Badger TraCS Guides
FAC Meeting Notes 2020
Monday, December 9, 2019
4:05 PM
February 12, 2020 Agenda
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
11:25 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Large Conference Room
State Patrol – De Forest Post
911 W North St
De Forest, WI
February 12, 2020
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
| Welcome Housekeeping Introductions |
9:10 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
| Charter Review
Prerelease Pack Testing
DSP Hosted Database |
10:15 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
| Break
UFAD Update
Incident Form Update
Statute Table Discussion
12:00 p.m.
12:45 p.m. | Lunch
User Conference Planning
1:15 p.m.
1:45 p.m.
2:15 p.m.
2:30 p.m. | Crash Topics
OWI McNeely Search Warrant
Upcoming March Pack
Referrals |
2:45 p.m. | Scheduling of future meetings. |
3:00 p.m. | Adjourn |
February 12, 2020 Notes
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
1:20 PM
Name | Agency | Attended? |
Ronald Rader | Cashton Police Department | Y |
Daniel Kawcznski | Marquette University Police Department | Y |
Cody Gulbrand | Algoma Police Department | N |
Thomas Lichtensteiger | West Bend Police Department | Y |
Wang Lee | Outagamie County Sheriff | Y |
Joseph Jeanty | Kiel Police Department | N |
Jeff Vavera | Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD | Y |
Daniel Heimann | Tribal Community— Ho-chunk Nation PD | Y |
Mark Fetzer | State Patrol | Y |
Travis Lauer (alternate) | State Patrol | Y |
Kevin Barman | Natural Resources | N |
Darlene Schwartz | Department of Transportation/DSP TraCS | N |
Brian Neil | Department of Transportation/DSP TraCS | Y |
Geri Polster | Department of Transportation/DSP TraCS | Y |
Sharon Olson | Department of Transportation/DMV/UTC form | N |
Michael Satteson | Department of Transportation/DSP/Crash form | Y |
Derek Veitenheimer | Department of Justice/Use of Force form | Y |
Tejal Thakkar | DSP - Guest | Y |
Prerelease Pack Testing by FAC agencies
Having issue with releasing packs. No HP printers in office cannot test pull baseline back.
Volunteers -- 6 agency volunteers for 1 week.
1/2 volunteer West Bend. They can set up a test environment.
State Patrol
Training/testing version.
Testers would like to receive the changes spreadsheet.
Crash Topics
Getting ready for fall 2020 pack
No major changes
Some cleanup issues will be handled.
TLT support changes for RP process
No user visible changes as most will be behind the scene changes
Transmit all data on the form
Does height or weight of passengers get reported or will it be reported?
FAC response was No
FAC see no reason to collect this.
Should not be a required field.
Emergency Vehicle Validation
Issues with legally parked vehicle validation
Train / Bus Occupants vs Number recorded
Getting better data, but could be better
Only driver and injured parties were required.
F2 help improvements
New statute changes definition
Many changes to DMV systems needed
Any Features needed?
Send any requests to CRU
System is working pretty smoothly
Did notice that some agencies were no longer transmitting
Agency believed they were transmitting, but forms did not go through
No error messages were received.
Issue is believed to be fixed.
Fixed in 19.01.09
Once fixed, agencies just need to retransmit the forms.
Should we be proactive in monitoring transmissions?
FAC is non-committal on this.
May be interested in getting a daily response, but not have it list all agencies, just my agency.
Working on a data quality response to agencies.
Looking at quality of reports and contacting agencies for corrections.
Have a TRCC funded developer to help in this.
Failed Transmission
Was seeing about 10 reports per day.
CRU contacts agencies about this.
Issues were discovered and fixed at the agency level.
Number of failed reports has been decreasing.
Future Plans, Major Projects
CRU Reporting Data Linkage Server
On-Line F2 help and data dictionary
Looking for permission to apply for TRCC funding
TraCS Developer for Crash form and build/testing automation
Looking for permission to apply for TRCC funding
ATV / UTV additional Elements
How should these be collected?
Similar to Truck Bus section ?
Seems most reasonable
Would be best to not add these for all crashes.
Should these be collected?
OK to collect
Private property / Parking Lot crash simplification
Fatal supplement on DT4000
Also looking at fatal notification form for transmission
Look at ways to change tab order, or adding notification button.
Operating AS / Unit Type/Vehicle type simplification
Validation Rule simplification
Orthographic Photography as Diagram Background
UFAD Update
Postponed until March Pack
Transmission may not be ready.
DOJ outreach
Do we need to have scenarios for when to complete a form.
Do not need this
DOJ will provide a workflow to determine if/when a report is needed.
