FAC Meeting Notes 2008

Badger TraCS Guides

FAC Meeting Notes 2008

01/24/08 - Notes

Friday, February 2, 2018

9:25 AM


Badger TraCS Forms Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, January 24, 2008

Attendees: Jenny Schmidt-DMV/TAS, Brian Neil-DMV/TAS, David Frey-DMV/TAS, Teresa Severson-DMV/CWS, Krist Boldt-Dane County, Rich Stein-Milwaukee PD, Mark Rohloff-Monroe PD, Martin Schrampfer-Menasha PD, Stacy Hopke-Burnett County, Jason Lauby-Town of Rome PD, Michael Reardon-River Falls PD, John Daniel-DNR.

Absent: Jeffrey Schwitz, Michael Newton-DSP.

We opened the meeting by giving progress reports for projects we are working on. They are listed below.

  1. Progress Report for Spanish MUNI citation

  2. Translation was provided by Milwaukee PD and DOT translators

  3. Form to print has been completed and tested

  4. Will be available in the February 2008 patch

  5. Progress Report for Violation table redesign

  6. Developed to eliminate untimely citation updates – we can now issue statute modifications in a monthly patch.

  7. Both Violations_MUNI and Violations_WI statute tables have been updated with the most current statute amounts.

  8. Moved the Court fee to the court table. This amount will add to the statute amounts.

  9. Eliminated local fees usage on the Violations_MUNI and Violations_WI tables

  10. Will be available in the February 2008 patch

  11. Progress Report for ELCI numbering

  12. Jenny Schmidt gave demo of new method for managing and replenishing ELCI citation

numbers. This new method would allow multiple alpha prefixes to be used.

  1. Consensus of the committee was that this application would be a very useful

  2. Will be available in the 2009 TraCS pack.

  3. Progress Report for Universal MDI

  4. This feature is being developed with the Department of Justice.

  5. The purpose of creating a Universal MDI is to enable a TraCS supported interface between any vendors MDB (Mobile Data Browser) and TraCS.

  6. It would also enable an interface between Etime and TraCS.

  7. If DOJ completes their modifications, this could be available in the 2009 TraCS pack.

  8. Progress Report for Natural Resources Form design

  9. Dave Frey gave demo of the new DNR citation form and asked for input.

  10. John Daniel from the DNR will be mocking up the new citation reports to be printed.

  11. New tables and validations will be added in the next few months.

  12. Will be available in the 2009 TraCS pack.

We then proceeded to discuss the proposed form enhancement requests that were generated from the Wisconsin Dells TraCS User meeting in the fall of 2007. We asked the committee to discuss each form enhancement request and categorize the proposed enhancement into one of three categories; “Must Have”, “Would Like to Have”, and “Don’t Want”. The “Must Have” category will be priority enhancements that will be worked on for the 2009 TraCS Pack Release. The “Would Like to Have” enhancements will be tabled for a later TraCS release unless they are easy to implement. The “Don’t Want” enhancements will be removed from our list of future enhancements.

In the morning session, Brian Neil led the discussion on the Crash form enhancements. In the afternoon session, Dave Frey and Jennifer Schmidt led the discussion on the ELCI, MUNI, Warning, Alcohol and other miscellaneous form and table enhancements. The result of those discussions and FAC prioritization are listed below.

Form Enhancement – Crash Forms

Crash Must Have

  1. Vehicle Type field does not seem to populate consistently with changes to field #21 Unit Type for a given Unit #, e.g. Unit 01, Unit 02, etc. Seems to work for automobile but not other types. Solution: Training issue, Update field help to describe proper method for completing this field.

  2. No vehicle make of “Case” Tractor. Solution: Coordinate with CCAP to add additional makes.

  3. Allow UNK in all areas of hit and run vehicle. If all information you have for the unit is hit and run, then you should not have to complete the unknown.

  4. Use Road Surface type list table from FatalSupplement. Then autopop this value on the CrashtoFatalSupplement autopop. Solution: (This has been completed.)

  5. Add Date of birth to owner name section to differentiate drivers with the same name. Solution: Add Owner date of birth and validate warning if owner and driver are different.

Crash Nice To Have

  1. Move unit status to first field in-group.

  2. Fields 35, 36 vehicle plate type and vehicle type are too restricted. There are many possible combinations that cannot be entered given the restrictions that these fields impose. Example – A motorcycle carrying a placard able amount of HAZMAT. Using class C as a license type will not allow a motorcycle to be entered into the vehicle type or CYC as a plate type. Using Class M for the license type will make the Commercial Motor Vehicle field to change to No regardless of what the officer entered. OR A van pulling a large trailer is entered as a class A vehicle. A plate type of AUT or LTK will not be allowed in the plate type field. Vehicle types are also limited if Class A is chosen. Solution: Create a validation Warning on this condition

  3. Entering Class A or B for Operating as DL Class limits the vehicle types that can be accepted. E.g. a LTK with a large trailer may require a Class A license. This will fail validation. A driver operating a dump truck requiring a Class B license may have his/her truck improperly registered with a LTK plate. This will fail validation. Solution: Create a validation Warning on this condition

  4. Allow no owner information when some vehicle information is found on hit and run as for legally parked vehicles. Solution: Tabled pending more information on what this request means.

Crash Don’t Want

  1. Vehicle configuration mouse-over text should be updated to reflect changes in truck/bus section. Requires sending data bar back to TEG. Not approved by FAC

  2. Alphabetize first harm/most harm list. Not approved by FAC

Crash Not Feasible

  1. Vehicle damage data bar does not allow the short cut of entering a single digit and pressing enter. Must either press tab first or enter the leading zero. (Technical Reason)

  2. Be able to enter double trailers. (Technical Reason)

  3. Do not require the DL Classification validation if legally parked. (Business Reason)

  4. Allow for GIS/ORTHO based crash diagram.) Capable of doing already, but not a good idea to use.

  5. Allow insurance company information for legally parked vehicles rather than changing to Not Required. (Business Reason)– Information not required – include this in the narrative if you want to see it.

Form Enhancement - Deer Crash

Deer Crash Must Have

  1. Do not allow validation with Operating as 'M' and CMV = 'Yes'

  2. Add Date of birth to owner name section to differentiate drivers with the same name. Solution: Add Owner date of birth and validate warning if owner and driver are different.

Deer Crash Nice To Have

Move unit status to first field in-group.

Deer Crash Not Feasible

Put property information on this form to allow both domestic and non domestic animals to be used on this form. (Business Reason)

Form Enhancement – ELCI Form

ELCI Must Have

  1. Autopop accident severity and Accident Document Number from ELCI to ELCI.

  2. The $8.00 truck driver surcharge should only be added to civil charges, not crimes.

  3. Speeding in school or construction zones will validate even if School or Construction zones are not indicated in the Roadway zones field.

  4. If the violation is OMVWI with passenger under age 16 is chosen, the field of Underage Passenger can still be N and the validation will not catch this.

