Badger TraCS Guides
FAC Meeting Notes 2015
03/18/15 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
12:11 PM
TraCS FAC Meeting Notes 03/18/15
The TraCS Forms Advisory Committee met on 03/18/2015. Present were Clark County Sheriff’s Office—Steve Struensee, Village of Pleasant Prairie PD—Scott Durkee, Shorewood Hills PD—Nick Pine, UW Oshkosh PD—Donovan Heavener, Green Lake County Sheriff—Kevin Manning, Marinette County Sheriff’s Office—Kim Dobbins, Kiel PD—Joseph Jeanty, Milwaukee PD—Matthew Drought, State Patrol—Andrew Hyer, Division of Motor Vehicles—Darlene Schwartz, Geri Polster, and Jennifer Schmidt.
Guests from BOTS and TOPS also attended the crash redesign portion of the meeting.
The charter for the committee was reviewed.
Crash Redesign
Darlene explained that the crash form is undergoing revision to bring it into better compliance with the Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC) as well as adding other data elements as determined by the stakeholders and gathered by the sponsoring business area (WisDOT)
The FAC broke into two teams and worked on incorporating the new data elements into the existing form by creating new form layouts.
The two designs were compared and discussed and the best features of both designs were merged.
Photos of the final layout are attached at the end of these minutes.
The FAC recommended only implementing confidentiality at the form level, not the case level, nor the common information level.
FAC Discussion Items
The FAC approved the following items:
#952: Rename label on the Event Outcome field of the Contact Summary form to Enforcement Outcome.
#978: Give an error message if an attempt is made to change the status of a citation to completed, but the citation is missing the narrative.
#1006: Add a check box the victim section of the NTC form to enable and disable the section.
The FAC declined the following items:
#948: Increase the narrative fields to 4000 characters.
#965: Remove the transmission access right from the supervisor access level.
Crash Redesign Layout Photos
03/18/15 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
12:12 PM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Room 90A&B
Hill Farms Transportation Building
4802 Sheboygan Ave
March 18, 2015
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. | Introductions
9:10 a.m. | Charter
9:20 a.m. | Crash Redesign
10:30 a.m. | Break
10:50 a.m. | Crash Redesign Continued
12:00 p.m. | Lunch
12:30 p.m. | April TraCS Pack Review (Room 356)
1:30 p.m. | User Conference
1:45 p.m. | Break
2:00 p.m. | FAC Referral Items
3:00 p.m. | Adjourn
FAC Membership 2015
Green Lake County Sheriff—Kevin Manning (Outgoing Member)
Marinette County Sheriff—Kim Dobbins (Outgoing Member)
Kiel PD—Joseph Jeanty (Outgoing Member)
Clark County Sheriff—Steve Struensee
Village of Pleasant Prairie PD—Scott Durkee
Shorewood Hills PD—Nick Pine
UW Oshkosh PD—Donovan Heavener
Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD, Matthew Drought
Tribal Community— Vacant
State Patrol—Mark Fetzer
Natural Resources— Kristin Turner
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Teresa Severson
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Brian Neil
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Dennis Rodenkirch
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster
06/10/15 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
12:11 PM
TraCS FAC Meeting Notes 06/10/15
The TraCS Forms Advisory Committee met on 06/10/2015. Present were Village of Pleasant Prairie PD—Scott Durkee, Green Lake County Sheriff—Kevin Manning, Marinette County Sheriff’s Office—Kim Dobbins, Kiel PD—Joseph Jeanty, Milwaukee PD—Matthew Drought, State Patrol—David Harvey, Kristin Turner, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Motor Vehicles—Darlene Schwartz, Geri Polster, Brad Babbler, and Jennifer Schmidt.
Guests from TOPS also attended the crash redesign portion of the meeting.
2015 Project Plan
The 2015 project plan was reviewed:
MACH initiated Call For Service Form (+ DNR complaint) | Committed |
| Oct 2015 |
Motor Carrier Inspection/SPARS (Model after VSIS) | Committed |
| Oct 2015 |
Distribution Enhancements | Committed |
| Oct 2015 |
Revised Form: DNR Citation | Committed |
| Aug 1 2015 Transmission Test Oct 2015 Package, Start Date Mar 1 2016 |
New Form: Probable Cause Affidavit | Committed |
| Oct 2015 |
Motor Vehicle Inspection Form
The Iowa Motor Vehicle Inspection form was reviewed for possible use in Wisconsin. This form will be modified to include ambulance, bus, HSV, and non-federal CMV inspections and included in the Fall 2016 TraCS pack.
The form will not be used for federal CMV inspections at this time. It would be used by officers who know truck enforcement, for example, overweight loads. Currently we don’t have a good place to document those specific issues. It would be used by troopers who are only working off of the forms and do not have inspection training. There is federal funding that is taxed to motor vehicle enforcement. If we don’t have a proper form indicating that we are stopping over-weights, then we can’t prove we’re stopping, and so we may lose money if we don’t have an easy way to record and report these inspections.
Probable Cause Affidavit
Form CR-215, Probable Cause Statement and Judicial Determination, and the equivalent Dane County form were reviewed. The probable cause statement will be included in the Fall 2015 TraCS Pack. It will be modeled after the CR-215 form and include a supplement page with a narrative field.
List of statutes in the non-traffic violation table will need to be expanded.
FAC Discussion Items
The FAC approved the following items:
#965 Add analysis reports to the view only role.
#1009 Add distribution level to the splash screen
<No Number> Make county on alcohol form defaultable
#1023 Provide way to display the current citation numbers left on the machine. Numbers and quantity
#1071 Do not erase GPS coordinates if override is done in map field.
#1068 Disable Holds CDL field if non-individual.