Incident Form Update
Ambitious project
Hope to implement in 2021
Working to identify rules and data elements needed
DOJ not confident all will be ready by fall
DOJ looking to have a full release in fall 2021
Looking at issues with other agency data requirements.
Do not want to mess up other data needs.
DOJ will be able to parse out data to send to other agencies
All data sent to DOJ
May have a long term goal of data sharing among agencies.
Fall data needs for release
Meeting with other partners (share list) about what data is needed.
Developing validation rules needed per partner
DAIT system may be ready for fall implementation
Have a system in place with schema
Will release an internal report (Geri?)
Fields added to form
Prescription Drug Monitoring program
See their notes
Probation and Parole
Need some added
Registered Sex Offender
On Supervision
Rental vehicle information
Would like to have data transmitted to them
Suspected Act 33 (who decides this)
Could be officer and/or DA
Many DA will send it back.
May not be needed.(FAC agrees it is not needed)
Have pinged their test server successfully
Do not have data to send
They have a listing of required fields. (see notes in incident sharepoint)
Case Number discussion
Needs to be unique and not hand keyed
Will be the document number
Can there be more than 1 document number?
Yes, dait will combine
Needs further discussion as to how this will work
Need to associate all charges with individuals
Would like to have Booking information including ATN
Can have multiple officers included on the form
One is Primary, others are officer witness.
Question: Will the officer witness need to supply a supplemental report?
Requires a narrative for each form
Could also be an attachment
Human Trafficking, Overdose, Child Protection Services have not met with yet.
Thoughts on implementation
Minimal requirements at implementation
What are the bare minimum needed.
Explanation of Tables needed, statutes, offense, NTC, DNR,
March Pack
DNR Transmission of DNR Citation
Will go to wijis and dnr
DSP Hosted Database
Set to pilot with the March release.
Changes from last update
What agencies can expect
There will only be web clients at the agency
User ID will be an email address.
Only done in the office environment
DSP will be setting up batch transmission.
Help desk will become familiar with the program
Will be split off as a separate process.
Will be sent to a network location
Agency will download after transmission
How long will a form stay available to download?
Not yet determined,
Forms will be deleted after download
There will be 5 options for rms download
7.3 with PDF
10 with PDF
All options will contain an imbedded PDF
How often do you transmit
What time is best to transmit
How often do you need this done
What schedule for table updates works best.
What attachment would/should be used?
File Link or File Upload
Would you be able to save attachments on your Master Computer/Server/PC
Would you want to share your data with other agencies, or only see your own?
Table updates
Agency will make updates on the hosted database
Table updates are not an immediate update.
Agency will receive updates if available, at logon.
Will have a deadline for updates to be done.
TraCS will be importing all databases
Users and support will be grabbed by TraCS for updates before installation
Log and data will be imported at installation time.
Working on programing migration utility for March
Migrate Users and Support buttons.
Working on exporting log and file data with TEG
This will be available at the fall time frame.
Exports into a file that can be imported easily.
This will be available for any agency that wants to move data.
Moving off access
Do it yourself
Help desk help
Another agency to host
Do nothing
What is the advantage with web services?
Will not allow embedded attachments
File upload attachments will be used and limited to 1 mb
This may need to be increased in size.
Will reside on the hosted server as an encrypted file
Check with State Patrol on how they manage to use both file link and file upload
Citation Numbers
Should work the same as it does now, with a few possible coding changes
Email notification can be used.
Right now we can only send to form owner and
Master Index
Can agencies see other agencies data?
Not at this time.
May be something that could possibly be done in the future.
Ho Chunk and others interested in this
Allow each agency the option to share or not.
Should have an audit trail of who and when performed the query.
Help desk will help with updates
We will start to require updates
End shifting
Web services does not end shift.
Forms are uploaded every 30 minutes.
If offline, forms will upload went machine comes back online.
Need volunteers with webservices to test March pack
Discuss a survey sent to law enforcement for the OWI McNeely Search Warrant
What would need to be added for your judge/court to use this warrant? If we make any changes, we'd like to incorporate everyone's needs not, just one agency at a time.
Statute Tables
Geri's powerpoint discussion
Missing about 6400 statutes in TraCS
Will work on gradually adding them throughout the year
Felony (this would be a new table)
Should felonies be listed in table other than the Traffic?
Only in the felonies table
Should Misdemeanors be placed in the NTC table
Yes they should
When are misdemeanors used?
Some DA's require a ticket verses erefferal
Some cases will need to have both a ticket and erefferal
Used as a summons for court appearance
Sauk County requires a paper trail
May need a new form for a summons.
Check with DAIT to see if they have something in place already.
Should we survey other agencies or is the FAC comfortable enough
No need to survey.
FAC feels that we should proceed with creating 4 different tables.
Meeting Dates
For August, try to meet on a Tuesday, since we don't know when the National Model meeting will occur.
