Badger TraCS Guides
FAC Meeting Notes 2006
FAC Meeting Notes 2006
11/29/06 - Notes
Monday, February 5, 2018
8:26 AM
Wisconsin TraCS Forms Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Attendees: Jenny Schmidt-DMV/TAS, Brian Neil-DMV/TAS, David Frey-DMV/TAS, Mary Jackson-DMV/CWS, Teresa Severson-DMV/CWS, Krist Boldt-Dane County, Jeffrey Schwitz-Washington County, Rich Stein-Milwaukee PD, Mark Rohloff-Monroe PD, Jason Lauby-Rome PD, Mike Reardon-River Falls PD, Martin Schrampfer-Menasha PD, Michael Newton-DSP.
Absent: Stacy Hopke-Burnett County
Brian Neil opened the meeting with a welcome and everyone introduced themselves.
The meeting agenda was sent to the participants in advance. We proceeded to discuss the proposed form enhancement requests that were generated from the Wisconsin Dells TraCS User meeting this past summer. The format of the meeting was interactive in that the agency participants were allowed to comment on each proposed enhancement. We then asked the committee to categorize the proposed enhancement into one of three categories; “Must Have”, “Would Like to Have”, and “Don’t Want”. The “Must Have” category will be priority enhancements that will be worked on for the April 2007 Release. It was explained that not all “Must Have” enhancements will be implemented in time for the April release, but we will include as many as we can. The “Would Like to Have” enhancements will be tabled for a later TraCS release. The “Don’t Want” enhancements will be removed from our list of future enhancements.
In the morning session, Brian Neil led the discussion on the ELCI, MUNI, and Alcohol forms.
In the afternoon session, Jennifer Schmidt led the discussion on the Crash, Deer Crash, Warning, and Driver Exchange forms. Finally, Dave Frey gave a demonstration and received feedback on the new Driver Condition or Behavior form and Fatal Accident Supplement form.
Attached to these minutes are the three categories.
Next Meeting
The next Forms Advisory Committee meeting was scheduled to be held on February 7, 2007. This meeting will need to be rescheduled due to scheduling conflicts with our testing plan.
The meeting was adjourned.
Reviewed 2007 Form Enhancements
These Form Enhancements will be worked on for the 2007 Spring Release. Not all of these enhancements will be implemented.
This document shows all TraCS form enhancements reviewed by the Forms Advisory Committee (FAC) during 11/29/2007 meeting. Enhancements are separated into the three categories below.
Must Have
Nice To Have
“Must Have” Enhancements
Crash Form
Have TraCS create a data file for non-reportable crashes so that they can be transmitted to the local RMS.
Make the diagram larger on the printed report.
Non Intersection location should require Distance and Direction
ERROR 197: State highway entered in from/at street. Needs to be a warning rather than error.
Deer Crash Form
Allow form to be used for other wild animals as well as deer (e.g. bears, elk, turkeys, etc.)
Do not require an “At Hwy Direction” for all cases where there’s an “At Hwy”.
Increase the font size on the printed ELCI, especially for the citation number and the violator name.
Make some fields bold on the printed ELCI, e.g. violator name, court date, statute number.
Add a violator telephone number field to the form.
Allow more fields to be edited once the citation is issued, e.g. court date and bond amount.
When the CMV surcharge field is “Yes”, automatically add $8.00 to the bond amount.
Add a “Reviewed” status for ELCIs. Some agencies transmit from the supervisor to the court officer and then to the court.
Add the ability to change the DA Routing after the citation has been issued to correct officer’s mistake.
Be able to Void citations with no additional information
Add agency space.
Fine amount can be changed but then prints as zero.
Have code tables the same for all forms for things like vehicle color.
Add Non-Individual field (This would allow municipal citations to be given to business)
Make Ordinance Number field a required field.
Print both Ordinance and Statute description on report
Warning Form
Have the comment field print on officer copy.
Alcohol Form
Clean up how the “Informing the Accused” form is used.
Allow a print preview before answering Yes or No.
Driver Exchange Form
“Nice To Have” Enhancements
Crash Form
Move DL Number field under the Street Address to make it consistant with the Warning and Citation form, and set the Last Name as the Search Field
In the drop down menu for #90, Alcohol Content, can we have a .00 added? For the head-on fatal we just had, blood was drawn from both drivers. Unit 2 came back .00, none, but the list starts at .01. For fatal crashes, we almost always get blood from all drivers, whether alcohol is suspected or not, so this issue may arise again.
Should have a validation between Area of Damage and Extent of Damage.
For Wi DL, Expiration year should not be greater than current year + 9
When 'Parking Lot' is entered as the On Str, require Structure Type and Number.
Able to validate form with manner of collision blank. 9C4BDP6
Deer Crash Form
Should Most Harmful Event have Single Unit Accident Validations like First Harmful Event?
When 'Parking Lot' is selected as location, fill in On Str with 'Parking Lot'
Expand the narrative size to possibly several pages and allow the ability to cut and paste things into the narrative such as 27/28 responses.
Add a field to capture social security number.
Add a table for court date.
Expand agency space to at least 100 characters.
Expand the ordinance field to accommodate larger numbers.
Allow the bond amount field to display “Must appear” or other text in certain instances.
Add a printed report for parents.
Expand the vehicle information section (e.g. make, model, year, color). Make it like the ELCI.
Warning Form
Add agency space.
Remove the word “Traffic” from the warning because agencies also use the warning form for non-traffic warnings.
Add a field for telephone number.
Change the title of the form to not include the word “Traffic” so that it can be used as a warning for non-traffic violations.
Document number field larger
Alcohol Form
Driver Exchange Form
Do not gray out fields 31-33. (Expiration year, DOB, Sex)
“Rejected” Enhancements
Crash Form
Print the data code along with the text description of data fields on the crash report (e.g. Dane-13 for Dane county).
Have the ability to key the code value for the county field rather than having to key the text description.
Plate Expiration Year should have a validation rule for <= Current Year as valid year.
After using the Insurance Company Alias the Policy Same as Owner Data bar is blank.
Deer Crash Form
Add a blank space to the sex code list for the operator rather than have it default to female.
(This is a Non-Issue as it works this way already)
Spell out the highway directions (e.g. southbound rather than SB).
Make the printed ELCI pink.
1. No Rejections
Warning Form
Have the ability to prefix warning document numbers with characters (e.g. RFWRN for a warning written by the River Falls police).
Print the bond amount for the offense on the violator copy so that they know how much money they saved by getting a warning rather than an ELCI.
Additional items if time allows:
Alcohol Form
No Rejections.
Driver Exchange Form
No Rejections
Attendee List
Sunday, May 1, 2022
9:57 AM
Forms Advisory Meeting
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
HFSTB, Room 551, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Jenny Schmidt-DMV/TAS,
Brian Neil-DMV/TAS,
David Frey-DMV/TAS,
Mary Jackson-DMV/CWS,
Teresa Severson-DMV/CWS,
Krist Boldt-Dane County,
Jeffrey Schwitz-Washington County,
Rich Stein-Milwaukee PD,
Mark Rohloff-Monroe PD,
Jason Lauby-Rome PD,
Mike Reardon-River Falls PD,
Martin Schrampfer-Menasha PD,
Michael Newton-DSP.
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