Badger TraCS Guides
FAC Meeting Notes 2017
03/14/17 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
12:31 PM
TraCS Forms Advisory Committee Meeting 03/14/2017
The TraCS Forms Advisory Committee met on 03/14/2017. Present were Bryan Hasse, Town of Beloit PD; Jodi Noffke, Winnebago County Sherriff’s Office; Brittany Haag, WI State Capitol Police; Mark Fetzer, State Patrol; Matt Drought, Milwaukee PD, Matt Alsaker, Dane County Sheriff’s Office; Jeff Buettner, Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal Police; Andrew Thoms, Pierce County Sheriff’s Office; Jason Liermann, Sheboygan County Sheriff’s Office; Mike Satteson, Crash Records Unit; Rita Richter, Citations and Withdrawals Section; Darlene Schwartz, Geri Polster and Jennifer Schmidt, Badger TraCS.
The committee’s charter was reviewed and new members introduced.
Citation Numbers
DMV has been re-using 7-digit citation numbers, which resulted in duplicate citation numbers for CCAP when OWI offenses were involved. This led to citations having to be reissued. Also, over the years clerical errors at some local law enforcement agencies had resulted in some duplicate citation number ranges. While known instances of this have been cleaned up, there is a still a concern that the possibility of conflicts among 7-digit citation numbers still exist.
To remedy this, DMV will be going to an 8-digit format for citations. The format is letters in the first two positions followed by six numbers, for example BC123456.
To facilitate the transition to the 8-digit format, Badger TraCS will be issuing a patch to change some of the functionality:
When an officer goes to write a citation for the first time and auto-number file contains 7-digit citation numbers, the numbers in the auto-number file will be upgraded by adding an “A” prefix in front of the existing citation number. Example:
Additionally, a new menu item will be added to the Number Manager, Deplete Inventory. This action will, for an inventory record in “Inventoried Status,” change the status to “Depleted” and create an email to the DMV EARS address explaining that remaining inventory of 7-digit citation numbers has been voided by the agency.
Tentative plans for this update is to test with 4-5 test agencies beginning April 17th and release to all law enforcement agencies the week of May 15th or 22nd.
User Conference
The User Conference is scheduled for Wednesday, October 4th at the Kalahari Conference Center, Wisconsin Dells. On Tuesday, October 3rd we are going to have two different 4 hour training sessions that run concurrently with each other. The two trainings are: TraCS Administrator Training and TraCS Office Administrative Training. We will be sending out curriculums for your input.
Again this year, we would like to create PP presentations and FAC volunteers will get up with a TraCS rep and give the presentation. This worked very well and we received a lot of great feedback from the evaluations. If you have ideas for session topics, please send them to Darlene Schwartz.
Alcohol Form Workflow
The committee reviewed the Alcohol form and made the following recommendations to improve the workflow of the form:
For replicates to the Alcohol form remove the dialog prompting users to select the form types. Always replicate the court information regardless of whether the printed reports selected use this information.
Move the Additional Information and OWI Blood Draw Information groups to below the Which forms are you filling out? Field.
Fall 2017 Release Plans
The following items are planned for the fall 2017 release:
Pursuit Form
Alcohol Form Revisions
Improved Transmission
TLT Improvements
New TraCS Baseline
Possible improvements to the diagram tool
Improved analysis report/ad hoc queries
Changes in field size for address fields
Possible new data elements in location group
Changes in field size for some crash fields
Possible new data elements in crash form
Pursuit Form
Went through the 1st draft of the new Pursuit form.
Document group
Changed Primary Pursuit Document # to Initiating Police Number
Added Initiating Agency
Summary Group
Moved To Details group
Total Injured
Total killed
Total agencies
Total crashes
Supervisors monitored
Average speed over limit
Maximum pursuit speed
Individual group
Initial Reason
Detail Group
Air Support
Moved to Summary Group
Reason for termination
Police intervention
Police intervention other
Moved to Individual Group
Out come
Assisting Department
Change to Single List Other
Starting and Ending Location
Add flag
Out of State
Add free key field
Out of state description
Remove Initiating Officer group
Individual Group
Add Multi choice fields
Behavior During
Violation During
Discovery Of
Add single List
Vehicle Type from Crash form
Move Up in form.