Nov / Dec
Other topics if needed
Do they need to be updated
Still used?
User Conference
Distribute Dar's handout
Review proposed costs and explain the rationale
Is it OK to go to $80 for both days
Don't want to raise the price every year
Thoughts on providing a Drop In session
Suggestions for Vendor
Suggestions for Lunch topic
New people or old people.
Welcome to tracs beginner 101. maybe a webinar with a video. Maybe leave out of conference. Wong
Get people to do webinar so everyone is up to speed.
Didn't even know the search button works. Tracs admin beginner
Do both at conference. Also do webinar. Also likes hands on. Rader
How do you get 4 hours of UFAD. Had clerk completely lost. Middle part of crash reports how to deal with errors. A video for crash middle level. Best practice how to train TraCS. Train the trainer. Tom
Governors conference slots for training crash form. Mike.
Prioritize these.
Drop In sessions.
Ad hoc with drop in's
Drop in through out the day. Will not rent a room.
Ideas for lunch presentation. Send to dar or help desk
Registration fee
Last year in the hole. Usually have a cushion.
80 and be done. So not to raise it two years in a row.
** raise it to 100 and go to Vegas**
Vendors will be invited.
Send names and contact to help desk.
Don't want Affidavit
Want a programable cause statement.
Change title from affidavit to probable cause statement.
Add county to probable cause statement
Each agencies should check their forms to see is anything needed in their county could be incorporated.
Tom to meet with Washington County judge on his changes.
We will revisit at the next meeting.
3221: Accepted, may already be done for Crash.
3231: Accepted
3267: Accepted
3270: Declined
3280: Declined, this is a cache issue, not a TraCS issue as TraCS only parses the data. Could be a machine error.
Not on 13th
Not on memorial day week
Week of 18th Thursday best tentative May 21st
Meet on Statute Table Discussion Tuesday
Tentative August 11th
Tentative November 18th
May 21, 2020 Agenda
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
11:25 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Skype Virtual Meeting
May 21, 2020
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
| Welcome Housekeeping Introductions
9:15 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
| Follow-up from February Meeting Discussion on Affidavit
Badger TraCS Hosted Environment |
10:15 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
11:45 a.m.
| Break
User Conference Update
Incident /Property Form Update
NTC Statutes
12:00 p.m.
12:45 p.m. | Lunch
Attachment Form |
1:15 p.m.
1:45 p.m.
2:15 p.m.
2:30 p.m. | Fall Pack
Crash Topics
Other topics not covered
2:45 p.m. | Next Meeting - August 11 - DeForest Post
3:00 p.m. | Adjourn |
May 21, 2020 Notes
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
11:25 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Skype Virtual Meeting
May 21, 2020
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Name | Agency | Attended? |
Ronald Rader | Cashton Police Department | Y late |
Daniel Kawcznski | Marquette University Police Department | Y |
Cody Gulbrand | Algoma Police Department | Y |
Thomas Lichtensteiger | West Bend Police Department | Y |
Wang Lee | Outagamie County Sheriff | Y |
Joseph Jeanty | Kiel Police Department | Y |
Jeff Vavera | Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD | Y |
Daniel Heimann | Tribal Community— Ho-chunk Nation PD | N |
Mark Fetzer | State Patrol | Y |
Travis Lauer (alternate) | State Patrol | Y |
Kevin Barman | Natural Resources | Y |
Darlene Schwartz | Department of Transportation/DSP TraCS | Y |
Brian Neil | Department of Transportation/DSP TraCS | Y |
Geri Polster | Department of Transportation/DSP TraCS | Y |
Sharon Olson | Department of Transportation/DMV/UTC form | Y |
Michael Satteson | Department of Transportation/DSP/Crash form | N |
Derek Veitenheimer | Department of Justice/Use of Force form | Y |
Tejal Thakkar | DOT - Guest | Y |
Tyler Renk | DOT - Guest | Y |
Some issues getting into skype, need to close everything down and launch web version. Brian went over the logistics for the Skype Meeting and made sure everyone was able to view the presentation and hear each other.
Follow-up from February Meeting Discussion on Affidavit Tom L. said he spoke with his management and they said their judge is not interested in using the TraCS form even if they're changes. The judge wanted to stick with the form they are using. Put this on hold and continue with current form.
Badger TraCS Hosted Environment: Batch Transmission Travis - Circuit court wants them by 9 so we might need to move it forward, need it right away. Maybe start at 6am instead. Joe overnight lockups just need probable cause statement, they don't need a citation until it is complete. Wang - Outagamie CO in-custody court hearing is in the afternoon. Let the DA's know when the transmissions are happening and that the citations are getting to them at Mark - gets calls from some of the 72 counties that want tickets by 8am. Get DA tickets at a different batch Local Table Updates If we have a time critical ordinance update that needs to be done, are we able to call to have this done ahead of time if needed? Very hard to do as it affects everyone. Derek was interested in how we were addressing the Open Records in user agreement. We shared the User Agreement with Derek.