#1109 On NTC field Clear old statute number if new ordinance entered and it does not have a cross reference to the statute.
#1113 Add cross form validation rules to the Fatal Supplement
#1128 After clicking the schedule button move to the court time field.
#1130 Look at Phlebotomist or other medical professional authorized to draw blood.
The FAC declined the following items:
#865 Add additional confirmation message after the delete current group button is clicked.
FAC recommended adding more separation on the menu to make it less likely that the button will be clicked.
#1040 Should citations for minors validate if no parent info entered? Currently receive warning, which is correct if emancipated minor.
#1051 NTC does not treat 17 year old defendant as juvenile field. This is correct behavior.
#1060 Appleton requested analysis report. Need more follow up on what is needed.
#1068 Add ordinances on the fly.
#1086 Give a warning message if they click clear message cache.
User Conference
The FAC reviewed the breakout topics for this year’s user conference. FAC members may request a single occupancy hotel room for the night before the conference free of charge. The request should be sent to Badger TraCS and we will take care of the reservation. FAC members do not need to pay the conference registration fee, but they do need to register on line.
Crash Redesign
A mock-up of the redesigned crash form was demonstrated in TraCS.
The following suggestions were made:
Record the reason for the amend on the amendment form.
An amendment button might be better than using the replicate button form an amend.
Flip construction zone with truck/bust/hazmat.
Have just one form for deer crash and full crash.
In row between unit status and total occupants, move unit type, operating class, operating endorsements and vehicle type, so that fields enable correctly and workflow is simplified.
What’s the correct person type for vehicle owner?
Have a motorcycle section clearly marked.
Safety equipment and properly used flag should be on the same line.
Future Meetings
Future meetings will be September 16th and December 9th.
06/10/15 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
12:12 PM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Room 355
Hill Farms Transportation Building
4802 Sheboygan Ave
June 10, 2015
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. | 2015 Project Plan
9:30 a.m. | Motor Vehicle Inspection Form
10:30 a.m. | Break
10:45 a.m. | Probable Cause Affidavit
11:30 a.m. | FAC Referral Items
12:00 p.m. | Lunch
12:30 p.m. | FAC Referral Items Continued
1:00 p.m. | User Conference
1:15 p.m. | Crash Redesign
2:30 p.m. | Fatal Supplement
3:00 p.m. | Adjourn
FAC Membership 2015
Green Lake County Sheriff—Kevin Manning (Outgoing Member)
Marinette County Sheriff—Kim Dobbins (Outgoing Member)
Kiel PD—Joseph Jeanty (Outgoing Member)
Clark County Sheriff—Steve Struensee
Village of Pleasant Prairie PD—Scott Durkee
Shorewood Hills PD—Nick Pine
UW Oshkosh PD—Donovan Heavener
Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD, Matthew Drought
Tribal Community— Vacant
State Patrol—Mark Fetzer
Natural Resources— Kristin Turner
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Brad Babler
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Brian Neil
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Dennis Rodenkirch
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster
09/16/15 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
12:11 PM
09/16/15 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
12:12 PM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Room 354
Hill Farms Transportation Building
4802 Sheboygan Ave
September 16, 2015
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. | 2015 User Conference
9:15 a.m. | Fall Release—Changes to DNR Citation
9:30a.m. | Fall Release—Arrest Form/Probable Cause Statement
10:30 a.m. | Break
10:45 a.m. | Fall Release—Changes to Distribution
11:15 a.m. | Fall Release—Inspection Form
12:00 p.m. | Lunch
12:30 p.m. | Fall Release—Miscellaneous Features
1:00 p.m. | FAC Referral Items
3:00 p.m. | Adjourn
FAC Membership 2015
Green Lake County Sheriff—Kevin Manning (Outgoing Member)
Marinette County Sheriff—Kim Dobbins (Outgoing Member)
Kiel PD—Joseph Jeanty (Outgoing Member)
Clark County Sheriff—Steve Struensee
Village of Pleasant Prairie PD—Scott Durkee
Shorewood Hills PD—Nick Pine
UW Oshkosh PD—Donovan Heavener
Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD, Matthew Drought
Tribal Community— Vacant
State Patrol—Mark Fetzer
Natural Resources— Kristin Turner
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Brad Babler
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Brian Neil
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Dennis Rodenkirch
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster
12/09/15 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
12:11 PM
2015 TraCS Priorities Survey
244 agencies responded to the survey. Where agencies submitted more than one survey, the survey responses were merged with preference given to the survey that was received first.
New Forms/Features
Scores for each new form/feature were calculated as follows: 2 points were awarded for each agency that responded with “will use” and 1 point awarded for each agency that responded “might use.” Points were then multiply the number of sworn officers in the agency and summed.