Remove Violation Group
Remove Vehicle Group
Remove Property Owner Group
Remove Narrative group
Location Tool Improvements
Prefer to have maps updated at least twice a year.
Add button TraCS to give current location description in a dialog button and make it something that can be copy and pasted.
Make sure it works with Garmin USB GPS devices
Transmission Improvements
The team recommended the following improvements to transmissions:
Make transmissions faster. (Why does the cleanup export folder step take so long?)
For forms in failed transmission status, have option to selectively transmit to failed destinations only.
For forms in transmitted status, have option to select which destinations to transmit to again.
Fix any memory leaks.
Clean up any exceptions that routinely show up in the debug log.
Diagram Tool
Objects “fly apart” if you change the center of rotation.
Have ability to easily clone an object that is already on the diagram.
FAC Referral Items
FAC agreed to the following suggestions
Add the Prescription Drug Monitoring form to the form list
Add a new analysis report: Contact Summary Daily Log
On the Arrest form show the suspect name and police number in the form description.
Add USDOT #, carrier Name and school district to the Custom Search Tab.
Fix Defendant information of the Parking Notice analysis report
Look up current suspension fees
Add a report to the Crash form: Crash Instructions
Add functionality to the On Behalf of button to change parking ticket custom text.
FAC declined the following suggestions
Add a field to the crash form: Number of Witness Statements Included
Add the expiration month on the parking ticket.
Suggested attaching the 1028 to the vehicle ticket
Add field to specify routing to State Patrol for reconstruction
Add the Agency Accident Number to the Form Description
Enable adding of the defendant name after a parking ticket was issued.
FAC tabled the following suggestions
Alcohol warrant and affidavit needs a received by court section. State Patrol will find example of this.
DNR Suggestions to CFS since they were not there to plead case.
Parking Notice change paragraph language.
Send to the UTC council for consideration
Have the citation include both mailing and physical address
Modify Plaintiff and ordinance information after issuance.
Sent to TEG for consideration
Attachments location not always opening to my documents.
03/14/17 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
12:31 PM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Room 354
Hill Farms Transportation Building
4802 Sheboygan Ave
March 14, 2017
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. | Introductions and Charter |
9:15 a.m. | 8-Digit Citation Numbers/eCitation Schema |
9:30 a.m. | User Conference |
9:45 a.m. | Alcohol Form Workflow Discussion |
10:30 a.m.
| Break |
10:45 a.m. | Fall 2017 Release Plans |
11:00 a.m. | Pursuit Form |
11:30 a.m. | Location Tool Feedback |
12:00 p.m. | Lunch |
12:30 p.m. | Diagram Tool Brainstorming |
1:00 p.m. | FAC Referral Items—Crash Follow Up, Parking Ticket, Miscellaneous |
3:00 p.m. | Adjourn |
2017 Membership
Winnebago Count Sheriff—Jodi Noffke
Wisconsin State Capitol Police—Brittany Haag
Town of Beloit Police—Bryan Hasse
Dane County Sheriff—Paul Thompson (Outgoing Member)
Pierce County Sheriff—Andrew Thoms (Outgoing Member)
Sheboygan County Sheriff—Jason Liermann (Outgoing Member)
Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD, Matthew Drought
Tribal Community—Stockbridge-Munsee PD, Jeffrey Buettner
State Patrol—Mark Fetzer
Natural Resources— Kristin Turner
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster
Department of Transportation/DSP/BOTS—Michael Satteson
06/14/17 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
12:32 PM
06/17/17 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
12:33 PM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Room 354
Hill Farms Transportation Building
4802 Sheboygan Ave
June 14, 2017
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. | Pursuit Form |
10:00 a.m. | TraCS 7.3 Data Access Issue |
10:30 a.m. | Break |
10:45 a.m. | Crash Form |
11:15 a.m.