User Conference Update: We have a draft agenda for the conference Concern with COVID-19 Dar is contacting the hotel - not sure of requirements in September - how many can gather in a group? Social distancing? Looking to move the conference from this fall to next fall. Financial concern if we need to comply with contract Tom L. cautioned that the hotel may put up a huge fight. Plan B: Create webinars and webcasts - post on Website Online webinar for 2 hours UFAD and Incident? DOJ might have software, but might have a cap of # of people, DOJ might be able to host the webinar. What are other Government Agencies doing? Governor's conference is trying to move their conference back to October DOJ is cancelling all in person events--more sense to postpone CIB has been canceled. Would people still go? Some thought it would be less attended Wang L - Commented 'I agree that this is a difficult decision to make amidst the uncertainty of the times. At this point in the year, I feel that Tracs is a major operational software for agencies and there is a necessity to send people to the conference; however the attendance will be minimal.' Send Dar your comments and thoughts.
Incident /Property Form Update: Demo of incident form changes Still need to Move fields around Transformation document Transmission Lock down the Property Group Fall incident form Partially complete eReferrals will be functioning Attachments will not be on the incident form, will have own form Property form will be introduced Will not be linked initially Will work on this and transmission to DOJ after the fall release UCR reporting will not be ready in the Fall release DOJ will grant a 1 year waiver to agencies until this is ready. Summary Group: eReferral Button is added eReferral Agency field to specify which DA the eReferral is to go with. Dar asked 'Are they able to default the eReferral Agency field' Answer: Yes, they can default it. If you don't have multiple DA's, you would not fill in this field. Overdose Type and Prescription Alert Type Offense Group Adding a statute will add the offense code. If there is a 1-1 ratio of Statute to Offense, the offense code will automatically fill in If there are multiple offense codes, then you need to go to the offense field and select the appropriate offense from the dropdown list. Can chose only 1 modifier Agency Category field used to add categories and subcategories. Cleared Exceptionally and Date Cleared will be moved to the Summary Group Subject Group Individual type modified to closely resemble citation Can't send an 'Unknown' Individual Type to the DA Mechanical fields will open groups when selected. Vehicle Involved Y/N - If Yes, the Vehicle group opens up Arrested or Booked - If Yes, it Opens up the Arrest Group Overdose - If Yes, it Opens Prescription/Drug Group Associated Offenses allows to link offenses to individual Gang Activity Received list from DOC. 900 gangs known in state Set as a violation search field Will be a state gang list. Is there a procedure to have new gang added to list? Not created yet. Arrested Group - mainly for DOJ Associated Offense (for both DA & DOJ) Vehicle Involved The DOC requested this info. Booking (DA) ATN Number is not required field, but nice to include if known (for both DA & DOJ). Booking agency when selected from list, will add the ORI Number Victim Group Includes gang activity list Has an injury field when needed. Victim Relationship to Subjects Used to establish associated offenses Other Persons Some will go to DA Type of Involvement field Officer Witness Can look up information if the officer is a member of your agency Other will have to be manually entered. Mandatory Reporter Parent / Guardian Patient Reported By Can add an 'other' and type in who Witness Allow for additional data to be entered Can enter one not on the list Opens all fields for data entry
Property Form: New form for capturing property related to incident. Drugs Lost Type Selected choice will open needed fields for that selection Evidence Number is coming later Will allow for linking this to a specific incident. Vehicle group Lost Type is used to determine which fields open. Contains an Evidence Number field for later use Property Item group Item description is 200 characters long. Can use the Master Index to locate information for recovered stolen data. History will open the appropriate form Question: Why does it say Property Attachment as the form name? Answer: It was developed at the time to be an attachment, but has since evolved . The name will be changed.
NTC Statutes: Goal is to get all Non-Traffic statutes into TraCS All the Felony statutes were pulled out and put in a separate table There are 5,279 missing from our table (that are in CCAP) Some of the information for the missing statutes can be auto populated, but will need additional information added. Looking for volunteers to get the missing data into the tables. Tree Structure TraCS has 13 values The pulled table has 28. There can only be 25 for TraCS to handle properly. Looking for a volunteer to create the new list. Sharon looks at similar statutes in order to assign a tree value Not sure how a mass fill could be accomplished Travis: CCAP is where this is stored and must be matched to it. Municourt information is not included Sharon has entered municourt costs of 0 in the past. Need to have the Criminal or Mandatory flags set individually. This may be determined by how the offense is classified. Should all misdemeanors with a class other than MU to set to criminal (MA, MB, MC)? OU should be unclassified and should be set to Not criminal. Sharon will look at the instructions per column. Will do what can be done. Some are better than none.
