Incident Workgroup Notes

Badger TraCS Guides

Incident Workgroup Notes

Incident Workgroup Notes

Agenda - June 27, 2019

Thursday, June 27, 2019

8:43 AM


TraCS Incident Form Work Group


DSP De Forest Post – Large Conference Room

June 27, 2019 – 9:00 – 3:00 PM

9:00 Introductions o Where are you from, what’s your area of responsibility and why are you here?

9:15 Review Charter

9:30 Demo from Iowa

10:30 Break

10:45 Demo - DSP Incident Mgmt System

11:00 What is an incident?

  • What is the process for entering an incident? o How do you handle Arrests, Evidence, Property, Vehicles?

  • What outputs do you want? o This may help identify what data elements we need. o Submit IBR data to DOJ/Feds o Evidence report?

  • Where will data need to be sent to?

  • DOJ

  • DA

12:15 Lunch on your own: (There are lots of options - not necessarily good options - within walking 2-minute drive: Subway, Taco Bell, Arby’s, Culver’s, Rocky Rococo and Burger King)

1:00 Review of data elements: o Hand out current samples of work group incident forms o IBRs requirements

State/agency requirements

2:45 Discuss dates for the next meetings and meeting locations



FINAL - Notes - June 27, 2019

Thursday, June 27, 2019

8:25 AM


TraCS Incident Form Work Group Meeting Notes


DSP De Forest Post – Large Conference Room

June 27, 2019 – 9:00 – 3:00 PM

Work Group Team / Attendees:





Lewis Yetter

Chippewa CO Sheriff


Tim Strohbusch

Clear Lake PD

Via Skype

Kevin Barman



Stanley Ridgeway

Durand PD


Shawn McGee

Hartford Township PD


Daniel Heimann

Ho-Chunk Nation PD


Booker Ferguson

Sparta PD


Candy Tork

Stevens Point PD


Bryan Hasse

Town of Beloit PD


Jeni Lutz

UW Stevens Point Police and Security


William Jeschke

Waterford PD


Timothy McCormack

WI State Capitol Police


Travis Lauer

Wisconsin State Patrol


Brenda Ray



Derek Veitenheimer



Geraldine Polster

DSP - Badger TraCS


Brian Neil

DSP - Badger TraCS


Alesha Brown



David Harvey (BU)



Darlene Schwartz

DSP - Badger TraCS


Aaron Covaleski

DSP - Badger TraCS




Introductions - Where are you from, what’s your area of responsibility and why are you here?

  • Alesha Brown: DOJ - Works with Incident Based Reporting

  • Derek Veitenheimer: DOJ - manager of the Incident Based Reporting

  • Darlene Schwartz: DSP - TraCS program manager

  • Aaron Covaleski: DSP - TraCS Summer Intern

  • Brian Neil: DSP - TraCS Developer

  • Geri Polster: DSP - TraCS Developer

  • Dave Harvey: DSP--in the place of Mark Fetzer or Travis Lauer. DSP took a paper form and put into their own home grown system. Clumsy electronic form. Does summary based form. Issues with working in 72 different counties - each county wants something different. Need standardization. DSP does not have RMS.

  • Jeni Lutz: UW Stevens Point PD--They use Sleet RMS - currently doing summary based program

  • Candy Tork: Stevens Point PD--They use TriTech RMS. They state it is reaching its end of life. Portage CO. and Plover are looking for a new RMS. May be interested in TraCS.

  • Kevin Barman: DNR--Currently uses a Word document for their Incident form. Doesn't work for UCR or RMS. Lots of work now for reporting and inaccurate.

  • Daniel Heimann: Ho-Chuck Nation PD--small agency. They don't have an RMS. May be interested in TraCS. Currently uses a word form. They are in 15 counties. Every DA has different format.

  • Timothy McCormack: State Capitol PD--Want to provide input into form at the ground floor. They currently have an RMS.

  • Bryan Hasse: Town of Beloit--TraCS admin, was on FAC. They use Spillman along with their entire county (Rock CO). Nice for standardization. Not sure how it works. They are struggling with Spillman 200 errors. A mess right now. They also use Spillman to do their report writing and their evidence reporting, booking, etc.

  • Stanley Ridgeway: Durand PD--Omega RMS wants to get rid of current system.

  • Shawn McGee: Hartford Township PD--asking for it all the time so since loud mouth about should help. Uses word document. One central area makes more sense

  • Brenda Ray: DA IT-eReferrals from Law Enforcement- has schema

  • Booker Ferguson: Sparta PD--has RMS wants to see how it will work. Flexability.

On Skype / Phone

Tim Strohbusch: Clear Lake PD, same conversation all over country. Don't have an RMS. Help standardize collection. Officers easily fill out a new form. Thinks it will be easy to build but hard to integrate into TraCS.

Demo from Iowa

  • Josh Halterman TraCS National Program Manager

    • Josh was willing to remote in and show our group how Iowa uses their Incident form as well as their evidence and arrest forms and how they work (validation rules, work flow, etc)

  • NIBRS form.

    • Turns on and off the validation rules with an .ini file.

      • When on it performs the validations in TraCS.

      • When off it exports to XML for RMS to import and process.

    • They allow for a Date and Time range to be used on the form.

    • Collect data imports into RMS no reporting or uses ini setting

    • Transmits to Department of Public Safety

    • Master charge code table.

      • Everyone uses the same charging table in Iowa.

      • Login checks for updates and grabs updated table.

      • Contains UCR codes from the charge

        • Statutes with multiple UCR codes have the codes displayed on a pick list.

    • Local ordinance tables may need to have UCR codes added.

    • Lesser offence

      • Potential

    • 2 narratives one for public release

    • Property crimes very complicated.

      • Validation rules for victim(s)

        • If the type is not allowed, then give an error

        • I.e. Trespassing, the victim type must be Society (not the property owner)

    • Case validations rules

    • If the initial report is referred, than a supplemental form is issued.

      • Example a Supplemental report for a detective.

      • Goes along with the original NIBRS form as a follow up report

      • Does not duplicate the UCR Statute

  • Arrest form

    • This form is not transmitted

  • ECAT – Evidence Collection and Tracking

    • Track through entire life cycle.

      • Sent to different locations

      • Tested returned or in a box

      • Linked evidence list with evidence management system.

    • Form transmits to Evident Management System

    • One piece of evidence per form.

      • Have replicate ability to create additional forms.

    • Amending

      • Open, Edit, Validate and Retransmit

    • Logging

      • Does no capture which fields were changed.

      • If captured all changes, the log file would be huge.

  • Iowa form Stability

    • The incident form is pretty stable. No major changes in the last 3 years.

    • Validation rules are continually updated.


Badger TraCS Forms Questions and how it works in relation to Iowa's

  • Ordinance

    • Already have UCR Code field.

  • Arrest report

    • Use for multiple incidents transfer the information from arrest to the multiple incidents.

    • Use for an warrant arrests from other agencies.

  • Master Index

    • Can already do in WI

    • Who maintains the Master Index? How we set up or configure TraCS forms maintains the master index fairly well.

  • Logging changes

    • Citations only after issuance

  • Large Attachments

    • File upload on attachment form.

    • Limiting size to 2 mg and store in the database.

    • Files over 2 mg are the local agencies responsibility to store.


Review "draft" Incident Form Work Group Charter

  • Committee Resources: Discussion

    • Is TraCS a good option for the Incident form?

      • DSP and DNR plan to use it

      • It may be a little different than Iowa's form with DNR included

    • It's not a question of should it happen, the challenge is everyone has a different scenario, with initial roll out, is it going to meet everybody's basic needs

      • Having form abilities to replace Spillman would be great for one, but not necessarily everyone

      • Maybe the intention is start at the base level, as it grows, we'll add as needed. No rush, can be a 2 -3 year process. Messaging is important, not meant to be a total replacement, it's a start. Overtime it will improve. Filling a void. (Filling a need, not replacing, give an option)

      • Base level fills a void, fills a need but not mandatory

        • Not a question if it "should happen", just need to try and meet everyone's basic requirements

      • Be cognizant of those agencies that already have an RMS, we don't want them to spend a lot to import the data into their RMS.

      • Not replacing RMS

      • Can we import data and can we share info. with other agencies? How do we import outside information?

        • Madison PD - has a central database and hosts 8-10 other local agencies. The have an agreement, not sure if or how they share data

        • DOT/DSP looking at setting up a centralized DB using Web Services for small agencies that are still on Access. Initially, there may not be data sharing, but getting small agencies off of Access. Down the road can look at Sharing.

        • Information Sharing is of high interest, but that is in the future. Need to focus on collecting the incident data first.

  • Purpose: Discussion

    • Don't sell as a replacement, not shooting for the stars off the bat.

    • This isn't about the RMS, the main objective is the need for an incident form.

    • This is an incident form only. Add something about identifying other associated forms that go along with it.

  • Decision Making Authority: Discussion

    • Who will own the form once it's all done?

      • DOJ would make the most sense. If they do not want to be the owner, than it will go to the FAC.

  • Need supplemental form on incident form to help ease the process

Demo of the DSP Incident Management System

  • It was developed based off the paper form

  • No drop down lists, no consistency in data input

  • They don't have a map section and it only handles one vehicle (not multiple vehicles)

  • They use this for non-arrest stuff such as provided assistance to the Golf Tournament, etc

  • Having a statewide standard form would be amazing

  • May continue to use, but only for non-arrest items.

What is an incident?

What is the process for entering an incident? How do you handle Arrests, Evidence, Property, Vehicles?

  • Tim--like alcohol form, like current arrest, jail booking form.

    • Incorporate call for service and citizen contact form.

    • One form that can be expanded to do multiple functions

    • Should be able to tag the name as:

      • Victim

      • Reporter

      • Suspect

    • Location is an important item to capture.

  • Dan-- What is an incident exactly? Special event still need a narrative.

    • Toggle reportable/non reportable

    • No validation rules, just go straight to narrative.

    • Could be used for other types of incidents: lost cat, other items.

  • Bryan-- warrant arrest and select other forms

    • Arrest

    • Incident

    • Agency field for non-reportable.

      • 24 hour report

      • Civil incident

      • Human trafficking - this is a big new one

    • Field for transmitting to different locations

    • Burglary

      • Officer narrative

      • General information

      • Property

      • Case management

      • Word documents sometimes

  • Shawn

    • Jail booking on word document

    • Routing list for transmission

    • Mail run or property check/ run incident reports.

  • Brenda

    • Deadline :

    • We have to realistic with what we can deliver in a certain time

      • UCR start with getting agencies compliant with 2021 dead line.

    • Later

      • What needs for DA

      • What needs for RMS

  • Try to create roadmap for the future


What outputs do you want?

  • This may help identify what data elements we need. (Submit IBR data to DOJ/Feds--Evidence report?)

    • eReferral to DAIT

    • IBR

    • Probation/parole

    • Drugs/prescriptions

    • Overdose requirements (Hyda OD map)

    • Cleary – report of specific crimes

      • Similar the UCR

    • Human trafficking

    • Local drug unit

    • Native American drug

    • SAR (Suspicious Activity Reporting)

    • Child Protection Services

Who for:

  • Officer

  • Offense

    • Citation

    • Statute number

  • Mapping by location

    • Multiple locations 6 different locations.

  • Vehicle

  • Very good narrative section.

Ownership of form:

  • Still need to have the ability to open someone else's reports.

  • Still need to be able to transfer ownership of form between users.

Arrest means:

  • Non custody booking form

  • Different than suspect arrested with charge

  • Booked and finger printed

  • Referred did they get an atn tracking number

Property index.

Logging discussion:

  • Would like to see logging of all field changes. (B. Hasse)

  • Need to define a place / time to start the logging.

    • Citations log field changes after the citation is issued.



  • Start with Iowa form

    • They might have the ATN--Arrest Trans Booking No.

      • Remove this field


Discuss dates for the next meetings and meeting locations:

  • Tomah Academy ?

  • Stevens Point UW in August

  • Tues Wed Thurs

  • Not August 14th -16

  • Last week Tues 20th


Action Items:

  • DSP to create the Incident SharePoint site

  • ALL: Review IOWA forms and make suggestions for WI customization.



Agenda - August 20, 2019

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

11:15 AM


TraCS Incident Form Work Group Agenda

UW Stevens Point - Chemistry Biology Building - Room 109

2101 4th Ave, Stevens Point

August 20, 2019 – 9:00 – 3:00 PM

9:00 Introductions

9:10 Review last meeting notes

9:20 Finalize Charter


9:30 Review Mocked up 'basic federal requirements' form

10:30 Break

10:45 Continue review of Mocked up form

12:15 Lunch on your own

1:00 Review of data elements:

  • State and/or Federal requirements

  • Agency requirements

2:45 Discuss dates for the next meetings and meeting locations



FINAL Notes - August 20, 2019

Monday, August 19, 2019

2:52 PM


TraCS Incident Form Work Group Meeting Notes

UW Stevens Point - Chemistry Biology Building - Room 109

2101 4th Ave, Stevens Point 

August 20, 2019 – 9:00 – 3:00 PM 


Work Group Team / Attendees:  





Lewis Yetter

Chippewa CO Sheriff


Tim Strohbusch

Clear Lake PD


Kevin Barman



Stanley Ridgeway

Durand PD


Shawn McGee

Hartford Township PD


Daniel Heimann

Ho-Chunk Nation PD


Booker Ferguson

Sparta PD


Candy Tork

Stevens Point PD


Bryan Hasse

Town of Beloit PD


Jeni Lutz

UW Stevens Point Police and Security


William Jeschke

Waterford PD


Timothy McCormack

WI State Capitol Police


Travis Lauer

Wisconsin State Patrol


Brenda Ray



Derek Veitenheimer



Geraldine Polster

DSP - Badger TraCS


Brian Neil

DSP - Badger TraCS


Alesha Brown



David Harvey (BU)



Darlene Schwartz

DSP - Badger TraCS


Mark Fetzer

DSP - Guest



Sharepoint - Still having connectivity issues

Dan Heimann and Shawn McGee


Charter Discussion:

  • Added "and identify other associated forms" in purpose from the last meeting

  • Very general and good open statement

  • Committee Sponsors

    • Both have left state service

    • Should we leave them listed and update when replacements are known?

      • Yes for now, review at next meeting.

  • Approved as presented.


Review of Mocked up "Basic Federal Requirement" form

  • Looking at what fields should be included or removed.

  • Geri explained the color coding of the form

  • Document.Status is not the approval status

    • Can form disposition and form status be linked?

      • Would need to have validation rules created.

    • Iowa uses the Accept History field to track approval

    • Change field name of 'Status' to 'Form Disposition'

      • Field label may be removed for form consistency

      • This field LE officers will not fill out this field. It is filled out based on how the field is filled out and the program assigns the 'disposition'

      • Dan feels the Supervisor can decide if the case is active vs non-active

    • Some discussion of having Supervisor status to change this field.

  • Will also be a log file associated for each form

  • Case Management will require additional discussion for tracking status of the incident.


  • Report Type

  • 'Transmission To' field

    • Is this wanted?

      • Group decided to keep this field

    • Transmissions:

      • DOJ

      • DA Protect

      • Muni Court

      • Other destinations can be added in future

      • Also, State Patrol has some email notifications when drug related charges are issued.

      • SARS

      • RMS

    • Would like to have some validation that flags this for other reports that need to be completed.

  • Reportable?

    • Non Reportable would not have validation rules run.

    • May need to define what is "Reportable"

    • Non Reportable could be used for internal tracking.

    • Officer should not be able to check this field. Based on the 'incident type' should determine if it is reportable or not.

      • List of Report Types should dictate the selection of this field.

      • This could be agency specific as well.

    • Change the 'Reportable' to 'Internal Report'

      • If yes, then have an agency field with their agency defined table with all their different issues.


Summary Group

  • Date Time Known?

    • Right now it is all or nothing. If you don't know one, then the answer is No.

    • DOJ has a date known field.

      • If No, then they use the Report Date

      • If Yes, then add the date

    • DOJ time fields are not always accurate

      • 00:00 is midnight, but officers use it for unknown

      • If date is known, must have an incident time.

    • Need to Split Date/Time into 2 separate fields

      • When Date or time is known, then grey out the range fields.

      • LE wants to keep both date and time range fields when unknown.

        • DOJ will still get Report Date if Incident Date is unknown

  • Cleared Exceptionally

    • T and W are not choices in Wisconsin

  • Date Cleared Exceptionally

    • Leave disabled, but add date when Cleared Exceptionally field is entered.

  • No of Stolen Vehicles and Number of Recovered Vehicles

    • Derived fields

      • Group would like to remove these from this location as it is already in the property group.

      • Removal of these is Deferred to FAC

  • Need to add a Cargo Theft field

    • This is a new FBI requirement

  • Would like a report of what is sent to DOJ

    • Like a transmission receipt

    • Need some warnings for stolen vehicle to be sure they are not missed.

  • Remove Incident Reported By Victim field.

  • Incident Reported by sub-group

    • Reported by table should be modified

      • Change 1 to Law Enforcement

      • Remove Officer

      • Add Anonymous

      • Add Confidential

      • Add Self

  • Reporting Victim's Sequence Number

    • This will be autogenerated and filled in.


Validation discussion

  • Would like to have more warnings than errors.

    • DOJ required fields would have errors.

  • Common Information section Individual

    • Company Name field

      • Could this be associated for "Mandatory Reporter"

      • Acting as an agent for a school, etc.

      • Do not have personal information added, just business info.

      • Should be enabled at all times

        • Non Individual entity should also have name fields enabled

          • Individual information would not be enabled.