  5. Violation table should clearly indicate which violations are crimes

  6. Add Court date table, allow each agency to populate it from TableManager, and allow a dropdown list to select the court date, time and expiration date from the table

  7. Replicate phone number – Already done.

  8. Require entry in “Location” field where the violation occurs. Require an Error message if location information is not completed. FAC decided on a “Warning” validation on this condition.

  9. Ability needed to Void a citation without validating. On 2007 list.

  10. Have at least a warning or better yet a validation rule that if the plaintiff is "State of Wisconsin" the local ordinance number and ordinance fields need to be blank? Problem we are running into is I have those fields set to default to our local adopting ordinance for traffic laws however if it is a criminal traffic ticket and the officer enters thru those fields they fill in and sometimes the officer fails to clear them. Criminal traffic tickets should not have local ordinance information on them. (Most of our tickets are non-criminal traffic hence the default) I think we need to verify that no one has any reason why local ordinances would be listed on a criminal ticket (there shouldn't be) and make it a validation. If for some strange (and probably not compliant with law) reason someone does then make it a warning. FAC decided that if criminal, create a warning if ordinance number is > 0.

  11. ELCI/MUNI/Warning Citations - Give ability to make corrections on all “Issued” forms and then requires them to be “ReIssued”. This could be a Supervisor only option. Having to reissue a new citation, and void the old one takes a lot of time. (Note: if this does not violate business rules, we will allow. This request needs further investigation)

  12. Change replicate to disable the common information so that the only field the officer may change is the statute.

  13. When you run out of citation numbers, don’t allow more citations to be issued. – This could be done by adding a validation if “blank” citation number.

  14. Allow different prefixes for citations. (i.e. one letter on one range and another letter for the secondary range).

  15. Populate ordinance if statute is entered.

ELCI Nice To Have

  1. Expand shortcut table to add actual speed and speed limit. When these type of shortcuts are selected, automatically populate these fields on the ELCI.

  2. Won’t validate if Class A vehicle is chosen and LTK is chosen under plate type. A pickup could be pulling a large enough trailer to make the combination a “Class A vehicle” It appears that APO or HTK or perhaps some other plate types must be in the plate type to successfully validate. . Solution: Create a validation Warning on this condition

  3. Validate ELCI to catch speed differential not in line with the violation description Ex Exceeding speed zones (40-44 mph) should validate against calculated speed over. This could be accomplished by adding a column to the statute table to include minimum and maximum speeds for the statute. Same for BAC ticket for .10+ should not validate if entry is .06

  4. Add a line on the printed ELCI to separate Narrative from Highway conditions.

ELCI Don’t Want

  1. Add a key function in statute to open statute shortcuts Not approved by FAC, But default to Offense Radio Button.

  2. Put Box around Violation Description & Bond amount similar to other boxed fields. Not approved by FAC.

  3. A ticket with a different county name from the court information will validate. This should create a warning. Not approved by FAC

  4. Allow court date set in the past to allow officers to issue PAC that tracks along with the OWI citation. Not approved by FAC. They felt this was a training issue

  5. Add dashes in the DL number field. When an error occurs that DL does not match DOR, it is easier to verify when the dashes are present. Not approved by FAC

  6. Customize court information so agencies with muni courts can put appropriate local court information in. Not approved by FAC

  7. Add check box to note “Agency Withdrawable” so that it appears on all 3 copies of ELCI for reference. Can’t use agency space because RMS uses this to pick up their call number). Not approved by FAC

  8. Add PO box and Apartment number to address line. Not approved by FAC

  9. ELCI/MUNI/Warnings Citations – The “At Direction” or “At Hwy Direction” makes it too confusing. Make the location information freeform to enable it to be input the way we talk. (ie On N US 41 @ CTH M) Not approved by FAC

  10. If the driver is operating as a Class A, a plate status of TRL will not be accepted. A combination truck and trailer may easily have a TRL plate on the trailer. The officer wants to enter the trailer for vehicle information because it may be that the violation is on the trailer. Not approved by FAC

ELCI Not Feasible

  1. Court date should allow “To be notified” or “To be set” - (Business Reason)

  2. Allow external search options for Statute number. (Technical Reason)

  3. Can’t enter Canadian zip codes even it “YT” is entered for state/province. (Technical Reason).

  4. Special characters in the narrative would cause tickets to fail when the clerks tried to send them to CCAP (Business Reason)

  5. Date citation served cannot be future date. Some agencies want to have a future date when mailing citations. Consider allowing a three-day future date “grace period.” . Should allow if method citation served is “Mailed.” (Business Reason).

  6. Blue bar vs dotted bar – Make all defaults behave the same. Some defaults do not highlight the blue bar. (Technical Reason)

  7. Customize for quicker disposition use. (ie. Preload court name and number; list of adjudication possibilities; etc) (Business Reason)

  8. Address field needs to accept ½ streets. (Technical Reason)

  9. County trunk highways not listed under Townships, Villages, etc. (Business Reason)

  10. Make the court information fields editable to manually enter changes of address, room number, time, etc. to accommodate differences when the citation is a traffic crime as opposed to a forfeiture action. Many courts have different locations for people to appear based on the type of charge. (Business Reason)

Form Enhancement – MUNI Form

MUNI Must Have

  1. Need to add more positions in ordinance # field.

  2. If address same as defendant in parent/guardian section changes from “Y” to “N’, should the address field be cleared out? (What about the Crash Form address same as operator?) It currently leaves the address populated on the form.

  3. Agency space was added but where would you like it printed? Already done.

  4. Should there be a U for unknown for the race field?

  5. Possibly move the wording of MUNICIPAL CITATION from the bottom of the MUNI to the top to help distinguish the form from the ELCI.

  6. Add Court date table, allow each agency to populate it from TableManager, and allow a dropdown list to select the court date,time and expiration date from the table

  7. Require entry in “Location” field where the violation occurs. Require an Error message if location information is not completed. FAC decided to create a Warning validation.

  8. Allow “AutoPopulate” to copy all MUNI to MUNI information except the statute including Location of Incident for adding additional defendants. (i.e. Underage drinking party where several kids are getting tickets at same location and time)

  9. Autopopulate and replicate phone number

  10. Populate ordinance if statute is entered.

MUNI Nice To Have

Lengthen field length for restrictions on printout. Current restrictions “cut off” descriptions and/or Ordinance numbers on some lengthier fields.

