Badger TraCS Guides
FAC Meeting Notes 2007
FAC Meeting Notes 2007
Table of Contents
03/15/07 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
10:35 AM
Wisconsin Badger TraCS Forms Testing Agenda
Public Service Commission Building, Classroom 1
Madison, WI
March 15, 2007
8:00 – 4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. Welcome, Introductions, Test Plan
8:30 a.m. Testing – Crash Form
Deer Crash Form
Amended Crash Form
10:15 a.m. Break
10:30 a.m. Testing – Fatal Supplement Form
Auto-pop Crash to Fatal Supplement
Driver Condition Form
11:30 a.m. Discuss Test Results from morning session
12:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m. Testing – ELCI Form
Warning Form
Alcohol Form
1:45 p.m. Break
2:00 p.m. Testing – ELCI Form
Warning Form
Alcohol Form
3:00 p.m. Discuss Test Results from afternoon session
4:00 p.m. Adjourn
06/20/07 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
8:53 AM
Wisconsin TraCS Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Attendees: Jenny Schmidt-DMV/TAS, Brian Neil-DMV/TAS, David Frey-DMV/TAS, Mary Jackson-DMV/CWS, Teresa Severson-DMV/CWS, Krist Boldt-Dane County, Jeffrey Schwitz-Washington County, Gregg Duran-Milwaukee PD representing Rich Stein, Mark Rohloff-Monroe PD, Martin Schrampfer-Menasha PD, Michael Newton-DSP, Josh Henry-Burnett County representing Stacy Hopke.
Absent: Jason Lauby-Rome PD, Mike Reardon-River Falls PD.
Forms Advisory Committee Questionnaires:
Dave Frey passed out a questionnaire for each agency to complete. This questionnaire will be used to select Wisconsin Steering Committee representatives, transition new agencies onto the FAC, and help us prepare for the 2007 User conference in Wisconsin Dells.
Mary Jackson passed out a survey for the development of the ETIME system. The survey showed what the agencies are currently getting and asked them what fields they would like to see from the new ETIME system.
Wisconsin Steering Committee Representatives:
Described mission and goals of the Wisconsin TraCS Steering Committee.
Facilitate implementation of TraCS across state and local agencies
Prioritize enhancements to TraCS software.
Identify Funding sources
Final approval of Forms to be developed
This committee meets twice a year in Madison for approximately 3 hours.
Asked FAC for 2 representatives to serve on this committee.
Representatives selected will be notified when all questionnaires are completed.
FAC Membership Terms:
Talked about the need to transition new members onto the FAC in the future.
When all questionnaires are completed, we will select which agencies will serve additional time on the committee.
Fall 2007 TraCS User meeting in Wisconsin Dells:
Asked for volunteers to give a short presentation or be part of a FAC panel that talks about their participation and experience as a member of the FAC. This could be presented in any manner the participants choose.
Asked for ideas/topics the FAC would like to see presented at the conference.
The questionnaire will be sent to FAC members that did not have time to complete it today.
New Forms discussion:
The way new forms become included in the suite are such:
1. Form(s) must be suitable for statewide use, not just a limited number of agencies
2. Form must have a sponsor who provides the business rules for the form.
3. Application must be made by the sponsor to the Wisconsin BadgerTraCS Steering
Committee. There is a sample form available upon request.
4. The Wisconsin BadgerTraCS Steering Committee will debate the form merits and
vote on its inclusion into the suite of forms.
5. If approved for inclusion, the Wisconsin BadgerTraCS Steering Committee will set a
priority rating for development.
6. Traffic Accident Section will develop the new forms.
New Forms Discussion items
Create new or modify existing Warning Form. Both Approved for voting
Add $ amount saved, demerit points and selection checkbox on letter to show how much you saved by getting a warning and not a ticket
Create Office Copy of Warning.
High Speed pursuit Form. Not Approved for voting
This information is already captured on WILENET. Resources could be better used on other modifications/development.
Citizen Contact Report Form / Field Interview form. Approved for voting
General consensus was that this was a lower priority type of form. Resources could be better used on other modifications/development.
Alcohol/Drug Influence Report SP4005. Approved for voting
Comment: Not very practical, because needs to be filled out remotely with the suspect.
Comment: Would be very useful if selected from ACHL form, and if selected by checkbox on the form, open up additional fields to fill in more information. This could auto populate existing information onto a new printout that the officer could take with him when he leaves the squad with the suspect.
