Badger TraCS Guides
FAC Meeting Notes 2011
05/17/11 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
9:46 AM
TraCS FAC Meeting Minutes 05/17/11
The TraCS Forms Advisory Committee Meeting met on 05/17/2011. Present were Seth Tully (Adams County Sheriff’s Office), Dana Brown (Altoona Police Department), Rich Stein (Milwaukee Police Department), Cory Hanson (Superior Police Department), Jim Larson (State Patrol), Jeff Davis (Cross Plains Police Department), Tom Rolling (Ashwaubenon Public Safety), Erin Egan (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Mary Mcfarlane (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Geri Polster (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Dennis Rodenkirch (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Jenny Schmidt (Citations and Withdrawals Section)
FAC Charter
The charter for the committee was reviewed and the mission of the committee was discussed. This year the committee will mostly be working on design decisions for TraCS 10.
Incident Location Tool
The Incident Location Tool was demonstrated. The incident location tool displays a map to the user so that the incident can be accurately located and the data populated into TraCS.
There were some concerns that some of the controls on the locator puck might be a little small to operate on a touch screen. This should be tested on a touch screen laptop.
Agencies will have three ways to select an intersection: ILT, free key, or drop down lists. There was some debate over whether the ILT screen should be automatically presented or if the officer should have to click a button to bring it up. Three options for how and when the ILT is displayed were discussed:
Automatically bring up the ILT screen when entering the first ILT field. (TraCS instant search feature) Officer would have to dismiss the screen if they didn’t want to use the ILT.
Require officers to push a button to start the ILT. (Button search feature)
Allow agencies to choose between options 1 and 2 via a setting in TraCS.
The FAC voted for option 3.
There was a suggestion to add the county highways to the highways table. The crash Business Area Expert (BAE) was in favor of this, but noted this was labor intensive and that resources have not yet been allocated to this task. Moving the county highways to the highway table would help resolve some street naming conflicts in WISLR vs. the crash form.
The ILT is GPS aware and will attempt to center the puck on the GPS coordinates of the vehicle if available. The ILT remembers prior location and zoom-factor from previous sessions.
The Incident Mapping and Analysis Tool (IMAT) is a companion piece to the ILT and can be used to display local TraCS data (citation and crash data, typically) on a map. We plan on providing some canned GIS reports for IMAT for which the FAC will need to provide input on.
ILT and IMAT will be included in the TraCS 10 rollout at no cost to local agencies.
TraCS 10 Design and Scope
The draft design and scope document for TraCS 10 was reviewed. The committee agreed to the following changes:
1. Sub-grouping will be used on the crash family of forms to put occupant and property owner data into the same unit group. This will eliminate redundant entry of unit information.
6. More discussion is needed on the implementation of auditing. Desire to record status changes, who and when a document was opened for edit. Not so sure about the need to record changes in values of fields.
New—agency space fields should be converted to single list other databar type to allow agencies to be more consistent in how they enter data into this field.
New—make a button for non-reportable; don’t hide it in the menu.
New—Add identified by field to ELCI and NTC forms. (new field—second release)
4. Add a DNR informing the accused report to the Alcohol form.
6. The implementation of the “void” schema will be implemented in the July patch for 7.3 and item should be removed from the design document.
TraCS 10 Demo
A brief demo of TraCS 10 was given. The extensive options for configuring TraCS were discussed.
TraCS 10 Local Branding
Options for adding locally customizable graphics and static text to TraCS reports were discussed. This feature would be implemented through new settings in TraCS. The local agencies would then configure the settings to point to graphic files or key text into the settings. These settings would be picked up by the reports to display the customizations.
The FAC recommended adding the ability to supply a bitmap for the letterhead banner for the parental notification letter and a cover letter for re-issued citations, but mostly did not see a need for additional custom areas on reports. Adding custom text similar to the old “Buckle Up” text on the warning was discussed as a possible additional opportunity for local branding, but no decision was reached.
Regional Meetings
Erin and Dennis will be conducting regional meetings during the month of June. Six regional meetings (Tomahawk, Appleton, Black River Falls, Hayward, Waukesha, and Dodgeville) will be held to gather feature requests. This will allow all agencies an opportunity to have a say in the TraCS 10 project. FAC members are encouraged to attend at least one of these meetings if they are able.
Milwaukee PD would like to see 16 fields added to the NTC form to help them comply with incident reporting requirements. This will be revisited at the next FAC meeting.
TraCS 7.3
After the release of the July patch, future patches will be restricted to standard table updates and critical bug fixes that affect data integrity. Minor feature requests, which might have previously gone into a patch, will be held for TraCS 10. This will insure that we have enough resources allocated for the TraCS 10 project.
NTC Violation Categories (Tree Values)
The committee agreed that the categories displayed in the violation search engine should be revised. Statutes will now be grouped by chapter heading.
Alcohol Form
When notice of intent to suspend flag is set to “yes,” the administrative review request flag will also be defaulted to “yes.”
If flags do not match a hard error will be given. (The existing warning will be upgraded to an error.)
Remove the “informing the accused” statement from the F2 Help. Officer should be reading this from print preview. Databar prompt should be changed to reflect this.
Adding language about IID to the SP4197 form was discussed. This issue will be referred to Sue Hackworthy, the form owner.
The underage flag will now be automatically populated from the violation table. A pop up message will appear when a violation involving the underage flag reminding the officer that the incident must involve a vehicle with a passenger under the age of 16.
The truck surcharge flag will now ungray for class “O” vehicles so that officers may apply the truck surcharge when appropriate. This refines the changes to the surcharge calculation that were added in the May patch.
Form Descriptions
The form description column for all forms will be changed to match the same format as the ELCI.
On the ELCI, make the endorsements for class vehicles then same for class C and class B. Also make sure endorsements are consistent with the crash forms. In other words, the following endorsements are valid for both class B and C:
F- Farm Service CDL
H- Hazardous Materials
N- Tanker
P- Passenger
S- School Bus
T- Doubles/Triples
Next Meeting
Next meeting is scheduled for July 19, 2011. Save the date.
05/17/11 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
9:48 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Hill Farms State Transportation Building
4802 Sheboygan Ave
Conference Room 701
Madison, WI 53707-7919
May 17, 2011
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. Introductions
9:15 a.m. Mission/Charter
9:30 a.m. Incident Location Tool
10:00 a.m. TraCS 10—Draft Design Document
10:15 a.m. TraCS 10—Regional Meetings
10:30 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. TraCS 10—Local Branding
What text or images appearing on printed reports should local agencies be able to customize? (This would not include new data collection fields; this would be limited to static text and images.) Example: customize letterhead banner image on the parental notification letter.