MUNI Don’t Want

  1. Should the ordinance description field gray out after selecting an ordinance #. Not approved by FAC

  2. Doesn’t allow traffic statute numbers that adopt to ordinance numbers. Not approved by FAC

  3. Customize court information so agencies with MUNI courts can put appropriate local court information in. Not approved by FAC

  4. Add PO box and Apartment number to address line. Not approved by FAC

MUNI Not Feasible

  1. Allow date citation served as a future date. (Business Reason)

  2. Customize for quicker disposition use. (ie. Preload court name and number; list of adjudication possibilities; etc) (Business Reason)

  3. Address field needs to accept ½ streets. (Technical Reason)

Form Enhancement – Warning Form

Warning Must Have

  1. Should we put different description on the search for local ordinances? It currently doesn’t say where to do the search. This is done on the description field. – Already done

  2. Agency space was added, but where would you like it printed? – Already done

  3. Should the agency comments print on one or more of the reports? FAC decided to print this on the officer copy.

  4. If the on street information is too long, the At street information is cut off on the printed report.

  5. Print Narrative to be printed on Officer and Office copy of the form.

  6. Autopopulate and replicate phone number

  7. Print half pages only – Training Issue.

Warning Don’t Want

  1. Display Bond amount and points on Warning to let violator know how much they saved by avoiding a ticket. Not approved by FAC

  2. Enable an option checkbox on Statute number and description to allow them to enter what they want without the new validation check against the tables. Not approved by FAC

Form Enhancement – Alcohol Form

Alcohol Nice to Have

  1. Defendant ID type has 2 options. DL, ID, or other. Should allow entry of what type of “Other” ID was used.

  2. Have Informing the Accused form available in other languages – Spanish, Hmong, etc

Alcohol Don’t Want

  1. Our blood results all get sent to our court officer. Allow Officer name to default to the court officer instead of the officer logged in. Not approved by FAC

  2. Add date and timestamp to Informing the Accused report. Not approved by FAC

Form Enhancement - Driver Exchange Form

Driver Exchange Must Have

Add vehicle year, make, model, and Vin to form and print. This will enable us to use as a non-reportable parking lot accident form.

Form Enhancements to ALL Forms

ALL Forms Must Have

  1. Add Case Number field that can be autopopulated to all forms. FAC decided this should be an ALPHA Police Number field.

  2. Separate the name field like Last, First, Middle on the printed forms to differentiate complex names. FAC decided comma after Last name only

  3. Add Date of birth to name sections to differentiate drivers with the same name.

  4. Ensure Autopopulate between all like forms.

  5. Make an attachment option to each form (within the form) that you could copy and paste Drivers Record or Vehicle Registration information. (Similar to a Word document.) FAC approved, but you may not copy and paste the Driver Record. Statutes say this is not legal.

  6. Add full Narrative to all forms. Attachment option in #5 will accomplish this.

  7. City of violation should allow for default to be set on all forms.

ALL Forms Don’t Want

Change the way the forms are listed on add contact by spacing them further apart with bigger icons. Touch screens sometimes open the wrong form if you have fat fingers. – We can arrange differently, but cannot space differently. Not approved by FAC

Table Enhancements

Table Enhancements Must Have

  1. Add a Court date , time and expiration dateTable for citations

  2. Add column to Violations_Local to add column for adopting state statute field. Several of our municipally ordinance adopt a state statute. When we enter an ordinance number on the table manager, could we make it so we could automatically enter the “Adopts State Statute” without having to type it on the citation always? Then when one is selected, the other fills in.

Table Enhancements Don’t Want

Our municipal court increases bond amounts for OAS 2,3, and 4 citations. Tried to update the bond amounts as a “local fee” on the table manager, but got an error saying it wasn’t allowed. Could it be possible for us to increase the state statute bond amounts? Not approved by FAC

TraCS Software Enhancements

TraCS Software Enhancements Must Have

  1. On Manager Screen, list court name and date. (Agencies with multiple courts). This will make transfer to courts less cumbersome. This will be available on the Ecitation

  2. On Manager Screen, allow option to put your own label (Agency Incident #) so it shows up on the Manager Screen. FAC would also like to see the Police Number.

  3. Update patches for TraCS needs to be made more user-friendly to install.

TraCS Software Enhancements Not Feasible

  1. Follow industry standards by using “TAB” key to navigate from field to field instead of “Enter” key. (Also “Shift-Tab to navigate backwards) (Technical Reason) - This is a TraCS 10 enhancement

  2. Make menu Manager customizable for each agency – TraCS 10

  3. Enable scrollable mouse. TraCS 10

  4. Add common contacts for frequent violators – TraCS 10

Next Meeting – April, 2008.

The meeting was adjourned.

Minutes by David Frey




05/15/08 - Notes

Friday, February 2, 2018

9:26 AM


Badger TraCS Forms Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes for Thursday, May 15, 2008

Attendees: Jenny Schmidt-DMV/TAS, Brian Neil-DMV/TAS, David Frey-DMV/TAS, Teresa Severson-DMV/CWS, Mary Jackson – DMV/CWS, Erin Egan – DMV/CWS, Krist Boldt - Dane County, Jeffrey Schwitz - Washington County, Rich Stein-Milwaukee PD, Mark Rohloff-Monroe PD, Martin Schrampfer-Menasha PD, Michael Newton - DSP, Jason Lauby-Town of Rome PD, Michael Reardon-River Falls PD, John Daniel-DNR, Kristin Turner - DNR .

Absent: Stacey Hopke – Burnett County.

We opened the meeting by giving progress reports for projects we are working on. They are listed below.

Progress Report for Spanish MUNI citation

  • Milwaukee PD and DOT translators provided translation. Needs final translation approval by Wisconsin Courts.

  • Form to print has been completed and tested

  • Should be available in the June or July 2008 patch

Progress Report for Universal MDI – Phase 1

  • This feature is being developed with the Department of Justice.

  • The purpose of creating a Universal MDI is to enable a TraCS supported interface between any vendors MDB (Mobile Data Browser) and TraCS.

  • Phase 1 works with the legacy time system and should be available June 8-10.

  • Phase 2 will interface with eTime The DOJ will add eTime button to download XML to a users C:\ drive. We are projecting the eTime download availability in late summer.

Progress Report for eCitation

  • Jenny Schmidt gave demo of eCitation to the committee.

  • Question and answer session followed

  • Is available now on a first come, first served application basis. Five new agencies will be

added per week.

Progress Report for Natural Resources Form design

  • Dave Frey gave demo of the new DNR citation form and reports.

  • Changes to the sequence of data elements and groups were approved.

  • Additional tables and validations to be added.

  • ECitation transmission and CCAP EML creation will be delayed until early 2009

  • Will be available in the 2009 TraCS pack.

TraCSPack2009 contents

  • Natural Resources form

  • ELCI numbering redesign

  • Parental Notification letter

  • Redesigned MUNI

  • Alcohol Influence form – New form to add, need sponsor.

  • Form Enhancements approved by the FAC

We then proceeded to discuss the proposed form enhancement requests that were generated since our last meeting. These requests came to us from the Badger/TraCS email. The committee voted on whether to add these request to the 2009 TraCS Pack Release.

The items below were discussed.

