OPERATING W/PAC-PASSENGER | 08 | 99 |
346.63(1)(b) | OPERATING W/PAC (2ND) | 08 | 99 |
346.63(1)(b) | OPERATING W/PAC-PASSENGER < 16 YRS (2ND) | 08 | 99 |
346.63(1)(b) | OPERATING W/PAC-PASSENGER < 16 YRS (3RD) | 08 | 99 |
346.63(1)(b) | OPERATING W/PAC (3RD) | 08 | 99 |
346.63(1)(b) | OPERATING W/PAC-PASSENGER < 16 YRS (4TH) | 02 | 99 |
346.63(1)(b) | OPERATING W/PAC (4TH) | 02 | 99 |
346.63(1)(b) | OPERATING W/PAC (4TH W/IN 5 YRS) | 02 | 99 |
346.63(1)(b) | OPERATING W/PAC-PASSENGER | 02 | 99 |
346.63(1)(b) | OPERATING W/PAC-PASSENGER | 02 | 99 |
346.63(1)(b) | EXP: OPERATING WITH PAC OF .02 OR MORE (5TH OR 6TH) | 02 | 99 |
346.63(1)(b) | OPERATING W/PAC (5TH OR 6TH) | 02 | 99 |
346.63(1)(b) | EXP: OPERATING WITH PAC OF .02 OR MORE (7TH, 8TH OR 9TH) | 02 | 99 |
346.63(1)(b) | OPERATING W/PAC (7TH 8TH OR 9TH) | 02 | 99 |
346.63(1)(b) | OPERATING W/PAC-PASSENGER | 02 | 99 |
346.63(1)(b) | EXP: OPERATING WITH PAC OF .02 OR MORE (10TH OR MORE) | 02 | 99 |
346.63(1)(b) | OPERATING W/PAC (10TH+) | 02 | 99 |
346.63(1)(b) | OPERATING W/PAC-PASSENGER | 02 | 99 |
346.63(2)(a)1 | OWI CAUSE INJURY (1ST) (PAC>=0.15) | 15 | 99 |
346.63(2)(a)2 | CAUSE INJURY/OPERATNG WITH PAC-PASSENGER <16 | 08 | 99 |
346.63(2)(a)2 | CAUSE INJURY WHILE OPERATING WITH PAC | 08 | 99 |
346.63(2)(a)2 | PAC CAUSE INJURY (2+) | 08 | 99 |
346.63(2)(a)2 | PAC CAUSE INJURY (PASSENGER < 16 YRS) (2+) | 08 | 99 |
346.63(2)(a)2 | PAC CAUSE INJURY (1ST) (PAC>=0.15) | 15 | 99 |
346.63(5)(a) | OPERATE CMV W PAC >=.04 | 04 | 07 |
346.63(5)(a) | OPERATE CMV W PAC >=.04 | 04 | 07 |
346.63(5)(a) | OPERATE CMV W PAC >=.04 | 04 | 07 |
346.63(5)(a) | OPERATE CMV W PAC >=.04 | 04 | 07 |
346.63(5)(a) | OPERATE CMV W PAC >=.04 | 04 | 07 |
346.63(5)(a) | OPERATE CMV W PAC >=.04 | 04 | 07 |
346.63(6)(a) | INJURY-OPERATE CMV W/PAC >=.04 <.08 | 04 | 07 |
346.63(6)(a) | INJURY-CMV W/PAC >=.04 <16) | 04 | 07 |
346.63(6)(a) | INJURY-CMV W/PAC >=.04 | 04 | 08 |
346.63(6)(a) | INJURY-CMV W/PAC >=.04 <16)(2+) | 04 | 08 |
346.63(7)(a)1 | OPERATE CMV WITH PAC > 0.0 | 01 | 99 |
350.101(1)(b) | OPERATE SNOWMOBILE W/ PAC >= .10 (1ST) | 10 | 99 |
350.101(1)(b) | OPERATE SNOWMOBILE W/ PAC >= .08 (3RD+) | 08 | 99 |
350.101(1)(b) | OPERATE SNOWMOBILE PAC W/ >=.08 < .10 (1ST) | 08 | 10 |
350.101(1)(b) | OPERATE SNOWMOBILE W/ PAC >= .08 (2ND) | 08 | 99 |
940.09(1)(b) | HOMICIDE BY USE/VEHICLE W/ PAC (2ND+) |
940.09(1)(bm) | HOMICIDE BY USE/COMM.VEH.W/PAC (2ND+) |
940.09(1)(bm) | HOMICIDE BY USE/COMM.VEH.W/PAC |
940.09(1)(e) | HOMICIDE/UNBORN CHILD -USE CMV W/ PAC (2+) |
940.09(1g)(b) | HOMICIDE BY FIREARM WITH PAC >=.08 | 08 | 99 |
940.25(1)(b) | INJURYUSE/VEH W/ PAC-PASS < AGE 16 |
940.25(1)(bm) | INJURY- USE CMV W/PAC >= .04 <.08 | 04 | 07 |
940.25(1)(bm) | INJURY-USE CMV W/PAC >=.04 <16) | 04 | 07 |
940.25(1)(e) | INJURY/UNBORN CHILD-CMV (PAC >=.04<08) | 04 | 07 |
346.63(1)(b) | OPERATING W/PAC-(1ST W/PASS =0.15) | 15 | 99 |
346.63(1)(am) | OPER W/CONTROL SUBS (1ST W/PASS =0.15) |
346.63(1)(b) | OPERATING W/PAC >= .02 UNDER IID ORDER (2ND) | 02 | 99 |
346.63(1)(b) | OPERATING W/PAC >= .02 UNDER IID ORDER (3RD) | 02 | 99 |
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