      • Should function like the Property Owner Group

    • Add Work Phone #

    • Add email address


Offense Violation Group

  • Statute Sequence number is required by DA\Courts

  • Lessor Offenses can be removed from the form.

  • Have the ability for 10 offenses reported

  • DOJ treats all offenses the same, no lessor offenses.

  • Is there a need to document Traffic Violations cited as well?

    • The DA may want the information

    • Some DA's may not.

  • Attempted Completed

    • Remove Ongoing and Threat of Force from the table

  • Can the Citation Number be replicated into this form

    • Will need to add Citation Number to the group.

  • Bias Motivation

    • How hate crimes are tracked.

    • Need to verify the table contains all attributes needed for Wisconsin

    • Could default to either None or Unknown

      • FBI considers Unknown as something probably happened, just not sure

    • There is no data received from the courts

    • Is there a need for Other with the ability to free key in response

      • If used, DOJ would send a None to FBI

      • Group would like this.

      • Should be some review at a later date to see if some items should be added to the list,

    • This should be a multiselect field.

  • Criminal Activity

    • Looks like the animal cruelty attributes are missing from the table.

  • Weapon

    • Combination of Weapon and Automatic Weapon

    • Should be a multiselect field if it isn't already

  • Suspected of Using

    • Suspected of Using while committing the crime

  • Method of Entry

    • Two Options only

    • Deals with Burglary

    • Need validation to check Offense vs here. (must have burglary as on offense for it to show here)

  • Gang Information (up to 2)

    • Rename this to Gang Activity

    • This is a NIBRS field

    • Reconcile the Iowa and citizen contact tables.

      • Agency level table

    • Should be in any individual group

    • Could be triggered by Offense codes


Location group

  • Standard group

    • Contains both DNR and DOT information

  • Location Type

    • Has dropdown table

  • Does DOJ need to have a physical address for each incident.


Property Group

  • Can have up to 10 property details

  • Can have up to 10 vehicles

  • Can have up to 3 drugs

    • If the over 3 types is selected

      • Send that code to DOJ

      • Allow additional drugs to be added

    • Would like to have ability of 99 drugs.

      • More than that there should be a supplemental report

      • Decided to go with 25 to start.

      • Need more discussion at later date for number to start as we test.

  • Loss Type

    • List adjusts to the offense code added.

  • Property Descriptions

  • Property Value

    • Dollar value

  • Recovery Date

  • Associated Offense Sequence Number

    • Autogenerated

  • Property Details

    • Currently set at 200 characters

    • Would be beneficial to have this field

    • It would be an optional field

    • Remove this field as it is redundant with Property Description in Property Details group

  • Number of Stolen Motor Vehicle

  • Number of Recovered Motor Vehicle

    • Do LE usually complete both a stolen and recovered on separate forms?

    • Can you replicate this when you recover?

    • Some have to do 2 forms as the recovery value may not match property value.

    • When recovered vehicle is found, the recovery goes back to originating agency to update the record.

    • Should an Originating Agency field be added?

      • Helpful to remind agency to contact originating agency.

      • No.

  • Change to question: Is the recovered vehicle stolen in your jurisdiction?

    • If No, then contact the originating agency

  • Recovered Type

    • Should have agency name of the recovering agency.

      • Could have changes to the table

        • Geri made updates to the table

  • Drugs

    • Drug Type

      • NIBRS list

    • Drug Quantity

    • Measure

  • Property Details

    • Property Description

      • Need this here for master index inclusion

    • Quantity

    • SIN#

      • Rename to OAN#

        • Owner Applied Number should be the label

  • Vehicle group

    • Group would like to have vehicle type added.

    • Remove Associated Offense Sequence No as it is in Property group already.

    • Need to add ORI # field for out of state agencies that recovered property.

      • Would use violation search engine to find Wisconsin agencies.


Victim Group

  • Victim Type

    • Choice will drive what fields are enabled and disabled.

  • DOB Known

    • Iowa added DOB known with age range

  • E-Mail address

    • Nice to have, but should be optional

    • Rename to primary e-mail address

  • Alias

    • Free key

  • Skin Tone

    • Drop down list

    • Discussion

      • This is too subjective to interpretation

    • Group votes to remove this field.

  • Scars, Marks, Tattoos

    • Free Key

  • Add Gang Association field

Employment or School Information

Keep this section

Victim Connected to UCR Offense Code(s)

Keep this section


DOJ to review and update all tables

Additional Offense Circumstance Info

  • Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstances (up to 2)

    • Describes the homicide

  • Additional Justifiable Homicide Circumstances

    • Only available when there is a justifiable homicide

Victim's Relationship to Offender(s)

Need to change field labels

Special Circumstances

Remove the Not Applicable, Bia crime, Domestic Abuse, LEOKA section


Remove this entire group



  • Remove this section

  • Children Present

  • Sequence Number of the Domestic Abuse Offender

  • Domestic Abuse Referrals ( up to 6)


Law Enforcement

  • Officer Killed or Assaulted

    • Remove this field

  • Call Type

    • Will verify table entries are what Wisconsin needs

  • Type of Assignment

  • Body Armor

    • Remove this field

  • Agency Name

    • May need to have ORI number for officer from another agency

    • Rename to Agency Name – Other Jurisdiction

    • Need to have a very good F2 Help

    • Currently the FBI will reject and error out an out of state ORI


Individual / Offender

  • Individual Type

  • Arrested?

    • Keep this field

  • Want to have SSN number added

    • This will be an optional field

  • Offender Present When Officer Arrived?

    • Remove this field

  • Add Gang information

  • Type of Injury

    • Is this during or after incident?

    • Rename to "Apparent Injury Observed?"

    • Group voted to remove this field

  • Type of Offender

    • Remove

  • Lessor Offense Sequence Numbers

    • Remove this field

  • Skin Tone

    • Remove this field



  • Arrest Transaction Booking #

    • DOJ would like to keep this

  • Type of Arrest

    • NIBRS

  • Place of Birth

    • Remove this field

  • State ID #

  • Miranda By

    • Remove this field

  • Miranda Date

    • Remove this field

  • Associated Offense Sequence Number

    • Need a charge field as well


Should add enhancers field to offenses section

Add Unknown to Individual Type


Witness Group

  • Could rename to Witness / Involvement

  • Can change the Witness Type field


  • Future Discussion Items:

    • Document Group

      • How to transmit the form (multiple times, etc.)

      • Report Type - decide later 

    • Tables

      • After DOJ updates for Wisconsin, they should be reviewed by the workgroup for additions that could be added

    • Discuss the Arrested Section auto-populating from other forms.

      • Additional fields from Incident should be on Arrest Form

        • Arrestee Condition and other field


Next meeting

  • Start reviewing form at Parent / Guardian group

  • October week of the 21st

    • Possible 22nd or 24th

  • Location

    • Madison?




Agenda - October 22, 2019

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

11:15 AM


TraCS Incident Form Work Group Agenda

DSP De Forest Post – Large Conference Room

October 22, 2019 at 9:00 – 3:00 PM

9:00 Introductions

9:10 Review last meeting notes

9:20 Continue review mocked up 'basic federal requirements' form

10:00 Break

10:15 Go over the entry form flow that the TraCS Forms Advisory (FAC) Committee created.

Discuss some questions that came from the FAC Meeting


11:15: Form Mechanics (workflow of form)

  • Follow DOJ Incident Training Book (black book)?

  • Involvement (parent, reported by, witness) Type Table

    • Mechanic Field for the group

  • Exports/Output Prioritizations

    • Prioritize (list of exports from June Notes)

    • Review Requirements (assign to others)

12:00 Lunch on your own

12:45 Continue Form Mechanics


1:00 Discuss the associated forms to the Incident Form

  • How would they work together (Replicate/auto populate)

  • Discuss phased in approach.


2:00 Review of data elements:

  • How should we review?

    • Sub group/committee

    • Assign homework

  • State and/or Federal requirements

  • Agency requirements


2:45 Discuss dates for the next meetings and meeting locations


Additional items:

Add 'Near UW Campus' field to form - this will assist with the Cleary Act




FINAL Notes - October 22, 2019

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

11:15 AM


TraCS Incident Form Work Group Agenda

DSP De Forest Post – Large Conference Room

October 22, 2019 at 9:00 – 3:00 PM

Work Group Team / Attendees:  





Lewis Yetter

Chippewa CO Sheriff


Tim Strohbusch

Clear Lake PD


Kevin Barman



Stanley Ridgeway

Durand PD


Shawn McGee

Hartford Township PD


Daniel Heimann

Ho-Chunk Nation PD


Booker Ferguson

Sparta PD


Candy Tork

Stevens Point PD


Bryan Hasse

Town of Beloit PD


Jeni Lutz

UW Stevens Point Police and Security


William Jeschke

Waterford PD


Timothy McCormack

WI State Capitol Police


Travis Lauer

Wisconsin State Patrol


Brenda Ray



Derek Veitenheimer



Geraldine Polster

DSP - Badger TraCS


Brian Neil

DSP - Badger TraCS


Alesha Brown



David Harvey (BU)



Darlene Schwartz

DSP - Badger TraCS


Mark Fetzer

DSP - Guest



9:00 Introductions

9:10 Review last meeting notes

Resent the SharePoint site to all attendees

9:20 Continue review mocked up 'basic federal requirements' form

  • Description Group

    • Photos By - keep - Move to Summary Group

    • Photos - Y/N - keep - Move to Summary Group

    • Additional Information - rename to 'Video' - Move to Summary Group

      • An agency field for them to add their own list.

      • Need to have None in the field

    • Narrative (Incident narrative)

      • Have something separated out (Bryan/Travis)

        • A secondary narrative that does go to public (the Report Summary for Public Release)

    • Complainant/Reporting Party (Signature) - Remove this field

    • Supervisor - Remove this field

    • Badge Number - Remove this field

    • Evidence Seizure Y/N - Move to Summary Group (in future trigger Evidence form)

    • For Public Release Y/N - Remove this field

    • Incident Assigned To - Remove this field

    • Report Summary for Public Release - Keep


10:00 Break

10:15 Go over the entry form flow that the TraCS Forms Advisory (FAC) Committee created.

  • Discuss some questions that came from the FAC Meeting

    • Summary group changes:

      • They reordered the groups to: summary, violation, Subject, victim

      • They combined the Witness and involvement groups

      • They decided to put the # of stolen motor vehicles and # of recovered motor vehicles to the Property Group

    • Violation/Offense Group:

      • Does every offense need a new location or just one location for the incident?

        • DOJ would like to know the original location where the crime occurred.

      • Can there be multiple locations with the TLT?

        • Decided that only needs the original incident location.

        • Other locations will be listed in the narrative.

    • Individual/Offender/Subject Group

      • What do you want to call this group? (Individual will be on the back end, UFD uses subject on the front end)

        • Use Subject Group

        • Removed Parent Group and combined it into the Witness/Involvement Group

        • What should be the total number for this group, FAC wanted to reduce the amount because in reality 99 will cause issues with speed?

          • Group decided on 20 max. Need to add (20 Max) to data bar and field names.

    • Victim Group

      • What should be the total number for this group, FAC wanted to reduce the amount because in reality 99 will cause issues with speed?

        • Group decided on 20 max. Want to be consistent with all groups. (May want to put '20 Max' in the data bar / field name)

    • Involvement Group

      • Combined group with links to other groups. (Combined reported by, parent, witness)

        • What should be the total number for this group?

          • Be consistent and go with 20 max.

        • Add fields to make it work with parent linking and reported by

          • Need to link who they are the parent of?

          • Like if they are a victim/subject reporting themselves

      • Is there a better name for this group?

        • Ask FAC

    • Property Group

      • # of stolen Motor Vehicles and # of Recovered Motor Vehicles was added

    • Some concern on how to get supplemental reports to the primary agency


11:15: Form Mechanics (workflow of form)

  • Follow DOJ Incident Training Book (black book)?

  • Fields:

    • Rename Internal Report to WIBRS Reportable

      • Default to Yes when a statute needs to be sent to DOJ.

      • Be able to have supervisor change this upon review.

      • DOJ to make the determination if it is Reportable or not

        • Agencies will send all reports to DOJ

      • We can check for completeness before allowing the status to change to accepted before allowing transmission.

      • TraCS can check for statutes that need to be sent to DOJ and change to reportable and send.

        • Gray out the field, TraCS will populate during validation.

  • Involvement (parent, reported by, witness) Type Table

    • Mechanic Field for the group

  • Exports/Output Prioritizations

    • Prioritize (list of exports from June Notes)

      • eReferral to DAIT (1)

      • IBR (2)

      • Probation/parole - DOC - Travis

      • Human trafficking - DOJ ICAC- Tim Strohbusch

      • SAR (Suspicious Activity Reporting) DOJ WISC - Derek Veitenheimer

      • Child Protection Services - County by County - most likely a PDF of the entire report

      • Drugs/prescriptions - Travis

      • Overdose requirements (HIDTA OD map) - Travis

      • Local drug unit (county based most likely not an automatic transmission) email.

      • Cleary – report of specific crimes. Similar the UCR. Field triggered off of offense, not an automatic transmission. DOJ thinks this may be redefined in the near future. - Derek, Jeni - UWSP PD


  • Review Requirements (assign to others)

  • Statute Table -

  • NTC printed forms - Want to ask FAC if they want to add the DA Routing code to the printed copy. Town of Beloit

  • Would like to be able to Amend submitted reports

    • Possibly replicate to an amend

  • Workflow scenerios

    • 1 report by 1 officer

      • Standard procedure

    • 1 report with additional officers responding

      • Assign a principle officer to complete the form

      • Additional officers would complete supplemental forms

      • May need to add Additional Agency group with their case numbers

      • Additional officers could also email a PDF copy of their reports to the principle officer to be included as attachments.

  • Supplemental and Amended Reports

    • Definitely a need for both

    • Supplemental - add information to the case

    • Amendment - changes the original report

    • Amended Reports received by DOJ currently deletes the stored record and replaces it with the new record.

  • Supplemental form design options

    • Option 1 - Person group and Narrative Group

    • Option 2 - Full form with the ability to enable\disable groups as needed.

12:00 Lunch on your own

12:45 Continue Form Mechanics

  • Assumptions:

    • Primary officer will own the form and can make amendments.

    • Secondary officers will only submit supplemental reports

  • Question for Brenda Ray

    • Can eRefferal handle changes (amends) and attachments.

  • Additional Workflow questions

    • Who can see what forms?

    • Who can change the original?

    • How is the original changed?

      • Amendment

      • Supplemental


1:00 Discuss the associated forms to the Incident Form

  • What Forms should be included:

    • Have 1 form that does all the data collection

    • Be able to select what forms you want to print

    • Should function like the alcohol suite of forms.

  • Arrest Form (fifth)

    • Keep as separate form that can be replicated into/from Incident

    • Use that current form in TraCS

      • May want to review what fields need to be included

    • Implement this at a later date.

  • Evidence Form (fourth form)

    • Review of Iowa form

    • One form per piece of evidence

    • Will want to be able to 'add new' or replicate forms

    • Has its own master index (iowa)

    • Will need to work on mechanics and validations.

    • Location types wanted:

      • Incident location

      • Where was the evidence gathered

        • Not TLT, but where the evidence was found/taken

  • Supplemental Form

    • Should be the second form worked on after the incident form

  • Amended form

    • Should be third form

  • How would they work together (Replicate/auto populate)

  • Discussion of phased in approach.

    • Should this be a 2 year project?

      • No

    • We should set a deadline for next fall, but be flexible.

    • Start with Incident Report

    • Discussed the possibility of releasing a BETA version in the fall 2020

      • Let agencies use and comment

      • We would make changes based on comments with a full release in fall 2021.


2:00 Review of data elements:

  • How should we review?

    • Sub group/committee

      • Should meet in person

      • Can Skype in as well

      • Only need one developer to attend.

    • Meet every two weeks.

      • November 5th and 20th here in DeForest

    • Assign homework

      • Not recommended

  • State and/or Federal requirements

  • Agency requirements


2:45 Discuss dates for the next meetings and meeting locations

  • Sub-committee (Shawn, Travis, Bryan, Tim and Dan)

    • November 5th and 20th here in DeForest

  • Full Committee

    • December 12th. Eau Claire area. Louis Yetter will try to set something up.

    • December 17th backup date


Additional items:

  • Add 'Near UW Campus' field to form - this will assist with the Cleary Act

    • DECISION: Each person/officer has their own interpretation of 'near' so the decision was made not to add this field at this time.

  • Place of last drink

    • Used for educating local establishment

    • Alcohol suite might be a better place for a field like this.

    • Or possibly the upcoming arrest form revision?

    • DECISION: The decision was made not to add to this form.




Agenda - December 2019

Monday, October 28, 2019

3:28 PM


TraCS Incident Form Work Group Agenda

Fort McCoy Base - Wisconsin State Patrol Academy

Class Room 1

December 12, 2019 from 9:00 – 3:00 PM


9:00 Introductions


9:05 Review last meetings notes


9:10 Update on Assignments from Last meeting

  • Reviewing Data Elements Sub Committee

  • Data Transmission Partners

    • eReferral to DAIT (Brenda)

    • IBR (DOJ - Derek)

    • Probation/parole - (DOC - Travis)

    • Human trafficking - DOJ ICAC (Tim Strohbusch)

      • I spoke with Matt Joy from DCI- ICAC and Human Trafficking.

      • They receive information through a number of sources, but there is not an "electronic" source in the way we are looking at it.  The receive most of their information in a PDF email format.