12:15 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m. TraCS 7.3
Alcohol Forms (Admin Suspension Form)
Truck Surcharge
Endorsements on ELCI form
NTC Violation table statute categories
Add Police # to Traffic Stop Form Description
Crash—Change so that only validated forms print
Patch Policy
2:00 p.m. Break
2:15 PM TraCS 10—Court Date Selector
3:00 p.m. Adjourn
07/19/11 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
9:46 AM
TraCS FAC Meeting Minutes 07/19/11
The TraCS Forms Advisory Committee Meeting met on 07/19/2011. Present were Cory Hanson (Superior Police Department), Curt Raube (Manitowoc County Sheriff), Dana Brown (Altoona Police Department), Seth Tully (Adams County Sheriff’s Office), Kristin Turner (DNR), Todd Schaller (DNR), Jeff Davis (Cross Plains Police Department), Jim Larson (State Patrol), Steve Kraus (Waukesha PD), Rich Stein (Milwaukee Police Department), Jim Larson (State Patrol), Jeff Davis (Cross Plains Police Department), Erin Egan (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Brian Neil (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Geri Polster (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Dennis Rodenkirch (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Jenny Schmidt (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Darlene Schwartz (Citations and Withdrawals Section).g
Regional Meetings Report
Erin gave a summary of the regional meetings. Overall they were very successful and well attend. We received over 100 design ideas for TraCS 10. The regional meeting ideas will be incorporated into the design specifications for TraCS wherever possible.
Future of Traffic Stop Form
Due to recently passed legislation, we will not have a TraCS 10 version of the Traffic Stop nor will we fix the 7.3 version if something breaks on it. (TraCS 7.3 data will still be available for view in TraCS 10, however. See “data migration” below.)
State Patrol, Milwaukee PD and others noted that they found the data they were collecting on the Traffic Stop form was useful for local statistical reporting. State Patrol along with Milwaukee PD, Cross Plains PD, and Altoona PD will work on a form proposal for a “Contact Summary” form that captures useful information at the contact level.
Data Migration
TraCS 10 will include reworked and enhanced versions of Badger TraCS forms. The new versions of these forms (called version 2 forms for the purposes of these notes) may have fields that are deleted, added, renamed, or moved to other groups in order to support the requested features.
Agencies updating to TraCS 10 will, of course, have TraCS forms in their 7.3 office database in the original format (called version 1 forms for the purposes of these notes.)
TraCS 10 will be configure such that the 7.3 office database can be migrated and version 1 form definitions will be available so that forms can be viewed, printed, or e-mailed using the TraCS 10 version of the software. Editing, end-shifting, transmission, etc., will not be supported for version 1 forms.
NTC Enhancements
Several enhancements to the NTC form were discussed.
TraCS 10 will have a toggle button for a parking ticket mode on the NTC form. In parking ticket mode the following behavior will be observed:
Entering individual information is optional. “Field required” validation rules will be turned off.”
A locally configurable block of text will be displayed on the printed parking ticket.
VIN, Make, and Model will be added.
Method served, route to DA, Cash/Credit will be grayed out.
Court date/time will be grayed out.
Local transmission only for the form.
FAC confirmed that agencies should not be allowed to enter their own Wisconsin statutes on the statute tables for citations nor should they be allowed to change the statute descriptions in the tables. Neither should they be able to remove statutes they don’t use. (The favorite statutes feature in TraCS should make the statute table more useable.)
Several suggestions involving violation short cuts were approved.
The state should provide a baseline set of short cut codes, which the state maintains on a regular basis. Local agencies should be able to have their own short cut tables that overrides and augments the state shortcuts. When the officer keys in the statute form as opposed to using the violation search engine, the following sequence of events will occur.
The keyed data will be compared against the local short cut table. If a match found, use it and stop. If not, continue to b.
The keyed data will be compared against the short cut code in the statute table. If a match found, use it and stop. If not, continue to c.
The keyed data will be compared against the statute number, if a single match is found, use it and top. If not, continue to d.
If multiple matches are found, display a list box for the officer to select the right one. Use the selection and stop.
The ordinance table should also be included in the short cut search as well.
Better documentation on short cuts is needed.
The possibility of adding WIBRS fields was discussed, but no decision reached due to a lack of time at the meeting.
Court Date Selector
The court date selector paper was approved with the following revisions:
Under the TraCS only option:
A “court schedule type” field will be added to the citation forms. This will correspond to a code from the “court schedule” table, which is a code table maintained by the local agency. (Possible entries are “Juvenile”, “OWI”, “Criminal Traffic”, “In Custody,” etc.)
The current date and the court schedule code will be used to present the user with a list of available appointments (Dates/Times). The user will select one and the date and time will populate the form.
There will be no attempt to do a “slot” system. (i.e., 100 slots might be set up for a given day/time and TraCS would be responsible for marking the slots as used. This will not be implemented.)
Other Court Issues
Do we need to separate “appearance” and “mail to” addresses on the form? Per FAC: No.
Court list displayed on form should be limited by agency. i.e., agency is able to define the list of courts their officer can use. This requires implementation of an agency/court cross-reference table.
Agencies should be able to specify their own routing preferences for the courts they use.
Allow all forms that are voidable to be voided in open or validated status (like NTC and ELCI.)
07/19/10 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
9:55 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Hill Farms State Transportation Building
4802 Sheboygan Ave
Conference Room 701
Madison, WI 53707-7919
July 19, 2011
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. Regional Meetings Report
10:00 a.m. Future of Traffic Stop Form
10:45 a.m. Break
11:00 a.m. Data Migration
11:30 a.m. Court Date Selector
12:00 p.m. Lunch
12:45 p.m. Logging
1:30 p.m. NTC Enhancements
Parking Ticket Toggle
WIBRS Support
2:00 p.m. Break
2:15 p.m. Warning Enhancements
2:30 p.m. External Search
3:00 p.m. Adjourn
08/18/11 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
9:47 AM
TraCS FAC Meeting Minutes 08/18/11
The TraCS Forms Advisory Committee Meeting met on 08/18/2011. Present were Cory Hanson (Superior Police Department), Curt Raube (Manitowoc County Sheriff), Dana Brown (Altoona Police Department), Seth Tully (Adams County Sheriff’s Office), Kristin Turner (DNR), Todd Schaller (DNR), Jeff Davis (Cross Plains Police Department), Jim Larson (State Patrol), Steve Kraus (Waukesha PD), Rich Stein (Milwaukee Police Department), Jim Larson (State Patrol), Jeff Davis (Cross Plains Police Department), Shawn DeMulling (St Croix County Sheriff) Erin Egan (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Brian Neil (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Geri Polster (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Dennis Rodenkirch (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Jenny Schmidt (Citations and Withdrawals Section).