Parent Notification letter. Approved for voting
General consensus was that this would be useful but use the shorter version of the form from River Falls PD.
This letter should be available on both the ELCI and MUNI forms.
Towing Company Form. Approved for voting
General consensus was that this would be nice to have someday but not a high priority.
Non UTC Alcohol/Tobacco Violation form. Approved for voting
General consensus was that this would be useful on a statewide basis.
This could use much of the current MUNI information
Voted for unanimously by the FAC as a “Must Have”
Bond Receipt for Posting. Approved for voting
Could be another print function off of the ELCI form
General consensus was that his would be low priority. Resources could be better used on other modifications/development.
Misdemeanor Citation. Approved for voting
Simple form with much less required information than a MUNI or ELCI
Would be useful for many agencies.
Half of the FAC voted this as a “Must Have”
Consent to search Form. Not Approved for voting
Each agency has their own version.
General consensus was that this would be hard to standardize.
Parking Citation Form. Not Approved for voting
This could be done by a MUNI or Non UTC.
Parking tickets generated in TraCS would take too much time. Usually the only information required is the License plate number.
Could not print a self-mailer for paying the fines.
WIBRS Incident Form. Approved for voting
Criteria not well defined.
Very difficult to implement. Many requirements. Many rules and validations will be required.
Wait another year for more information.
Results of Voting for Forms to be developed
Must Have = 3 points Nice to Have = 2 points Some Day = 1 point
After voting on the forms to be developed, we determined that a sample Non UTC alcohol/tobacco violation (Score 21), the Misdemeanor citation (Score 17), and the Alcohol/Drug Influence Report (Score 15) were the top three forms requested. These 3 forms will be explored further..
We also determined that some of the lesser priority items on the voting list such as the Parent Notification letter (Score 14) or Warning Office Copy (Score 13) may be easy to implement. We will determine if they can be included in the 2008 TraCS release.
End of New Forms Discussion
The final items on the meeting agenda are as follows:
Non UTC violation statutes to add to Violations_MUNI table:
We asked for input on which non UTC statutes each agency they would like to have included in the Violations_MUNI table. Since this is a very large table, we will let each agency send us a list of which statutes they would like added. If you are satisfied with the table the way it is, you do not need to send me a list of statutes to be added.
Other Miscellaneous Items:
Asked for input/ideas for future TraCS release enhancements. Below are some of the discussion items
Add an extra column in Violations_Local table for adopting State Statute.
Import passenger information into the Crash form from the mobile data browser. Discussion followed that this may already be possible.
After a search on any field, automatically go to the beginning of those fields instead of the next available field. It was determined that this must be done by the MDI provider.
Write a custom DLL for issuance of citation number ranges.
A comment was made that a patch notification should be sent to all LEA’s. They must look at the FTP site to see if a new one is present.
Next Meeting
The next Forms Advisory Committee meeting will be scheduled for the Fall of 2007.
The meeting was adjourned.
By David Frey
06/20/07 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
10:37 AM
Wisconsin Badger TraCS Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Hillfarms State Transportation Building
4802 Sheboygan Avenue, Room 419
Madison, WI 53707
June 20, 2007
9:00 – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. Wisconsin Steering Committee Representatives
9:15 a.m. FAC Membership Terms
9:30 a.m. Fall 2007 TraCS User meeting in Wisconsin Dells
9:45 a.m. New Forms discussion and prioritization
10:15 a.m. Break
10:30 a.m. New Forms discussion and prioritization continued
12:00 p.m. Lunch
12:30 p.m. New Forms discussion and prioritization continued
1:45 p.m. Break
2:00 p.m. Non UTC violation statutes to add to Violations_Muni table
2:45 p.m. Other miscellaneous items
3:00 p.m. Schedule next meeting and Adjourn
10/09/07 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
8:57 AM
Badger TraCS Forms Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes for Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Attendees: Jenny Schmidt-DMV/TAS, Brian Neil-DMV/TAS, David Frey-DMV/TAS, Mary Jackson-DMV/CWS, Teresa Severson-DMV/CWS, Krist Boldt-Dane County, Jeffrey Schwitz-Washington County, Rich Stein-Milwaukee PD, Mark Rohloff-Monroe PD, Martin Schrampfer-Menasha PD, David Harvey representing Michael Newton-DSP, Stacy Hopke-Burnett County, Jason Lauby-Town of Rome PD, Michael Reardon-River Falls PD.