Attachment Form: Badger TraCS would like to have this form transmittable to DA. Would like to link this form to the incident Could replicate to get the incident number. Added the Date and Time fields Geri asked 'If we could move the Form Type and Form Reference number fields to the form level?' FAC agreed to moving the fields - FAC Travis asked 'Does is matter if it is file link vs file upload?' Answer: It doesn't matter
Fall Pack: Included in the Fall Pack Incident Form Property From Updated Attachment Form Add 'Delete Button' to all groups Add map pack version number to the Document Group Add new RMS ID field Adding some fields to the Location Group New Tow Supplemental report Owners name and last known address Add Transmission to the Notice of Intent to Revoke LE will need to start the 'email service' - need to add this to the Install Instructions Add Canadian zip codes into all forms Revamp Reports Case summary Probable cause Crash form items More data in crash transmission Diagram/mapping Map version No affect from agency side. Snap to roadway Collect all data but not on the report Only analysis Auto cycle new statute 12 point diagram on report CRU new mailing address
Crash Topics: Not many failed transmission, 2019 Crash Data File will be finalized by June 2020 Working on improvements for transmission failures hope to automate process Person numbering fixed. Only older versions Changing error messages for May pack F2 help message for unknown crash time field and how to enter midnight ATV/UTV removed from class D Vehicle Type Table Fixed Fatal supplement fields
Referrals: 3321 want a blank line for officers to print name. ACCEPTED 3326 gray out routing court on court utility ACCEPTED 3327 ordinance tree values already fixing for fall (yes sort of) ACCEPTED 3328 DECLINED they don't go into it and don't remember codes Travis only nice to have both, fine with leaving as is. 3333 don't like changing this field (PUT ON HOLD) They were able to work around this. Get the state level of judges to approve it. Wang L. - 'We faced the same here not too long ago. This is because the hospitals feel they need a court order to do this and outside of a court order the hospital feels HIPPA or other regulations prevents them from doing this.' Joe J - 'I agree. Either way, i'd be very careful with changing any language in that form due to the efforts made to get the language approved by the courts when it was rolled out. A change may result in rejection by multiple court systems statewide' Tom L. - 'It seems we are going to deal with various changes with this warrant over time. Is this something we want to put on a regular review?' Badger TraCS - Who would we speak to at a State Level? Attorney General Joe J - 'I found this on CCAP's site. Looks like this director oversees the judicial districts throughout the state Director of State Courts Office Hon. Randy R. Koschnick, Director 16E Capitol Building P.O. Box 1688 Madison, WI 53701-1688 Phone: (608) 266-6828 Fax: (608) 267-0980' 3350 New Rank, ACCEPTED Give TraCS the authority to make changes without consulting the FAC - YES 3383 on behalf of ACCEPTED 3397 DECLINED need that option. Keep it the same
Next Meeting - August 11 - DeForest Post
August 11, 2020 Agenda
Monday, August 3, 2020
9:45 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Teams Virtual Meeting
August 11, 2020
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
| Welcome Housekeeping Introductions
9:10 a.m.
9:40 a.m.
| Badger TraCS Hosted Environment
Fall Pack Incident /Property Form Update Changes Agency testing
10:00 a.m.
10:15 a.m. | Referrals and Bug List
10:30 a.m. | User Conference Update
11:00 a.m. | Analysis Reports New reports needed? Prioritize
12:00 p.m.
12:45 p.m. | Lunch on your own
Issue Prioritization
1:00 p.m. | TLT Issues
1:15 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
| Other topics not covered
Next Meeting - November 18 - Site to be determined
August 11, 2020 Notes
Monday, August 3, 2020
9:45 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Teams Virtual Meeting
August 11, 2020
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Name | Agency | Attended? |
Brent Knutson | Cashton Police Department |
Daniel Kawcznski | Marquette University Police Department | Y |
Cody Gulbrand | Algoma Police Department | Y |
Thomas Lichtensteiger | West Bend Police Department | Y |
Wang Lee | Outagamie County Sheriff |
Joseph Jeanty | Kiel Police Department | Y |
Jeff Vavera | Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD |
Daniel Heimann | Tribal Community— Ho-chunk Nation PD |
Mark Fetzer | State Patrol | Y |
Travis Lauer (alternate) | State Patrol | Y |
Kevin Barman | Natural Resources | Y |
Darlene Schwartz | Department of Transportation/DSP TraCS | Y |
Brian Neil | Department of Transportation/DSP TraCS | Y |
Geri Polster | Department of Transportation/DSP TraCS | Y |
Sharon Olson | Department of Transportation/DMV/UTC form | Y |
Michael Satteson | Department of Transportation/DSP/Crash form | Y |
Derek Veitenheimer | Department of Justice/Use of Force form |
Tejal Thakkar | DOT - Guest | Y |
Matt Drought | Milwaukee Guest | Y |
9:00 a.m.
| Welcome Housekeeping Introductions
9:10 a.m.