May 15, 2008 - Suggestions for FAC consideration


Put a DOT Document number of a Crash report in both the Form number field AND Description field in search criteria, instead of nothing coming up, that both Crash and Amended Crash would come up. The way it is now, since neither report contains BOTH, neither report comes up. It would be better, if any report contained one or both, if they came up in a Search Criteria search. (Thus, attachments would come up as well.) Two separate searches per report are required now.

FAC decision: Not Feasible with TraCS 7.3

Add date of birth field to the vehicle owner field. This will eliminate RMS duplicate names being created. This problem occurs whenever: The owner name is the “Same AS Driver” box is checked and the TraCS crash. Same for Deer and Amended Crash.

FAC decision: Approved for 2009 TraCSPack

Amended Crash

Add date of birth field to all name fields on this form.

FAC decision: Approved for 2009 TraCSPack

Deer Crash

Add date of birth field to all name fields on this form.

FAC decision: Approved for 2009 TraCSPack


1. In Milwaukee County, the DA is no longer processing OAR citations they want to be able to set the DA flag to N for these statutes. Waukesha PD

FAC decision: Not Approved – No exceptions to the table are allowed.

Add Route to DA to the Officer copy of the report in the Court Use area

FAC decision: Approved for 2009 TraCSPack

Attempted to issue a citation for expired registration. The vehicle was a trailer. The citation would not validate until he changed the plate type to auto. It's expecting class O for these plate types. Need the option of issuing citations for violations on trailers without having to list the driver as type O.

FAC decision: Tabled for further discussion due to possible negative effects in later

processing. If approved, remove Error 608 validation rule.

La Crosse P.D. would like to have on the Administrative side the option to print multiple Officer Copies with one Click of the button instead of clicking 4th button (Officer Copies) to print them all.

FAC decision: Already available – Print modification

I had issued an ELCI to a Semi-truck driver for transporting an intoxicating beverage in a CMV (346.63(7)), and another ELCI for operating without a valid commercial driver’s license, as his CDL was suspended. When imported from the MDB, per the officer instructions to complete the regular UTC, as well as TraCS instruction to complete the ELCI and MUNI, all license classes held by an individual are automatically selected. In the vehicle class only one class selection is made, for the type of vehicle that is being driven at the time. I spoke with Kelly Hollister in the Dunn County Clerk of Courts Office today. She indicated that her CCAP software would only let her enter 1 class for the license class field. She requested that in the future we only enter 1 license class entry. Kelly requested that we only enter the class the person was operating as, and not all license types held, in the licensed as class, as suggested in the instruction manuals for competing UTCs, ELCIs, and MUNIs. Jeremy Wilterdink Menomonie PD

FAC decision: Confirm with CCAP that their schema will permit multiple license

types held. This is probably a CCAP training issue.


Request from Middleton PD to replicate the agency space field. This was removed

with the 2007 TraCS pack as a user suggestion and approved by the FAC.

FAC decision: Not Approved – Leave as is


For some reason when we replicate the individual and vehicle information comes over but nothing else does. Portage PD – Note – We told them they could use multiple statutes on one warning. They informed their officers of this. Do we want to modify the replicate function?

FAC decision: Not Approved – Leave as is, training issue

When sending updates, would it be possible to avoid sending a file that changes the autonumbers for the warnings? They get duplicates for multiple agencies they support. Berlin PD

FAC decision: Approved – change Warning numbering to include the TAS

agency number in the beginning of the created number.

Allow users to set a Default in the Agency Space on Warning Citations, similar to Crash Reports and ELCI. It would be nice to go in and set the Default on that space, so we could put in the start of a Case Number (Like the Year 08-). LaCrosse PD

FAC decision: Approved


I just got done processing an OWI 4th series of forms in TraCS. Everything when very well except one thing. I was unable to Print the Alcohol Form because it was not validated. The form was not validated because the Deputy did not enter a Notice Date. The Deputy did not enter a Notice Date because the test we must use for 4th offense OWI is blood. We cannot determine a Notice Date until we get blood results back from the Crime Lab. As a result I cannot print and provide my Court Officer with a complete packet for this case. Is it possible to change the validation on the Alcohol Form so that when Section "Additional Form Information", field "Chemical Test Type" is selected "blood" (probably urine also but DCSO does not use urine tests) that the Notice Date field in no long mandatory? This would allow a deputy to validate the form and the TraCS Administrator to print the form and provide a complete case packet to the Court Officer. Dane County Sheriffs Office

FAC decision: Alcohol forms need to be improved by splitting the data into 2

separate forms. Future enhancement, not at this time

Move Informing the Accused statement into the F2 help screen. Also move ITA checkbox

to the first checkbox on the form.

FAC decision: Approved

Add Alcohol Influence Report form

FAC decision: Approved

Updating Tracs version of the Notice of Intent to Suspend. Mary Jackson DOT

FAC decision: Approved – change wording on form per Mary’s document.

FAC Member topic suggestions

TraCS 10 discussion

  • BETA Release January 2009

  • General release nationally April 1, 2009

  • Internal DOT implementation, pilot here for a year

  • Recommend agencies update workstations first, and then field units.

  • Agencies can use both TraCS 10 and TraCS 7.3 at the same time

  • Suggestions

Add 4 new status’s for agencies to use

  • Completed by officer

  • Supervisor Approval

  • Agency Approval (ready for transmission)

  • Rejected (Sent back for correction)

  1. Create PDF copies of all flavors of reports. Provide local control of which ones to print

  2. Create user definable fields in user file to be included in XML

  3. Contact Manager search criteria for all fields in forms

  4. Reports of missing ELCI numbers

  5. Stop TraCS from issuing ELCI when number range is empty

  6. Have Next/Previous button for viewing reports.

  7. Have ability to accept or reject forms from view mode

  8. End shift logging and checking Field Unit to Work Station – Reconciliation Report

Clean up TraCS. Work on program enhancements and not new form development. Focus on smaller housekeeping items, cleaning up little things about the program to make it work better and more efficiently.

Should BadgerTraCS implement 7.3N release in 2009 Pack? (See Handout)

FAC voted to upgrade to 7.3N in 2009

Let me know if you are interested in continuing on the FAC for one additional year. We will be inviting 4 new members onto the committee after the Fall 2008 User conference. Send me an email if you are interested.

  1. What information would you like presented at the Fall 2008 User meeting? Does the FAC want to hold a breakout session? We will possibly have a Train the Trainer session.

  2. Breakout session – Advanced TraCS User and technical training, Advanced configurations options

  3. Breakout session – New Agency Startup – FAC to hold this session

  • Thinking about using TraCS?

  • Resources needed

  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

  • New Agency information

  1. Breakout session – Small Agencies

  2. Breakout session – Large Agencies

The meeting was adjourned.