Absent: Michael Newton-DSP.
New Forms development discussion - Approved Items
Parent Notification letter.
General consensus was to use the shorter version of the form from River Falls PD.
This letter should be generated on both the ELCI and MUNI forms.
Additional fields on the ELCI will need approval from UTC Council meeting (Mary Jackson/Dave Frey will present additional information required) If additional fields are not allowed by the UTC Council, a new form will need to be generated to add parent names.
Will require repeating groups to be added to send letters to multiple parent/guardians. Use the same parent/guardian information as shown on the MUNI.
A check box for parent notified will need to be added to both ELCI and MUNI.
Use a personalized letterhead bitmap at top of form for each agencies logo or use TraCS supplied default letterhead logo.
Add a validation rule Warning message if defendant is less than 18 years old to create parent notification letter.
DNR Citation Form.
We broke the committee into three groups and presented them with the challenge of creating the data entry DNR Citation Forms.
Distributed sticky boards, scissors and large copies of the current DNR paper form and the ELCI and MUNI electronic forms for use in the form creation.
We will use these mock versions of the DNR form in our meetings with DNR representatives.
We will invite DNR representatives to the next FAC meeting to further discuss creation of this form and it’s requirements.
Non UTC Alcohol/Tobacco Violation form. - Form GF-116
Add additional fields to the MUNI for State of Wisconsin and Board of Regents as plaintiffs. Use Form GF-116 as a guideline.
Change the MUNI form name to something more generic. (i.e.Non UTC Citation). This would allow the MUNI to be used for many different types of citations.
Additional validations rules required if no local ordinance is entered.
Create new or modify existing Warning Form.
Create Office Copy of Warning to include full freeform Narrative.
Remove Slogans “Buckle Up – It’s the Law” and “Every Driver a Survivor”.
Combine Warning reports “Buckle Up – It’s the Law” and “Every Driver a Survivor” and rename the report to “Traffic Warning”.
Rename report “Correct before next dispatch” to “Owner/Company/Individual Warning”
Rename report “Report in Person” to “In Person: Correction Notice”.
Rename report “Correct at Once” to “Mail: Correction Notice”.
Misdemeanor Citation.
Add additional fields to the MUNI for additional fields on this form.
Create Report layout at next FAC meeting.
Other Miscellaneous Items discussed:
Discussed the 2007 Badger TraCS User meeting to be held the following day and the roles some members will have at the User meeting.
Selected Martin Schrampfer-Menasha PD and Mark Rohloff-Monroe PD as the Forms Advisory Committee members on the Wisconsin TraCS Steering Committee.
Wisconsin Steering Committee Mission and Goals
The mission and goals of the Wisconsin TraCS Steering Committee are:
Facilitate implementation of TraCS across state and local agencies
Prioritize enhancements to TraCS software.
Identify Funding sources
Final approval of Forms to be developed
This committee meets twice a year in Madison for approximately 3 hours.
Next Meeting - February, 2008.
The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes by David Frey
Results of Voting for Forms to be developed
(9 October 2007)
Must Have = 3 points Nice to Have = 2 points Some Day = 1 point
After voting on the forms to be developed, we determined that a sample Non UTC alcohol/tobacco violation (Score 21), the Misdemeanor citation (Score 17), and the Alcohol/Drug Influence Report (Score 15) were the top three forms requested. These 3 forms will be explored further..
We also determined that some of the lesser priority items on the voting list such as the Parent Notification letter (Score 14) or Warning Office Copy (Score 13) may be easy to implement. We will determine if they can be included in the 2008 TraCS release.
10/09/07 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
10:34 AM
Wisconsin Badger TraCS Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Chula Vista Resort – Aztek Room
Wisconsin Dells, WI
October 09, 2007
12:00 – 5:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. Parental Notification letter - design
12:45 p.m. DNR Form – design
2:30 p.m. Break
2:45 p.m. Non UTC Alcohol/Tobacco - design
4:00 p.m. Warning Office copy – design
4:30 p.m. TraCS user meeting discussion
Misdemeanor citation – initial discussion (if time allows)
12/04/07 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
9:00 AM
Badger TraCS Forms Advisory Committee
TeleConference Meeting Minutes for Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Attendees: Jenny Schmidt-DMV/TAS, Brian Neil-DMV/TAS, David Frey-DMV/TAS, Mary Jackson-DMV/CWS, Teresa Severson-DMV/CWS, Krist Boldt-Dane County, Jeffrey Schwitz-Washington County, Rich Stein-Milwaukee PD, Mark Rohloff-Monroe PD, Martin Schrampfer-Menasha PD, Stacy Hopke-Burnett County.