DNR Enhancements
For TraCS 10, Credit/Cash flag and envelope number fields will be added to the natural resources citation. An “informing the accused” report (DNR Form # 4100-123 revision 8/11) will be added to the reports available for natural resources citation.
External Search
For TraCS 10, the proposal on how to handle legacy support for custom external search MDIs will be provided was approved in its entirety.
For TraCS 10, the paper on logging was approved with the following amendments:
The Citation Status Report should have a column for “Deleted,” which is valid for NTCs and DNR.
All changes in TraCS form status (issued, voided, transmitted, etc.) Will be recorded in the TraCS log database.
Additionally, these statuses will also be recorded to the new log field on the citation forms (NTC, UTC, and DNR.) The log field is a view only field.
Additionally, fields will be editable after issuance. Officers will be prompted for the reason for edit and this will be recorded in the citation log field
The log field from the citation will be available as a report that can be printed.
Approval from the UTC council will be needed before we allow editing after issuance for all fields. Depending on the outcome from the council, editing may be limited to a sub-set of fields.
Contact Summary Form Proposal
The contact summary form proposal was approved with the following amendments.
Use the word “contact” instead of “stop” on field labels.
When form is opened for the first time, all vehicles and persons from the common information pool will be swept into the form.
A count of each form type in the contact will be recorded.
In the person group, a “role” field will be available. This field will have a drop down list of “Driver/Non-Driver”, but may also be configured by the agency to include additional choices.
The search fields will be moved to the vehicle and person sections
Location block from crash form will be used. This will also populate from common info.
Table Manager Replacement
The proposal on the table manager replacement tool was approved in its entirety.
Warning Enhancement
Statute and ordinance fields will be separate fields on the warning so that it is consistent with the other citations forms
All Forms
All forms except the DNR form will have the incident location section upgraded to location block on the crash form. This will allow for a structure number field.
NTC Enhancement
Per Rich’s proposal the 16 WIBRS fields will be added to the NTC. These fields will not be a part of any transmission to WIJIS, but will be available for export to local agencies RMSs
08/18/11 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
9:56 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Hill Farms State Transportation Building
4802 Sheboygan Ave
Conference Room 594
Madison, WI 53707-7919
August 18, 2011
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. DNR Enhancements
9:20 a.m. External Search
9:50 a.m. Icons
10:00 a.m. Logging
10:30 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. Logging Continued
11:30 a.m. Contact Summary Form Proposal
12:00 p.m. Lunch
12:45 p.m. Contact Summary Continued
1:30 p.m. Table Manager Replacement
2:00 p.m. Break
2:15 p.m. Warning Enhancements
2:30 p.m. WIBRS
3:00 p.m. Adjourn
10/17/11 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
9:47 AM
TraCS FAC Meeting Minutes 10/17/11
The TraCS Forms Advisory Committee Meeting met on 10/17/2011. Present were Cory Hanson (Superior Police Department), Curt Raube (Manitowoc County Sheriff), Dana Brown (Altoona Police Department), Seth Tully (Adams County Sheriff’s Office), Kristin Turner (DNR), Todd Schaller (DNR), Jeff Davis (Cross Plains Police Department), Jim Larson (State Patrol), Steve Kraus (Waukesha PD), Rich Stein (Milwaukee Police Department), Matt Drought (Millwaukee PD), Jim Larson (State Patrol), Jeff Davis (Cross Plains Police Department), Shawn DeMulling (St Croix County Sheriff) Erin Egan (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Brian Neil (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Geri Polster (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Dennis Rodenkirch (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Jenny Schmidt (Citations and Withdrawals Section), Susie Forde (WISLR), Kelly Schieldt (WISLR), Steve Parker (TOPS) .
Add grouping by DNR Region in addition to State Patrol Region and Counties
See list of fields for updates.
Need specs for the BOTS report?
Filters – Questions to ask Dan
Could we filter by a date range?
Can we change the map colors to something dimmer?
Statute Dialog Box to choose multiple statutes
Will we be able to update the maps in house?
Must haves for Filters
Need BAC
Need Officer Number
Need District/Precinct number
The FAC determined that redaction was a low a priority need and won’t be included in the initial release of TraCS 10.
Cross-form validations
The following cross-form validations will be added.
Auto-pop/replicate functionality currently in TraCS 7.3
Allow replicate for house-party scenario. (Everything prefilled except individual info.) (Perhaps Yes/No asking if this is for the same person.)
Cross check crash form with fatal supplement and give warning if inconsistencies
Cross check crash form with citations and verify that citation count is accurate.
Instant search button for narrative field to pull in form numbers from other forms in contact.
Contact Summary Form Proposal
The draft form was approved. The form will have the following automation.
If so configured by an agency, the form will be automatically added if not already present when the officer tries to close the contact.
When form is added, it will automatically bring in location, people, and vehicles that are listed in common information.
The counts for the various form types in the contact will be calculated and entered into the form automatically.
If statute is criminal and DA flag does not match, give a warning.
Rank should be added to the agency group. Increase to 10 characters if possible.
Officer ID number should be increased to 10 if possible. We don’t need to capture badge number.
Local Officer ID
TraCS Officer ID
DNR Officer ID
Need clarification on treatment of tribal agencies. Sovereign nation status vs State jurisdiction. Currently in TraCS, tribes must use the ordinance table for their bond amounts. May be appropriate for Menominee, but what about other tribes?
Add customizable footer text to the parental notification letter.
Do not change warning to add “ATTN: Court Officer” and their phone number.
Suggested custom search fields:
First name, last name
Plate Number (support partial plate look ups.)
Court name, date, schedule
Police Number
Offense (statute, ordinance)
Agency accident number
Vehicle Color
Document tag
Court Scheduler Improvements:
Frequency should be multi-list
Allow black-out dates for Holidays, etc.