Minutes by David Frey




09/22/08 - Notes

Friday, February 2, 2018

9:27 AM


Badger TraCS Forms Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes for Tuesday, September 22, 2008

Attendees: Jenny Schmidt-DMV/CWS, Brian Neil-DMV/CWS, David Frey-DMV/CWS, Teresa Severson-DMV/CWS, Mary Jackson – DMV/CWS, Erin Egan – DMV/CWS, Rich Stein-Milwaukee PD, Martin Schrampfer-Menasha PD, Michael Newton - DSP, Jason Lauby-Town of Rome PD, Michael Reardon-River Falls PD, Stacey Hopke – Burnett County.

Absent: Mark Rohloff-Monroe PD, Jeffrey Schwitz - Washington County and Krist Boldt - Dane County

We opened the meeting by giving progress reports for projects we are working on. They are listed below.

  1. Progress Report for Universal MDI

  2. This feature is being distributed in Beta mode. Full distribution available soon.

  3. The purpose of creating a Universal MDI is to enable a TraCS supported interface between any vendors MDB (Mobile Data Browser) and TraCS.

  4. Interfaces with eTime DOJ completed adding an eTime button to download XML to a users C:\ drive.

  1. Progress Report for Natural Resources Form design

  2. Dave Frey gave demo of the new DNR citation form and reports.

  3. No modifications were requested.

  4. CCAP XML completed

  5. ECitation transmission needs testing

  6. Will be available in the 2009 TraCS pack.

  1. Progress Report for Parental Notification Letter design

  2. Dave Frey issued copies of the MUNI parental notification letter.

  3. Modifications requested were to add a bitmap on the header that each agency may replace with their custom bitmap

  4. Talked about adding a checkbox to indicate if letter was sent, but decided not to include for this form.

  5. Both the ELCI and MUNI have been completed.

  6. Will be available in the 2009 TraCS pack.

  1. Progress Report for Redesigned MUNI Citation

  2. Discussed that both the Alcohol/Tobacco and Misdemeanor contain all the fields on the existing MUNI. The only thing to add would be the Board of Regents to the table.

  3. Discussed whether to create 2 new printed reports for the Alcohol/Tobacco and Misdemeanor citations or whether to use the existing MUNI form layout. The committee voted to use the existing MUNI form and change the name from “Municipal Citation” to “Wisconsin Non Traffic Citation”. If a need arises to create the original style report, this can be incorporated in a patch.

  4. Will be available in the 2009 TraCS pack.

  1. Existing Enhancement list for 2009 TraCS Pack

  2. Discussed Form enhancements for 2009 TraCS Pack

  3. FAC voted to remove the Court Date table creation for both the ELCI and MUNI citations. This would require too much manual intervention on agencies part. They would need to add all court times and dates for every court, apply the table modifications to each machine and make modifications to the schedules. The decision to drop this request was unanimous.

  4. Adding the ability to void a citation without validating is being rejected for business reasons by DOT. This would allow incomplete void citation information to be sent to CCAP.

  5. FAC voted to remove the “Must Have” request to replicate common information on an ELCI to the new form.

  1. New Form Enhancement Requests from our Issue Tracker – Need voting.

  2. We then proceeded to discuss the proposed form enhancement requests that were generated since our last meeting. These requests came to us from the Badger/TraCS email. The committee voted on whether to add these request to the 2009 TraCS Pack.

The items below were discussed. The FAC decision is included after each item.

September 22, 2008 - Suggestions for FAC


Should receive an error if occupant is in a child seat and the date of birth year is 1908(example) CAR. FAC decision: Must Have

Officer should not be allowed to put a * in for a middle initial - should only be allowed a alpha - also this officer never even included a DOB - should be required - 080400910 – CAR FAC decision: Must Have

Add Lat/Long to street tables so that GPS coordinates can be recorded for intersection crashes. Rich Stein Add fields in table and validation rules in prep for time when WISLR is able to do this FAC decision: Nice To Have

Should receive an error when abbreviation for a color of a vehicle does not match Vehicle Color Codes Table – CAR FAC decision: Must Have

If officer has property owner name address but forgets city, state and zip should receive either an error or warning – CAR FAC decision: Must Have – Warning message

Should not be allowed to put the Sex Code "U" - only M or F - abended batch – CAR FAC decision: Must Have – Error message

Give warning if Driver zip is missing. FAC decision: Must Have

Give warning if owner zip is missing. FAC decision: Must Have

When PCC of "Other" is chosen, have a separate field open up where the officer would be required to describe what the "Other" is. Request from the FARS analysts. FAC decision: Must Have

Do not allow Unit Status of Non Contact for single unit accidents FAC decision: Must Have

Do not allow single unit operating as 'O' no matter what the unit type. (BPN) FAC decision: Must Have

TraCS always looks for so many feet/miles from the nearest intersection, or if at an intersection, the code description still doesn’t match how we Geo-Verify locations in our RMS. But there is a simple solution… if we added a single, new location field in the TraCS Crash & ELCI forms that bypassed the validation/error rules, and had an XML tag that could be exported & mapped to an RMS, each agency could insure the TraCS files would always match their own unique database. The new field could be labeled <UniqueLocation> and we could use that instead of importing the TraCS. (That way our officers in the field can enter the location in this field the way our RMS will accept and verify it.) So we both get what we want without causing the other any grief. <UniqueLocation> would be only a single field (i.e. the street address) and the remaining city/state fields would remain the same. Mark Rohloff Monroe PD FAC decision: Table for Mark’s input

Crash Not Feasible

Grayed out fields on Crash report hard to read in PDF format. Lighten the highlight color (Madison PD)

Driver Condition

Add a field for date of report that can't be back date. Jill Reeve FAC decision: Get More Info Have


Change label on DA routing field to "Routing." Drop down list choices displayed should be "Court" and "District Attorney." Tracy Brown FAC decision: Don’t Want

On a replicated ELCI only have access to violation, court info, and agency space. (Wauwatosa Police Department) Why, when an officer replicates a ticket, are all the fields on the new ticket available to be changed if that is something that should never be done? Wouldn't it make all of our lives a bit easier if an officer could only have access to violation, court info, and agency space? FAC decision: Can’t Have, Don’t Want - new re-link function may resolve this issue

Allow combination of trailers and operating class D. Error0 608 (State Patrol.) FAC decision: Must Have – Make a Warning

Populate the form description with the court type (Rice Lake PD) FAC decision: Don’t Want

Violation Time field populates with computer system time which could be 24:00. 24:00 isn't a valid time in database. Form can't save. Have validation rule to stop the use of 24:00 if database can't be changed. FAC decision: Must Have – Update required for eCitation

If there is a mandatory court date then the bond amount must be removed. If it is not removed, then the defendant can pay without going to court. This becomes an issue when the defendant must be informed of possible suspensions of their license. Can the system be changed to automatically delete the bond amount if the mandatory court appearance is set to yes? (Ashwaubenon, Kris VerVaeren) FAC decision: Don’t Want

Can eCitation send ELCIs, which is for the DA also to the Court? (Todd Rasmussen, Waupaca CO) FAC decision: Don’t Want