| User Conference |
11:30 a.m. | Transmission Changes |
12:00 p.m. | Lunch |
12:30 p.m. | Location Tool Changes |
1:00 p.m. | FAC Referral Items |
3:00 p.m. | Adjourn |
2017 Membership
Winnebago Count Sheriff—Jodi Noffke
Wisconsin State Capitol Police—Brittany Haag
Town of Beloit Police—Bryan Hasse
Dane County Sheriff—Paul Thompson (Outgoing Member)
Pierce County Sheriff—Andrew Thoms (Outgoing Member)
Sheboygan County Sheriff—Jason Liermann (Outgoing Member)
Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD, Matthew Drought
Tribal Community—Stockbridge-Munsee PD, Jeffrey Buettner
State Patrol—Mark Fetzer
Natural Resources— Kristin Turner
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster
Department of Transportation/DSP/BOTS—Michael Satteson
09/14/17 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
12:32 PM
TraCS Forms Advisory Committee Meeting 09/14/2017
The TraCS Forms Advisory Committee met on 09/14/2017. Present were Diane Groff, Winnebago County Sherriff’s Office; Mickael Price, WI State Capitol Police; Mark Fetzer, State Patrol; Matt Drought Plus 1, Milwaukee PD, Paul Thompson, Dane County Sheriff’s Office; Jeff Buettner, Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal Police; Andrew Thoms, Pierce County Sheriff’s Office; Jason Liermann, Sheboygan County Sheriff’s Office; Mike Satteson and Joe Bartaula, Crash Records Unit; Darlene Schwartz, Geri Polster and Jennifer Schmidt, Badger TraCS.
New Features
Jenny when through the new features coming out in TraCS this fall.
Pursuit Form
TraCS Location Tool Fixes
GPS Improvements
Crash Document number returns to the ELCI
Crash form fixes
Driver Exchange new feature
Look and feel
Current Reports that were updated
ELCI, NTC, Driver Condition
User Conference
Meet with partners for Breakouts.
Maintaining TraCS 1 hour session talking points
Disaster Recovery and Planning
Users—Deactivating vs deleting
Duplicate Document Numbers
Touch on Managing Code Tables
When do I do a Distribution
Installing TraCS Brief
Attachment Handling
A file upload attachment is
An attachment on a TraCS form that resides on disk
Not stored with the form in the TraCS database
Similar to file linked attachments
However, this new method allows for better handling of large attachments and keeps these attachments encrypted while on disk.
Why use
This new method allows TraCS to upload attachments while the user continues to work on the form making it more efficient for the handling of many large attachments.
The attachments through this new process are retrieved on demand.
Database space
Reduce space in database: when an attachment is added to the form it is embedded with the form and stored in the TraCS database. This can consume significant space in the database depending on the size and number of the files being attached.
The file upload functionality has been made available for use in TraCS Web Services mode and greatly enhances the ability for TraCS to allow for larger size attachments and more of them to be stored in a central location and referenced by the form for which they are attached. This is particularly advantageous when using TraCS to manage complex case records.
Quicker processing of form files across web services by only downloading the information that is needed
Without file upload attachment forms that are opened through TraCS Web Services mode needed to bring the form and any attachments contained on the form down through web services before the form can be opened.
With File upload attachment: a form can be opened through web services and if the attachment is needed for review it is pulled down separately to be displayed for the user.
Decision: Would like upload attachments but need to survey agencies to see how many use file link attachments.
Automatic Dialogs
Demonstrated how they work.
Decision: Would like all map fields automatically bring up the TLT. I need to program the override feature to work with this better.
Analysis Reports
Started going through list of analysis reports. The Committee though that all the requests were agency specific and should be more generic as other agencies could also use them. They will be gathering 10 reports each that they use for distribution of outside partners.