Add Lead Time option for each schedule
Allow the police record portion of the citation (narrative) to spill over into a second page.
Updater Service
The updater service documentation from TraCS national was reviewed by the FAC. The FAC was both excited and disappointed by the new service. The service as it exists today seems to be useful for delivering state level patches, but not for distributions created by law enforcement agencies.
Wisconsin uses a distributed support model, where some responsibilities for maintaining TraCS reside at the state level and others at the agency level. For example, there are several code tables that the agencies are responsible for maintaining.
To be truly useful, additional Updater facilities need to be made available at the local agency level:
Agencies need to be able to view package levels for field units and workstations for their agencies. (by assigned serial number)
Agencies need to be able to submit distributions to run on their machines via the updater service.
Agencies need to be able to automatically turn off updating depending on the method used to connect. Example, State Patrol doesn’t want to run updater service over IP radio, but okay when using coffee shop wireless. (Agencies may be able to handle this through white list/black list on their firewalls.)
Reporting should show what is actually installed vs. what might have been merely downloaded.
Ability for agency to roll back to an earlier patch level if the agency has “buyer’s remorse.”
A Read Me file should display after the update has occurred explaining the new features installed.
State level patches should not require elevated access levels to install. (This should be do-able.) No “Run-As” requirements for distributions. (Again, should be doable.)
FAC members were asked to prioritize the feature list for TraCS 10. The counts indicate the number of agencies believing the feature is a “Must Have” feature for the initial roll-out. Features without votes are still desirable, but if deadlines interfere, may have to wait for a patch after roll-out.
Feature | Totals | Anon | DSP | X Plains | DNR | Waukesha |
Sub-Groups on Crashes |
Court Date Selector | 5 | 3 |
| Must | Must |
WIBRS | 3 | 3 |
Alcohol Transmission | 3 | 3 |
Document Tags | 2 | 2 |
New Cross Form Validations | 1 | 1 |
| Must |
ILT | 8 | 5 | Must |
| Must | Must |
IMAT | 6 | 5 |
| Must |
Enhanced Logging | 1 | 1 |
Updater Service | 1 | 1 |
Custom Searches | 4 | 2 |
| Must |
| Must |
Contact Summary Form | 3 | 2 | Must |
Custom Court List | 2 | 2 |
State/Local Short cuts | 1 | 1 |
Parking Tickets | 1 |
| Must |
Parental Notification Letter |
DNR Enhancements | 1 | 1 |
| Must |
External Search | 8 | 5 | Must | Must |
| Must |
Custom log reports |
10/17/11 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
10:16 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Laguna Room
Chula Vista
2501 River Rd
Wisconsin Dells
October 17, 2011
10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. ILT/IMAT
12:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m. Cross Form Validations
1:30 p.m. Redaction
2:30 p.m. Break
2:45 p.m. Update/Distribution
3:30 p.m. Miscellany
4:30 p.m. Prioritization
4:45 p.m. FAC Membership 2012
5:00 p.m. Adjourn
Organization the Location Group. FAC needs to decide on the order of fields in the location group. Below are two options we have worked with at Badger TraCS but other arrangements are possible.
Choosing regions for Maps both ILT and IMAT
State Patrol Region
Any Others
Filters - Which fields on the forms would be necessary?
Reports – What reports are needed? None pre-done all custom
Charts – What charts are needed?
Which fields are in WISLR?
Can we get fields added?
Cross Form Validations
Auto-pop/Replicate rules from 7.3 will be brought forward.
Multi-Form cross checks wanted?
Cross check fatalities on fatal sup with crash form.
Which forms should support redaction? Which fields need to be redacted? How should it work?
See Update Service document. What are your expectations for the new updater service?
Under what circumstances should an LEA be able to override the default value of the DA routing flag?
Reporting formatting: Red banner style vs. Black colon style.
Increase length of rank field?
Parental notification: add a narrative field for the officer to include a personal note?
For warning reports requiring follow up at the agency, add verbage"ATTN: Court Officer” and their phone number.
Variation of replicate suitable for house parties on the NTC?
Make font larger on the citations for certain fields:
Court Date Selector
Friday, February 2, 2018
9:48 AM
Court Date Selector
The court date selector tool will allow TraCS 10 users to enter a court date and time into the form without having to key it directly. This will make it easier for officers, improve the accuracy of the data, and allow court scheduling to be managed better.
Use of the selector tool will be optional. An agency may choose to key court date/time manually.
Due to the variety of ways that agencies manage their courts schedules, TraCS 10 will allow three options for configuring the court date selector:
Maintain a court schedule table in TraCS with court schedule transactions handled entirely in TraCS. (TraCS only option)
Call a custom DLL to receive the court date/time. (DLL option)
Call a web service to receive the court date/time. (Web service option)
TraCS Only Option
Requires a table of available schedule slots be maintained. Table may be set up to have an unlimited number of appointments available for a given date/time/court. Alternatively, the table may be set up to allow only a certain number of appointments for a give date/time/court (reserved appointments.)
There will be a method to insert schedule slots into the table from TraCS.
What fields from the form do we need to match with the table to identify a candidate slot? (Examples: served date, criminal vs. non-criminal, statute category, etc.)
When filling out a citation, the officer will have a button they can click to retrieve the next available date/time/court into the form in the case of reserved appointments. Or, TraCS may show a list of available dates/times to choose from if using the unlimited appointments model. (TraCS is unable to present a list of reserved appointments, due to the inability to do transaction locking from within TraCS because someone else might “steal” the reservation between the time is presented and the time it is allocated)
DLL Option
The local agency is responsible for writing a custom DLL to manage their court appointments.
TraCS calls a custom DLL function with information from the form. (Which fields?)
The DLL returns the date/time/court which is then populated into the form.
Web Service Option
The local agency is responsible for writing a web service to manage their court appointments.
TraCS calls the web service with information from the form. (Which fields?)
The web service returns the date/time/court which is then populated into the form.
Other Court Issues
1. Do we need separate “appearance” and “mail to” addresses on the form? Should these be customizable by law enforcement?