TraCS always looks for so many feet/miles from the nearest intersection, or if at an intersection, the code description still doesn’t match how we Geo-Verify locations in our RMS. But there is a simple solution…if we added a single, new location field in the TraCS Crash & ELCI forms that bypassed the validation/error rules, and had an XML tag that could be exported & mapped to an RMS, each agency could insure the TraCS files would always match their own unique database. The new field could be labeled <UniqueLocation> and we could use that instead of importing the TraCS. (That way our officers in the field can enter the location in this field the way our RMS will accept and verify it.) So we both get what we want without causing the other any grief. Mark Rohloff Monroe PD FAC decision: Tabled for Mark input

  1. Is it possible to lock/gray out the name information fields when someone hits the replicate button. This would prevent replication errors - and when deputies try to change the name information to a different person - they would be out of luck. Dane County Sheriff FAC decision: Don’t Want – New re-link function may resolve this issue

  2. Dane County Sheriff - The offense table lists 346.04(1) and 346.04(2) with the same description "FAIL/OBEY TRAFFIC OFFICER SIGN/SIGNAL". (1) Applies to officers signals and (2) applies to signs. If we could differentiate them somehow it would be beneficial. I would suggest the following:



FAC decision: Must Have – Needs approval from Mary Jackson.


Change label on DA routing field to "Routing." Drop down list choices displayed should be "Court" and "District Attorney." Tracy Brown Don't change underlying code values, just code text. FAC decision: Don’t Want

Instead of using the LENF_AGENCY_CM field for the incident number, would you consider adding a new field for the incident number? Most incident numbers are formatted 9999-999999, incident year and incident number, (e.g. 2008-000001). Most vendors will have a 4 digit year for the incident year "2008". Some vendors will have a longer incident number. (TiPSS) FAC decision: Already Approved with Case Number addition

Allow accept and reject process flows on MUNI. Rich Stein. FAC decision: Must Have - Add new process flows.

Request that the agency space for the MUNI citation or the narrative for the MUNI be visible at the court level is for court ordered restitution. An example would be when we issued a citation for Issuance of worthless check we always include the amount of restitution that is requested by the victim. If the defendant defaults, does not appear in court, the commissioner does not see the officer copy of the report and therefore cannot order the amount of restitution requested by the victim. I was using that agency space to write the restitution amount but have recently discovered that it does not go through to the court level. The clerk of courts would really like this information. Mequon PD FAC decision: Already Prints, Do not Change


Numerous changes are being made to the warning form. Should the State Patrol form # be removed? Is it still their form? JLS FAC decision: Must Have

Make warning # follow same format as MUNI citation #. FAC decision: Must Have

FAC Member topic suggestions

On the Warning entry screen, change the title of “Licensed As”. FAC decision: Tabled

The meeting was adjourned.

Minutes by David Frey




12/24/08 - Notes

Friday, February 2, 2018

9:13 AM


Badger TraCS Forms Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, January 24, 2008

Attendees: Jenny Schmidt-DMV/TAS, Brian Neil-DMV/TAS, David Frey-DMV/TAS, Teresa Severson-DMV/CWS, Krist Boldt-Dane County, Rich Stein-Milwaukee PD, Mark Rohloff-Monroe PD, Martin Schrampfer-Menasha PD, Stacy Hopke-Burnett County, Jason Lauby-Town of Rome PD, Michael Reardon-River Falls PD, John Daniel-DNR.

Absent: Jeffrey Schwitz, Michael Newton-DSP.

We opened the meeting by giving progress reports for projects we are working on. They are listed below.

  1. Progress Report for Spanish MUNI citation

  2. Translation was provided by Milwaukee PD and DOT translators

  3. Form to print has been completed and tested

  4. Will be available in the February 2008 patch

  5. Progress Report for Violation table redesign

  6. Developed to eliminate untimely citation updates – we can now issue statute modifications in a monthly patch.

  7. Both Violations_MUNI and Violations_WI statute tables have been updated with the most current statute amounts.

  8. Moved the Court fee to the court table. This amount will add to the statute amounts.

  9. Eliminated local fees usage on the Violations_MUNI and Violations_WI tables

  10. Will be available in the February 2008 patch

  11. Progress Report for ELCI numbering

  12. Jenny Schmidt gave demo of new method for managing and replenishing ELCI citation

numbers. This new method would allow multiple alpha prefixes to be used.

  1. Consensus of the committee was that this application would be a very useful

  2. Will be available in the 2009 TraCS pack.

  3. Progress Report for Universal MDI

  4. This feature is being developed with the Department of Justice.

  5. The purpose of creating a Universal MDI is to enable a TraCS supported interface between any vendors MDB (Mobile Data Browser) and TraCS.

  6. It would also enable an interface between Etime and TraCS.

  7. If DOJ completes their modifications, this could be available in the 2009 TraCS pack.

  8. Progress Report for Natural Resources Form design

  9. Dave Frey gave demo of the new DNR citation form and asked for input.

  10. John Daniel from the DNR will be mocking up the new citation reports to be printed.

  11. New tables and validations will be added in the next few months.

  12. Will be available in the 2009 TraCS pack.

We then proceeded to discuss the proposed form enhancement requests that were generated from the Wisconsin Dells TraCS User meeting in the fall of 2007. We asked the committee to discuss each form enhancement request and categorize the proposed enhancement into one of three categories; “Must Have”, “Would Like to Have”, and “Don’t Want”. The “Must Have” category will be priority enhancements that will be worked on for the 2009 TraCS Pack Release. The “Would Like to Have” enhancements will be tabled for a later TraCS release unless they are easy to implement. The “Don’t Want” enhancements will be removed from our list of future enhancements.

In the morning session, Brian Neil led the discussion on the Crash form enhancements. In the afternoon session, Dave Frey and Jennifer Schmidt led the discussion on the ELCI, MUNI, Warning, Alcohol and other miscellaneous form and table enhancements. The result of those discussions and FAC prioritization are listed below.

Form Enhancement – Crash Forms

Crash Must Have


  1. Vehicle Type field does not seem to populate consistently with changes to field #21 Unit Type for a given Unit #, e.g. Unit 01, Unit 02, etc. Seems to work for automobile but not other types. Solution: Training issue, Update field help to describe proper method for completing this field.

  2. No vehicle make of “Case” Tractor. Solution: Coordinate with CCAP to add additional makes.

  3. Allow UNK in all areas of hit and run vehicle. If all information you have for the unit is hit and run, then you should not have to complete the unknown.

  4. Use Road Surface type list table from FatalSupplement. Then autopop this value on the CrashtoFatalSupplement autopop. Solution: (This has been completed.)

  5. Add Date of birth to owner name section to differentiate drivers with the same name. Solution: Add Owner date of birth and validate warning if owner and driver are different.