    • SAR (Suspicious Activity Reporting) (DOJ WISC - Derek Veitenheimer)

    • Child Protection Services - County by County - most likely a PDF of the entire report

    • Drugs/prescriptions - (DSPS - Travis)

    • Overdose requirements (HIDTA OD map - Travis)

    • Local drug unit (county based most likely not an automatic transmission) email.

    • Cleary – report of specific crimes. Similar the UCR. Field triggered off of offense, not an automatic transmission. (DOJ thinks this may be redefined in the near future. - Derek, Jeni - UWSP PD)

10:00 Printed Reports

  • Types

    • Office

    • Redacted

    • Court/Public Copy

10:20 Analysis Reports

  • What is needed/wanted?

    • Cleary Report looking for the check box.

    • Monthly/ Yearly Statistics

      • Sample from Sparta

      • Town of beloit

    • What they sent to DOJ Listings of incidents

      • Work with DOJ

    • Incident By officer


10:40 Break


10:55 Demo

  • Questions for group:

    • Can the property group open for a non-reportable form? It is currently tied to open if a property offense is chosen.

    • Rename Other Person to Other Person\Entity?

    • Reasoning if listed is a non individual

    • Move Prescriber Name and Prescription Number below DOB Line of data

    • Rename Organization Type to Person\Entity Type

    • Rename Government to Government\School ( Not all schools are government run )

    • Move Linked Person to Parent of Line of data (should this open for all types to link to subject victim)

    • Rename Linked Person to Linked Subject/Victim ( available for every involvement type )

    • Victim Type of Other and Unknown, how should I enable/disable fields

    • Victim Type of Law Enforcement for DOJ only opens for certain offenses. (assaulted/killed) Do we want that group enabled for everything?

    • Is the subject type always Individual?

    • Subject Group--Change field name from Individual Type to Entity Type – Data Bar should be  Individual/Organization Entity Type 

    • Move Prescription Violation Flag field to Prescription section.  Move Narcan Administered to middle then Prescription Violation to the end of that row. (Also should it be its own subgroup like the arrest subgroup?)

    • Missing Gang Affiliation for Subject / Victim / Other Person ?  Thought we had discussed adding Gang Affiliation to incorporate list of gang if individual is member of  or affiliated with a gang? Currently this is in the violation group.

    • Should Drugs/Narcotics Type have a prescription number field ???


12:00 Lunch


12:45 Demo (continued)


1:30 Project Timeline

  • Testing Process

  • Test Scenarios (Create)


2:15 Icon discussion/F2 Help


2:55 Next Meeting in Deforest - When?







FINAL Notes - December 12, 2019

Thursday, December 12, 2019

9:08 AM


Fort McCoy - State Patrol Academy

Classroom 1

December 12, 2019 at 9:00 – 3:00 PM

Work Group Team / Attendees:  




Lewis Yetter

Chippewa CO Sheriff


Tim Strohbusch

Clear Lake PD


Kevin Barman



Stanley Ridgeway

Durand PD


Shawn McGee

Hartford Township PD


Daniel Heimann

Ho-Chunk Nation PD


Booker Ferguson

Sparta PD


Candy Tork

Stevens Point PD


Bryan Hasse

Town of Beloit PD


Jeni Lutz

UW Stevens Point Police and Security


William Jeschke

Waterford PD


Timothy McCormack

WI State Capitol Police


Travis Lauer

Wisconsin State Patrol


Brenda Ray



Derek Veitenheimer



Geraldine Polster

DSP - Badger TraCS


Brian Neil

DSP - Badger TraCS


Alesha Brown



Darlene Schwartz

DSP - Badger TraCS



Introduction of members.


  • Reviewed last meeting notes

    • There are still some people who cannot get into SharePoint

    • TraCS staff will send out meeting notes in a PDF along with updating SharePoint


  • Update on Assignments from Last meeting

    • Reviewing Data Elements Sub Committee

  1. Violation Group

    1. V2WIBRSOffense*

      1. Keep Runaway

      2. Delete drunkenness

    2. V2WIBRSCompletedAttempted

    3. V2WIBRSUsing

    4. V2WIBRSBiasMotivation

      1. Delete Gender

      2. Add Anti-Profession

      3. Keep Anti-Age

      4. Keep Anti-Political Affiliation

    5. V2WIBRSCriminalActivity

    6. V2WIBRSEntryMethod

    7. V2WIBRSGangActivity

      1. Remove Table found in Criminal Activities

      2. V2WIBRSGangActivity

        1. Remove Table found in Criminal Activities


      4. V2WIBRSModifier

        1. Talk to Brenda, multiple??

      5. V2WIBRSWeapon

        1. Delete BB/Pellet Gun

      6. Add field for Weapon Other choice

      7. V3ViolationNonTraffic**

  2. Other Person Group

    1. V2InvolvementType

    2. V2ReportedBy

  3. Property

    1. V2WIBRSLoss

    2. V2WIBRSPropertyTitle

    3. V2WIBRSProperty

      1. Change to violation search

  4. Drug

    1. V2WIBRSDrug

    2. V2WIBRSMeasure

  5. Vehicle

    1. V2VehicleRecoveryType

  6. Location

    1. V2Location

  7. Summary

    1. V3SupplementalDocuments

      1. Use Crash Table

    2. V2WIBRSClearedExceptionally

  8. Individual/Subject/Victim

    1. V2Age

    2. V2Residency--Need Table Added.

    3. V2DOJEthnicity

  9. Arrest

    1. V2WIBRSArmed

    2. V2ArrestJuviDisposition

    3. V2ArrestMultipleIndicator

    4. V2ArrestType


  10. Victim

    1. V2WIBRSJustifiableHomicideCircumstances

    2. V2WIBRSAggAssaultHomicideCircumstances

    3. V2EntityTypeExpanded

    4. V2WIBRSInjuryType

  11. Offender Relationship

    1. V2WIBRSVictimRelationship

  12. LEA

    1. V2WIBRSAssignmentType

    2. V2WIBRSCallType

  13. All individual groups

    1. Add Agency Gang Table


  1. Is there any need for 'Place of Last Drink' field?

    1. This could be an optional field.

    2. How good would this information really be?

      1. Comes from the inebriated subject

    3. This would be a better fit for the influence form as it is already there.

      1. Just needs to add transmission on the influence form to send POLD

Data Transmission Partners

  1. eReferral to DAIT (Brenda)

    1. Is there one location where the data can be sent to?

      1. Create a webservice where TraCS and eReferal can send Incident forms and other incident related info.

      2. Will need to have a separate meeting to work out the details

        1. Should schedule for some time in January.

      3. DAIT has a test site available and Brenda will send the link.

  2. IBR (DOJ - Derek)

    1. They would like to have all data fields.

    2. DOJ will parse out and store what is needed for fed reporting.

  3. Probation/parole - (DOC - Travis)

    1. Made contact and waiting on response.

  4. Human trafficking - DOJ ICAC (Tim Strohbusch)

    1. Tim spoke with Matt Joy from DCI- ICAC and Human Trafficking.

    2. They receive information through a number of sources, but there is not an "electronic" source in the way we are looking at it.  They receive most of their information in a PDF email format.

    3. Derek thinks that they should be able to parse out what is needed here since they will be receiving all of the data.

  5. SAR (Suspicious Activity Reporting) (DOJ WISC - Derek Veitenheimer)

    1. Derek thinks that they should be able to parse out what is needed here since they will be receiving all of the data.

    2. May be a setup like eCitation webservice where it would send out the data to all DOJ locations.

    3. Better to have a single transmission than multiple one.

  6. Child Protection Services - County by County - most likely a PDF of the entire report

  7. Drugs/prescriptions - (DSPS - Travis)

    1. Had a meeting with them.

    2. Willing to have a webservice to accept XML data.

    3. Gave us a list of fields they need and these have been incorporated into the incident form.

  8. Overdose requirements (HIDTA OD map - Travis)

    1. Has made contact.

    2. There is a conference call going on today.

      1. DOJ has a representative on the call.

  9. Local drug unit (county based most likely not an automatic transmission) email.

  10. Cleary – report of specific crimes. Similar to the UCR. Field triggered off of offense, not an automatic transmission. (DOJ thinks this may be redefined in the near future. - Derek, Jeni - UWSP PD)

    1. Data usually comes directly from the university police.

    2. University police work with surrounding agencies within the university jurisdiction

    3. There may only need to have a Cleary check box if it meets criteria.

      1. Would like to have a drop down list of the crimes.

      2. Would like to have an analysis report created.

    4. All paper submission now.

    5. Not all crimes are reported to a police department

      1. Dean of Students could also be the one reported to.

    6. Reporting is very complicated as it stands now.

Printed Reports

  • Types

    • Office ?

      • Same order as the entry form


  • Redacted ?

    • Is one needed?

    • Yes, with open records requests.

    • Can it be redacted in the narrative?

      • Working on this now.

      • Uses the { } brackets to replace information when printed.

      • Would like to be able to edit the narrative to add the {} even after transmission for office staff.

      • Would have to reprogram the forms to allow for narrative to be editable?

      • Can we create a new narrative group ( a copy of the original) that could be edited for redaction?

  • Public Copy ?(Court Copy)

    • Could be any combination of data.

    • Should contain only what is sent to eReferal.

    • Some questioned why there should be more than type of report.

      • Don't want to have DA and public to have a different report.

  • Other

  • Comments

    • Need to have the ability to track changes to the form.

    • Are the narratives getting to ereferral included?

      • There are two narratives planned on the form.

        • Officer and Public release

    • DAIT can take attachments up to 10 MB each.

    • Could TraCS enforce a 10 MB limit?


Analysis Reports

  • What is needed/wanted?

    • Cleary Report looking for the check box.

  • Monthly and Yearly summary of crimes.

    • Booker to send samples of their reports

    • By officer by month.

      • Bryan Hasse has sample reports

    • Comparative report of what was sent to DOJ

    • Incidents with incident number

    • By category i.e Felony, Misdemeanor, Etc.

      • Need to add category into the form as autopopulate from table.


  • Geri reviewed the form (as much that has been completed).

    • Not all validations are done,.

    • Worked mostly on form mechanics.

      • How should groups be opened

        • Autoopen as one is completed.

        • Total Group

          • Enter the number of groups needed.

  • Summary Group

    • Adds Date and time when form is opened.

    • If Date and Time is known field opens date and time fields.

    • How are unknown time handled?

      • Time range would be 00:001 to 23:59

      • Dates would be handled the same way.

    • After DA declines to prosecute, LE needs to be able to go back into the form and change the Cleared Exceptionally field.

    • Prescription alert field

      • Triggers a transmission type.

  • Location Group

    • TLT contains both DOT and DNR County and Municipality codes.

  • Offense group

    • Statute number is filled in, then another violation group, up to 10 total.

      • Empty group will not affect validation rules

    • DNR will need to add offense codes to their statutes.

    • Do not have to have a statute listed

      • Most agencies would list it anyways,

      • eReferral does need a statute.

    • TraCS has difficulty in doing one to many relationship to statutes to offense codes.

      • A single statute may have multiple offense codes attached to it.

        • Need to figure out a way to make this happen.

      • For statutes with multiple offense codes, could we leave the Offense field blank and have the offense code in a drop down list for someone else to answer.

      • For the validation rule error message, need to be able to add the necessary answers in the message.

      • Need to find a way to create a list of offense codes tied to statutes for whoever is filling out the form.

      • When 1 to 1, fill in the offense field.

        • Could go to Preliminary Validation to be sent to DA's

        • Then could go back and finalize later.

      • When 1 to many, leave offense field blank, present as a warning and program it so it can be completed at a later date.

        • Need to look into a way to have the offense field be able to present the 1 to many codes.

      • There are 11,100 statutes with offense codes.

    • Prescription Statute

      • Need to add schedule to table

    • Property Offense

      • If Yes, then opens property group

    • Additional fields to add:

      • Agency specific field (Travis) (Internal agency checkbox)

        • Agency Category

        • Agency Sub Category

      • Gang Activity is improperly listed in this group.

        • Needs to be in individual group.

  • Subject group

    • Need to allow for Business as the individual type.

    • Arrest field

      • What does this mean?

      • Were they fingerprinted and have an arrest tracking number.

      • eReferal

        • Booked

      • NIBRS

        • ?

    • ATN Number is hard to get.

      • A lot of legwork is required.

    • Add a Booking subgroup

      • Date, Time, ATN and agency Booking ORI

      • All fields would be optional and transmit if they are there,

      • Can TraCS generate an ATN number?

        • Brenda will gather more information and report back.

    • Prescription

      • Group decided to have them appear when a check box is used.

      • Need to add the check box

      • Make this a subgroup.

    • UCR offense (Multiple)

      • It is needed for eReferral though

      • Need to review the "Acting in Concert" rule (DOJ)

        • DOJ to review how to receive it all and break down to the separate incidents when needed.

  • Victim

    • UCR offense

      • Should this include Ordinance number?

        • Yes, include them.

      • Commas are OK for separators

    • Date of Birth

      • When entered, the age is calculated and fields are disabled.

      • If not entered, then the lower and upper end fields are enabled.

    • Injury field opens with injury offense is selected.

    • Victim relationship to offender(s)

      • All violent and property crimes when victim type is individual or Law Enforcement, then the offenders need relationships.

      • Change defendant to Subject in this group.

  • Other Person / Entity

    • Reported by

      • How does the crime Stopper or another tip number be tracked.

      • If Crime Stopper Tip then use the Other button to list that.

  • Property Group

    • 3 types Drugs, Vehicle, Other

    • DOJ will try to relax some of the validation rules about what can be sent.

      • Will take all data but only send FBI what is needed.

    • Only Property offenses show up in the property group.

    • Automobiles

      • Opens up the vehicle group

      • Recovered stolen vehicles recovered by agency ORI is not required.

    • Property

      • Add an Evidence Number field in the parent level of the group

        • A Healthy discussion ensued…

      • Need a good F2 help explanation about what should or should not be included.

        • Officers are used to listing all property / evidence now.

      • DOJ will allow LE to add all property / evidence wanted, but will only send the required data through to FBI.

      • For Unknown value allow 0 or unknown and DOJ will correct it in the back end.

        • $1 is FBI equivalent of unknown.

  • Accept History

    • Tracks who and when a form was Accepted.

Place of Last Drink

  • As of January 2019, 209 agencies replied to the survey

  • 159 agencies are currently using the Influence Form

  • 159 agencies are using the Alcohol form

    • Another 22 agencies may use these two forms in the future

Project Timeline

  • Geri reviewed progress as to where we are.

  • Testing Process

    • DSP will try to set up a test lab for agencies to come and test

    • Will be located at DeForest Post

  • Test Scenarios (Create)

    • Group can bring scenarios to use while testing

    • Brenda has some to contribute.


DOJ is OK to have a partial release, i.e. eReferral, if they are not ready yet.

Icon discussion/F2 Help

  • Idea sheet distributed

  • Icon should be Blue background

  • Group should send suggestions

  • Next Meeting in Deforest - When?

    • February in DeForest

      • Week of 17th. Most likely 18, 19, 20.

    • April computer lab somewhere

  • Questions for group:

    • Can the property group open for a non-reportable form? It is currently tied to open if a property offense is chosen.

      • Yes, open it.

    • Rename Other Person to Other Person\Entity?

      • Yes

    • Reasoning if listed is a non individual

    • Move Prescriber Name and Prescription Number below DOB Line of data

    • Rename Organization Type to Person\Entity Type

    • Rename Government to Government\School ( Not all schools are government run )

    • Move Linked Person to Parent of Line of data (should this open for all types to link to subject victim)

      • Yes it should be opened.

    • Rename Linked Person to Linked Subject/Victim ( available for every involvement type )

    • Victim Type of Other and Unknown, how should I enable/disable fields

      • Enable all fields, but relax validations for missing entries.

    • Victim Type of Law Enforcement for DOJ only opens for certain offenses. (assaulted/killed) Do we want that group enabled for everything?

      • The group decided - No

    • Is the subject type always Individual?

      • Not always an individual

    • Subject Group--Change field name from Individual Type to Entity Type – Data Bar should be  Individual/Organization Entity Type 

      • Group would like to see this as Subject type

    • Move Prescription Violation Flag field to Prescription section.  Move Narcan Administered to middle then Prescription Violation to the end of that row. (Also should it be its own subgroup like the arrest subgroup?)

    • Missing Gang Affiliation for Subject / Victim / Other Person ?  Thought we had discussed adding Gang Affiliation to incorporate list of gang if individual is member of  or affiliated with a gang? Currently this is in the violation group.

    • Should Drugs/Narcotics Type have a prescription number field ???

      • Group decided: Yes, add it.

        • ID / RX Number (field label)

      • Should be optional







Agenda - February 18, 2020

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

11:15 AM


TraCS Incident Form Work Group Agenda

DSP De Forest Post – Large Conference Room

February 18, 2020 at 9:00 – 3:00 PM

9:00 Introductions

9:10 Review last meeting notes

9:20 How to handle Groups

Should the groups auto open blank groups or should we have Total fields?