2. Should court list be limited by agency, i.e., agency able to define the list of courts their officers can use?
3. Should agencies be able to specify their own routing preferences for the courts they use? (muni court queue [e.g. TiPSS] vs. COWS vs. local interface)
Truck Surcharge
Friday, February 2, 2018
9:50 AM
Constraints TraCS 10
Friday, February 2, 2018
9:52 AM
Updating Statute Tree Values
Friday, February 2, 2018
9:52 AM
Data Migration
Friday, February 2, 2018
9:54 AM
Data Migration
TraCS 10 will include a reworked and enhanced version of the Badger TraCS forms. The new versions of these forms (called version 2 forms for the purposes of this paper) may have fields that are deleted, added, renamed, or moved to other groups in order to support the requested features.
Agencies updating to TraCS 10 will, of course, have TraCS forms in their 7.3 office database in the original format (called version 1 forms for the purposes of this paper.)
This paper presents three options for dealing with the version 1 forms after agencies have migrated to TraCS 10. The Badger TraCS development team will only implement one of the options.
Option 1
Leave the version 1 forms in the 7.3 database, i.e., do not migrate them to TraCS 10.
An agency will need to keep a copy of TraCS 7.3 on the administrative workstation to work with the 7.3 forms. (TraCS 7.3 and 10 can co-exist on the same machine.)
Requires minimal amount of work from the development team.
Pro: The development time saved can be applied to creating new features/enhancements in TraCS 10 version or moving up the release date.
Con: Agencies may find it awkward to have to use two different programs to locate and view forms during the retention period for the version 1 forms.
Option 2
Migrate version 1 forms to TraCS 10, maintaining their full functionality. Users will be able to enter and validate data, use external search, auto-populate, replicate, end-shift, archive, and transmit version 1 data with TraCS 10.
Requires significant amount of work from the development team.
Pro: Most seamless transition for agencies.
Con: Essentially doubles the amount of testing to be done since both versions of the forms must be tested. Significantly impacts the development timeline since many tasks must be done twice, once for each version of the form. May impact the ability to deliver all features on time.
Option 3
Migrate 7.3 office database and version 1 form definitions to TraCS 10 so that forms can be viewed, printed, or e-mailed using the TraCS 10 version of the software.
Requires moderate amount of work from the development team.
Pro: Agencies will be able to use TraCS 10 to view version 1 forms throughout their entire retention period. Somewhat less labor intensive for development team compared to option 2.
Con: Extends the development timeline compared to option 1.
In broad terms the migration steps for TraCS 10 are:
Install TraCS 10 on field units, but leave TraCS 7.3 in place to use until the cut over date.
Install TraCS 10 on workstations, but leave TraCS 7.3 in place to use until the cut over date.
Build TraCS 10 database.
Instruct officers to end-shift in all forms from 7.3 and begin using TraCS 10.
End–shift in all 7.3 into TraCS 7.3 office database. Make sure that all reports are in!
Transmit your data.
Migrate data
If option 1 is chosen, no further action is required.
If using option 2 or 3, run the data migration tool to move 7.3 data to TraCS 10.
Contact Summary
Friday, February 2, 2018
9:57 AM
Contact Summary
Reason for Stop Detailed Reason for Stop Date/Time In Squad Video? Agency Space(s)
Location Info (County, too)
Count of Forms issued (by form name)
Individual Info Search questions Forms Issued (doc nums) Probation/Parole flag Role Agency Space(s)
Vehicle Info Search Questions Agency Space(s)
Standard agency block
Proposed form
New Design
DNR Enhancements
Friday, February 2, 2018
10:08 AM
External Search
Friday, February 2, 2018
10:09 AM
External Search
Custom MDIs used for external search will cease to work under TraCS 10. Local agencies will need to upgrade their MDI using one of the options listed below. Badger TraCS will provide support for all of the options listed below as part of the TraCS 10 project.
Option 1
Work with your Mobile Data Browser vendor to upgrade their MDB to be “TraCS enabled”, i.e., write responses to the message cache directory in one of the supported XML formats.
Option 2
Convert your Visual Basic 6 DLL to a Visual Basic 6 EXE that writes responses to the message cache directory in one of the supported XML formats.
Option 3
Convert your Visual Basic 6 DLL to a VB .net DLL. Add a function that writes responses to the message cache directory in one of the supported XML formats.
Option 4
Create a VB .net DLL or EXE that calls your Visual Basic 6 DLL and writes responses to the message cache directory in one of the supported XML formats.
TraCS Enabling
Regardless of the option chosen, your external search DLL, EXE, or Mobile Data Browser must conform to these standards for data export in order to work with TraCS 10.
DOJ’s eTIME browser is already TraCS enabled. No additional work is required if you are using the eTIME browser.
If you mobile data browser is already compliant with the Universal MDI, no additional work is require for TraCS 10.
Rather than interfacing directly to each mobile data browser on the market, TraCS 10 processes vehicle and person responses in the message cache. The message cache is simply a folder located on the mobile data computer’s hard drive at a location specified in the TraCS 10 configuration settings. Local agencies have control over this setting.
The messages in the message cache must be in XML formatted according to one of the various schemas that TraCS 10 supports. This includes WisDOT, Badger TraCS, and DOJ (Global Justice XML) and NLETS schemas for vehicle and person messages.
You may choose any approved schema that best fits your needs. Copies of the schemas and sample documents may be found in the integration package of documentation available for download from the Badger TraCS extranet site.
In many cases, driver and vehicle inquiries may be made using specific TIME/eTIME System transactions, which return a response already formatted in one of the approved schemas. After removing any sort of message header, you may then copy the XML messages to the message cache without having to parse the data.
TIME 2000 transactions provide XML responses for in-state drivers and vehicles using the WisDOT schema.
The TIME 2000 system has no support for XML responses for out-of-state (NLETS) drivers and vehicles. In this case we recommend that the mobile data browser parse the message and generate an XML document according to the Badger TraCS schemas, since it is a very easy schema to work with. Alternatively, a vendor may choose not to implement support for out-of-state drivers and vehicles.
eTIME server-to-server transactions provide XML responses for in-state drivers and vehicles using the DOJ (global justice XML) schemas and some out-of-state drivers. Again, the XML from these responses may be copied to the message cache folder for processing by TraCS10. No parsing of data is needed.
The eTIME browser is a TraCS enabled mobile data browser provided by DOJ and accessible through WILEnet. TraCS 10 will automatically work with the eTIME browser.
Contact Chris Kalina,, to obtain documentation on the specific TIME/eTIME transactions needed to generate XML responses or if you have any questions about formatting transactions for TIME 2000 or eTIME systems.
Friday, February 2, 2018
10:10 AM
Logging TraCS Forms
TraCS 10 offers a robust logging system that is capable of capturing meta-data about forms and user actions, allowing better management and administration of the TraCS system.