Response | Score |
Pursuit Form | 9497 |
Probable Cause Form | 8075 |
Intoximeter Results Form | 5625 |
Warning Citation Data Warehouse | 5473 |
ATV/Snowmobile Crash Form | 5047 |
eReferral To DA | 5030 |
Use of Force Form | 4814 |
Jail Intake Form | 4618 |
Boat Crash Form | 4567 |
Call For Service Form | 3728 |
Hunting Accident Form | 3245 |
NIBRS/WIBRS Form | 3183 |
MV Inspection Form | 3018 |
Evidence Form | 2897 |
TV&RP Suspensions | 1591 |
As Percentages:
Response | Will or Might Use | Not Sure/Won't Use/No Answer |
Pursuit Form | 84% | 16% |
Probable Cause Form | 75% | 25% |
Use of Force Form | 57% | 43% |
Intoximeter Results Form | 55% | 45% |
Warning Citation Data Warehouse | 51% | 49% |
eReferral To DA | 51% | 49% |
Jail Intake Form | 48% | 52% |
ATV/Snowmobile Crash Form | 44% | 56% |
NIBRS/WIBRS Form | 41% | 59% |
Boat Crash Form | 39% | 61% |
Call For Service Form | 36% | 64% |
Hunting Accident Form | 33% | 67% |
Evidence Form | 33% | 67% |
MV Inspection Form | 30% | 70% |
TV&RP Suspensions | 18% | 82% |
Response | Will Use | Might Use | Not Sure | Won't Use | No Answer |
Pursuit Form | 50% | 34% | 12% | 4% | 0% |
Probable Cause Form | 39% | 36% | 10% | 15% | 0% |
ATV/Snowmobile Crash Form | 26% | 18% | 10% | 45% | 1% |
Warning Citation Data Warehouse | 25% | 26% | 27% | 18% | 4% |
Boat Crash Form | 25% | 14% | 6% | 55% | 0% |
Intoximeter Results Form | 24% | 31% | 21% | 21% | 4% |
eReferral To DA | 20% | 31% | 32% | 17% | 0% |
Jail Intake Form | 17% | 31% | 23% | 28% | 1% |
Call For Service Form | 16% | 21% | 21% | 41% | 1% |
MV Inspection Form | 13% | 17% | 14% | 56% | 0% |
Hunting Accident Form | 12% | 21% | 11% | 55% | 1% |
Use of Force Form | 11% | 46% | 18% | 25% | 1% |
Evidence Form | 8% | 25% | 17% | 42% | 8% |
TV&RP Suspensions | 5% | 13% | 57% | 23% | 2% |
NIBRS/WIBRS Form | 4% | 37% | 19% | 38% | 2% |
Feature Requests
Citation dispos from municipal court.Registration suspensions for FTP parking tickets.
Tracs is well featured as-is and meets our agency's needs.
We would like the ILT to improve.
Any forms compatible with MACH
Our departments works many crash reports. It would get a great feature to attach photos of the scene instead of drawing.
None at this time
The ability to upload a drawn diagram for crashes.The ability to track time spent on traffic watches to use as an analytical tool when the numbers are added from TraCs.The ability to update the squad computers from an Administrative computer with new information or citation banks.
have not begun using tracs10 n/a
Incident Report, A modified Citizen contact to collect names, vehicles, property, and a narrative would be greatly used.
Space to add additional info to from that remain static such as web site, pay on line options.
good mapping system for reports
The ability on NTC to allow custom numbering of the NTC parking citations.
TVRP suspension forms
A better interface to migrate data from MACH into Tracs.
Ability to transmit Alcohol and OWI Paperwork to DOT. Ability to transmit more of the paperwork for the Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office
A statewide records system for all law enforcment agencies in Tracs. This would allow a law enforcement statewide records system, which could be similiar to how the TIME system is set up for all law enforcement etc.
Mapping for crash reports
OWI search warrant, if it has bit already been added.
OWI forms
a full incident report, i've been thinking this is a couple short steps away from most small dept's being able to no longer purchase software from a company. tracs is not literally free, we're all chipping in one way or another though, but my agency has struggeled to keep a reliable company onboard for keeping thier software updated or justifing the cost of staying digital in report writing. we still would only want a basic report form.
Happy with what's present now.
Data transfer to our RMS from TRACS, data base for names
Monthly citation reports for boards review.
Offense report writing.
A better ILT and/or the drop down streets. Only have the counties you use, not all shown.
Ability to attach photos to tracs forms and have them push through to our RMS.
Wish TraCS would allow for manual entry of violation numbers for ordinances when using NTC. I write so few municipal ordinance violations it does not make sense for me to spend the time to enter all municipal ordinances into TracS when I issue less than 10 municipal citations per year.
The ability to take the ILT map and drop it into a crash report diagram.
No additional needed.
The ability to correct more fields. We are voiding a lot of citations for minor mistakes. An example would be: why can I change a court date but not allowed to change if it is or is not a mandatory court appearance?
We are happy with what we have available
Record Management System. We are being held hostage by out County Agency by not being able to set up our RMS how we want. Having a Record Management System through the State would be great. Would also like to be a test agency if you have something out there.
All MV forms would be nice to be able to have on TraCS and to be able to auto-fill them.
Being able to modify and use our own forms.
ordinance (NTC) warning report/form.
Importing out of state driver's license and vehicle registration data
Go back to the basic ticket / crash reporting system. Once that is mastered, perhaps expand to additional forms.
Standardized forms are greatly appreciated.
A DOJ hosted web interface for WAN / zero-touch deployment. This would all but eliminate tech support requests for install / management.
Railroad DOT crossing numbers included in ILT
Would like the misdemeanor script form in tracs, with the ability to have a signature line.
The ability to run a report showing TraCS document (i.e. warnings/ELCI/NTC etc.) totals per officer
Being able to manually enter statutes and ordinance and they validate like they use to with the previous tracs edition 7.3. Now we have to hand write any ordinance that is not programmed into a data base because tracs will not allow us to manually enter it.
In the diagram for vehicles there is no ATV or UTV.
Municipal ELCI/NTC should be able to have municipal fine amount that will not get overridded by State fine amounts.
Traffic stop data collection forms
More Spanish forms
All that I listed as will use on previous page.
A low bandwidth mode for workstation computers operating out of remote locations. We currently can't run the Office version in our primary substation due to the extreme bandwidth that TraCS uses to run.A means to control autonumbers that is not dependent on the computer's hard-drive. All too often IT needs to conduct roll-backs resulting in duplicate number issues.
The incident report form is absolutely necessary to be able to use the RMS function of TraCS.