9:40 a.m.
| Badger TraCS Hosted Environment There are 4 agencies currently using Using 19.02 series baseline, this will be the baseline for the fall release. There are currently no agencies that use an RMS 3 out of the 4 using opt-in Most agencies do not know what it is and how it could help them. Once they see the master index they see the benefit An email will be sent shortly from Dar with an update to interested agencies. Having some issues Transmission reports say that the transmission failed The transmission is really successful Cannot use archiving Migration of data error Working with TEG on resolving this. Testing an issue with importing the Support database Is there any prep work that needs to be done before we are contacted by TraCS? A: Nothing needs to be done before hand. We will send out a document requesting information. Items that will be available in the fall that will be help to other agencies. Migration Tool Helpful to agencies that want to migrate to a SQL database, but not join the BTHE. eMail service Good for setting up notifications Web service agencies will be able to download tables on the fly. Table manager items can be updated on web clients The BTHE is located on the State Patrol network Limited access to the servers Is there any thought of getting a Report Manager license similar to what SP has now?
Fall Pack Incident /Property Form Update Incident will be transmitted to the DA Still working on this portion DA referrals will be available This is phase 1 of the incident form Property form Starting in phase 1 List of property within a case In phase 2 there will be able to replicate to additional forms. Changes Crash Form Added Clock diagram on printed report Tajel would like it to be dynamic and highlight the areas. This would need to be feature request from TEG as TraCS cannot do this at this time. Height and Weights race now transmitted to TOPS Version on map added Snap to roadway also sent to TOPS Warning Line added for printed officers name Court Agency disabled the routing field for CCAP courts only. Citations start and expire dates updated so that it gets the correct dates. They are inclusive. State lab of hygiene-- Transmit the data to them for blood and urine report preliminary tested and it was successful. Working on Analysis Reports updated from the Support databases, hosted environment as well. Agency ID parameter to see only data for your agency. At highway at street getting a / in it. Master index TLT issues On highway and at highway the same. Canadian zip codes on citations
Agency testing We do testing for the first few weeks. Agencies to test prior to sending out to everyone. Joe would help test but would prefer to be on hosted environment prior to testing.
10:00 a.m.
10:15 a.m. | Referrals and Bug List Check issue 2417 need more discussion
10:30 a.m. | User Conference Update 2020 conference has been cancelled Virtual session stretched over 3 days 2 session per day. Will be recorded for viewing later. Shared the schedule. Will be sending out information in the next few weeks.
11:00 a.m. | Analysis Reports New reports needed? Matt Associate a machine ID with Computer name Status of form and length in that status Contact Summary Date Completed, status etc. Already might have. Prioritize
12:00 p.m.
12:45 p.m. | Lunch on your own
Issue Prioritization 3447 Hold both Joe and Travis would like it. 3410 Referral yes approved. Everything before 1700 decline and wait until resubmit Travis
1:00 p.m. | TLT Issues 3433 waiting on new maps next may 3322 waiting on new maps next may 3230 waiting on new maps next may 3010 ongoing issue TEG working on it 2454 Crash get back to us 2378 DNR Low or remove unless easy fix not something to keep on list
1:15 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
| Other topics not covered Print out citations Letters a Print Feature to print a letter. Would like to be able to print out an envelope The letters are created to be folded so that the address shows in a window envelope. Next year projects Incident form Evidence form Statute table updates to include all statutes Exploring the Point of Last Drink form possibility Would like to see a Webpage interface instead of thick client A: Our forms would not work well, TEG is going to drop it at a later date. Crash Unit Update 2019 Crash Data is finalized and available Seeing a few failed transmission
Next Meeting - November 18 - Site to be determined
November 18, 2020 Agenda
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
11:23 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Teams Virtual Meeting
November 18, 2020
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
| Welcome Housekeeping Introductions Guest Brenda Ray
9:10 a.m.
9:25 a.m.
| What we have done since the last meeting
Incident Form
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m. | Supplemental Form
10:45 a.m. | Supplemental Form cont.
11:15 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
11:45 a.m.
| User Conference
Crash Update
12:00 p.m.
12:45 p.m. | Lunch on your own
Badger TraCS Hosted Environment
1:15 p.m. | What is on the horizon?
1:30 p.m.