The TraCS log can be configured to capture the following data as a result of certain events occurring in the lifecycle of a form:
User ID
Location ID
Form Name
Form Document Number
Form Key
Action Name (issued, voided, transmitted, etc.)
Description (reason and/or actual data changed.)
Machine ID
Log ID
Traffic Citation Tracking for Law Enforcement
Traffic citation logging will provide law enforcement agencies an easy way to track uniform traffic citation numbers from the numbers assigned to an agency through transmission to the courts/DA/DOT. Agencies, when asked about a ticket number, will be able to easily report on its status: inventoried, but not allocated to a field unit; allocated to a field unit, but not used; issued; voided; transmitted. Agencies should be able to easily identify missing citation numbers and duplicates.
TraCS 10 will log each major milestone in the citation lifecycle:
When citation numbers are ordered from EARS a record for each citation number will be put into the log with an action name of “Inventoried.”
When citation numbers are put into a pending allocation CNUM form, a new entry in the log will be created for each citation number with an action name of “Pending.” (Note: not every agency uses the pending allocation (start-shift) method of delivering citation numbers.)
When citation numbers are installed on a field unit, a new entry in the log will be created for each citation number in the range with an action name of “Allocated”. The actual recording in the log will occur when the CNUM form is end-shifted back to headquarters.)
When a citation is end-shifted from the field unit back to headquarters, the status of the form (open, validated, issued, voided, completed) will be recorded in the log.
When a citation changes status on the workstation, the status of the form (open, validated, issued, voided, completed) will be recorded in the log.
When a citation is transmitted, an entry is made in the log with an action name of “Transmitted.”
The TraCS log is searchable from within TraCS and can be used to answer many questions about the status of citation. Here a screen shot showing a log search (depicting a form used in Florida.)
While the log viewer is a useful tool, it does not provide an efficient way to scan for problems. Particularly, identifying missing or duplicate or untransmitted citations at a glance may be challenging. To address this, we will provide an Excel spreadsheet to generate reconciliation reports. Queries will be pre-configured in the spreadsheet for this purpose. Local agencies may need to set the connect string to point to the TraCS log database. Agencies would then click “refresh data” to update their reconciliation reports.
The IMAT tool will be investigated as an alternative to an Excel spreadsheet. If it is capable of doing cross-tab reports, we may use it instead.
Citation Status Report:
UTC # | Unit # | Inventoried | Pending | Allocated | Issued | Voided | Completed | Transmitted |
A10000 | 001 | 7/1/2011 | 7/2/2011 | 7/3/2011 | 7/4/2011 |
| 7/12/2011 | 7/12/2011 |
A10001 | 001 | 7/1/2011 | 7/2/2011 | 7/3/2011 | 7/5/2011 |
| 7/12/2011 | 7/12/2011 |
A10002 | 001 | 7/1/2011 | 7/2/2011 | 7/3/2011 |
| 7/5/2011 | 7/12/2011 | 7/12/2011 |
A10003 | 001 | 7/1/2011 | 7/2/2011 | 7/3/2011 | 7/7/2011 |
| 7/12/2011 | 7/12/2011 |
A10004 | 001 | 7/1/2011 | 7/2/2011 | 7/3/2011 | 7/8/2011 |
| 7/12/2011 | 7/12/2011 |
A10005 | 001 | 7/1/2011 | 7/2/2011 | 7/3/2011 |
A10006 |
| 7/1/2011 | 7/2/2011 |
A10007 |
| 7/1/2011 | 7/2/2011 |
A10008 |
| 7/1/2011 | 7/2/2011 |
A10009 |
| 7/1/2011 | 7/2/2011 |
A10010 |
| 7/1/2011 | 7/2/2011 |
A10011 | 002 | 7/1/2011 |
| 7/3/2011 | 7/4/2011 |
| 7/13/2011 | 7/13/2011 |
A10012 | 002 | 7/1/2011 |
| 7/3/2011 | 7/5/2011 |
| 7/13/2011 | 7/13/2011 |
A10013 | 002 | 7/1/2011 |
| 7/3/2011 | 7/6/2011 |
| 7/13/2011 | 7/13/2011 |
A10014 | 002 | 7/1/2011 |
| 7/3/2011 | 7/7/2011 |
| 7/13/2011 | 7/13/2011 |
A10015 | 002 | 7/1/2011 |
| 7/3/2011 |
A10016 | 002 | 7/1/2011 |
| 7/3/2011 | 7/9/2011 |
| 7/13/2011 | 7/13/2011 |
A10017 | 002 | 7/1/2011 |
| 7/3/2011 | 7/10/2011 |
| 7/13/2011 | 7/13/2011 |
A10018 |
| 7/1/2011 |
A10019 |
| 7/1/2011 |
A10020 |
| 7/1/2011 |
A10021 |
| 7/1/2011 |
A10022 |
| 7/1/2011 |
A10023 |
| 7/1/2011 |
Duplicate Citations Report:
UTC # | Unit # | FormKey |
A200001 | 001 | 1231234234 |
A200001 | 004 | 6664334534 |
B123444 | 001 | 9812342344 |
B123444 | 001 | 1583231111 |
Annual Issued/Voided Report for DOT:
7/1/2011 | A100000 | Issued |
7/2/2011 | A100001 | Voided |
7/2/2011 | A100002 | Issued |
7/2/2011 | A100003 | Issued |
7/4/2011 | A100004 | Voided |
7/5/2011 | A100005 | Issued |
Logging Edits after Issuance
Logging will also be able to capture information on editing the citation after it is in issued status.
What information do we need to capture in the description field of the log? just the fact that an edit was done or the actual data that was changed?
Logging for other forms
What logging should we implement for other forms?
NTC Enhancements
Friday, February 2, 2018
10:11 AM
NTC Enhancements
Parking Ticket Toggle
Add a parking ticket toggle button to the NTC form to allow using the NTC for parking tickets. When the toggle for parking ticket is on:
Do not require information on the individual to be entered.
What else?
How should bond amounts be managed? Currently, if an agency need to specify a different bond amount for a statute, they must create a local ordinance and associate the statute with it. Is there a better way?
Should agencies be able to add their own statutes?
Should agencies be able to change the statute description field?
Should agencies be able to remove statutes they don’t use?
How can the violation search engine be made easier to use?