Automatic copyover to Tracs from mobile data system. It wold be nice if the Wisconsin MIDI step could be eliminated.Would like to see the ability to copy crash information to Community Maps. We don't have the administratice support to enter crash information in Community Maps
An eraser for the TraCS Crash Diagram
Ability to end shift to webdav
Dog bite forms
We are content with the current Traffic enforcement features in TraCS. Do not use/need the RMS portion.
A favorites section while issuing warnings/citations like tracs 7 had.Explanation of errors in crash validating
No Suggestions
The ability to upload a diagram into a crash.The ability to track time spent on a traffic watch to use in analytics when adding the number of contacts from TraCs.The ability to update squad computers form an Administrative computer with information and citations.
We just installed TraCS 10 this month and learning the capabilities and potential for it.
see page 1
Ability to process suspension of plates for unpaid parking tickets that were issued in the TraCS system.
TraCS should not become a case management system.
I wish TRACs would stop trying to be an RMS system and just perfect the citation and crash forms.
Editing of mapping locations as some are entered incorrectly.
Incident reports/ FACE sheets.
Scale pre-loaded intersections for Tracs crashes. Larger crash pictorials. DL pictures of operators. Easier to navigate Tracs program. Voice command for fields.
the ability to pick fields that can redact on forms. ability to change forms to suit our wishes.
DNR Boat/ATV/Snowmobile crash forms and DNR OWI forms.
The accident information exchange sheet.
Interagency Master Name Index similar to WIJIS with the ability for web enabled mobile units to search for name within tracs
Like it.
The ability to import additional states.
That we could electronically submit forms to the review examiner for OWI'sIf you could black out holidays for all agencies so those issuing citations couldn't select a court date that is a holiday or observed holiday (give them a validation error if they do).
We only use the basic forms currently available. At this time, we do not have a need for additional features.
Implied consent blood draw warrant template.
The availability to see in TRACS if another Law Enforcement Agency using TRACS has issued this person a warning or citation in the past. Take for instance Agency A gives someone a written warning for speeding on 11-01-2015. Now Agency B makes a traffic stop on 11-24-2015 on the same person Agency A stopped on 11-01-2015. It would be nice to be able to look up in TRACS that Agency A already gave this person a warning on 11-01-2015 for speeding and the Agency B officer on 11-24-2015 could make a decision based on past history.
We would like to see a tracs lite product which would consist of an install of tracs like it use to be in 7.3 . Basically a tracs install seperate from the other full featured tracs product that you could do citations, crashes, and field warnings on like in 7.3. And then try not to change tracs lite that often so there are not so many updates and so much new feature training needed. I think many agencies use what is considered the core product and not all the other features anyway. But, back to reality! I realize one product is plenty to take care of! Possibly slow down the release of new features and changes to once a year.
Being able to edit the Enforcement Campaign field on the office workstation
Activity logs
Probable Cause Statements
Web based so it can be accessed via a Smart phone or tablet. (iOS or Android Preferred)
Pursuit form, more open field in ELCI
We would like to see two address lines, mailing and physical if different. We have numerous people who physically live in one town and have a PO Box in another town. This causes issues for the clerk of courts when sending mail or officers when attempting to make physical contact.Also I love the addition of restitution amount/victim info to the citations, however the Clerk of Courts doesn't see this on there end from what I am told. It would be nice if the citation could be flagged and include the amount for the clerk of courts so it can be brought up in court. If someone is issued a citation for theft and needs to pay restitution the judge will not know about the restitution if they plead guilty or no-contest on their initial appearance.
Report forms (no character limits) so can transmit to DA as part of DA routing.
More robust search feature for Crash Reports.
Wish configuration studio was integrated, not separate steps.
Written statement form
Can't think of any.
The Probable Cause form development
Would like to see the municipal court phone number on citations.
Evidence log form, Tracking warnings (connected with MACH) Adult Citation (Probable Cause Form)
Nothing at this time
Not sure
Overall we have been happy with the current features.
Most all of what was ask
Ability to edit late parking notice letters
Chapter 51 Paperwork
We are content with the current suite of what TraCS has to offer. What is not in TraCS is taken care of by our CAD system.
At this time Tracs offers our department what we need.
warning database
Manually enter locations instead of using the map and more forms like the ones listed in the previous section.
Records Management System
DNR Warnining without all the vevhicle traffic fields
Importing information from a previous citation/crash
I wish the black out dates would work after the court schedule has been created. Also wish we could search through Etime right through TRACS.
I know that some agency use NTC as a misdemeanor citation, our agency & DA would like a misdemeanor citation.
Arrest processing forms such as Booking Sheet, Domestic Paperwork.
web based version
Nothing to note at this time.
Easier set up for new users. Web based system
Our officers would like some type of drivers license reader that would pull the data from scanning the license. Some type of app or scanner.
The above options would be nice and helpful.
I have been asking for Incident Reporting for a long time
Pursuit form. ATV/Snowmobile crash form.
Easier statute favorites and defaults. The statute favorite selection boxes haven't seemed to be functional.
Incident Based Reporting System
No comment at this time
More contrast on accident form would of liked it to look like the paper form.
correct mistakes without voiding entire citations
Ability to download driver and vehicle information from Tiberon to TRaCS
The ability to add our own department forms
A customizable Personal Recognizance bond for municipal violations. The ability to see what customizable letters/letterhead would look like without having to open and complete a citation. The ability to make more corrections on citations once issued.
A data analysis and RMS modules
Storage for all citations and warnings so we can look them up and reprint, if necessary.
We were looking for the PC Affidavit form for Dane County Jail and some of the other features on the front page.
I would like to see some form of criminal citation / complaint form.