Misdemeanor Citation
Misdemeanor Citation
Sometime during the next year a Misdemeanor citation will become available on the NTC form. Two new narrative fields have been added to the NTC form.
Probable Cause
Property and/or Other Persons Involved
How do these fields get enabled? What statutes? By Severity Class?
What fields are required? If the fields are filled in correctly to enable the Misdemeanor?
Plaintiff Typeà Required to be State of Wisconsin
Court Typeà Required to be a Circuit Court
Probable Causeà required.
Ordinanceà none
Appearance Requiredà Yes
New Misdemeanor Violator Copy.
Printed puts in issued status.
Puts Misdemeanor on the form description?
Court Copy
Add two fields to bottom of report to show up if entered.
Will most likely be on second.
Better idea since sending to court via WIJIS in Jan. Programming difficult if 2 separate reports.
Officer Copy
Add two fields to bottom of report to show up if entered.
Could still be on one page
Spanish Copy
Do we need?
Can it be later?
Design Concept for New Report
Check Box on Top for Misdemeanor Citation.
Plaintiff Typeà Required to be State of Wisconsin
Court Typeà Required to be a Circuit Court
Probable Causeà required.
Ordinanceà none
Appearance Requiredà Yes
Disable Parking Ticket fields
DA routingà Yes
New Misdemeanor Violator Copy.
Printed puts in issued status.
Puts Misdemeanor on the form description?
Remove all reports that cannot be used
Court Copy
Add field to bottom of report to show up if entered. Probable Cause
Will most likely be on second.
Better idea since sending to court via WIJIS in Jan. Programming difficult if 2 separate reports.
Officer Copy
Add field to bottom of report to show up if entered. Probable Cause
Could still be on one page
Would like electronic signatures.
FAC Referral Items
1915àContact WI courts to find a BAE. Add a validation rule for Officer Role and move field before narrative.
1963àParking analysis report cannot have custom text added but modified the fee to say there may be a fee for suspension.
1975àThe Influence form will have the field change rule for Question 1
2154àSent Brad B. and email requesting the UTC council look into adding a website along with the phone number.
2158àSent to TEG
2200à Sent to TEG request for enhancement. Allow agency to add validation rules without using the SDK.
2200àadd rule that is state of Wisconsin is selected as the plaintiff, the ordinance number field in the violation section should always be blank.
2209à Only the Map field should be immediately launched if Blank.
09/14/17 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
12:33 PM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Room 356
Hill Farms Transportation Building
4802 Sheboygan Ave
September 14, 2017
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. | User Conference Practice Session |
9:00 a.m. | Fall Release Open Lab |
11:00 a.m. | Fall Release Feedback |
11:30 a.m. | Attachment Handling |
12:00 p.m.
| Lunch |
12:30 a.m. | Automatic Dialogs (TLT, Violation) |
1:00 p.m. | Analysis Reports |
1:30 p.m. | Misdemeanor Citation |
2:00 p.m. | FAC Referral Items |
3:00 p.m. | Adjourn |
2017 Membership
Winnebago Count Sheriff—Jodi Noffke
Wisconsin State Capitol Police—Brittany Haag
Town of Beloit Police—Bryan Hasse
Dane County Sheriff—Paul Thompson (Outgoing Member)
Pierce County Sheriff—Andrew Thoms (Outgoing Member)
Sheboygan County Sheriff—Jason Liermann (Outgoing Member)
Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD, Matthew Drought
Tribal Community—Stockbridge-Munsee PD, Jeffrey Buettner
State Patrol—Mark Fetzer
Natural Resources— Kristin Turner
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster
Department of Transportation/DSP/BOTS—Michael Satteson
12/06/17 - Notes
Friday, February 2, 2018
12:32 PM
TraCS Forms Advisory Committee Meeting 12/06/2017
The TraCS Forms Advisory Committee met on 12/06/2017. Present were Mickael Price, WI State Capitol Police; Bryan Norberg, Milwaukee PD, Paul Thompson, Dane County Sheriff’s Office; Jeff Buettner, Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal Police; Andrew Thoms, Pierce County Sheriff’s Office; Jason Liermann, Sheboygan County Sheriff’s Office; Kristin Turner, Wisconsin Dept of Natural Resources, Mike Satteson, Crash Records Unit; Darlene Schwartz, Geri Polster, Brian Neil and Jennifer Schmidt, Badger TraCS.