10:00 Break

10:15 External Partners

  • eReferal

  • Probation and Parole --Department of Corrections

  • SAR (Suspicious Activity Reporting)

  • Human trafficking - DOJ ICAC

  • Overdose requirements (HIDTA OD map) -meeting scheduled

  • Cleary – report of specific crimes

  • Child Protection Services

  • Prescription Drug - Done


10:45 DOJ vs DAIT


12:00 Lunch on your own

12:45 DOJ vs DAIT (continued)


2:00 Project Time Line


2:30 Statutes

Traffic vs Felony vs Misdemeanor


2:45 Next Meeting Date



FINAL Notes- February 18, 2020

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

11:15 AM


TraCS Incident Form Work Group Agenda

DSP De Forest Post – Large Conference Room

February 18, 2020 at 9:00 – 3:00 PM

Work Group Team / Attendees:  





Lewis Yetter

Chippewa CO Sheriff


Tim Strohbusch

Clear Lake PD


Kevin Barman



Stanley Ridgeway

Durand PD


Shawn McGee

Hartford Township PD


Daniel Heimann

Ho-Chunk Nation PD


Booker Ferguson

Sparta PD


Candy Tork

Stevens Point PD


Bryan Hasse

Town of Beloit PD


Jeni Lutz

UW Stevens Point Police and Security


Timothy McCormack

WI State Capitol Police


Travis Lauer

Wisconsin State Patrol


Brenda Ray



Derek Veitenheimer



Geraldine Polster

DSP - Badger TraCS


Brian Neil

DSP - Badger TraCS


Alesha Brown



David Harvey (BU)



Darlene Schwartz

DSP - Badger TraCS


Mac Dempsey

DOJ - Guest


Milda Aksamitauskas

DOJ - Guest



Review last meeting notes

  • Geri went through the previous meeting notes.

  • No comments

How to handle groups

  • Should the groups auto open blank groups or should we have Total fields.

    • There are 3 ways of doing it

      • Put in the number to open at the top of the group (Total Field)

      • Blue Bars- select add group each time you want to add a group/ delete button to delete group

      • Auto Open, this automatically will open a blank group

  • The following use multiple groups

    • Offense (violation) group

      • Have both a box to enter the # of violations/offenses and then also have an add/delete bar and the box will adjust if they are added or deleted

    • Subject group

      • Have both a box to enter the # of violations/offenses and then also have an add/delete bar and the box will adjust if they are added or deleted

    • Victim

      • Have both a box to enter the # of violations/offenses and then also have an add/delete bar and the box will adjust if they are added or deleted

    • Other Person

      • Have both a box to enter the # of violations/offenses and then also have an add/delete bar and the box will adjust if they are added or deleted

    • Property

      • Have a bar for the main property type to add/delete and then they would fill out the main property and it would open the appropriate property type below

        • Drug

        • Vehicle

        • Property Item

      • Have a total for each property group that is grayed out but can list the total Drug, total Vehicle and Total property item

        • Located in the property group

      • It was decided to have a supplement Property Form?

        • This will allow law enforcement to add more than 10 items for any of the 3 categories

        • The 'total' would be pulled from the original form and the supplement to get the total number of a property item

      • In the backend TraCS will need to total like properties and send totals

        • FYI - 4 laptops totaling $3500, would send 1 laptop item with $3500.

      • A flag within property group asking if it is evidence and then pull from evidence form

      • Add an evidence number field (that would be pulled back from the evidence form)

        • One evidence form for each evidence


External Partners

  • Probation and Parole

    • Excited about the possibility of

      • Add a 'Probation and Parole Flag' - in subject group

      • They need a 'Report Contact' for each agency

        • Still need to decide where this info. will be capture

      • Add a field for 'Registered Sex Offender Flag' - in subject group

      • Add a field for 'On Supervision'

        • Checked with DOC and they stated that 'Probation and Parole Flag' is the same as 'On Supervision'

      • An individual doesn't always give the correct address, so DOC wants to get that info. also

      • They also want vehicle info. if incident is in a vehicle

        • They want Rental info.

          • Add a field to the vehicle info group, 'Rental Y/N'

      • Suspect Act 33 (This allows persons on parole to call 911 to help another individual without being arrested themselves) - We won't be adding anything

        • We assume that the DA needs to assign this. We won't do anything at this time

      • Gang List

        • Single list - other -

        • It was decided to have a global list instead of a local - we'll get the original list from DOC

        • Add a 'gang' field to 'victim' and 'other persons' groups to make them consistent

      • Tribal member - Table this and discuss later

        • Does anyone want any more info besides the race field?

        • Yes/no flag

        • Kevin, DNR, is going back to check with his staff

        • Kevin emailed and stated DNR doesn't want this info.

      • Have field at the top of the subject group that says 'associated vehicle flag'

        • then it opens up a vehicle group if flag = 'yes'

        • Add a 'rental flag'

      • DOC is currently reviewing Data Dictionary to see what they want

  • eReferal

    • Meeting with Brenda Ray

      • Geri has the URL for Dev and Prod

      • DAIT wants the document number for the form to be the incident eReferal number

      • At least one statute number

      • Add 'Officer Witness' to 'other persons' field

New/Required Fields

  1. agencyORINumber

  2. documentDocumentNumber -- Will be Agency Case Number within Protect used to link the DA with the Agency

  3. summaryDateOccurred -- if law enforcement reports a date range, then they only want the first date entered(from date).

  4. violationStatuteNumber -- Need at least 1

  5. violationStatuteSequenceNumber -- Required for Statute number

  6. violationStatuteDescription -- Code Text

  7. violationTotalCount -- New Field--(What is this)

  8. violationModifier -- Both Enhancing and Reducing factors. Need number and code text. Removed all duplicates DAIT only needs main number can figure out the rest.

  9. locationCountyDMV -- checking with DAIT if need code or text

  10. locationMunicipalityDMV -- checking with DAIT if need code or text

  11. Optional Address -- if On Street is = Private/Public Property Send in address

  12. Individual -- Require one Defendant


  • More info. on the eReferral meeting is here

  • The ATN is only created when someone is finger printed

  • SAR (Suspicious Activity Reporting)

    • Derek will send a contact

      • Milda (DOJ) will look for contact

  • Human trafficking - DOJ ICAC

    • Tim Strohbusch contacted them

    • Mathew Joy - Bryan will email his contact to Geri

  • Overdose requirements (HIDTA OD map)

    • Meeting scheduled for next week

  • Cleary – report of specific crimes

    • Derek, Jeni - UWSP PD

    • Drop Down list of crimes?

  • Child Protection Services

    • Need to talk to someone from DHS - Child Protective Services

    • Milda forwarded a contact

  • Prescription Drug

    • Met with them - Done

  • Evidence Form

    • Add a Rape Kit Flag

      • Add an additional field for a 'tracking number'

  • DOJ vs DAIT

    • eReferal based on a location and time

      • DA may take the whole incident or break it up

    • Fundamentally how to identify an incident

      • It differs from eReferal vs law enforcement or FBI (DOJ)

      • FBI defines an incident (DOJ)

        • Acting in Concert

        • Lesser included

        • Group A vs Group B


  • Acting in Concert

    • robbed Kwik trip, taco bell, culvers no breakage in time (one after the other), it's one incident

    • If robbed Kwik trip and then had some beers at home and then went and robbed Casey's, they would be two incidents because a breakage of time

    • If Alesha and Derek at Kwik Trip went to rob quick trip, and then Alesha also robbed a vehicle (without Derek's knowledge), they weren't acting in concert, so only Alesha would be charged with the vehicle (Two incidents)

  • If the DA splits an incident, the law enforcement doesn't care what the DA does - LEA won't know if the DA split it

  • Scenarios:

    • We started going through Acting in Concert scenarios and discussed how law enforcement entered the scenario, how DOJ wanted to see the scenario data sent to them and how DOJ wanted to see the scenario data sent to them

      • Unfortunately, in many cases they were all a little different.

      • The group discussed and understand that law enforcement due to the resource intensive paperwork to complete the forms, complete the incident forms differently than how DOJ would want law enforcement to complete the incident.

        • Law enforcement normally completes the incident form based on an event.

          • IE. Underage house party with drugs and possible other infractions is all recorded as one incident on one form

          • DOJ would like them split up based on the infractions

      • DOJ and TraCS will be continuing discussions to see what the best way is to enter the info. that will satisfy everyone.

      • Main objectives:

        • Make it easy for law enforcement to enter the case

        • Between TraCS and DOJ, they may need to compile, or separate data to make it work for DOJ

        • Make sure it can be sent to DAIT

    • Acting in Concert

      • Scenario #1 - 3 teenagers smoking pot together

        • DOJ - 1 incident because they are all partaking in it.

          • (If one individual didn't know that another kid had cocaine in their pocket, this would be two incidents. One with all three kids and pot and then an additional incident for the one kid and cocaine.)

        • DAIT - 1 incident

      • Another Example: If there is a house party underage drinking - law enforcement would report as 1 incident

        • DOJ wants it broken into multiple offenses depending if there are drugs or other issues

          • How can we find a way to make it easier for LE to report the incidents that won't take them hours and hours. We need to find a compromise between what LEA fills out vs what DOJ needs

      • Another Example: Car thefts throughout the night ( don't know when or who did it) - LE writes them separately and then later find a suspect and add him to each incident and now there are 5 or X counts of vehicle theft .

        • They will be tied together in the narrative that they are hooked together.

        • (For Open Records, LEA doesn't want to give victim info. to others. Having individual incidents is easier --less to redact.

        • The DA will tie them together into 1.

      • Scenario #3 - Mark and Thomas (age 20) both hitting on a woman, Mark gets drunk and passes out downstairs. Thomas goes upstairs and rapes the woman.

        • DOJ - split (Mark with a rape / Mark and Thomas liquor law violation)

        • LE would include all in one

          • In Spillman - they include the relationships between the victim, and subject and other victims

        • If DOJ received all the info., then they would need to know each subject and what each of their offenses was and their relationships to all the other victims and subjects

          • IF things came as one offense, then they need to report to FBI as two - they need to go through all the fields to see what info. they would need to pull in.

      • Scenario #6 - Maggie and Gina are both beating up Jasmine. Maggie breaks nose, but Gina didn't break any bones.

        • DOJ - 1 incident because they are both working in concert

        • DAIT - We think they would want 1

    • Need to understand how an arrest is cleared

    • The plan is to release the incident form with eReferal (hopefully) this fall and allow law enforcement an easy way to enter the incident and define everything that happened at the incident.

      • Derek will give all agencies that plan to use the TraCS Incident form a waiver to meet FBI requirements.

    • Booker stated that his office staff has issues with what charge to send. They need to go in and fix it. Time consuming.

    • Travis mentioned SmartLogic that they use for CMV Inspections and maybe we could apply that to this form.

    • Is it possible to query DAIT and get the results of the incident?

    • Could TraCS send an amend to DAIT or DOJ? If either of those agencies change the incident, LEA's never know.

      • Example: A bar fight in the parking lot. No broken bones, and 30 people in the parking lot. The two would be arrested for battery and disorderly conduct. Police get a call for noise/disruption

    • >>>pulled over for OWI and Meth, Group A possession or OWI as a group B (group b more interesting than A in this situation)

    • >>> group b would not be reported to the FBI only if they were arrested

    • Need a better definition of Arrest (DOJ trying to get one from FBI)

      • If notified of a charge and given to DA or in physical custody and being sent to the DA

      • IF NTC, it doesn't go to the DA

      • If you hand a citation in person, then it's arrest

      • If you mail a citation, that's not considered an arrest


  • Traffic

    • Felonies, forfeitures and misdemeanors

    • Everything

  • Non-Traffic

    • CCAP has about 12,000 statutes (chargeable)

    • TraCS currently has 6,000

    • No felonies

  • DNR

    • Expire all the felonies

    • No felonies

  • TraCS plans to build a new Felonies Table


  • Where do we put the misdemeanor statutes?

    • Put them on the Non Traffic and let the law enforcement agency decide how to complete it

    • Geri want to have this done by this fall


Project Time Line

  • What can we implement for it to be useful in the Fall?

  • Goal for the Fall release:

    • Have all the fields that law enforcement, DOJ, DAIT, and other partners want in the form.

    • Have a way to send eReferrals to DAIT

    • Have simple validation rules to eliminate some egregious errors


2:45 Next Meeting Date

April 9th and April 16th were suggested up in Stevens Point. If Stevens Point PD doesn't have availability, then UWSP will find a room.




Agenda - April 16, 2020

Thursday, April 16, 2020

11:15 AM


TraCS Incident Form Work Group Agenda 

Meeting Remotely



9:00     Introductions


9:10     Review last meeting notes


9:20     Property Form Demo


10:00   Break


10:15  Incident Form Demo w/discussions on prefilled scenarios 


12:00   Lunch


12:45  Violation Search Categories


1:00 F2 Help Volunteers


1:15   Outstanding Questions


2:30    Discuss how we’ll proceed after our 1 year commitment.


2:45     Next Meeting Date



Raw Notes-April 16, 2020 - Inc - chat comments

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

8:09 PM


April 16th, 2020 at 9:00 – 3:00 PM

Skype Meeting with conference line

Work Group Team / Attendees:  





Lewis Yetter

Chippewa CO Sheriff


Tim Strohbusch

Clear Lake PD


Kevin Barman



Stanley Ridgeway

Durand PD


Shawn McGee

Hartford Township PD


Daniel Heimann

Ho-Chunk Nation PD


Booker Ferguson

Sparta PD


Candy Tork

Stevens Point PD


Bryan Hasse

Town of Beloit PD


Jeni Lutz

UW Stevens Point Police and Security


Timothy McCormack

WI State Capitol Police


Travis Lauer

Wisconsin State Patrol


Brenda Ray



Derek Veitenheimer



Geraldine Polster

DSP - Badger TraCS


Brian Neil

DSP - Badger TraCS


Alesha Brown



David Harvey (BU)



Darlene Schwartz

DSP - Badger TraCS


Mac Dempsey

DOJ - Guest


Milda Aksamitauskas

DOJ - Guest





Geri did a roll call of participants


Review last meeting notes:

  • Geri reviewed the last meeting notes.

  • Extra Tribal information follow up from last meeting

    • No extra information is needed


Progress since last meeting:

  • Property form

  • Transformation document

  • Groups working on:

    • Subject

    • Relationship

  • Adding Relations group

  • Will be working on getting a testing version available

  • Adding Batch validation rules for eReferral

  • Questions?


Appreciate everyone joining this meeting and your patience as we work through this meeting.


Property Form Demo:

  • Pulled out the drugs, vehicle and other and put into property attachment form

  • Could/Would this be used for the arrest form?

    • Tim: this could be used for any number of forms. This would be very versatile

    • Dar: Could there be options added in the future?

      • Yes

    • Can add up to 99 items.

    • May need to add a Citation Number field as well.

    • Reviewed adding and subtracting the groups.

  • What if you make the form number a "general" number that can be used for any form?

    • Used to link other forms

    • If it was just 1 field, could you tell what form it was from?

      • Not really, only the ELCI has a distinctive number.

    • Jeni: For the general number, would a case number be associated with the property form?

      • Tim: Yes it should, some agencies use their own system. Leave this as a user defined number.

    • Police number is available on the form for your use.

    • Travis: If we have a general number field, would there be a drop down list of the forms?

      • Geri could add the form during a replicate, but a drop down may be hard to do.

    • Decision:

      • Remove the form number fields.

    • Would the form number be the form where common information was taken from for replicate?

      • Most likely, but could be any form that is open.

    • Stan: Form numbers field doesn't matter to me. We mainly use the Police Number.

  • Vehicle Group

    • Review of each field within the group.

    • Impound Location field

      • Should this be an agency controlled list?

        • Yes, create an agency controlled drop down list.

    • You can use the master index to find information on the recovered vehicle.

    • Mac: Are you filtering out vehicles from the dropdown?

      • Yes, that is what is intended.

      • Aircraft, bicycles, farm equipment, construction equipment, water craft, atv

      • Tim:

could we define vehicle as anything that can/should be registered with dot or DNR???

ATV, MC, Auto?  Vehicle..... Farm tractor,  compactor ... no registration? If it is registrable through DOT or DMV then it should be regarded as a vehicle.

Bryan: State statutes define what a vehicle is and isn't. Should we use this.

Jeni: From the records standpoint, if a shed burglary has unregistered vehicles, we would still put these as vehicles, even if not registered.

Geri: these would be considered vehicles because they can be registered.

  • Tim: What is the purpose of identifying vehicles, is it for reporting to the feds?

    • We need to figure out a standard to use.

  • Kevin:

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 9:57 AM]  Barman, Kevin M - DNR: 

Could the of the section be longer? “Motor vehicles, recreational vehicles, or watercrafts”

  • Comments?

    • Decision: Put information into the F2 help.

    • What standard should be used?

  • Dar: Definition by statute may be tough as DNR and DOT may define them differently.

  • [‎4/‎16/‎2020 10:00 AM]  Dempsey, Mac: 

Sounds good, but does that mean that some Property Types might be in either section?

  • This may need more research, and will be in contact through email.

  • Master index search for finding a stolen vehicle information demo.

    • Can be search using partial fields.

    • When vehicle is found, a history of all incidents is available.

    • This can vehicle can be put into the form.

    • New master index coming out later that will contain additional search items, like money, etc.

    • [‎4/‎16/‎2020 10:06 AM]  Lutz, Jeni: 

great search options

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 10:07 AM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

my officers don't use it much.....usually they just add info from the MDB




Incident Form Demo w/discussions on prefilled scenarios 

  • Modification made since last meetings

    • Added eReferral Y/N field.

    • eReferral Agency field

      • Some agencies send to different DA so they do not have a default DA.

      • This is used to select the DA to send to

    • Total fields

    • Questions:

      • Travis: Can there be a ini setting to set a DA to send to? There is a concern that if an officer defaults the DA the officer may not reset for the next county.