Built in transmit data to records management in-house. One that works for all systems. I know this is tough, but you asked..
There is enough forms in there for now. As stated at the conference, the focus should be a good solid patch to make sure everything we have is working at its best.
All as checked in prior box as most would use.
A larger field to add website and on line payment options on documents.
Background scheme options returned
A map of year to date of locations where tickets or warnings were issued.
ILT tool needs a diagram tool so it does not have to be built (like an intersection, etc.) It seems we have a large ticket inventory as each time an MDC goes down and has to be rebuilt we are assigned a new batch of citation numbers.
An equipment check list form that is not as convoluted as the present one. a simple form where we could create a list of items that are to be present in the squad and one that we can check off if it is there. What you have now is terrible. Who is going to enter every Taser, every radio, etc.? Let agencies have the ability to create a list of items and record the mileage
an internal check to prevent duplicate form numbers for Crash/ELCI and warnings
We would rather see an elimination of the records management and stick to what TraCS is designed for, Citations. Keep the program specific to the generation and issuance of citations.
Calls for service forms
Automatic external search to transfer the DOT data to the forms. When opening a form, we use the data from DOT to complete the form, but have to move the mouse to click on External Search to retrieve the data. I would suggest that the External Search be one of the first fields that we enter through so we can use the external data without having to mouse up to it.
State Misdemeanor Citations.
Most everything we want is already in process.
After speaking with other officers there does not appear to be a form or forms we would be lacking.
What is difficult in TraCS?
Biggest issue is the importing of information from records.
Officers find using the Incident Location Tool to be frustrating and inconvenient.
Technical Support
Crash Diagram reports.
Accident reports - generally those that are unattended in a parking lot
see #2
Too many options. for the base user, there are too many options and they bet confused easily. Keep it simple.
Diagraming tool on crash reports
accident reports
Checked out the OWI blood warrant paperwork but our DA didn't like the format. He didn't like the SFST's listed in clues and wanted them to be in an open narrative format for observations rather than just listing clues.
The traffic crash diagram.
Using the crash drawing tool
There should be a better way to assure NO duplicate numbers occur. Even if a computer is named the same it should not be possible to create a duplicate number. It is a very difficult process to repair duplicate numbers so it should be made impossible to create duplicates. Also....the amended crash report requires some fields that should not be necessary...they should simply carry forward from the original.
The analysis reports could be more user friendly.
Distributions take time.
External search and diagramming for crashes
navigating how to figure out what the proggram needs to correct an error. it sometimes feels like you have to be a computer programer to think like a copmuter to figure out how to fix that error.
Everything flows smooth.
Not much. It is much better every day. Thanks for always improving it.
Reports on activites.
A lot of tabs to go through. Not always intuitive.
Accidents and ILT
crashs, hit and runs
Using the ILT tool
Completing a good diagram in crash reports. The current crash diagramming tool is better than previous versions but it could still be better.
Update violations, local and ordinance.
transmitting. I can transmit documents 8-10 times before the document is successfully transmitted.
No answer
N/A Tracs with the proper training and great staff Tracs has been very easy to use.
We tend to have the most trouble with the new crash diagram. Officers find it more difficult that 7.3
Crash reports, they are complicated when unusual circumstances occur.
alcohol forms...but with a little training, they can figure it out.
At this time we only have one officer who uses the Alcohol Forms. My guess is because not enough people are comfortable using them on TraCS. However, we have had problems with forms not appearing in the print selection screen. I recently had a Notice of Intent to Suspend not show up. The redacted selection was available but not the regular form.
When we end shift at our Department some of the forms will not be sent from the squads to the department. We have been using the re-send mode to end our shift.
crash forms involving USPS and other government vehicles that are not registered with WI DOT.
Distribution process includes too many step - simplify it.
Pretty happy so far.
Install, deploy, and maintain it.
Updates - having to make changes to the configuration for the major updates
Some people don't like the tracs diagraming tool due to it being complex
Run Reports
When changes are made there is no training for them or the use of the new tracs. diagramming is not user friendly if the new versions are used. Streets should be placed back into the program. we have to manually enter everything since the data base with streets was removed from the program. We can no longer manually enter statutes and ordinances that are not programmed in as it no longer validates. we were able to do this with the old tracs. if the software is not updated we have to hand write everything.
Seems pretty straight forward
Remotely updating mobile units is difficult
ILT map missing some roads, long delays in getting maps updated
Update mobile units
Crash Diagram is not user friendly.
See above. We are extremely limited in the use of the Office version due to the exceptionally poor and unwieldy way TraCS utilizes rule checks.
When sorting information from the case management screen by status (IE, Accepted, transmitted, etc) it is frustrating that you cannot select more than one status to display. It would be very useful to be able to click on Issued and Completed to look at both rather than just one at a time.
Not having an eraser in the TraCS Crash Diagram
end shift to network because we have to authenticate with the file share before we can end shift.
Nothing really. Works well with the MACH system but would be nice if a person could manually clear the Message Cache instead of losing all the stored information when closing a form.
ILT tool is hard to maneuver, needs to zoom in.vehicles are hard to spin/resize in crash diagrams.Google maps would be cool to use in diagrams.
No Suggestions
Still getting familiar with TraCS 10 so I don't have much information.
Completing the accident diagram on a MV4000. Very difficult to manipulate the diagrams.
The system checks back to the server too often causes huge slow downs. Not everybody is operating in a city environment.
Mapping is not always exact - would be nice if it could be modified.
Keep bond amounts correct. Automation features do not work (auto transmit, etc.)
Navigation. Mapping program is quirky and difficult to use.