Absent: Michael Newton-DSP, Jason Lauby-Town of Rome, Michael Reardon-River Falls PD.
Agenda Items:
Discuss Universal MDI (Mobile Data Interface)
Discuss Spanish version of Municipal citation.
Discuss Citation table modification
Universal MDI - Approved by FAC
The purpose of creating a Universal MDI is to enable a TraCS supported interface between any vendors MDB (Mobile Data Browser) and TraCS. It would also enable an interface between Etime and TraCS.
Unanimously voted in favor of moving forward with development of the Universal MDI.
Many agencies said they would use it in the future.
In moving forward, we will need DOJ to make minor modifications to Etime.
Spanish version of printed Municipal citation form. – Approved by FAC
We asked for input on a statutory requirement to develop a Spanish version of the Municipal citation. This is a requirement for all 1st Class cities such as Milwaukee.
Rich Stein presented the reasons why the Spanish version of the Municipal citation was needed for Milwaukee.
Discussion followed to determine the best way to implement this requirement. The options are:
Create new printed form in Spanish
Modify existing printed form to include Spanish instruction at the bottom.
Create an addendum instruction form to be printed.
Create a word document addendum instruction to be printed
Hand out preprinted addendums to the defendants.
No one objected to creating this new Spanish version of the MUNI.
Rich Stein will work with TraCS developers to determine the option that works for Milwaukee. He will also provide the Spanish translated form if required.
Citation Table modifications. – Approved by FAC
We proposed making changes to the Citation Statute tables. The change we are proposing will make statute changes available as a patch item instead of a separate Violation Update. This will make modifications to the statute tables more timely and easier for all agencies to implement. It will also allow us the ability to modify or add new citations in our monthly patch instead of semi-annual updates. We hope to have this implemented in January, 2008.
Next Meeting – January 24, 2008.
We will invite DNR representatives to the next FAC meeting to further discuss the DNR form in more detail
We will vote on form modifications /enhancements received at the 2007 TraCS User meeting.
The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes by David Frey
TraCS Test Results for Law Enforcement
Friday, February 2, 2018
9:22 AM
TraCS Test Results for Law Enforcement
Test Plan ID: LEA 013107
TraCS Version: 7.3 J
TraCS Pack Version: LEA 01307
Test Coordinator: Jenny Schmidt
102 person/hours were expended testing the first draft of the TraCS Pack. Testers concentrated on data-entry at the field unit. The following issues were identified.
Items that should be fix for next test round:
Alcohol forms:
Instead of using an autonum for document number, create document number by concatenating a prefix such as “ALCH” with the first ELCI document number on the form.
ITA form should be able to print without validating first.
Amended Crash:
On amended crashes coming in to DOT, make sure that code values are present on the Tiff and/or html doc.
Lat/long: If one is entered, the other should be as well.
DOB fields need to default to Cent19.
Car Deer:
Add validations to not allow cow, pig, dog, horse, cat, sheep, goat. Make it a pop-up.
If on street is parking lot or private property, give error message if parking lot or private property is in from/at street field. (Copy vals from crash.)
Lat/long: If one is entered, the other should be as well.
Require street address or PO Box if city is present.
When unknown is selected, do not clear out driver info.
Control-G does not work right.
Pre-select student and passenger endorsements if vehicle type is school bus.
If on street is private property or parking lot, from/at street should list all streets for the municipality.
After pressing driver x button second time, some of the fields in the law enforcement agency area opened up. (8136431 Train Crash)
Ctrl J should enable all statute #’s, not just the first two.
Occupant group: airbag, ejected, trapped/extricated should have same sort order for drop down list as in operator section.
Occupant safety equipment should default to shoulder/lap belt.
Allow county highways to be entered in from/at street for muni codes 50 and above. (Error 0198)
Change error 0198 to warning.
When you validate a legally parked vehicle a WI is forced into the driver state even though address info had been left blank. Remove validation that does this.