1:45 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m. | Recognition of Outgoing Members
Tentative Schedule next meeting
Other topics not covered
November 18, 2020 Notes
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
8:52 AM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Teams Virtual Meeting
November 18, 2020
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Name | Agency | Attended? |
Brente Knutson | Cashton Police Department | N |
Daniel Kawcznski | Marquette University Police Department | Y |
Cody Gulbrand | Algoma Police Department | N |
Thomas Lichtensteiger | West Bend Police Department | Y |
Wang Lee | Outagamie County Sheriff | Y |
Joseph Jeanty | Kiel Police Department | Y |
Jeff Vavera | Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD | N |
Daniel Heimann | Tribal Community— Ho-chunk Nation PD | N |
Mark Fetzer | State Patrol | Y |
Travis Lauer (alternate) | State Patrol | Y |
Kevin Barman | Natural Resources | Y |
Darlene Schwartz | Department of Transportation/DSP TraCS | Y |
Brian Neil | Department of Transportation/DSP TraCS | Y |
Geri Polster | Department of Transportation/DSP TraCS | Y |
Sharon Olson | Department of Transportation/DMV/UTC form | Y |
Michael Satteson | Department of Transportation/DSP/Crash form | Y |
Derek Veitenheimer | Department of Justice/Use of Force form | Y |
Tejal Thakkar | DOT - Guest | Y |
Brenda Ray | DA IT - Guest | Y |
Mary Cebertowicz | DOJ - Guest | Y |
What we have done since the last meeting:
Released Fall Pack on Monday, November 16th
Statistics on Pack Testing:
Created and tested 12 pack versions
Fixed 16 issues
Made 57 Enhancements
Added 2 new forms
Added - 5
Modified - 54
Deleted - 16
Court updates - 10
Agency updates - 6
Hosted a TraCS Conference
Migrated more agencies to the Hosted Environment
Incident Form:
Released Monday with the fall pack
Goal was to have 99% of the form fields included
In order to transmit the form agencies must contact DA IT via email (PROTECT@DA.WISCONSIN.GOV)
Demonstrated and reviewed form
Does not have the Attachment group
Must use attachment form
Includes Property form
More work to be done in Phase 2
Attachment form
Updated for DA eReferral transmission
Must send the incident form before you can send the attachment
Can only send 1 attachment form
If you want to send another attachment, you need to create a new form.
Phase 2
Release in Fall 2021
Main focus is getting the form NIBRS compliant
Will be adding validation rules
Transmission to DOJ
3 other forms to be worked on
New Supplemental form
Narrative for the incident
New Evidence form
Main goal is to get all the fields into the form
Want to get this form in sync with the incident form
More work on the Property form
Needs to be linked to the incident form
Will be working on summarizing data needed
Would also link to evidence form
Race field
Limited attributes
Currently use the DMV attributes
These do not always meets NIBRS standards
Need to find a way to include
What are the differences between DMV and NIBRS
Ethnicity vs Race
Hispanic is not a race, but ethnicity
One race field with all attributes
Then depending on where it is transmitted to have a translation table.
Brenda will be sending us their tables that they use.
We may need two fields as the race will not come in from eTime
Mike S.: This may cause some issues with expanded race field as this may need to be added to the crash form as people will want to have a finer granularity in this reporting this field.
CJIS committee looking into this issue.
DMV has individual self-identify
DOC assigns race.
Looking at starting user testing in May 2021
Trying to find a good way to get agencies into test environment to test
Working on setting up a test machine at an agency.
Evidence form
Looking for evidence technicians to be part of the committee and/or testers.
Let Geri know if you are interested.
Supplemental form
Name of form?
Is Supplemental ok?
Tom: Yes, it is commonly called that.
Travis: Supplemental works best.
Brenda: Supplemental is what DA is expecting as well.
Decision: Keep the form name as Supplemental.
Summary group placement
Form type - what form this came from
Form Reference Number - number to tie back to incident
Incident Report Type
Agency Category
Agency Sub Category
Lead Agency
Lead Agency ORI Number
Lead Agency Case #
This order looks good
Decision: Move Incident Report Type to top of group ( FAC recommends)
Statement Group
Narrative set at 0, this allows SQL to set the size of the field.
This is an agency setting.
RMS would only take the first X number of characters based on agency settings, but narratives could be longer.
Planned reports
Intent to Revoke
Decision: FAC stated that this would not be used for OWI forms.
What other forms could this be used with?
Could this be used as the narrative for OWI forms?
Would this need a citation number field?
Not needed.
This form is used by officers on scene to describe the scene, but are not the arresting officer.
User Conference Update:
Challenge to put together a virtual conference
Not really familiar with virtual software
Was able to cancel in person location for this year.
Agreed to move this to next year.
Set schedule for 2 session per day for 3 days
Comments were mostly positive.