WIBRS Support
Add fields to the NTC to enable it to be used for NIBRS reporting:
Field | 13B | 520 | 35A | 35B | 26A | 39A | 39B | 370 | 23C | 23H | 40B | 290 |
Incident Date | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Incident Hour | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Attempted/Completed | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Bias Motivation | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Location | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Activity |
| X | X | X |
Weapon | X | X |
Type Loss |
| X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
| X |
Property Description |
| X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
| X |
Property Value |
| X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
| X |
Drug Type |
| X |
Quantity |
| X |
Type Measure |
| X |
Victim Type | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Victim Age | X |
Victim Sex | X |
Victim Race | X |
Victim Ethnicity | X |
Victim Resident | X |
Injury | X |
Offender | X |
Related By | X |
13B Simple Assault
23C Shoplifting
23H All Other Larceny
26A False Pretenses/Swindle/Confidence Game
290 Destruction, Damage, Vandalism
35A Drug/Narcotic Violations
35B Drug Equipment Violations
370 Pornography, Obscene Material
39A Betting/Wagering
39B Promoting Gambling
40B Assisting Or Promoting Prostitution
520 Weapon Law Violations
Location Type Table
01 Air/Bus/Train Terminal
02 Bank/Savings and Loan
03 Bar/Night Club
04 Church/Synagogue/Temple
05 Commercial/Office Building
06 Construction Site
07 Convenience Store
08 Department/Discount Store
09 Drug Store/Doctor's Office/Hospital
10 Field/Woods
11 Government/Public Building
12 Grocery/Supermarket
13 Highway/Road/Alley
15 Jail/Prison
16 Lake/Waterway
17 Liquor Store
18 Parking Lot/Garage
19 Rental Storage Facility
21 Restaurant
22 School/College/University
23 Service/Gas Station
24 Specialty Store
26 Shopping Mall
27 Outbuilding
90 Park
91 Victim's Vehicle
92 Offender's Vehicle
93 Other Vehicle
94 Victim Temporary Lodgings
95 Offender Temporary Lodgings
96 Other Temporary Lodgings
97 Victim Residence
98 Offender Residence
99 Other Residence
25 Other/Unknown
Description of Criminal Activity Table (Needed for citation types; 520, 35A and 35B)
B Buying/Receiving
C Cultivating/Manufacturing/Publishing
D Distributing/Selling
E Exploiting Children
I Possession with Intent to Deliver
O Operating/Promoting/Assisting
P Possessing/Concealing
65 Rev 05/05
T Transporting/Transmitting/Importing
U Using/Consuming
S Suspicion/Conspiracy
J Juvenile Gang
G Other Gang
N None/Unknown
Type of Weapon/Force Involved Table (Needed for citation types; 13B and 520)
11 Firearm
12 Handgun
13 Rifle
14 Shotgun
15 Other Firearm
16 Pellet/BB Gun (includes pistols and rifles)
20 Knife/Cutting Instrument
30 Blunt Object
35 Motor Vehicle
40 Personal Weapons
50 Poison
60 Explosives
65 Fire/Incendiary Device
70 Drugs/Narcotics/Sleeping Pills
85 Asphyxiation
90 Other
95 Unknown
99 None
Hate/Bias Indicator Table
11 Anti - White
12 Anti - Black
13 Anti - American Indian/Alaskan Native
14 Anti - Asian/Pacific Islander
15 Anti – Multi-Racial Group
21 Anti - Jewish
22 Anti - Catholic
23 Anti - Protestant
24 Anti – Islamic
25 Anti - Other Religion
26 Anti – Multi-Religious Group
27 Anti - Atheist/Agnostic
32 Anti - Hispanic
33 Anti - Other Ethnicity/National Origin (Needed for citation type; 13B)
41 Anti - Male Homosexual
42 Anti - Female Homosexual
43 Anti - Homosexual
44 Anti - Heterosexual
45 Anti - Bisexual
51 Anti – Physical Disability
52 Anti – Mental Disability
88 None
99 Unknown
Type of Property Loss Table
1 = None
2 = Burned
3 = Counterfeited/Forged
4 = Destroyed/Damaged/Vandalized
5 = Recovered
6 = Seized
7 = Stolen/Etc.
8 = Unknown
Property Description Table ( Needed for Citation types; 35A, 35B,26A,39A,39B,370,23C,23H,290)
01 = Aircraft:
02 = Alcohol:
03 = Automobiles:
04 = Bicycles:
05 = Buses:
06 = Clothes/Furs:
07 = Computer Hardware/Software:
08 = Consumable Goods
09 = Credit/Debit Cards:
11 = Drug/Narcotic Equipment
12 = Farm Equipment:
13 = Firearms:
14 = Gambling Equipment:
15 = Heavy Construction/Industrial Equipment:
16 = Household Goods:
17 = Jewelry/Precious Metals:
18 = Livestock:
19 = Merchandise:
20 = Money:
21 = Negotiable Instruments:
22 = Nonnegotiable Instruments:
23 = Office-type Equipment:
24 = Other Motor Vehicles:
25 = Purses/Handbags/Wallets
26 = Radios/TVs/VCRs:
27 = Recordings-Audio/Visual:
28 = Recreational Vehicles:
29 = Structures-Single Occupancy Dwellings
30 = Structures-Other Dwellings:
31 = Structures-Other Commercial/Business:
32 = Structures-Industrial/Manufacturing:
68 Rev 05/05
33 = Structures-Public/Community:
34 = Structures-Storage:
35 = Structures-Other:
36 = Tools:
37 = Trucks:
38 = Vehicle Parts/Accessories:
39 = Watercraft:
40 = Structures-Barns:
60 = All Terrain Vehicles
61 = Snowmobiles
62 = Sporting Equipment
63 = BB/Pellet Guns
77 = Other:
88 = Pending Inventory
99 = (blank):
Suspected Drug Type Table (Needed for citation type; 35A)
A = "Crack" Cocaine
B = Cocaine
C = Hashish
D = Heroin
E = Marijuana
F = Morphine
G = Opium
H = Other Narcotics: Codeine, Demerol; Dihydromorphinone or Dilaudid;
Hydrocodone or Percodan; Methadone; etc.
K = Other Hallucinogens: BMDA or "White Acid"; DMT; MDA; MDMA;
Mescaline or Peyote; Psilocybin; STP; etc.