        • This is something to look into this option

      • Brenda: eReferral select the county from the ORI to send to.

        • This wouldn't work for statewide agencies.

      • [‎4/‎16/‎2020 10:34 AM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

could it be linked to the map/location tool at all?  that defines county the event occurred in

  • This is something we could look at.

  • Offense

    • Can search statute numbers and have that information populate fields.

    • Agency Category and Sub Category fields are agency tables

  • Subject section

    • Individual type changed to Individual and Non-Individual.

      • Nonindividual when checked will remove non needed fields.

      • Individual will open up specific fields.

    • Jeni: Is the ATN field a required field?

      • No, but if you could get it, it would be helpful and wanted.

    • Prescription drug will open up the drug group.

    • Associated Offenses

    • Arrested

      • Associated offenses is the same list used above.

      • Added the Rental Vehicle question.

    • Questions:

      • [‎4/‎16/‎2020 10:45 AM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

no question...but i like the drop downs....easy to move through

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 10:45 AM]  Bryan Hasse: 

I think it is looking good

  • Victim Group

    • A few groups will open automatically base on violation selected.

    • I.e. injuries if needed.

    • Police officer selected then the LEA group will open.

    • Relationship group does not open automatically.

      • Based on the number of individual selected.

      • Each one will have their own group.

        • Officer will add the relationship

        • Officer will add the associated offenses.

    • Question

      • [‎4/‎16/‎2020 10:50 AM]  Lutz, Jeni: 

is the relationship to subject a required field

  • Most likely will be a required field.

  • [‎4/‎16/‎2020 10:52 AM]  Travis: 

I believe it is required for ereferral as well

  • Brenda: This is not a required field.

  • Other Persons

    • Added an Officer Witness type of involvement.

      • If selected the officer information group opens.

    • Officer ID is a required field.

Scenarios review

  • #1 - 5 stolen vehicle scenario

    • Demo of this one with a prefilled TraCS form.

    • [‎4/‎16/‎2020 10:58 AM]  Shawn: 

How many characters will the narrative section be able to hold? 

  • Will have up to 5000. Over that it should be an attachment.

  • This information shown is what Madison PD completed, what would Dane County fill out?

    • Jeni: Dane County would complete a report, but Madison would be filling out UCR information.

    • Agency that had the stolen vehicles would be completing the incident form.

  • #2 - Fraud

    • Review of the Fraud prefilled form.

    • Questions:

      • Is the relationship between the church and the individual

        • We normally only need to see relationships between 2 individuals

      • Would it be correct to drop the relationship to subject information when one is not an individual?

      • Should Victims relationship to subject be removed when one is an Non Individual?

        • Stan: Would like to keep the section, but not make it required.

        • Most agree with Stan. Keep the section.

      • Alesha: What is the consensus of the group with keeping the relationship field when on of the parties is Non Individual?

        • Add a Not Applicable as a choice and leave the field open as it could be useful to the agencies.

        • Do not make it mandatory.

  • #3 - Fight

    • Review the fight prefilled form.

    • Questions:

      • [‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:18 AM]  Alesha: 

how would you handle an incident where the offense types are the same (all simple assault) but maybe the weapon or bias motivation was different for one victim than another?

  • Question will be discussed later in this meeting. See Geri's questions document.

  • Would LE have completed this differently?

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:22 AM]  Shawn: 

This looks good. 


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:22 AM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

its fine


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:22 AM]  Travis: 

looks good


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:22 AM]  Bryan Hasse: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:23 AM]  Lutz, Jeni: 


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:23 AM]  Alesha: 

so most LE would put this on one incident? and clear it even if the offender who assault the officer was the offender who got away and the other was arrested?

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:23 AM]  Lutz, Jeni: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:23 AM]  Bryan Hasse: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:24 AM]  Tim Strohbusch: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:25 AM]  Lutz, Jeni: 


  • Most agencies would only create one incident number for most incidents.

  • What field is the Case Name?

    • It is the Police Number field.

    • What is the character limit?

      • Don't know off the top of my head.

  • Scenario #4 - Fight between 3

    • Review of prefilled form

    • Questions:

      • None

      • Comments ranged from thumbs up to looks good.

  • Scenario #5 - Underage Party

    • Review of the prefilled underage party form

    • Questions?

      • Looks good.

  • Scenario #6 - Car Jacking

    • Review of the Car Jacking prefilled form

    • Questions \ Comments:

      • [‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:37 AM]  Alesha: 

DOJ would only want the offense of robbery here due to lesser included/mutually exclusive

  • That would be fine, the robbery would intimate the intimidation.

  • Most officers would put it in differently, the way DOJ would like.

  • The flow of the form is definitely taking shape.

  • Scenario #7 - Heroin with a stolen vehicle.

    • Review of the Heroin with a stolen vehicle prefilled form

    • Questions \ Comments:

      • [‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:43 AM]  Alesha: 

do any LE here know how your RMS sends an arrest for IBR purposes if you have more than one charge?

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:44 AM]  Bryan Hasse: 

Better question for records

  • Jeni: It get sent under 1 incident.

  • Alesha: Which charge is used when sent when there are multiple charges?

  • Jeni: It is a hierarchy logic from the RMS vendor and we cannot change it.

  • [‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:45 AM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

I agree  I think the highest arrest code gets submitted



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:47 AM]  Stan: 

We are not using IBR yet but I thought in training IBR was having you report all crimes for the incident

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:47 AM]  Bryan Hasse: 

We use Spillman and I am not sure how Spillman splits that out when it is sent

Violation Search Categories

  • Violation Search Categories

    • Review of the Category list document

    • We try to categorize the searches.

    • TraCS has issues when there are more than 25 search categories.

    • Does this list look correct?

[‎'m good with it


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:53 AM]  Lutz, Jeni: 

looks good


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:53 AM]  Booker: 


  • Questions / Comments:

    • Tim: First list could use a Local Ordinance in the category.

    • Geri: Local ordinances have their own list.

    • When would we be able to start testing?

      • Most likely in about 2 weeks.

  • Lunch - back at 12:45.


F2 Help Volunteers

  • Darlene led the discussion

  • Help is usually created by the form sponsor.

  • If DOJ has some we would welcome it.

  • It is important to have LE review/write/proof the content of each file to make sure it make sense to the officers / staff who would be completing the form and/or RMS

  • Volunteers

    • Brenda will provide whatever is needed

    • Bryan Hasse

    • Time Strobusch

    • Jeni Lutz

    • Kevin Barman

  • When testing the form, input on the F2 help is always appreciated.


Outstanding Questions

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 12:52 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 

Usually just in the narrative officers say


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 12:52 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 12:52 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

I would suggest one "defendant" or "suspect" listed as unknown


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 12:52 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

if a suspect or defendant field is required


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 12:53 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 

are we able to type a generic "unknown"


are we able to type a generic "unknown"

in TriTech they are able to attach an "unknown" subject to an offense


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 12:54 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

is there a WIBR requirement for as suspect if unknown?

DOJ: It is ok to report an Unknown subject

Zero subjects is also acceptable when unknown.

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 12:55 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 

Something similar to how the vehicle section works for Hit and Run


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 12:56 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

so it sounds like there is a need for a suspect even if there is limited/no information


Geri: Have an Unknow subject with some fields completed and allow others to be blank. Would not be able to transmit to DA, but could transmit to DOJ 

Similar to replicate

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 12:59 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

what information will be added?   Violation?  Citation number?   Vehicle person info?

 Geri: All these would be added, with all fields on the violation form.


When would you like to have this done, by Fall release?

Wait until this is rolling well, then add this portion.


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:01 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:01 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

I'm good with that


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:01 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:01 PM]  Barman, Kevin M - DNR: 

I think it's important, but it can wait if need be



 3. Icons

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:03 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

i like the 5th one.....


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:03 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 

4 or 5'


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:03 PM]  Stan: 

4 or 5


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:03 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

IBR may be confusing


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:03 PM]  Travis: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:03 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:03 PM]  Barman, Kevin M - DNR: 


Looks like #5 is the choice



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:08 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

yes   attach officer


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:08 PM]  Stan: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:08 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:08 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:08 PM]  Travis: 





Separate offenses can be cleared individually.



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:11 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 

it would be nice to have the ability to select what offenses can be cleared


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:12 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

i can't think of anything but having options is better


I like that it is the offenses, most RMS have it in summary section so you can't selectively clear.


 Having it at the offense level gives the most flexibility.

If two offense codes are the same, but bias code is different, need to be able to select clearance and not clear all at once.

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:13 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 

Correct, in an RMS it is at the incident level and not the offense level. offense level would be much better.

 Moving it here would it allow the clearance to be per individual?

If you have the same offense against multiple people, but one not found, you could clear the two and leave the third one not cleared?


It should be kept at the summary level to make things simple.

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:19 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 

that works at the summary level

DOJ: If there are two offender and 1 dies, do you exceptionally clear?

At Spillman it is at the summary level so you don' t have a choice, either the incident is cleared or not cleared. 


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:21 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 

the reason is usually marked arrested


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:21 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 

if a reason is given


 Stan: I thought the whole idea of this form was to transition into IBR for those agencies without RMS. This needs to be compatible with IBR.

Derek: Good point, this discussion is how to capture exceptional clearance without compromising IBR rules. (sic)

There should be more research on splitting incidents and then come back to this question.

DOJ and DOT will meet before the next meeting.

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:26 PM]  Stan: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:26 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:27 PM]  Travis: 


Some agencies do not do Exception Clearance if they do not hear back from their DA.

Who goes back and makes the changes, Officer or staff

  • DAIT can tap into da decisions

  • IF this is available, DOJ would tap into this and not have to have the agency to this. 


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:31 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

i would say yes


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:31 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:31 PM]  Travis: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:31 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:31 PM]  Stan: 




[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:33 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 

939.05 is the statute for it, but I think that works


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:33 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

yes on the modifier....but can you add more than 1 modifier?

Only have 1 modifier.

Can have multiple enhancers


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:34 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 

how many enhancers can we have


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:34 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 

is a domestic set up the same way then?


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:35 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

That's what i was thinking...enhancer


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:35 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 



  Party to a crime would be on the charging report.


This list contains both Modifiers and Enhancers.

Need to have multiselect if they stayed combined.


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:36 PM]  Travis: 

Needs to be two fields. Enhancer field needs to allow multi select, correct


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:37 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 

so either multi select or add a separate field for enhancer


If two fields, then only allow 1 modifier, but can have multiple enhancers.

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:38 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 

I think separate fields would be less confusing for officers



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:34 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 

is a domestic set up the same way then?

Domestic set up is an enhancer.



Geri has added fields to handle this question.

Iii. If you are victim and offender, how do you want Relationship to Subject entered? 


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:42 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 

self makes more sense to me


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:43 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:43 PM]  Travis: 




Remove the codes as officers don't refer to them or need to know what they are.

Jeni: records staff attaching offense codes into system, either the officer or staff will be attaching them. The numbers would be helpful if there is a chart with them. (Chart could go into the F2 help)

Decision: Remove all codes



Will be set to completed and disabled. Do you want it to be enabled so officers can make changes. - Geri double check this statement please.

Jeni: Are most agencies now doing Attempted / Completed?


Leave this enable for every offense code except those that required completed.



Geri: don't remember adding this question. Did someone else ask this?

Stan: They should be at the individual level?

Yes we are already capturing at the individual level.


Property form questions previously answered in this discussion


DOJ or DAIT do you have any questions.


Discuss how we’ll proceed after our 1 year commitment.

 Darlene led the discussion.

Charter states this would be a 1 year commitment,.

Would current members be interested in staying on 1 more year. We would not be meeting as often.

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:57 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:57 PM]  Travis: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:57 PM]  Barman, Kevin M - DNR: 

I am willing to stay on as long as necessary


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:57 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:57 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:57 PM]  Stan: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:58 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

we are into it this far.... keep going to the finish


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:58 PM]  Shawn: 

In it till the end~




Darlene will modify the charter for this item.


I am really impressed with how this meeting went today. Everyone is very respectful of each other. Thank you for all the input you have contributed to the creation of this form.


Tim: With the technology this may be the way we continue in the future. Today worked out just fine, but it is nice to see everyone in person, but we should continue this.


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:01 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 

Thank you for all your hard work also


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:01 PM]  Shawn: 

You are very welcome!


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:02 PM]  Shawn: 

We all appreciate the hard work on your end! 


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:02 PM]  Travis: 

Glad to be a part of this. Thank you to you and your group as well!


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:02 PM]  Stan: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:03 PM]  Barman, Kevin M - DNR: 

Thank you, all positive feedback!


 FALL Pack expectations:

Having all the fields for DOJ

Supplement form will not make it in the fall package.

Can use attachment until form is ready.

Should be a uniform structure if possible.


Possibly have a test package for end of May.


Transmission question?

How is a Reportable that turns into a Non Reportable, how is DOJ notified.

May use the Transmission History for this.

Derek: Updates received process:

New form deletes the current document

New form replaces the current form

If a Delete record is sent, DOJ could remove the current form.



Next Meeting Date


June dates?

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:12 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

my calendar is very clear


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:12 PM]  Barman, Kevin M - DNR: 

No plans


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:12 PM]  Stan: 

My schedule is open


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:12 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 

25 out for me


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:13 PM]  Travis: 

9th, 11th, or 18th work for me



How about the 9th with 11th as backup date?

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:13 PM]  Stan: 

That's a court date for me


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:13 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 

Working 7 on 7 off 12 hr shifts till beginning of June so I will make it work


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:13 PM]  Barman, Kevin M - DNR: 

9th and 11th clear


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:13 PM]  Dempsey, Mac: 

9th is good with me


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:13 PM]  Travis: 

9th or 11th are good


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:14 PM]  Shawn: 

Both dates are good for me


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:14 PM]  Stan: 

cancel that Im free on the 9th

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:14 PM]  Shawn: 

Sounds good.



 What about the 18th with 23rd as backup?

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:16 PM]  Travis: 

18th works for me


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:16 PM]  Barman, Kevin M - DNR: 

18th works for me


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:16 PM]  Travis: 

or 23rd


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:16 PM]  Stan: 

that works for me.


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:16 PM]  Stan: 

that works for me.


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:16 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:16 PM]  Shawn: 

both work as well. 


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:16 PM]  Stan: 

Skype meeting please.


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:17 PM]  Shawn: 

Keep in mind that Government is exempt from these orders.


Decision: Go with the 18th at DeForest (if available) and/or Skype for those who prefer.









Notes-April 16, 2020

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

8:09 PM


April 16th, 2020 at 9:00 – 3:00 PM

Skype Meeting with conference line


Work Group Team / Attendees:  




Lewis Yetter

Chippewa CO Sheriff


Tim Strohbusch

Clear Lake PD


Kevin Barman



Stanley Ridgeway

Durand PD


Shawn McGee

Hartford Township PD


Daniel Heimann

Ho-Chunk Nation PD


Booker Ferguson

Sparta PD


Candy Tork

Stevens Point PD


Bryan Hasse

Town of Beloit PD


Jeni Lutz

UW Stevens Point Police and Security


Timothy McCormack

WI State Capitol Police


Travis Lauer

Wisconsin State Patrol


Brenda Ray



Derek Veitenheimer



Geraldine Polster

DSP - Badger TraCS


Brian Neil

DSP - Badger TraCS


Alesha Brown



Darlene Schwartz

DSP - Badger TraCS


Mac Dempsey

DOJ - Guest




Geri did a roll call of participants


Review last meeting notes:

  • Geri reviewed the last meeting notes.

  • Extra Tribal information follow up from last meeting

    • No extra information is needed


Progress since last meeting:

  • Property form

  • Transformation document

  • Groups working on:

    • Subject

    • Relationship

  • Adding Relations group

  • Will be working on getting a testing version available

  • Adding Batch validation rules for eReferral

  • Questions?


Appreciate everyone joining this meeting and your patience as we work through this meeting.


Property Form Demo:

  • Pulled out the drugs, vehicle and other and put into property attachment form

  • Could/Would this be used for the arrest form?

    • Tim: this could be used for any number of forms. This would be very versatile

    • Dar: Could there be options added in the future?

      • Yes

    • Can add up to 99 items.

    • May need to add a Citation Number field as well.

    • Reviewed adding and subtracting the groups.

  • What if you make the form number a "general" number that can be used for any form?

    • Used to link other forms

    • If it was just 1 field, could you tell what form it was from?

      • Not really, only the ELCI has a distinctive number.

    • Jeni: For the general number, would a case number be associated with the property form?

      • Tim: Yes it should, some agencies use their own system. Leave this as a user defined number.

    • Police number is available on the form for your use.

    • Travis: If we have a general number field, would there be a drop down list of the forms?

      • Geri could add the form during a replicate, but a drop down may be hard to do.

    • Decision:

      • Remove the form number fields.

    • Would the form number be the form where common information was taken from for replicate?

      • Most likely, but could be any form that is open.

    • Stan: Form numbers field doesn't matter to me. We mainly use the Police Number.

  • Vehicle Group

    • Review of each field within the group.

    • Impound Location field

      • Should this be an agency controlled list?

        • Yes, create an agency controlled drop down list.

    • You can use the master index to find information on the recovered vehicle.

    • Mac: Are you filtering out vehicles from the dropdown?

      • Yes, that is what is intended.

      • Aircraft, bicycles, farm equipment, construction equipment, water craft, atv

      • Tim: could we define vehicle as anything that can/should be registered with dot or DNR???

ATV, MC, Auto?  Vehicle..... Farm tractor,  compactor ... no registration? If it is registrable through DOT or DMV then it should be regarded as a vehicle.