Attendance ranged from 50 to 150 per session
All were recorded for later viewing
Question handling
Could send in questions using email or YouTube chat
Comments received
Received about 50
Mostly positive
Planning on in person conference in Fall 2021
Should we alternate between virtual and in person every other year?
There will be a document put together with all comments and sent out.
Looking for suggestions for next year's topics for lunch presentation and or breakout sessions.
Racine PD malware attack
Send to Dar
Crash Update
Good News
Things are going smoothly
Very low incidents for failed transmissions on a daily basis
Fall pack
Modest changes made to the crash form
Not so good news
Down about 3.5 positions
Working hard to keep up
Trying to get staff level back up
Questions for FAC
Unit status
There are 10 different responses available
Can we par the list down
Would like to keep:
In Transit
Hit and Run
Legally Parked
Illegally Parked
Non Contact
On Emergency can be handled with the use of other fields.
No discussion from the committee
Will continue exploring this option.
Summary fields
On Emergency flag has been changed in the Fall Pack
Set by Emergency Vehicle Use field
Reporting Threshold changed already
Should the Hit and Run field be set by the use of the vehicle status.
Wang: No objection
Tom: No objection.
Will continue on looking at this option.
Not usually the source form for replication to other forms.
Would be better to replicate from other forms.
Citizen Contact
Call for Service
UFAD Update:
197 agencies using UFAD
Would like to be able to print non reportable reports.
It is in Open status so not able to print
Find a way to change status or allow printing
Are there any possibility to add new fields?
Yes, Taser use is one issue.
Would like to have agency use only fields
Is this something that we should ask in our survey?
Yes, it is a good place to start.
DOJ to put together list of fields to add to form in the future and send to TraCS.
Will try to have this done for the February FAC meeting.
FAC will be the group that will help lay out the new fields on the form.
Issue discussed
Non Reportable forms cannot be printed since they are in open status
Should be able to either validate with no rules and set status to Validated.
Or allow printing of Non Reportable forms in Open status
Cannot allow Reportable form to print in Open status.
Decision: TraCS will work on addressing this issue in the next couple of pack releases.
Arrest Form
What is in the Arrest form that isn't in the new Incident form?
Incident form contains all the fields that are on the Arrest form.
Agencies should just use the Incident form and have the Arrest form as a print option if needed.
Arrest form has charge(s) listed, so it must stem from some incident.
There may be agencies that do not use the Incident form, but still need an Arrest form.
Further discussion on the need/use of the Arrest form
Hosted Environment
9 agencies
16 pilot agencies left
184 agencies on the waiting list
Will go with the rest of the list in alphabetical order
Will be sending out emails to agencies in A and B soon.
3 staff members doing this as well as other duties.
Trying to do 3 agencies per week.
Smaller agencies could possibly be done more than 1 per week.
Looking at other options
Increase time for staff
Trying to get additional help for this.
3461 Allow changing case number and case information post transmission
Declined. Training issue. This can be done now.
3476 - Call for Service form
Point 1: Create table for Department codes
Each agency has their own codes.
MACH outputs in text form only.
Point 2: Add complainant to Person Type list
MACH does not have this but it will not be an issue and come over blank. Agency can then select from dropdown list.
Point 3: Replicate to and from forms
Replicate will be difficult as the Call for Service can have multiple individuals and it is hard to select the correct one to replicate
Add New would be the best route to go.
Should be consistent for all forms.
3516 - Need warning for mismatched counties
Will create a warning message when location and plaintiff counties are not the same.
This will be done for Circuit Courts only
3549 - Statute description re-order
This is a training issue.
We understand the databar window is small and the whole description cannot be seen.
Full description is listed in the description field. Officers need to check for the correct description and go back and reselect the correct one.
3552 - Failed Transmission status unable to retransmit after correcting error
Fix should be to use the Clear button to remove the Failed Transmission status and set to Issued to allow fix.
3571 - Allow Days to Correct to be larger than 99.
Will need to be done for the Fall 2021 pack
What is on the horizon
Migration rollout
Send out survey
New pack
Set up Evidence form committee
Thank you to Joe Jeanty, Tom Lichtensteiger, and Wang Lee for your time, support and dedication to Badger TraCS. We appreciate your participation and assistance to the Badger TraCS Forms Advisory Committee.
Schedule next meeting
Next meeting will be in February
The 11th or 18th should not be used
Brian to send Doodle poll with Tuesday, Wednesday dates out to members.
Web services
Is there an why to know if the officer is done with a report.
On web services there is no end-shifting. Should use status
Officer should mark the form in Completed status when they are done with it
Completed status signals office staff that they can look/work with the form
Office staff can reject or put in accepted, or transmit.
For a 3 step process, it is missing the middle step.
Should use the Tags field instead.
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