Searching for statutes could be made a little bit easier. Sometimes when we type in the description it doesn't always return a result.
owi warrant not accepted by lead judge due to issues with form not conforming to state accepted form (per the Judge)
All forms we use are used on a regular basis and therefore don't have any issues. My records department refuses to go wireless. If there was something or someone to talk to about doing things wirelessly or getting the program to be used as it was intended that would be great.
Accident Diagrams - State negotiated price for Quickscene or related CAD software would be the best
Doing well.
The importing of available states can be difficult or intermittent.
Load onto new computer
Blacking out holidays so tickets can't be written for those court dates hasn't been always user friendly.
Accident Diagraming.
nothing at this time.
Distribution process and updating of mobile units.
The updates sent out from TRACS when you have to go in and make changes within TRACS. The directions provided are not always the best to be able to follow along and make the changes. As a small agency we are limited for resources and most the time have to call TRACS to be able to make the updated changes sent out from TRACS.
Keep all the officers up to date and trained with all the changes that are always made.
Creating diagram palettes for the crash report
Traffic crash diagram
Just making sure everything is running properly. Seems like after a patch or update something has a glitch.
Backend administration. See above.
new Distributions
MV4000 form completion
We have issues when transmitting a criminal traffic citation. When it is criminal it gets routed to the DA which is great, but then Clerk of Courts doesn't get a copy which they need.Alcohol Influence Report attached to Alcohol Form. The Alcohol Influence Report is frequently forgotten about, and not done, because it is not with the other forms.
Getting to work each and every time. Seems like every time thee is an update, it malfunctions.
Hit and run crashes
local updates are cumbersome
cant issue ntc for violation unless it is already in data base!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The program is very slow
Not being able to correct certain fields after a form has been validated and issued.
external searches
Not very user friendly. Installation/updates confusing. Manual only makes sense from the beginning but often steps are only needed from a portion of the list. Distributions are not easy. Too many go here and minimize that s. Wish the steps were simplified.
read the informing the accused!
Load times
Auto-populating names and plate information in warnings, elci's and accidents. not sure if it is a local IT issue or TraCS? Corfirming you want to log-out is annoying. Not having you set defaults travel from one squad to another is annoying and time consuming as well.
See Officer Munsch's response to this.
Dealing with current and archived items
Alcohol forms are not working correctly. OWI warrant is not adequate for DRE evals, and not easily useable.
Crash Diagram takes too much time to create
Sometimes the updates are confusing and don't always seem to go as easy as they should.
Takeing to long for a responce
add mobile units
Accident Reports
No difficulties to report.
Only complaints I have heard is doing the amended crash forms and that when trying to look for a statute in ELCI or NTC is difficult
Tracs makes the forms easy to use. Compatibility with RMS programs is time consuming when they do not work.
No Difficulties
MV4000 (old one) waiting for new version to come out
Crash reports
Accident Form
Switching officers We have one computer in our boat and as many as 3 officers issuing citations. We need to be able to quickly switch issuing officers
The tracs diagram adding text
Using the ILT
Nothing comes to mind.
Nothing just rolling out TraCS 10
Validate Crash Reportsexternal information sometimes isn't complete
At times in the past the external search feature does not import the driver and vehicle information from mobile rms system.
track citations that don't get end shifted
Updates in TraCS. To many steps to confirm and send out to cars. This should be revised so that there are less steps and chance to mess up the system if something is missed. TraCS 7.3 was much better in this area, copy the file with changes and paste to the cars.
Owi forms
Use the ILT feature for mapping.
Overall officers are extremely pleased with TraCS and what it can do. Officers have gone from avoiding and complaining to complaining when the system is not working. Some of the validation rules cause stress because officers sometimes make corrections and the forms will not validate. Many times the correction was not accepted for some reason or the validation rule was obscure and required interpretation from the help desk.
Pushing out a new DISTRIBUTION is the by far the most difficult.
Crash diagramming
Adding new users and/or computers has been difficult for me in the past.
Crash diagrams.
The diagramming tool is still lacking in functionality above a very basic crash diagram compared to other available products.
Setup and distributions
Fill out hit and run crashes.
Patrol does not like I.L.T.
ILT I find it quicker to download information manually
We are not a fan of the ILT, the ILT uses the location at the time the citation is being issued which most of the time is not the location that the incident took place. Officers would rather manually enter the location that the incident took place rather than use the ILT.
Locations, why not have the ability to enter the streets instead of using the ILT, use either of them
Crash Reports, not user friendly
Keep it up to date.
Move over data into the form and transfer data from squad to office.
ILT by far! The mapping/location issues in that program are brutal. Adding new streets we've found were ok as long as they were only UW streets but if we had to add a city street we would have been in trouble.
Make corrections after validation. There has been some improvement in this area, but its usually after the print that you realize the court date or mandatory appearance is wrong and cannot be corrected. I would also like to see instructions on how to change defaults. For example, Underage drinking is a mandatory appearance and defaults to No .
The Crash Reporting form.
Program changes are imposable for a small department that does not have an I.T. on staff. Getting help is getting harder and harder with the limited phone assistance at the time of call, so telephone tag is going on and on all the time. Help the small agencies trying to use TraCS.
It's not the most user friendly for the IT side of things.
OWI process
accident formslocation tool
Using the Crash report diagraming tool.
Validate Crash reports.
Varies per personnel, so no one feature
Crashes involving tractors, road equipment, other motorized equipment not required to be registered, mail trucks owned by US Govt.
Too complicated accident forms. We know you are working on rolling out a new one in 2017. The current form is frustrating, especially when dealing with unknown drivers.
Some of our guys complain about the diagram tool. Very few though.
end shifting and start shifting from mobile computers to inside the department.