Bryan: State statutes define what a vehicle is and isn't. Should we use this.

Jeni: From the records standpoint, if a shed burglary has unregistered vehicles, we would still put these as vehicles, even if not registered.

Geri: these would be considered vehicles because they can be registered.

  • Tim: What is the purpose of identifying vehicles, is it for reporting to the feds?

    • We need to figure out a standard to use.

  • Kevin:

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 9:57 AM]  Barman, Kevin M - DNR: 

Could the of the section be longer? “Motor vehicles, recreational vehicles, or watercrafts”

  • Comments?

    • Decision: Put information into the F2 help.

    • What standard should be used?

  • Dar: Definition by statute may be tough as DNR and DOT may define them differently.

  • [‎4/‎16/‎2020 10:00 AM]  Dempsey, Mac: 

Sounds good, but does that mean that some Property Types might be in either section?

  • This will need more research. TraCS staff will research and follow up with in email for comments/suggestions.

  • Master index search for finding a stolen vehicle information demo.

    • Can be search using partial fields.

    • When vehicle is found, a history of all incidents is available.

    • This can vehicle can be put into the form.

    • New master index coming out later that will contain additional search items, like money, etc.

    • [‎4/‎16/‎2020 10:06 AM]  Lutz, Jeni: 

great search options

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 10:07 AM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

my officers don't use it much.....usually they just add info from the MDB


Incident Form Demo w/discussions on prefilled scenarios 

  • Modification made since last meetings

    • Added eReferral Y/N field.

    • eReferral Agency field

      • Some agencies send to different DA so they do not have a default DA.

      • This is used to select the DA to send to

    • Total fields

    • Questions:

      • Travis: Can there be a .ini setting to set a DA to send to? There is a concern that if an officer defaults the DA the officer may not reset for the next county.

        • This is something to look into this option

      • Brenda: eReferral select the county from the ORI to send to.

        • This wouldn't work for statewide agencies.

      • [‎4/‎16/‎2020 10:34 AM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

could it be linked to the map/location tool at all?  that defines county the event occurred in

  • This is something we could look at.

  • Offense

    • Can search statute numbers and have that information populate fields.

    • Agency Category and Sub Category fields are agency tables

  • Subject section

    • Individual type changed to Individual and Non-Individual.

      • Nonindividual when checked will remove non needed fields.

      • Individual will open up specific fields.

    • Jeni: Is the ATN field a required field?

      • No, but if you could get it, it would be helpful and wanted.

    • Prescription drug will open up the drug group.

    • Associated Offenses

    • Arrested

      • Associated offenses is the same list used above.

      • Added the Rental Vehicle question.

    • Victim Group

      • A few groups will open automatically based on violation selected.

      • I.e. injuries if needed.

      • Police officer selected then the LEA group will open.

      • Relationship group does not open automatically.

        • Based on the number of individual selected.

        • Each one will have their own group.

          • Officer will add the relationship

          • Officer will add the associated offenses.

      • Question

        • [‎4/‎16/‎2020 10:50 AM]  Lutz, Jeni: 

is the relationship to subject a required field

  • Most likely will be a required field.

  • [‎4/‎16/‎2020 10:52 AM]  Travis: 

I believe it is required for ereferral as well

  • Brenda: This is not a required field.

  • Other Persons

    • Added an Officer Witness type of involvement.

      • If selected the officer information group opens.

    • Officer ID is a required field.

Scenarios review:

  • Scenario #1 - MULTI STOLEN VEHICLE: Madison PD had 5 vehicles stolen out of their jurisdiction. Madison PD was able to recover 2 out of the 5 vehicles a week later, and Dane County Sheriff’s Office recovered the 3 remaining vehicles a month later

    • Reviewed a prefilled TraCS form.

    • Questions:

      • [‎4/‎16/‎2020 10:58 AM]  Shawn: 

How many characters will the narrative section be able to hold? 

  • Will have up to 5000. Over that it should be an attachment.

  • This information shown is what Madison PD completed, what would Dane County fill out?

    • Jeni: Dane County would complete a report, but Madison would be filling out UCR information.

    • Agency that had the stolen vehicles would be completing the incident form.

  • Scenario #2 - FRAUD: Carrie is new to town and attends a new church, introduces herself during a service, and talks about how sick she is with a life-threatening illness and how she is having trouble financially. The church takes a collection and gives the money to Carrie. Carrie is not sick, takes the money, and never returns to the church.

    • Reviewed a prefilled TraCS form.

    • Questions:

      • Is the relationship between the church and the individual

        • We normally only need to see relationships between 2 individuals

      • Would it be correct to drop the relationship to subject information when one is not an individual?

      • Should Victims relationship to subject be removed when one is an Non Individual?

        • Stan: Would like to keep the section, but not make it required.

        • Most agree with Stan. Keep the section.

      • Alesha: What is the consensus of the group with keeping the relationship field when one of the parties is Non Individual?

        • Add a Not Applicable as a choice and leave the field open as it could be useful to the agencies.

        • Do not make it mandatory.

  • Scenario #3 - FIGHT W/OFFICER: Brandon and Simon are fighting each other, each throwing punches (no serious injury). An officer arrives, breaks them up, and Brandon punches the officer after Simon is handcuffed and placed on the patrol vehicle. Brandon flees

    • Reviewed a prefilled TraCS form.

    • Questions:

      • [‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:18 AM]  Alesha: 

how would you handle an incident where the offense types are the same (all simple assault) but maybe the weapon or bias motivation was different for one victim than another?

  • Question will be discussed later in this meeting. See Geri's questions document.

  • Would LE have completed this differently?

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:22 AM]  Shawn: 

This looks good. 

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:22 AM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

its fine

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:22 AM]  Travis: 

looks good

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:22 AM]  Bryan Hasse: 


 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:23 AM]  Lutz, Jeni: 


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:23 AM]  Alesha: 

so most LE would put this on one incident? and clear it even if the offender who assault the officer was the offender who got away and the other was arrested?

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:23 AM]  Lutz, Jeni: 


 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:23 AM]  Bryan Hasse: 


 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:24 AM]  Tim Strohbusch: 


 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:25 AM]  Lutz, Jeni: 


  • Most agencies would only create one incident number for most incidents.

  • What field is the Case Name?

    • It is the Police Number field.

    • The character limit is 20 characters

  • Scenario #4 - THREE WAY FIGHT: Samantha and Tori were punching Olivia and Olivia was punching both of them back. Tori backed off and Samantha kept punching Olivia until she had broken bones. Samantha and Tori were both charged with assault and Tori was also charged with possession of heroin

    • Reviewed a prefilled TraCS form

    • Questions:

      • Comments ranged from thumbs up to looks good.

  • Scenario #5 - UNDERAGE PARTY: Police were called to a house for suspicious activity. Three juveniles were cited for underage drinking,  possession of paraphernalia, and drug possession. There were only trace amounts of drugs on the paraphernalia, but it was clear there was recent usage activity

    • Reviewed a prefilled TraCS form

    • Questions?

      • Looks good.

  • Scenario #6 - CAR JACKING: Dutch held Arthur at gunpoint until Arthur gave up the keys to his car, which Dutch used to steal his car.

    • Reviewed a prefilled TraCS form

    • Questions:

      • [‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:37 AM]  Alesha: 

DOJ would only want the offense of robbery here due to lesser included/mutually exclusive

  • That would be fine, the robbery would intimate the intimidation.

  • Most officers would put it in differently, the way DOJ would like.

  • The flow of the form is definitely taking shape.

  • Scenario #7 - HEROIN STOLEN VEH: Josh was pulled over and charged for OWI, possession of heroin (seized), and stolen property for driving without owner’s consent (recovered stolen MV).

    • Review of the Heroin with a stolen vehicle prefilled form

    • Questions \ Comments:

      • [‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:43 AM]  Alesha: 

do any LE here know how your RMS sends an arrest for IBR purposes if you have more than one charge?

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:44 AM]  Bryan Hasse: 

Better question for records

  • Jeni: It get sent under 1 incident.

  • Alesha: Which charge is used when sent when there are multiple charges?

  • Jeni: It is a hierarchy logic from the RMS vendor and we cannot change it.

  • [‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:45 AM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

I agree  I think the highest arrest code gets submitted



[‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:47 AM]  Stan: 

We are not using IBR yet but I thought in training IBR was having you report all crimes for the incident

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:47 AM]  Bryan Hasse: 

We use Spillman and I am not sure how Spillman splits that out when it is sent

Violation Search Categories for Felony statutes:

  • Review of the Category list document

    • We try to categorize the searches.

    • TraCS software has issues when there are more than 25 search categories.

    • Does this list look okay to move forward with?

      • [‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:53 AM]  Lutz, Jeni: 

looks good


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 11:53 AM]  Booker: 


  • Questions / Comments:

    • Tim: First list could use a Local Ordinance in the category.

    • Geri: Local ordinances have their own list.

    • When would we be able to start testing?

      • Most likely in about 2 - 4 weeks.

  • Lunch - back at 12:45.


F2 Help Volunteers:

  • Darlene led the discussion

  • Help is usually created by the form sponsor.

  • If DOJ has some we would welcome it.

  • It is important to have LE review/write/proof the content of each file to make sure it make sense to the officers / staff who would be completing the form and/or RMS

  • Volunteers

    • Brenda will provide whatever is needed

    • Bryan Hasse

    • Tim Strobusch

    • Jeni Lutz

    • Kevin Barman

  • When testing the form, input on the F2 help is always appreciated.

  • TraCS staff will work with DOJ and DAIT to discuss how to move forward with this project


Outstanding Questions:

How do we report unknown number of defendants when nothing is known? (my house was robbed and I wasn't there)

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 12:52 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 

Usually just in the narrative officers say

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 12:52 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 


 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 12:52 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

I would suggest one "defendant" or "suspect" listed as unknown

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 12:52 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

if a suspect or defendant field is required

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 12:53 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 

are we able to type a generic "unknown"

 in TriTech they are able to attach an "unknown" subject to an offense

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 12:54 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

is there a WIBR requirement for as suspect if unknown?

DOJ: It is ok to report an Unknown subject

Zero subjects is also acceptable when unknown.

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 12:55 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 

Something similar to how the vehicle section works for Hit and Run

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 12:56 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

so it sounds like there is a need for a suspect even if there is limited/no information

Have an Unknown subject with some fields completed and allow others to be blank. Would not be able to transmit to DA, but could transmit to DOJ 

Discussion on how citation data will be imported into the incident form.

(Similar to replicate)

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 12:59 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

what information will be added?   Violation?  Citation number?   Vehicle person info?

 Geri: All these would be added, with all fields on the violation form.

When would you like to have this done, by Fall release?

Wait until this is rolling well, then add this portion?

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:01 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 


 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:01 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

I'm good with that

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:01 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 


 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:01 PM]  Barman, Kevin M - DNR: 

I think it's important, but it can wait if need be

 3. Which Icon to you want to represent the Incident Form?

Geri sent out a PDF with 5 different icon options.

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:03 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

i like the 5th one.....

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:03 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 

4 or 5'

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:03 PM]  Stan: 

4 or 5

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:03 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

IBR may be confusing

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:03 PM]  Travis: 


 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:03 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 


 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:03 PM]  Barman, Kevin M - DNR: 


Looks like #5 is the choice


eCitations are always written by the officer sending in the ticket. They are on the bottom of the form. For an e Referral I noticed that enforcement officer isn't required. If sending in with officer should always be in the other person section or should I always send in the information on the bottom of the form in the agency group?

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:08 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

yes   attach officer

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:08 PM]  Stan: 


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:08 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:08 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:08 PM]  Travis: 



  • How do we handle cleared by exception?

    • if there was a split incident and an assault occurred. Then if an officer showed up and he was assaulted. They would all have the same 13B, could they only clear one of them. Because one of the subjects died but the second one did not. (Separate offenses can be cleared individually.)

  [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:11 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 

it would be nice to have the ability to select what offenses can be cleared

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:12 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

i can't think of anything but having options is better


I like that it is the offenses, most RMS have it in summary section so you can't selectively clear.


 Having it at the offense level gives the most flexibility.

If two offense codes are the same, but bias code is different, need to be able to select clearance and not clear all at once.

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:13 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 

Correct, in an RMS it is at the incident level and not the offense level. offense level would be much better.

 Moving it here would it allow the clearance to be per individual?

If you have the same offense against multiple people, but one not found, you could clear the two and leave the third one not cleared?


It should be kept at the summary level to make things simple.

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:19 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 

that works at the summary level

DOJ: If there are two offender and 1 dies, do you exceptionally clear?

At Spillman it is at the summary level so you don' t have a choice, either the incident is cleared or not cleared. 

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:21 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 

the reason is usually marked arrested

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:21 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 

if a reason is given

 Stan: I thought the whole idea of this form was to transition into IBR for those agencies without RMS. This needs to be compatible with IBR.

Derek: Good point, this discussion is how to capture exceptional clearance without compromising IBR rules. (sic)

There should be more research on splitting incidents and then come back to this question.

DOJ and DOT will meet before the next meeting.

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:26 PM]  Stan: 


 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:26 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 


 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:27 PM]  Travis: 


Some agencies do not do Exception Clearance if they do not hear back from their DA.

Who goes back and makes the changes, Officer or staff

  • DAIT can tap into DA decisions

  • If this is available, DOJ should tap into this so the agency doesn't have to do this. 


LE would be expected to fill out the relationship between all the victims and the offenders?

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:31 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

i would say yes

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:31 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 


 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:31 PM]  Travis: 


 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:31 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 


 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:31 PM]  Stan: 



  • If there is a situation where the second person was a lookout, then DOJ would want them to be added as an offender. Brenda states there is a modifier Party to a Crime that can be used. It is not an actual statute.

    • How are people will fill things out in practice?


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:33 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 

939.05 is the statute for it, but I think that works

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:33 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

yes on the modifier....but can you add more than 1 modifier?

Only have 1 modifier.

Can have multiple enhancers

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:34 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 

how many enhancers can we have

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:34 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 

is a domestic set up the same way then?


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:35 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

That's what i was thinking...enhancer

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:35 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 


   Party to a crime would be on the charging report.

This list contains both Modifiers and Enhancers.

Need to have multiselect if they stayed combined.

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:36 PM]  Travis: 

Needs to be two fields. Enhancer field needs to allow multi select, correct

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:37 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 

so either multi select or add a separate field for enhancer

If two fields, then only allow 1 modifier, but can have multiple enhancers.

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:38 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 

I think separate fields would be less confusing for officers

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:34 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 

is a domestic set up the same way then?

Domestic set up is an enhancer.

Decision: Create two fields (One for Enhancer and one for Modifier)

Enhancer has a multi-select

Modifiers only has one choice


  • How to assign offenses to victims and property?

    • Added new field: Society, person and property crimes.

    • DOJ doesn't collect group B offenses with victims, but DA can still charge those offenses.

      • 90A: BAD CHECKS






      • 90H: PEEPING TOM

      • 90I: RUNAWAY



    • For Victim relationships if they are a subject, what should the terminology be?

      • Currently a victim relation to themselves is Offender. That was very difficult for me to figure out. I was looking for self.

        • Yes, use Self


Geri has added fields to handle this question.

Iii. If you are victim and offender, how do you want Relationship to Subject entered? 

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:42 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 

self makes more sense to me

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:43 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 


 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:43 PM]  Travis: 



 9. Offense Codes – should I remove the codes or have them all put on. Officers really don’t need to see the codes.

Remove the codes as officers don't refer to them or need to know what they are.

Jeni: records staff attaching offense codes into system, either the officer or staff will be attaching them. The numbers would be helpful if there is a chart with them. (Chart could go into the F2 help)

Decision: Remove all codes


  • Attempted/Completed: All Group A offenses can either be attempted or completed except for the following seven offenses.  These seven offense can only be “Completed” – These will be set to completed and disabled

  • 09A:  Murder / Non-negligent Manslaughter

  • 09B:  Manslaughter by Negligence

  • 09C:  Justifiable Homicide (Note that this is not a crime.)

  • 13A:  Aggravated Assault

  • 13B:  Simple Assault

  • 13C:  Intimidation

  • 36A:  Incest

  • Group B offenses do you want to collect this information?

    • All offenses not set to completed and disabled will be enabled and user puts in what is needed

Jeni: Are most agencies now doing Attempted / Completed?


Leave this enable for every offense code except those that required completed.


Should some of the offense codes be placed at the individual level?

Geri: don't remember adding this question. Did someone else ask this?

Stan: They should be at the individual level?

Yes we are already capturing at the individual level.


Property form questions previously answered in this discussion

  • Impound Location should be an Agency Specific list like towing companies

    • Yes, Agency specific

  • This form would be linked to the Arrest form through the case number.


DOJ or DAIT do you have any questions?


Discuss how we’ll proceed after our 1 year commitment:

Darlene led the discussion.

Charter states this would be a 1 year commitment,.

Would current members be interested in staying on 1 more year. We would not be meeting as often.

[‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:57 PM]  Bryan Hasse: 


 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:57 PM]  Travis: 


 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:57 PM]  Barman, Kevin M - DNR: 

I am willing to stay on as long as necessary

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:57 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 


 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:57 PM]  Lutz, Jeni: 


 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:57 PM]  Stan: 


 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:58 PM]  Tim Strohbusch: 

we are into it this far.... keep going to the finish

 [‎4/‎16/‎2020 1:58 PM]  Shawn: 

In it till the end~


Darlene will modify the charter for this item.