Lat/long: If one is entered, the other should be as well.
When you enter 1 for the number of citations, two fields open up. 2nd citation is deleted when form validates.
Is location of DL# line in the most logical place?
Driver Condition:
Auto-pop brings in individual information from first ELCI and document number from first ELCI. This is not always the information the user wants. Remove these Auto-pop rules. Users can select individuals from common info.
Do not auto-pop individuals from crash. Continue auto-popping crash doc #
Default DOB to Cent19.
On printed report, allow narrative flow over multiple pages.
Make narrative a required field.
Take out issued status to allow editing after printing.
Enable help in support.mdb help_dictionary table.
Make data bar labels consistent with field labels.
Incident time field data displays incorrectly. Use methodology from crash or ELCI.
Add valications for zip code, narrative, incident date, incident time.
Fix search for fake MDI.
Use M/F databar for gender field.
Move last line of law enforcement agency info to top of LEA group.
Allow print preview of non-validated forms.
Change label on Agency space from 20 to 200 characters.
Add $8.00 truck surcharge logic when court type is municipal court.
Do not allow bond amount to change after issuances. (Per Teresa. Need confirmation from Mary J.)
After issuance you can delete court time, court type, court name and license as DL class without going through another validation, which will lead to invalid data hitting CCAP.
Need to be able to select more than one endorsement.
Errors 0524 and 0525 does not allow you to go to correct field. Make sure all fields necessary to correct errors are enabled.
Should not allow licensed as class field to be edited after issuance
Fatal Supplement:
Change all references from “Fatal Crash” to “Fatal Supplement”
After selecting individual from common info, should skip to ejected field instead of going to first name. (See crash form for an example of how to do this.)
Use date databar for Accident date field.
Use title “Motor Vehicle Fatal Supplement Report” on title bar, and form top.
Make fields snap to grid In accident information group.
Add error if unit # is greater than total units.
Add validations for date of death and time of death.
Take out issued status to allow editing after printing.
Enable help in support.mdb help_dictionary table.
Error 0009, no fields listed in the “jump to” area.
Warning 0012, does not clearly say field is blank.
Report date is formatted as DD-MON-YY should be MM/DD/YYYY
Date of death and time of death should be required fields.
Add validations for # of units, # killed. Currently form only requires est travel speed. Need more validations.
Put drop down lists in alpha order.
Review use of blank in Special Jurisdiction and Special use lists.
The order in unit info group—Special use, skips on duty, then follows form with ‘on duty’ last (Brian)
make databar labels consistent with field labels.
Review use of blanks with Not/Applicable (Brian)
have drop down lists show text only. Have printed forms show codes and text.
Add Police number and Accident Number fields to match Crash form.
Tab order: Special use to on duty acc across (Scott)
Only auto-popped 1 fatal when 4 were entered and allowed to print. (Scott.)
Drug test results should allow multiple choices.
Remove issued as a status. Add Accepted.
Add box to parent/guardian section to use violator address for parent/guardian address.
Remove “if appropriate” language from local ordinance # field.
Change databar on company field to linked text so that common info is available.
Replicate needs to pull in company name, defendant type, and agency space.
Ctrl-O last name label next to wrong field.
Do not allow bond amount to change after issuances. (Per Teresa. Need confirmation from Mary J.)
On printed report which is ordinance description, which is statute descriptions. (Does it matter?)
Keyed 125.07(4)(b) by hand and it brought forward the 3rd offense description. Why? (Probably because it has a severity code of 1.)
Default license plate state to WI.
Swap order of section #, violation description so that it is similar to the ELCI.
For each, go into group properties and turn on “print even if blank” for each group.
Items that should be include in a future release:
Vehicle configuration mouse-over text should be updated to reflect changes in truck/bus section. Requires sending data bar back to TEG.
Vehicle damage data bar does not allow the short cut of entering a single digit and pressing enter. Must either press tab first or enter the leading zero.
Autopop accident severity from ELCI to ELCI.
Need to add more positions in ordinance # field. (DB2 issues on this one.)
Defer for FAC consideration
Move unit status to first field in group.
Alphabetize first harm/most harm list.
Deer Crash:
Move unit status to first field in group.
Should the ordinance description field gray out after selecting an ordinance #.
Items that should not be fixed:
Fix items in section one and retest Feb 13th.
email or call 608-267-2096