Fall Release
Changes to the latest Baseline were discussed.
SQL Server migration from MS-Access issue.
The current baseline changed the way it looked at archive data in SQL. This was causing the migration to fail.
The workaround is to move the archive files to a new folder. can remain in the current archive folder.
Printing in resend mode
Some boxes where unchecked in some forms that allowed printing while in resend mode.
BadgerTraCS is working on correcting this oversight.
May be released in the January pack
Transmitting NTC / Driver Condition Reports
Sheboygan County Sheriff reports that they are unable to transmit these to the state.
They do go into their RMS OK.
Location Tool
DNR locations are not as accurate as they should be in the water layer.
Need to get better water layer
Highway 41 issues have been fixed in the new baseline
Inspection Form
All agencies will have access to the Non MCSAP form
Certified Agencies can get the MCSAP form with a supplied code
Additional fields have been added
SmartView360 software will be used to lookup carrier information
There is the ability to have up to 3 HazMat items and they can be imported from the Crash report
Size / weight and PBBT axle details are now available
Working to mimic some Aspen features
Look and Feel
Inspection defects
Include some new Aspen logic
Violation to ? is a new field
New baseline improvement allows the adding of names to field list without a popup dialog.
Special Study group added
Transmitted to State Patrol
State Patrol will handle the transmission to Safety Net
Model Field
This is a common information field that is not on the Citation or Inspection forms
Would like to add to all forms where needed.
DNR Citation
Will help auto-populating of all forms
FAC agreed to allow TraCS add this field to all forms without the need to ask FAC for permission for new forms.
Automatic Dialogs
A file upload attachment is
An attachment on a TraCS form that resides on disk
Not stored with the form in the TraCS database
Similar to file linked attachments
However, this new method allows for better handling of large attachments and keeps these attachments encrypted while on disk.
Why use
This new method allows TraCS to upload attachments while the user continues to work on the form making it more efficient for the handling of many large attachments.
The attachments through this new process are retrieved on demand.
Database space
Reduce space in database: when an attachment is added to the form it is embedded with the form and stored in the TraCS database. This can consume significant space in the database depending on the size and number of the files being attached.
The file upload functionality has been made available for use in TraCS Web Services mode and greatly enhances the ability for TraCS to allow for larger size attachments and more of them to be stored in a central location and referenced by the form for which they are attached. This is particularly advantageous when using TraCS to manage complex case records.
Quicker processing of form files across web services by only downloading the information that is needed
Without file upload attachment forms that are opened through TraCS Web Services mode needed to bring the form and any attachments contained on the form down through web services before the form can be opened.
With File upload attachment: a form can be opened through web services and if the attachment is needed for review it is pulled down separately to be displayed for the user.
Decision: Would like upload attachments but need to survey agencies to see how many use file link attachments.
Automatic Dialogs
Demonstrated how they work.
Decision: Would like all map fields automatically bring up the TLT. I need to program the override feature to work with this better.
Analysis Reports
Started going through list of analysis reports. The Committee though that all the requests were agency specific and should be more generic as other agencies could also use them. They will be gathering 10 reports each that they use for distribution of outside partners.
Misdemeanor Citation
Misdemeanor Citation
Sometime during the next year a Misdemeanor citation will become available on the NTC form. Two new narrative fields have been added to the NTC form.
Probable Cause
Property and/or Other Persons Involved
How do these fields get enabled? What statutes? By Severity Class?