I am really impressed with how this meeting went today. Everyone is very respectful of each other. Thank you for all the input you have contributed to the creation of this form.


Tim: With the technology this may be the way we continue in the future. Today worked out just fine, but it is nice to see everyone in person, but we should continue this.


 FALL Pack expectations:

Having all the fields for DOJ

Supplement form will not make it in the fall package.

Can use attachment until form is ready.

Should be a uniform structure if possible.


Possibly have a test package for end of May.


Transmission question?

How is a Reportable that turns into a Non Reportable, how is DOJ notified.

May use the Transmission History for this.

Derek: Updates received process:

New form deletes the current document

New form replaces the current form

If a Delete record is sent, DOJ could remove the current form.


Next Meeting Date:


[‎4/‎16/‎2020 2:17 PM]  Shawn: 

Keep in mind that Government is exempt from these orders.


Decision: June 18, 2020 at De Forest DSP Post (if possible) and Skype Meeting for those who prefer.









June 18, 2020 meeting agenda

Monday, May 11, 2020

1:09 PM


WIBRS Section on the NTC when to get rid of


Do we need a parent notification letter like the citations?



Agenda - September 24, 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

3:06 PM




  • Fall Release

    • Review what's going out

  • 2021 Fall Release

    • Validations Rules

    • Transmission file

    • New Forms/Features

      • Evidence

      • Supplement

      • Property – Summary Totals

      • Auto-populate

      • Printed Reports

      • Analysis Reports

  • Prioritize

    • What is required

    • Prioritize items

  • Supplemental Form

    • Forms numbers

  • Evidence Form

    • Discuss form

    • Printed Reports

      • Packing Slip

      • Evidence Report

      • Evidence Summary

      • Report Label

        • Bottom Left

        • Bottom Right

        • Middle Left

        • Middle Right

        • Top Left

        • Top Right

        • Four Inch

      • Evidence Collection Purge

      • Evidence Purge Receipt

      • Evidence Collection Receipt

      • Evidence Transfer Form

      • Zebra Printer Label






Notes- September 24, 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

3:06 PM


September 24th, 2020 at 9:00 – 3:00 PM

Teams Meeting

Work Group Team / Attendees:  




Lewis Yetter

Chippewa CO Sheriff


Tim Strohbusch

Clear Lake PD


Kevin Barman



Stanley Ridgeway

Durand PD


Shawn McGee

Hartford Township PD


Daniel Heimann

Ho-Chunk Nation PD


Booker Ferguson

Sparta PD


Candy Tork

Stevens Point PD


Bryan Hasse

Town of Beloit PD


Jeni Lutz

UW Stevens Point Police and Security


Timothy McCormack

WI State Capitol Police


Travis Lauer

Wisconsin State Patrol


Brenda Ray



Derek Veitenheimer



Geraldine Polster

DSP - Badger TraCS


Brian Neil

DSP - Badger TraCS


Alesha Brown



Darlene Schwartz

DSP - Badger TraCS


Mac Dempsey

DOJ - Guest




  • Fall Release

    • Review what's going out

Property Form

  • Auto populate/replicate complete

    • Just Basic Auto populate fields.

  • report

Incident Form

  • Moved Violation Group Fields to document and made into buttons

  • XSLT

    • XSLT for multi enhancer

  • Utility Forms

  • Auto-populate/replicate complete

    • Basics for all forms to incident

    • DNR/ELCI/NTC replicate all fields on the ticket to the incident form

  • Property Group Locked Down

  • Public Report

Attachment Form

  • New Version

  • Created xslt5

  • Added rules for DAIT transmission

  • Auto-populate/replicate complete


What type of documentation needed for LEA?

  • Ereferal

    • Must set up with local DA

    • Must test with DAIT to be sure it works before going live.

    • If a brief description and contact information would be needed

  • Basic documentation is needed

    • What can be sent to DA

    • What is the size of the attachment that can be sent

    • Brenda has documentation that she gives to RMS vendors

      • Will review and have that available for agencies that want to start testing.

  • Good F2 help fields would be good to have available


  • 2021 Fall Release

    • Validations Rules for DOJ

    • Transmission file

    • New Forms/Features that were requested

      • Evidence

        • Group listed this as a priority\requirement

      • Supplement

        • Statements of officers

        • Can be sent to DA

        • Group listed this as a priority\requirement

      • Property – Summary Totals

      • Auto-populate

        • Finding violations for subjects in the case


      • Printed Reports

        • Redacted report

        • Victim's Rights

      • Analysis Reports

        • Query of what is in custody\released? (this is a want, not a need) (Tim Strohbusch)

        • Inventory for evidence by type and date entered. (Travis)

        • Please send any examples of analysis reports that may be wanted.


Note: DA transmission is first incident form. Then attachments can be sent, but not at the same time as the incident. DAIT creates a case number and links the attachments to the case.


Question: Can adjustments be made to the initial report after it is transmitted? Can LEA make a change to the report? Answer: Would not change the original report, but send a new attachment (supplement). If additional defendant is found, LE would update the incident form and resend to DAIT. DAIT would get an alert that this report has been already sent, so they need to look for updated information.


Question: Do we need another access level that allows for edit and resend?

Question: Can the DA accept large attachment files?

Answer: eReferal is designed to accept photos and text files, not videos. Size limit is set at 10 mb. Audio and video files should be continued to be sent to DA as it is currently being handled.


Question: after the supervisor approved the report does it get sent then, like the citation?

Answer: each agency should create their own workflow for getting the incident sent.


Questions: Forms in hosted environment would be transmitted when?

Answer: They would be sent at 9:00 am. The 3 citation types will be sent at 6:00. all forms will be transmitted starting at 9:00 and goes throughout the day at set times. If there is a need for an immediate transmission, the agency would contact Badger TraCS and we can manually transmit.


Question\comment: Should incident forms be included in the 6:00 a.m. transmission, especially for those in-custody reports. Some counties may want reports before 8:00 a.m.

  • Can there be an in-custody field to have the report sent earlier?

    • There are a few agencies that would like to see this added and include them in the 6:00 a.m. transmission.

    • We will add this for the Fall2020 pack. There will only be basic rules associated with this.

  • Some DA don't see people until 1:00. Ours accept reports up until 11:00 a.m. (J. Lutz)

  • Will review the transmission times as the system grows.


  • Prioritize

    • What is required

    • Prioritize items

      • Evidence form 1

      • Supplemental Form 2

      • Auto-Populate 3

      • Redacted Report 4

      • Victim's rights report 5

      • Analysis reports 6

Question: Can we release next fall if one of these items are not included?

Answer: They are all important, but nothing is critical.

  • Supplemental Form

    • Court case number was a left over field from the form this group was copied from. it can be ignored.

    • Would this be a good form to add to the Notice of Intent to Suspend (OWI suite)

      • This could be helpful

      • Just looking to see what would be needed to use this form with forms other than incident.

    • This form would send a PDF document

    • Add a Lead Agency Case number field

  • Statement group

    • First 4 fields are copied from the arrest report

    • Some discussion of having a public statement and an office statement

    • Statement Summary label could be changed to something else, I.e. Agency Space

    • Question: Do we need multiple supplement forms if we talk to more then one person, or can we put them all on one form?

    • The narrative is currently set at 10,000 characters, but may look into what unlimited is.

      • Max could be set at what SQL will allow.

      • Will be checking with TEG if there is a limit other than that.


  • Forms reference numbers

    • The thought was that we could be using this form for other form and would need a reference number to that form.

  • Evidence Form

    • Review of Iowa's form

      • Demo of the form

        • Summary group

          • Incident date

          • Incident time

          • Related Case

          • Date and time seized

            • These should be on each individual item (Tim Strohbusch)

            • OK if it is one piece of evident per form.

          • Short description of item

          • Type of Seizure

          • Reason for Seizure

          • Evidence Type

          • Quantity

          • Seized By

          • Size

          • Measurements

          • Serial #

          • Submit to Lab

          • Exam(s) Requested

          • DRE Drug Type

        • Fields that could be added

          • Owner identification number / owner applied number

          • Police Hold? Yes/No button

        • Would like to not have to double key information on different forms, should replicate.

      • Individual group

        • Iowa added fields:

          • FBI number

          • DCI number

          • Signature from person property was obtained.

            • Not wanted by group.

          • Zip Code

          • Building

          • Floor

          • Location of item seized

        • Could we add impound location field

      • Vehicle

        • If seized from vehicle, then location of vehicle

      • Offenses

        • Offense Date

        • Jurisdiction Code

        • Offense location

        • 3 most important violations for this offense.

        • Many labs have their own evidence submittal form so these field are not needed.

          • Transmittal differ on the type of evidence (Tim Strohbusch)

            • Tim will send examples

      • Chain of Custody

        • Don't use signatures on much of anything anymore since it is all digital (B. Hasse)

          • Remove signature fields.

          • Electronic may be an option, if signature is needed.

          • Derek is asking Crime Lab if they require a signature

        • Add Bay Number field.

      • Purge of Evidence

        • Add bay number

        • Change name to Disposition instead of Purge

    • Printed Reports

      • Receipt of Property

        • This report is not required, but may be nice to have.

      • Evidence Tracking Report


      • Packing Slip

      • Evidence Report

      • Evidence Summary

      • Report Label

        • Bottom Left

        • Bottom Right

        • Middle Left

        • Middle Right

        • Top Left

        • Top Right

        • Four Inch

      • Evidence Collection Purge

      • Evidence Purge Receipt

      • Evidence Collection Receipt

      • Evidence Transfer Form

        • Listing of all transfers for a specific item

      • Zebra Printer Label

    • Crime lab forms are available on Wilenet.org

    • Would there be a need for an attachment group?

      • Maybe for photos

Question: Could we add barcodes to the evidence form?

Answer: That would be nice.

Question: Would the barcode be on the printed report?

Answer: The best location would be on the evidence label.


Comment: It would be good to have a separate meeting on the Evidence form, with agency evidence techs as invited guests.

Geri will set up a meeting and it will be up to each agency to invite the proper personnel.



  • We could set up agency machines to be clients in the hosted environment

  • UWSP would be interested in testing.

  • Sparta would be interested




Other person:

  • Fixed all bugs that were found

  • Rules were fixed where errors were found.


Auto-Populate and replicate

  • All forms in suite were gone through and auto-populate and replicate were added.

    • Would be nice to be able to pull in any violations within the same case


Property form

  • Not changed much. Just added the report

  • Loss type field is a form mechanics that will open date fields when the type requires them


Attachment form:

  • Working on the transmission to the DA

  • Attachment is only allowed to be transmitted once.




Friday, November 20, 2020

1:27 PM




F2 Help Supplement form



December 15th 2020 Agenda

Monday, November 30, 2020

12:50 PM


  • Welcome

  • Changes since last time

    • Fall Pack Released

    • Supplemental form draft version

    • Evidence form meeting

    • User Conference

  • Incident form

    • NIBRS Rules

      • Spreadsheet

      • Questions

    • Redacted Report

    • Other Reports

    • F2 Help

      • Interested

    • Race/Ethnicity field

  • Supplemental form

    • Demo

    • Any Additional Fields?

    • Reports

    • F2 Help

      • Interested

  • Evidence/Property form

    • Review Meeting- 12/7

    • How forms work together

    • Changes To Property Form

  • Arrest Form

    • Changes?

  • Survey Questions that we need to ask?

  • Next Meeting Mid February






December 7, 2020 Brian's Meeting notes

Monday, December 7, 2020

3:12 PM


Evidence Meeting Agenda

Teams Virtual Meeting

December 8, 2020

9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.





Lewis Yetter

Chippewa County SO

Ofc Paul Houx

Clear Lake PD


Kevin Barman



Chief Stanley Ridgeway

Durand PD

Chief Shawn McGee

Hartford Township PD

Officer Daniel Heimann

Ho-Chunk Nation PD

Lt. Booker Ferguson

Sparta PD


Candy Tork

Stevens Point PD

Lt. Bryan Hasse

Town of Beloit PD

Jeni Lutz

UW Stevens Point Police & Security

Sgt. Timothy McCormack

WI State Capitol Police

Inspector Travis Lauer

Wisconsin State Patrol


Brenda Ray

DA Protect


Geri Polster

Badger TraCS


Brian Neil

Badger TraCS


Darlene Schwartz

TraCS Program Manager


Alesha Brown



Sergeant Jason Bakken

Wisconsin State Patrol


LT Nathan Henriksen

Wisconsin State Patrol


Sergeant Abby Onsgard

WI State Capitol Police

Mac Dempsey


Bryan Harrenstein



Marci Enloe

Dane County Sheriffs (WAI)

Jessica Greer

Dane County Sheriffs (WAI)


Holly Schultz

Ashwaubenon Department of Public Safety (WAI)


Cyndel Sawall

City of Menasha Police Department (WAI)



UW Madison Police Department (WAI)

Melissa Zielke

Dane County Sheriffs


6085409368 (Booker call in)


  1. Welcome

    1. Housekeeping

    2. Introductions

      1. Members present introduced themselves and gave a brief description on how they are involved in the handling of evidence.

    3. Incident Project

      1. Geri reviewed the incident project and the new forms that were introduced.

  2. What is needed?

    1. Items

      1. Form Fields

      2. Field Drop down lists

      3. F2 Help

        1. Need create

      4. Reports

        1. What reports are needed.

      5. Labels

      6. Property Receipt

      7. Signatures

        1. Are they needed?

        2. TraCS can collect signatures

          1. What and who's signatures are needed to be collected.

      8. Analysis reports

      9. Notifications

    2. IAPE standards

      1. Need to be able to create our forms are meeting the standards of this organization.

  3. Flow of Evidence/Property

    1. Brian Herrickstein

      1. There is a chain of custody form on the back of the seizure tag

      2. It is important to keep track of who is handling.

    2. Holley

      1. Chain of custody, who found it, who collected it.

      2. Bagged

      3. Returned to agency for processing

      4. Evidence tag and stored in temporary storage

      5. Review of incident

      6. Deposal of evidence as procedure.

    3. Cyndel

      1. Chain of command

      2. Evidence bagged and initialed by collecting officer

      3. They use BEAST

      4. Property into temp evidence room

      5. Scanned and moved to permanent storage.

      6. Chain of custody is used when it is moved.

    4. Booker

      1. Collection usually done by an officer, they enter into temporary evidence location. They enter the evidence into our RMS system. From there our evidence room processes the evidence and will assign it to another location in the evidence room. From there, there may need to be transferred (crime lab, officers for phone dumps...) its location is tracked to disposition. also do routine audits which usually has the system pick a evidence location and we get a print out of all the items at that location and we audit that location.

    5. Paul Houx

      1. Online system

      2. Limited to their officers only.

        1. Would need to be able to have other agency officers available

          1. Either accepting evidence or giving evidence to other agencies.

  4. How many agencies work with others in the collection on evidence?

    1. Cyndel - We have both Calumet County and Winnebago County

    2. Booker - just Sparta

    3. Paul -- If a statewide RMS was developed it would be most helpful in the interagency operation of evidence.

    4. On behalf of Bryan Harrenstein (DNR): DNR often deals with almost every LE agency in the state regarding evidence, storage, etc.

  1. Property Form Vs Evidence form

    1. Geri briefly showed the Property form as it is in TraCS

    2. Completed the form for members to see what the form does.

    3. Should the items be their own form?

      1. Travis - Limit item to property form

        1. Replicate to another property form

      2. Geri - also thinking of how to get this information into the incident form

        1. Having a large number of forms open may crash the system.

        2. Possible to collect the evidence but not use NIBRS

      3. Nathan - Is there a general number associated to each case, i.e. the general number of pieces of evidence per case?

        1. Generally it is about 3, but TRU could be much larger

        2. Travis - If you collect multiple pieces of property, some are evidence and get transferred to the evidence form, others are just property, could we select certain items within the property form to issue a printed property receipt or would all the items print out? Wondering if this would be another issue with grouping all things on one form.

        3. Booker -

Nathan, we average 4-5 pieces, but do search warrants a few times a month which can easily reach 50+ items. We have two cases this year which are over 300 items but those pretty rare

Nate - the average for items is likely 5 to 10 items. A search warrant or major crime scene 20 to 30 items or more.

Travis- I see where you are going. For instance when we do a search warrant having the ability to print a list for homeowner for items seized (owner driven) would be nice at the scene. There may be other items from that same location seized different owners..

  1. Holly - If there is one form for property, or for the owner, or the location it could be an issue.

    1. Without seeing how the property form will transfer over to the evidence form, it is hard to make a good choice.

    2. On the property form is there a number that is transferred over to the new form, is this a generated number or hand keyed.

  2. Nathan - do you have an example of labels that can be printed out?

    1. Would this work like the crash form where multiple people are receiving citations but yet are linked to the crash form.

  3. Jason - TraCS is one officer driven, where 1 officer writes 1 report.

    1. Is there a way that multiple officers can be signed into the property form?

    2. When there are multiple officers entering multiple items at a major incident, i.e. mall shooting, how can they be linked.

    3. Geri - TraCS locks the form when someone opens it.

      1. Case information can contain multiple officer reports.

    4. Bryan - Does this work similar to CFS?

      1. We could use the Police Number field to tie all reports together.

  4. Paul - Just a thought- if a property form was limited to say 30 items. If there were more than 30 open another property form that is linked. That may help with the system getting bogged down like what happens with a crash report with several vehicles………..?