Crash Nice To Have

  1. Move unit status to first field in-group.

  2. Fields 35, 36 vehicle plate type and vehicle type are too restricted. There are many possible combinations that cannot be entered given the restrictions that these fields impose. Example – A motorcycle carrying a placard able amount of HAZMAT. Using class C as a license type will not allow a motorcycle to be entered into the vehicle type or CYC as a plate type. Using Class M for the license type will make the Commercial Motor Vehicle field to change to No regardless of what the officer entered. OR A van pulling a large trailer is entered as a class A vehicle. A plate type of AUT or LTK will not be allowed in the plate type field. Vehicle types are also limited if Class A is chosen. Solution: Create a validation Warning on this condition

  3. Entering Class A or B for Operating as DL Class limits the vehicle types that can be accepted. E.g. a LTK with a large trailer may require a Class A license. This will fail validation. A driver operating a dump truck requiring a Class B license may have his/her truck improperly registered with a LTK plate. This will fail validation. Solution: Create a validation Warning on this condition

  4. Allow no owner information when some vehicle information is found on hit and run as for legally parked vehicles. Solution: Tabled pending more information on what this request means.


Crash Don’t Want


  1. Vehicle configuration mouse-over text should be updated to reflect changes in truck/bus section. Requires sending data bar back to TEG. Not approved by FAC

  2. Alphabetize first harm/most harm list. Not approved by FAC

Crash Not Feasible


  1. Vehicle damage data bar does not allow the short cut of entering a single digit and pressing enter. Must either press tab first or enter the leading zero. (Technical Reason)

  2. Be able to enter double trailers. (Technical Reason)

  3. Do not require the DL Classification validation if legally parked. (Business Reason)

  4. Allow for GIS/ORTHO based crash diagram.) Capable of doing already, but not a good idea to use.

  5. Allow insurance company information for legally parked vehicles rather than changing to Not Required. (Business Reason)– Information not required – include this in the narrative if you want to see it.

Form Enhancement - Deer Crash

Deer Crash Must Have

  1. Do not allow validation with Operating as 'M' and CMV = 'Yes'

  2. Add Date of birth to owner name section to differentiate drivers with the same name. Solution: Add Owner date of birth and validate warning if owner and driver are different.

Deer Crash Nice To Have

Move unit status to first field in-group.

Deer Crash Not Feasible


Put property information on this form to allow both domestic and non domestic animals to be used on this form. (Business Reason)

Form Enhancement – ELCI Form

ELCI Must Have

  1. Autopop accident severity and Accident Document Number from ELCI to ELCI.

  2. The $8.00 truck driver surcharge should only be added to civil charges, not crimes.

  3. Speeding in school or construction zones will validate even if School or Construction zones are not indicated in the Roadway zones field.

  4. If the violation is OMVWI with passenger under age 16 is chosen, the field of Underage Passenger can still be N and the validation will not catch this.

  5. Violation table should clearly indicate which violations are crimes

  6. Add Court date table, allow each agency to populate it from TableManager, and allow a dropdown list to select the court date, time and expiration date from the table

  7. Replicate phone number – Already done.

  8. Require entry in “Location” field where the violation occurs. Require an Error message if location information is not completed. FAC decided on a “Warning” validation on this condition.

  9. Ability needed to Void a citation without validating. On 2007 list.

  10. Have at least a warning or better yet a validation rule that if the plaintiff is "State of Wisconsin" the local ordinance number and ordinance fields need to be blank? Problem we are running into is I have those fields set to default to our local adopting ordinance for traffic laws however if it is a criminal traffic ticket and the officer enters thru those fields they fill in and sometimes the officer fails to clear them. Criminal traffic tickets should not have local ordinance information on them. (Most of our tickets are non-criminal traffic hence the default) I think we need to verify that no one has any reason why local ordinances would be listed on a criminal ticket (there shouldn't be) and make it a validation. If for some strange (and probably not compliant with law) reason someone does then make it a warning. FAC decided that if criminal, create a warning if ordinance number is > 0.

  11. ELCI/MUNI/Warning Citations - Give ability to make corrections on all “Issued” forms and then requires them to be “ReIssued”. This could be a Supervisor only option. Having to reissue a new citation, and void the old one takes a lot of time. (Note: if this does not violate business rules, we will allow. This request needs further investigation)

  12. Change replicate to disable the common information so that the only field the officer may change is the statute.

  13. When you run out of citation numbers, don’t allow more citations to be issued. – This could be done by adding a validation if “blank” citation number.

  14. Allow different prefixes for citations. (i.e. one letter on one range and another letter for the secondary range).

  15. Populate ordinance if statute is entered.

ELCI Nice To Have


  1. Expand shortcut table to add actual speed and speed limit. When these type of shortcuts are selected, automatically populate these fields on the ELCI.

  2. Won’t validate if Class A vehicle is chosen and LTK is chosen under plate type. A pickup could be pulling a large enough trailer to make the combination a “Class A vehicle” It appears that APO or HTK or perhaps some other plate types must be in the plate type to successfully validate. . Solution: Create a validation Warning on this condition

  3. Validate ELCI to catch speed differential not in line with the violation description Ex Exceeding speed zones (40-44 mph) should validate against calculated speed over. This could be accomplished by adding a column to the statute table to include minimum and maximum speeds for the statute. Same for BAC ticket for .10+ should not validate if entry is .06

  4. Add a line on the printed ELCI to separate Narrative from Highway conditions.

ELCI Don’t Want


  1. Add a key function in statute to open statute shortcuts Not approved by FAC, But default to Offense Radio Button.

  2. Put Box around Violation Description & Bond amount similar to other boxed fields. Not approved by FAC.

  3. A ticket with a different county name from the court information will validate. This should create a warning. Not approved by FAC

  4. Allow court date set in the past to allow officers to issue PAC that tracks along with the OWI citation. Not approved by FAC. They felt this was a training issue

  5. Add dashes in the DL number field. When an error occurs that DL does not match DOR, it is easier to verify when the dashes are present. Not approved by FAC

  6. Customize court information so agencies with muni courts can put appropriate local court information in. Not approved by FAC

  7. Add check box to note “Agency Withdrawable” so that it appears on all 3 copies of ELCI for reference. Can’t use agency space because RMS uses this to pick up their call number). Not approved by FAC

  8. Add PO box and Apartment number to address line. Not approved by FAC

  9. ELCI/MUNI/Warnings Citations – The “At Direction” or “At Hwy Direction” makes it too confusing. Make the location information freeform to enable it to be input the way we talk. (ie On N US 41 @ CTH M) Not approved by FAC

  10. If the driver is operating as a Class A, a plate status of TRL will not be accepted. A combination truck and trailer may easily have a TRL plate on the trailer. The officer wants to enter the trailer for vehicle information because it may be that the violation is on the trailer. Not approved by FAC


ELCI Not Feasible

  1. Court date should allow “To be notified” or “To be set” - (Business Reason)

  2. Allow external search options for Statute number. (Technical Reason)

  3. Can’t enter Canadian zip codes even it “YT” is entered for state/province. (Technical Reason).

  4. Special characters in the narrative would cause tickets to fail when the clerks tried to send them to CCAP (Business Reason)

  5. Date citation served cannot be future date. Some agencies want to have a future date when mailing citations. Consider allowing a three-day future date “grace period.” . Should allow if method citation served is “Mailed.” (Business Reason).