What fields are required? If the fields are filled in correctly to enable the Misdemeanor?
Plaintiff Typeà Required to be State of Wisconsin
Court Typeà Required to be a Circuit Court
Probable Causeà required.
Ordinanceà none
Appearance Requiredà Yes
New Misdemeanor Violator Copy.
Printed puts in issued status.
Puts Misdemeanor on the form description?
Court Copy
Add two fields to bottom of report to show up if entered.
Will most likely be on second.
Better idea since sending to court via WIJIS in Jan. Programming difficult if 2 separate reports.
Officer Copy
Add two fields to bottom of report to show up if entered.
Could still be on one page
Spanish Copy
Do we need?
Can it be later?
Check Box on Top for Misdemeanor Citation.
Plaintiff Typeà Required to be State of Wisconsin
Court Typeà Required to be a Circuit Court
Probable Causeà required.
Ordinanceà none
Appearance Requiredà Yes
Disable Parking Ticket fields
DA routingà Yes
New Misdemeanor Violator Copy.
Printed puts in issued status.
Puts Misdemeanor on the form description?
Remove all reports that cannot be used
Court Copy
Add field to bottom of report to show up if entered. Probable Cause
Will most likely be on second.
Better idea since sending to court via WIJIS in Jan. Programming difficult if 2 separate reports.
Officer Copy
Add field to bottom of report to show up if entered. Probable Cause
Could still be on one page
Would like electronic signatures.
FAC Referral Items
1915àContact WI courts to find a BAE. Add a validation rule for Officer Role and move field before narrative.
1963àParking analysis report cannot have custom text added but modified the fee to say there may be a fee for suspension.
1975àThe Influence form will have the field change rule for Question 1
2154àSent Brad B. and email requesting the UTC council look into adding a website along with the phone number.
2158àSent to TEG
2200à Sent to TEG request for enhancement. Allow agency to add validation rules without using the SDK.
2200àadd rule that is state of Wisconsin is selected as the plaintiff, the ordinance number field in the violation section should always be blank.
2209à Only the Map field should be immediately launched if Blank.
12/03/17 - Agenda
Friday, February 2, 2018
12:33 PM
Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
Room 354
Hill Farms Transportation Building
4802 Sheboygan Ave
December 6, 2017
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
| Welcome Housekeeping Introduction of new staff |
9:15 a.m. | User Conference Update |
9:30 a.m.
| Fall Release Update Statistics SQL Server – Access problem Baseline release schedule
9:45 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m. | Fall Release Feedback
Inspection Form Demo
Model Field addition to Forms
10:40 a.m.
10:50 a.m.
11:10 a.m. | Automatic Dialogs (TLT, Violation)
Maintenance Guide
Local Agency Analysis Report Review
12:00 p.m.
| Lunch |
12:30 a.m. | Analysis Reports |
1:00 p.m. | Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene form |
1:30 p.m. | DNR Accident form exercise Create the input form
2:30 p.m.
2:50 p.m.
2:55 p.m. | FAC Referral Items
Planning Document
Thank you to outgoing members
3:00 p.m. | Next Meeting Planning and Adjourn |
2017 Membership
Winnebago Count Sheriff—Jodi Noffke
Wisconsin State Capitol Police—Brittany Haag
Town of Beloit Police—Bryan Hasse
Dane County Sheriff—Paul Thompson (Outgoing Member)
Pierce County Sheriff—Andrew Thoms (Outgoing Member)
Sheboygan County Sheriff—Jason Liermann (Outgoing Member)
Class 1 City— Milwaukee PD, Matthew Drought
Tribal Community—Stockbridge-Munsee PD, Jeffrey Buettner
State Patrol—Mark Fetzer
Natural Resources— Kristin Turner
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Darlene Schwartz
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Jennifer Schmidt
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Brian Neil
Department of Transportation/DMV/CWS— Geri Polster
Department of Transportation/DSP/BOTS—Michael Satteson
email or call 608-267-2096