L = Amphetamines/Methamphetamines
69 Rev 05/05
M = Other Stimulants: Adipex, Fastine, and Ionamin (Derivatives of
Phentermine); Benzedrine; Didrex; Methylphenidate or Ritalin;
Phenmetrazine or Preludin; Tenuate; etc.
N = Barbiturates
O = Other Depressants: Glutethimide or Doriden; Methaqualone or Quaalude;
Pentazocine or Talwin; etc.
P = Other Drugs: Antidepressants (Elavil, Triavil, Tofranil, etc.); Aromatic
Hydrocarbons; Propoxyphene or Darvon; Tranquilizers (Chlordiazepoxide
or Librium, Diazepam or Valium, etc.); etc.
Q = Hashish Oil
U = Unknown Type Drug
X = Over 3 Drug Types
Type of Drug Measurement
GM = Gram
KG = Kilogram
OZ = Ounce
LB = Pound
TN = Ton
ML = Milliliter
LT = Liter
FO = Fluid Ounce
GL = Gallon
DU = Dosage Units/Items*
NP = Number of Plants**
TR = Trace
*Number of capsules, pills, tablets, etc.
**E.g., Marijuana plants (Bushes), etc.
Victim Type Table (Needed for all citations)
I = Individual
B = Business F = Financial Institution
G = Government
P = Police Officer
70 Rev 05/05
R = Religious Organization
S = Society/Public
O = Other
U = Unknown
Age Table
NN = Under 24 hours
NB = 1-6 Days Old
BB = 7-364 Days Old
01 to 98 = Years Old
99 = Over 98 Years Old
00 = Unknown
Any combination of "XX" to "XX" years
Type of Injury Table (Needed for citation type; 13B)
N = None
B = Apparent Broken Bones
I = Possible Internal Injury
L = Severe Laceration
M = Apparent Minor Injury
O = Other Major Injury
T = Loss of Teeth
U = Unconsciousness
Relationship(s) of Victim to Offender(s) Table (Needed for citation type; 13B)
Within Family:
SE = Victim was Spouse
CS = Victim Was common-law Spouse
PA = Victim Was Parent
SB = Victim Was Sibling
CH = Victim Was Child
GP = Victim Was Grandparent
GC = Victim Was Grandchild
IL = Victim Was in-law
SP = Victim Was Stepparent
SC = Victim Was Stepchild
SS = Victim Was Stepsibling
OF = Victim Was Other Family
DV = Other Domestic Violence Victim
Outside Family But Known To Victim:
CO = Victim Was Co-habitant
RO = Victim Was Roommate
AQ = Victim Was Acquaintance
FR = Victim Was Friend
NE = Victim Was Neighbor
BE = Victim Was Babysittee
BR = Victim Was Babysitter
BG = Victim Was Boyfriend/Girlfriend
CF = Victim Was Child of Boyfriend or Girlfriend
HR = Homosexual Relationship
XS = Victim Was Ex-Spouse
XR = Victim Was Ex-Boyfriend/Girlfriend
CP = Victim Was Professional Care Provider
CR = Victim Was Professional Care Receiver
EE = Victim Was Employee
ER = Victim Was Employer
OB = Other Business Relationship
OK = Victim Was Otherwise Known
VO = Victim Was Offender
NV = Not A Victim Of This Offender
Not Known By Victim
RU = Relationship Unknown
ST = Victim Was Stranger
Citation Dta Va
Table Manager Replacement
Friday, February 2, 2018
10:14 AM
Table Manager Replacement
One of the goals of the TraCS 10 project is to eliminate the reliance on “home-grown” visual basic programs to augment functionality in TraCS. One such home-grown program is the table manager Utility. The table manager is used to add/update values in the code tables that populate various drop-down lists that law enforcement agencies are responsible for maintaining, for example, street and intersection tables or towing companies.
The table manager is written in VB6, which is no longer supported by Microsoft. This paper discusses options for replacing the table manger.
Configuration Manager
The TraCS 10 configuration manager includes a basic table editor which allows rows in tables to be edited:
There are no drop-down lists in the editor to assist with data-entry.
Compared to the equivalent screen in table manager, it is very limited:
Still, the table editor in TraCS 10 might be useful for some of our simpler code tables.
Utility Forms
A utility form is a standard TraCS form, but instead of being used to collect data for law enforcement, it is used to configure TraCS. One example of an already existing utility form is the CNUM form, which is used to manage the allocation of ELCI citation numbers to field units and workstations.
A series of small utility forms can be designed in TraCS to take the place of the entry screens in the table manager utility. These forms would not be available through the standard “add form” options in TraCS. Instead they would appear on a special ribbon menu that would only be available to those signed in to TraCS with an administrative account.
These forms would be used solely to populate the code tables. Once the commit button has been pressed, the administrator will get a message indicating that the code table has been updated. The form will then be instantaneously deleted. It will not be saved like a “data” form and, therefore, it will not clutter up the forms manager.
Tables that are currently edited by law enforcement using the table manger utility are:
Local Ordinances
Towing Companies
Insurance Company Aliases
Property Owner Aliases
Gang Affiliations
Citizen Contact Reasons
Each of these tables would require their own utility form. For example the utility form for the towing company code table might look like this:
Towing Companies |
Towing Company Name (single list other data-bar) |
| This Is a Repeating Group |
Action (Add/Update/Delete) |
Commit Changes (Yes/No) Includes button on data bar for saving changes to the code table. |
A table like the intersection table would require a more elaborate form. The form for the local ordinance table could include the violation search engine to select the associated statute.
Utility forms provide the ease of use that agencies have come to expect from the table manager while at the same time providing a TraCS only solution.
Friday, February 2, 2018
10:20 AM
TraCS 10 Priorities
Which features can we defer if some features have to come out in a patch after the initial release?
Sub-groups on crash form
Court date/time selector tool for citations
MS-Access based
Web Service
WIBRS Fields (Database change)
Electronic Transmission of Alcohol Forms
Document Tags (Database change)
Cross-form Validation Rules
Incident Location Tool
Incident Mapping Analysis Tool
Enhanced Logging
TraCS Updater Web Service
Custom Searches
Contact Summary Form (Database change)
Custom Court List
State Level/Local Level Shortcuts
Parking Ticket (Database change)
Parental Notification Letter
DNR version (Database change)
Custom Letterhead
Custom Footer
Natural Resources
Informing The Accused Report
Deliver Method Added
Credit Card/Cash Flag
Envelope Number
External Search
Custom Log Reports
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