When getting OWI blood results back and needing to issue intent to suspend paperwork, the previously completed alcohol forms will only print redacted versions, so having to replicate to new alcohol forms in order to print non-redacted versions is time wasting.
Three things; 1)creating a distribution (which I understand should be fixed in the next patch. 2)make it so TraCS forms that have been on a squad laptop for a specific period of time are automatically endshifted. This is supposedly present but no one knows how it works. 3) allow TraCS to run in the background of the master computer. When you transmit forms the master computer is unuseable. Make it so the transmission process is invisible or displays an icon in the notification area.
Opening and editing; just edit? Also diagramming. External search issues. Not sure if local or TraCS.
Create distributions and get up-to-date information to field units.
Ease of use of the ILT. Is not the most user friendly for an officer in his squad on a traffic stop. It is one more thing to distract an officer from the vehicle/driver
adding officers, new ordinances, court schedules and any updates to tracs. Very cumbersome and need the help of IT staff anytime we want to make those changes. would like a more user friendly (wizard that walks you through the process) way to make those updates or changes.
Accident Diagram tool
adding accident reconstruction
Sometimes forms / citations get lost. Or not transmitting properly. (i.e. Having to End Shift forms more than once because they aren't transmitting for whatever reason.
Work without TraCS.
The TraCs system is very user friendly of you use it! The only challenges we seem to encounter are from lack of familiarization.
Existing Forms/Features
Scores for each existing form/feature were calculated as follows: 2 points were awarded for each agency that responded with “using now” and 1 point awarded for each agency that responded “might use.” Points were then multiply the number of sworn officers in the agency and summed.
Response | Score |
Form Use (Traffic Citation (UTC)) | 14121 |
Form Use (Crash Form) | 14057 |
Form Use (Non Traffic Citation) | 13903 |
Form Use (Amended Crash Form) | 13663 |
Form Use (Warning Form) | 13442 |
Feature use (Location Tool (ILT)) | 13277 |
Form Use (Deer Crash Form) | 13197 |
Form Use (Driver Condition Form) | 12422 |
Feature use (Form Search) | 11812 |
Form Use (Alcohol Form) | 11785 |
Feature use (Custom Search) | 11613 |
Feature use (Advanced Search) | 11498 |
Form Use (Influence Form) | 11379 |
Feature use (Favorites Search) | 11362 |
Form Use (Vehicle Killed Wild Animal Permit) | 9733 |
Feature use (Ad Hoc Queries) | 9058 |
Feature use (Analysis Reports) | 8949 |
Feature use (Auto-backup Document Numbers) | 7708 |
Feature use (Batch Transmission) | 7399 |
Feature use (Auto-backup Settings) | 7384 |
Feature use (Batch End-Shifting) | 7119 |
Feature use (Master Index Search) | 6467 |
Form Use (Natural Resources Citation) | 6275 |
Feature use (Case Search) | 5847 |
Feature use (Web Services) | 5811 |
Feature use (Custom Symbol Palettes) | 5756 |
Feature use (Active Directory) | 5696 |
Form Use (Parking Citation) | 5335 |
Feature use (Involvement Search) | 5218 |
Form Use (Citizen Contact Form) | 4642 |
Feature use (Notification Service) | 4606 |
Form Use (Attachment Form) | 4346 |
Feature use (Confidentiality) | 3855 |
Feature use (Case Builder) | 3496 |
Feature use (Case Information Dialog) | 3431 |
Form Use (Equipment Inventory Form) | 3118 |
Form Use (Contact Summary Form) | 2848 |
Form Use (Case Summary Form) | 2790 |
Form Use (Task Form) | 2545 |
Response | Using Now or May Use | Not Sure/Won't Use/No Answer |
Form Use (Amended Crash Form) | 100% | 0% |
Form Use (Non Traffic Citation) | 100% | 0% |
Form Use (Traffic Citation (UTC)) | 99% | 1% |
Form Use (Crash Form) | 99% | 1% |
Form Use (Deer Crash Form) | 98% | 2% |
Feature use (Location Tool (ILT)) | 98% | 2% |
Form Use (Warning Form) | 96% | 4% |
Form Use (Influence Form) | 94% | 6% |
Form Use (Alcohol Form) | 94% | 6% |
Form Use (Driver Condition Form) | 92% | 8% |
Feature use (Advanced Search) | 89% | 11% |
Feature use (Custom Search) | 88% | 12% |
Feature use (Favorites Search) | 88% | 12% |
Feature use (Form Search) | 87% | 13% |
Form Use (Vehicle Killed Wild Animal Permit) | 81% | 19% |
Feature use (Ad Hoc Queries) | 75% | 25% |
Feature use (Analysis Reports) | 74% | 26% |
Feature use (Auto-backup Document Numbers) | 69% | 31% |
Feature use (Auto-backup Settings) | 66% | 34% |
Feature use (Batch Transmission) | 66% | 34% |
Feature use (Batch End-Shifting) | 62% | 38% |
Feature use (Web Services) | 61% | 39% |
Feature use (Master Index Search) | 60% | 40% |
Feature use (Active Directory) | 59% | 41% |
Feature use (Custom Symbol Palettes) | 59% | 41% |
Form Use (Parking Citation) | 56% | 44% |
Feature use (Case Search) | 54% | 46% |
Feature use (Involvement Search) | 50% | 50% |