  6. Blue bar vs dotted bar – Make all defaults behave the same. Some defaults do not highlight the blue bar. (Technical Reason)

  7. Customize for quicker disposition use. (ie. Preload court name and number; list of adjudication possibilities; etc) (Business Reason)

  8. Address field needs to accept ½ streets. (Technical Reason)

  9. County trunk highways not listed under Townships, Villages, etc. (Business Reason)

  10. Make the court information fields editable to manually enter changes of address, room number, time, etc. to accommodate differences when the citation is a traffic crime as opposed to a forfeiture action. Many courts have different locations for people to appear based on the type of charge. (Business Reason)

Form Enhancement – MUNI Form

MUNI Must Have

  1. Need to add more positions in ordinance # field.

  2. If address same as defendant in parent/guardian section changes from “Y” to “N’, should the address field be cleared out? (What about the Crash Form address same as operator?) It currently leaves the address populated on the form.

  3. Agency space was added but where would you like it printed? Already done.

  4. Should there be a U for unknown for the race field?

  5. Possibly move the wording of MUNICIPAL CITATION from the bottom of the MUNI to the top to help distinguish the form from the ELCI.

  6. Add Court date table, allow each agency to populate it from TableManager, and allow a dropdown list to select the court date,time and expiration date from the table

  7. Require entry in “Location” field where the violation occurs. Require an Error message if location information is not completed. FAC decided to create a Warning validation.

  8. Allow “AutoPopulate” to copy all MUNI to MUNI information except the statute including Location of Incident for adding additional defendants. (i.e. Underage drinking party where several kids are getting tickets at same location and time)

  9. Autopopulate and replicate phone number

  10. Populate ordinance if statute is entered.

MUNI Nice To Have

Lengthen field length for restrictions on printout. Current restrictions “cut off” descriptions and/or Ordinance numbers on some lengthier fields.

MUNI Don’t Want

  1. Should the ordinance description field gray out after selecting an ordinance #. Not approved by FAC

  2. Doesn’t allow traffic statute numbers that adopt to ordinance numbers. Not approved by FAC

  3. Customize court information so agencies with MUNI courts can put appropriate local court information in. Not approved by FAC

  4. Add PO box and Apartment number to address line. Not approved by FAC

MUNI Not Feasible

  1. Allow date citation served as a future date. (Business Reason)

  2. Customize for quicker disposition use. (ie. Preload court name and number; list of adjudication possibilities; etc) (Business Reason)

  3. Address field needs to accept ½ streets. (Technical Reason)

Form Enhancement – Warning Form


Warning Must Have

  1. Should we put different description on the search for local ordinances? It currently doesn’t say where to do the search. This is done on the description field. – Already done

  2. Agency space was added, but where would you like it printed? – Already done

  3. Should the agency comments print on one or more of the reports? FAC decided to print this on the officer copy.

  4. If the on street information is too long, the At street information is cut off on the printed report.

  5. Print Narrative to be printed on Officer and Office copy of the form.

  6. Autopopulate and replicate phone number

  7. Print half pages only – Training Issue.

Warning Don’t Want


  1. Display Bond amount and points on Warning to let violator know how much they saved by avoiding a ticket. Not approved by FAC

  2. Enable an option checkbox on Statute number and description to allow them to enter what they want without the new validation check against the tables. Not approved by FAC

Form Enhancement – Alcohol Form

Alcohol Nice to Have


  1. Defendant ID type has 2 options. DL, ID, or other. Should allow entry of what type of “Other” ID was used.

  2. Have Informing the Accused form available in other languages – Spanish, Hmong, etc



Alcohol Don’t Want


  1. Our blood results all get sent to our court officer. Allow Officer name to default to the court officer instead of the officer logged in. Not approved by FAC

  2. Add date and timestamp to Informing the Accused report. Not approved by FAC

Form Enhancement - Driver Exchange Form


Driver Exchange Must Have


Add vehicle year, make, model, and Vin to form and print. This will enable us to use as a non-reportable parking lot accident form.


Form Enhancements to ALL Forms

ALL Forms Must Have

  1. Add Case Number field that can be autopopulated to all forms. FAC decided this should be an ALPHA Police Number field.

  2. Separate the name field like Last, First, Middle on the printed forms to differentiate complex names. FAC decided comma after Last name only

  3. Add Date of birth to name sections to differentiate drivers with the same name.

  4. Ensure Autopopulate between all like forms.

  5. Make an attachment option to each form (within the form) that you could copy and paste Drivers Record or Vehicle Registration information. (Similar to a Word document.) FAC approved, but you may not copy and paste the Driver Record. Statutes say this is not legal.

  6. Add full Narrative to all forms. Attachment option in #5 will accomplish this.

  7. City of violation should allow for default to be set on all forms.


ALL Forms Don’t Want


Change the way the forms are listed on add contact by spacing them further apart with bigger icons. Touch screens sometimes open the wrong form if you have fat fingers. – We can arrange differently, but cannot space differently. Not approved by FAC

Table Enhancements

Table Enhancements Must Have

  1. Add a Court date , time and expiration dateTable for citations

  2. Add column to Violations_Local to add column for adopting state statute field. Several of our municipally ordinance adopt a state statute. When we enter an ordinance number on the table manager, could we make it so we could automatically enter the “Adopts State Statute” without having to type it on the citation always? Then when one is selected, the other fills in.

Table Enhancements Don’t Want

Our municipal court increases bond amounts for OAS 2,3, and 4 citations. Tried to update the bond amounts as a “local fee” on the table manager, but got an error saying it wasn’t allowed. Could it be possible for us to increase the state statute bond amounts? Not approved by FAC

TraCS Software Enhancements


TraCS Software Enhancements Must Have


  1. On Manager Screen, list court name and date. (Agencies with multiple courts). This will make transfer to courts less cumbersome. This will be available on the Ecitation

  2. On Manager Screen, allow option to put your own label (Agency Incident #) so it shows up on the Manager Screen. FAC would also like to see the Police Number.

  3. Update patches for TraCS needs to be made more user-friendly to install.

TraCS Software Enhancements Not Feasible

  1. Follow industry standards by using “TAB” key to navigate from field to field instead of “Enter” key. (Also “Shift-Tab to navigate backwards) (Technical Reason) - This is a TraCS 10 enhancement

  2. Make menu Manager customizable for each agency – TraCS 10

  3. Enable scrollable mouse. TraCS 10

  4. Add common contacts for frequent violators – TraCS 10


Next Meeting – April, 2008.

The meeting was adjourned.

Minutes by David Frey

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email badgertracs@dot.wi.gov or call 608-267-2096