Form Use (Natural Resources Citation) | 50% | 50% |
Feature use (Notification Service) | 48% | 52% |
Form Use (Citizen Contact Form) | 47% | 53% |
Form Use (Attachment Form) | 46% | 54% |
Feature use (Confidentiality) | 43% | 57% |
Feature use (Case Builder) | 40% | 60% |
Feature use (Case Information Dialog) | 39% | 61% |
Form Use (Equipment Inventory Form) | 34% | 66% |
Form Use (Case Summary Form) | 30% | 70% |
Form Use (Contact Summary Form) | 30% | 70% |
Form Use (Task Form) | 28% | 72% |
Response | Using Now | May Use | Not Sure | Will Never Use | No Answer |
Form Use (Traffic Citation (UTC)) | 99% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 1% |
Form Use (Crash Form) | 98% | 1% | 0% | 0% | 1% |
Form Use (Non Traffic Citation) | 96% | 4% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Form Use (Warning Form) | 93% | 3% | 0% | 4% | 0% |
Form Use (Amended Crash Form) | 92% | 8% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Feature use (Location Tool (ILT)) | 89% | 9% | 0% | 1% | 1% |
Form Use (Deer Crash Form) | 87% | 11% | 0% | 1% | 1% |
Form Use (Driver Condition Form) | 82% | 10% | 7% | 0% | 0% |
Feature use (Form Search) | 78% | 9% | 8% | 1% | 4% |
Feature use (Custom Search) | 75% | 13% | 9% | 1% | 2% |
Feature use (Advanced Search) | 73% | 16% | 9% | 1% | 1% |
Feature use (Favorites Search) | 72% | 16% | 10% | 1% | 1% |
Form Use (Alcohol Form) | 72% | 22% | 2% | 4% | 1% |
Form Use (Influence Form) | 66% | 28% | 1% | 4% | 1% |
Form Use (Vehicle Killed Wild Animal Permit) | 56% | 25% | 8% | 10% | 1% |
Feature use (Ad Hoc Queries) | 52% | 23% | 17% | 6% | 2% |
Feature use (Analysis Reports) | 52% | 22% | 16% | 5% | 4% |
Feature use (Auto-backup Document Numbers) | 40% | 29% | 24% | 6% | 1% |
Form Use (Natural Resources Citation) | 38% | 11% | 7% | 42% | 2% |
Feature use (Batch End-Shifting) | 38% | 24% | 31% | 7% | 1% |
Feature use (Batch Transmission) | 38% | 28% | 30% | 3% | 1% |
Feature use (Auto-backup Settings) | 37% | 29% | 25% | 6% | 2% |
Feature use (Master Index Search) | 31% | 30% | 31% | 7% | 2% |
Feature use (Case Search) | 28% | 27% | 27% | 18% | 1% |
Feature use (Involvement Search) | 23% | 27% | 31% | 18% | 1% |
Feature use (Custom Symbol Palettes) | 22% | 36% | 32% | 9% | 1% |
Feature use (Active Directory) | 21% | 38% | 22% | 16% | 3% |
Feature use (Web Services) | 21% | 40% | 27% | 8% | 4% |
Form Use (Parking Citation) | 19% | 38% | 7% | 32% | 4% |
Form Use (Citizen Contact Form) | 19% | 28% | 13% | 39% | 1% |
Feature use (Notification Service) | 17% | 31% | 42% | 9% | 1% |
Form Use (Attachment Form) | 15% | 32% | 26% | 27% | 1% |
Feature use (Confidentiality) | 11% | 32% | 36% | 20% | 1% |
Form Use (Contact Summary Form) | 10% | 19% | 25% | 43% | 3% |
Form Use (Equipment Inventory Form) | 10% | 24% | 19% | 46% | 2% |
Feature use (Case Information Dialog) | 10% | 29% | 41% | 19% | 1% |
Form Use (Case Summary Form) | 9% | 21% | 24% | 45% | 1% |
Feature use (Case Builder) | 9% | 32% | 36% | 23% | 1% |
Form Use (Task Form) | 8% | 19% | 34% | 38% | 1% |
12/09/15 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
12:12 PM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Room 354
Hill Farms Transportation Building
4802 Sheboygan Ave
December 9, 2015
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. | Revised Crash Form
10:30 a.m. | Break
10:45 a.m. | Crash Form Continued
11:15 a.m. | Call For Service Form
12:00 p.m. | Lunch
12:30 p.m. | Survey Results
1:00 p.m. | Prioritization Exercise
1:30 p.m. | FAC Referral Items
3:00 p.m. | Adjourn
FAC Membership 2015
Green Lake County Sheriff—Kevin Manning (Outgoing Member)
Marinette County Sheriff—Kim Dobbins (Outgoing Member)
Kiel PD—Joseph Jeanty (Outgoing Member)
Clark County Sheriff—Steve Struensee
Village of Pleasant Prairie PD—Scott Durkee
Shorewood Hills PD—Nick Pine
UW Oshkosh PD—Donovan Heavener
Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD, Matthew Drought
Tribal Community— Vacant
State Patrol—Mark Fetzer
Natural Resources— Kristin Turner
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Brad Babler
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster
Department of Transportation/DSP/BOTS— Tina Goede
2015 - Membership
Friday, July 9, 2021
10:10 AM
2015 TraCS Forms Advisory Committee Membership
March 18, 2015
Members | City | State/Non-state |
Steve Struensee | Neilsville | Non-State |
Scott Durkee | Pleasant Prairie | Non-State |
Nick Pie | Shorewood Hills | Non-State |
Donovan Heavener | Oshkosh | Non-State |
Kevin Manning | Green Lake | Non-State |
Kim Dobbins | Marinette | Non-State |
Joseph Jeanty | Kiel | Non-State |
Matthew Drought | Milwaukee | Non-State |
Kristin Turner | Madison | State |
Mark Fetzer | Madison | State |
Teresa Severson | Madison | State |
Dennis Rodenkirch | Madison | State |
Jennifer Schmidt | Madison | State |
Geri Polster | Madison | State |
Brian Neil | Madison | State |
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