  5. Travis - How do we handle each individual items for chain of custody, location, owner?

    1. Planning on having the Property form as the collection document

      1. Evidence form would then take the individual items from property into evidence.

  6. Cyndel - How easy would it be pull an individual item to give to an officer.

    1. Can use the master index to search information and it would bring back the forms that the evidence is part of.

  7. Nathan - The person that opens the form is the owner.

    1. When there are multiple officers collecting multiple evidence items during a mass incident, it will overload a property form. Is it best to have one large form with all evidence or have individual forms with individual pieces of evidence.

  8. Holly - is there a way to get a snapshot of all the evidence collected to give out without having to print every document?

    1. Can print out the property form,

    2. Could use either Analysis Reports or ad hoc queries.

  9. Holly - Where you serve a warrant and collect 300 items of evidence is there a way to include all items in a warrant return report or do you have to print out 300 sheets?

    1. Can the property form have sub forms i.e. evidence tag,

    2. Can there be a way to choose only some of the items to group to a individual owner, etc.

  10. Nathan - if an item is listed on the property form but it is not taken as evidence and returned, can it be disposed (returned) without becoming evidence?


If you have any example of reports that you may need, please send them to me. You can redact any information just so we have the report basics.

Fields needed for gathering evidence.

Review of Evidence form spreadsheet

Evidence group (Iowa form)

  • Evidence Short Description

    • Needed

    • Length

      • 100 is good

  • Type of seizure

    • How you got the item.

    • Cyndel - I think you could just remove the type of seizure and use the reason for seizure box or vice versa: i.e. found/evidence/safekeeping

    • Remove one and rename to Reason

  • Reason for seizure

    • Keep

    • Evidence, Found Property, Safe keeping, firearms (follow the WAI items)

  • Evidence Type

    • Keep

    • Main category

  • Quantity

    • Size is set to a length of six. (ok)

  • Seized By

    • Can do agency officer lookups

      • Cannot do other agency officer lookups

    • Keep

  • Size

    • Cyndel - has never had to give a size ever. Better to have this as packaging.

    • Remove

      • The same as packing code

    • There is no one from state lab on call so we don't know exactly what is needed

      • We can look at transmittal/submittal form for what is needed

  • Measurement

  • Serial Number

    • This is our form number

    • Should keep serial number for firearms, bikes, electronics, etc

Holly - Property form is for collecting property, evidence is for the each piece of evidence.

Bryan - I look at this as the top part of the form. Submit to lab is something that may be on one item, but not all items. i.e. blood on steering wheel but not the vehicle.

  • Submit to lab

    • Keep

  • Exams Requested

    • Keep

    • State lab has a list of exams on their transmittal form

  • Submission Type Code

    • Keep

    • Get a list from submittal form

  • Packing Code

    • Keep

  • Tracking Number (packaging tracking number)

    • Keep

    • Some agencies are tracking on a different system.

      • Number on the card

    • Some agencies track this on chain of custody

  • Special Handling

    • Keep

    • Could there be drop down list instead?

    • Size long enough?

      • Yes

  • Special Handling Other (new field)

    • Other up to 1000 character.

  • Evidence Notes

    • Keep, but check for a duplicate field later down the form.

  • Date Seized

    • Keep

  • Time Seized

    • Keep

Summary group

  • Summary Date Occurred

    • Keep

  • Summary Time Occurred

    • Keep

  • Coins Total

    • Maybe

  • Bill Total

    • Maybe

  • Total Cash Amount

    • Maybe

  • Total Amount

    • Maybe

  • Purge review date

    • Keep, critical for evidence management

  • Obtained from

    • This is a signature field

    • Don't keep

  • Person Obtained from Sign Date

    • Seized date (duplicate)

  • Related Case number

    • Incident document number

    • Might need

  • Obtained from known

    • Yes No field

    • Differentiate found property from a known individual

    • Keep

  • Disposition (new field)

    • Property seized from known subject and then sold or donated.

    • Not all property seized ( car killed animal)

    • Need an auction disposition as well.

    • Might be better in chain of custody


  • Crime code - statute number

    • Collect 1

      • If more than 1 is needed, then add a new group.

    • Can be auto-populate

    • Keep

  • Crime type (Offense codes)

    • Keep

    • Cyndel to send their list they use

  • Crime class

  • Statute Description

    • Keep

    • Should be auto-populated

  • Add Ordinance number

  • Add Ordinance description



  • drugLossType

    • Keep

    • Holly - we need to be able to add Index only as a type

      • This is not a correct field

  • drugPropertyType

    • Keep

  • drugEvidenceNumber

    • Keep

    • Link back to property form

      • Not found on Evidence form

  • drugType

    • Keep

    • Suggested to use the DRE drug list from the State Lab of Hygiene

  • drugQuantity

    • Keep

  • drugValue

    • Keep

    • Is this a mandatory field?

      • No

  • drugDateRecovered

    • Keep

  • drugRecoveredValue

    • Keep


  • Denomination

    • Keep

  • TotalAmount

    • keep

  • MoneyQuantity

    • Keep

  • Property type (new field)

    • Found, donated, etc

  • Recovery Date (new field)


  • Loss Type

    • keep

  • Property Type

    • Keep

  • Vehicle Type

  • Property Value

    • Can us Kelly blue book

  • Evidence Number

  • Plate number

  • Plate type

  • State

  • County of Issuance

  • Plate expiration year

  • VIN

  • Year

  • Make

  • Model

  • Body Style

  • Color

  • Impounded

  • Vehicle towed by

    • Keep

  • Location Towed To

    • Not needed

  • Tow Vehicle Driver

    • Not needed

  • Tow Phone Number

    • Keep

    • Modify towing company table to include phone number

    • Not required

  • Vehicle Damage

    • Not needed

  • Tow Damage

    • Not needed

  • Date Recovered

  • Recovered Property Value

  • Recovered in Parts

  • Recovered Type

    • Not needed

  • Recovered by Agency

    • Not needed

  • ORI Number

    • Not needed

    • I don't think the ORI would be needed. We document this with our TIME System and all the paperwork gets attached to the report. There is no need for ORI, agency info in regards to an evidence stand point.


  • Propertyitme lossType

  • propertyItem Type

  • Firearm type (new field)

  • propertyitemDescription

  • propetyitmeValue

  • propertyitemEvidenceNumber

  • propertyitemMake

  • propertyitemModel

  • propertyitemDateRecoered

  • Caliber

  • Serial number (new field)

  • Condition (new field)

    • Some agencies don't document condition

    • Make this optional, could possibly be removed

  • Photographs (new field)

    • Photographs are also important in that aspect to document the condition of the firearm

  • ATF etrace (new field)

    • Yes or No field

    • Possibly a chain of custody

    • More use when submitted to a evidence room

    • When returning to owner we document that we did a criminal history….. just a thought

  • NIBIN (new field)

    • Yes or No field

All other items

  • Loss Type

  • Property Type

  • Description

  • Quantity

  • Value

  • Evidence Number

  • Make

  • Model

  • Color

  • Serial Number

  • Owner number

  • NCIC number

  • Recovery date

  • Quantity recovered

  • Recovered Value

  • Date Stolen


  • Person Type

    • Owner, possessor, victim, subject, finder, etc

  • Sequence number

  • Name Last

  • Name First

  • Name Middle

  • Name Suffix

  • Address field

  • DOB

  • Sex

  • Race

  • Height

  • Weight

  • Hair color

  • Eye color

  • DL number

  • Country

  • Expiration year

  • Phone number

  • Email address

  • Ethnicity

  • FBI Number

    • May not need to be captured

    • Not needed

  • DCI Number

    • Not needed

  • Firearm disqualifier (new field)

    • Yes or No field

  • Insurance Company

    • A spot for insurance as this could be used to take a stolen property compliant as well and insurance info would be nice?

    • Did they already payout? (new field)

      • Yes No

      • If yes, then item is returned to insurance co


  • County

  • Municipality

  • The rest of the location common information field

  • Type

    • Identical to list used on incident form

    • NIBRS list

    • Not needed

  • Zip Code

    • Not needed

  • Building number

    • Not needed

  • Building floor number

    • Not needed

  • Narrative

    • Not needed

Vehicle located In

Yes keep this group

Chain of Custody

All transfers for one piece of evidence are included

Signature need when it goes to a different person

  • Could there be a trigger for change of custodians then have signature

  • If moving to different location, signature may not be needed

Patrol officers don't see the temporary storage location

  • That way they don't see what is in the permanent storage location

  • Need to find a way to handle this.

How does change of custodian work, how does the new custodian get access to the form?

  • May be able to use ribbons to grant access to new custodian

  • Could look into transferring ownership as well


  • From Type

  • From Location

  • From Storage Type

  • From Storage Location

  • To Type

  • To Location

    • This is the temporary location

  • To Storage Type

  • To Storage Location

    • This is the permanent location

  • To Property Control Location

  • To Person Name

  • To Person Badge

  • Transfer Date

  • Transfer Time

  • Transfer Notes

  • CoC Entry Name

Purge of Evidence

Change Purge to Disposition

  • Purge Type

  • Purge Date

  • Purge Time

  • Evidence Present

  • Disposition type (new field)

  • Witness to disposal

    • No witness for low value items

    • Short narrative given

    • Signatures are not needed, just the name and badge number

    • Concerned that the field is there but not used, it may bring up questions of why it isn't used.

      • Add a field for Witness needed.

      • If field is NA, then remove from the printed form.

      • Verbiage can be changed to something better explaining why it isn’t used.


  • Narrative

    • 5000 characters is wanted.


Keep the same as normal


Keep the same as normal


Bar Codes

  • QR Codes are not available through TraCS at this time.

    • Would need to request this to become available

    • No timeframe as to when it could be made available.

  • PDF417 Linear Stacked

    • Available now

  • Code39 Simple alpha numeric

    • Available now

  • Discussion

    • BEAST uses Code39

    • Check with crime lab to see where they are going to & when? We use code 39 in our rms now.

    • How much data could be contained in a barcode.

      • Would like to save time when transferring evidence and they wouldn't have to recreate the form.

    • Forms can be transfer forms between agencies as long as they are web services.

    • Could it be on the evident label for inventory

    • Decision: Stay with Code39

  1. Next Meetings

    1. Should continue to meet monthly until further form development.

      1. Decision: Yes

    2. Geri to send out a Doodle to members to get meeting availability


  • Thank you for making time to attend this meeting.

  • We will try to reach out to the non TraCS users to show how TraCS works.

  • Not all items discussed will not make it into the next fall pack.

  • Please feel free to reach out to us for any questions or comments you have.




December 15th 2020 Meeting Notes

Monday, December 14, 2020

2:25 PM


Incident Workgroup Meeting Agenda

Teams Virtual Meeting

December 15, 2020

9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.





Lewis Yetter

Chippewa County SO


Chief Tim Strohbusch

Clear Lake PD


Kevin Barman



Chief Stanley Ridgeway

Durand PD


Chief Shawn McGee

Hartford Township PD


Officer Daniel Heimann

Ho-Chunk Nation PD


Lt. Booker Ferguson

Sparta PD


Candy Tork

Stevens Point PD


Lt. Bryan Hasse

Town of Beloit PD


Jeni Lutz

UW Stevens Point Police & Security


Sgt. Timothy McCormack

WI State Capitol Police


Inspector Travis Lauer

Wisconsin State Patrol


Brenda Ray

DA Protect


Derek Veitenheimer



Geri Polster

Badger TraCS


Brian Neil

Badger TraCS


Darlene Schwartz

TraCS Program Manager


Alesha Brown



Mac Dempsey



Gowri Karri








  • Fall Pack was released

    • Included the Incident and property form

    • Baseline issue with SFTP transmission

      • Rollout stopped

      • Agencies that do not use SFTP can request the pack to be released

      • New baseline is being tested and should be released in Jan/Feb

  • Attachemt forms

    • created transmission to DAIT


  • Supplemental form

  • Reviewed to Incident form

  • Property form release

    • Drugs and vehicles

    • No rules

  • Evidence Meeting

  • User Conference

    • Incident form breakout

      • Walked through the forms and explained which fields were used by each of our partners.

Incident Form

  • Working with DOJ on the NIBRS rules.

  • DOJ has supplied a spreadsheet of proposed rules.

  • Started by reviewing the rules and color coded the rule

    • Some of the rules already exist in TraCS

    • Did add a few rules, I.e. incident date of agency started submitting data

      • What is the date and can DOJ provide it to TraCS to implement

      • DOJ will discuss options on getting these dates.

    • Blue coded rows are item that are on hold for now.

      • Transmission

      • Some other items as well

  • Questions presented by DOJ.

    • Exceptional Clearance Indicator Field

      • DOJ will be working on accepting clearances from other RMS systems as well

      • Are the buttons on the ribbon all of the clearances needed?

        • DOJ will check to be sure

    • Deleting incident Records

      • DOJ will be working on an xml format for this

    • Cargo Theft Indicator Field

      • Newly added field by FBI in 2019


  • Redacted fields on the public report.

    • Which fields should be redated?

      • Summary – None

      • Location – None

      • Offense – None

      • Subject

        • If juvenile

          • Name, Address, Phone number, email, Aliases,

        • Adults

          • This may be left to individual agencies.

            • Different request sources require different redaction

    • There are no DL or DOB listed on this report. This should be enough for the redaction.

    • Narratives could be set up for automatic redaction using the { } brackets.

    • Decision: No redacted report needed for either adult or juveniles. Each agency will redact on their own.

    • DAIT does not want any redacted information. They get the full xml information and makes any redactions needed before turning over for discovery.


Other reports wanted/needed

  • Office report is included

    • It is basically a copy of the entry form and contains every field.

  • Witness/Victim

    • Travis will be sending an example form.


F2 Help

  • Released with some F2 fields but more are needed

  • Contact Brenda to give her some help

  • There are fields that need to have help files created

    • Any interested parties wanting to help get these created?

      • Travis Lauer

      • Tim Strobusch

  • Meeting will be set up in January to explain what is needed.




Race and Ethnicity

  • Different ways to handle this issue.

    • There is little time to change and/or add ethnicity to all forms.

  • Discussion of current tables.

    • DMV table is what TraCS is based on.

      • This used to be mandatory, but is no longer required

    • Protect Conversion Table

      • Race_ID is internal field

      • Race is what is entered in protect

      • Have to convert protect to CCAP when sending to them

    • Milwuakee's request per ACLU

      • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander ( DMV – Asian)

      • Black/African American (DMV Black)

      • Hispanic

      • American Indian or Alaskan Native (Remove Indian) (DMV – Indian)

      • White

      • Unknown

    • UFAD

      • Hispanic or Latino

      • Not hispanice or Latino

      • Unknown

    • V2Race

      • This is what is used in TraCS

    • V2CCAPRace

      • Used in Case Summary to format race

    • Codes – NCIC

      • Table supplied by TEG but not used in Wisconsin TraCS

  • Ideas on how to handle in the future

    • Add NIBRS Race, NIBRS Ethnicity to forms

      • Travis agrees this is best for now at least until the eTime and NCIC get uniform.

    • Race will be filled in via etime information

      • Would need to complete the other fields

      • Race would only be autopopulated to other forms

        • Would need to complete the other fields

    • Comments?

      • Derek: Having two race\ethnicity may be confusing to others.

        • Leaving Hispanic as a race is ok, we could come up with a work around

        • Asian / Pacific Islander are 2 separate codes for FBI now.

        • Fed are looking at updating the Sex codes and it may also look at the Race codes.

      • If the race field is populated, do you touch it?

        • On the Case summary it is required.

      • NIBRS race and ethnicity would be best to use in the future


    • Decision: Add a NIBRS Race and a NIBRS Ethnicity field to the incident and arrest form. They will not be auto-populated to other forms.

      • The group will decide if these fields are required.

        • Currently Race is required, ethnicity is optional

      • If we add Unknown, should it be required

Victim Report

  • Travis sent Geri a copy

  • Would be nice to have, will put on the list but not as a priority.


Supplemental form

  • Geri did a review of the draft form.

  • Required fields for eRefferal

  • Statement field

    • Belive to be unlimited in length

  • Report created

    • Contains agency information, Date, time, incident number, statement

    • Title is Supplemental Narrative, but footer says Supplemental Report

      • Decision: Change title to Supplemental Report

    • Brenda: Until this is done, agencies will have to have a workaround to send this information.

  • Do we need to create a complete "Office" copy for the agencies to report?

    • Yes, create an Office copy to print.

  • F2 Help

    • Travis and Booker volunteered to help create the F2 help files

    • Geri will give them information in the future


Evidence form

  • Held a meeting on December 7th. Included evidence techs.

  • Geri read through the notes from the meeting.

    • (see if they can be attached to the notes for this meeting)

      • Dar asked if people wanted notes and the spreadsheet from the meeting.

      • If so email Dar or Geri and request them

  • Fields needed review from the meeting

    • Basic structure is started.

    • Can be modified in the future if needed.

  • Comments?


Arrest Form

  • Reports


Survey Questions

  • Getting ready to send out annual survey to agencies.

    • What forms are not being used, machine numbers of 32/64 bit

    • Evidence form questions are included.

  • What questions would you would like to ask?

    • Send question to Dar, Geri, or the help desk.

  • Plan on putting together a draft over the holidays and sending out in January.


Next Meeting

Geri will be sending out a Doodle survey for best dates of people availability


Meeting adjourned






Incident Meeting - December 15, 2020 (dar)

Monday, December 07, 2020

7:58 AM





Lewis Yetter

Chippewa County SO


Tim Strohbach

Clear Lake PD


Kevin Barman



Chief Stanley Ridgeway

Durand PD


Chief Shawn McGee

Hartford Township PD


Officer Daniel Heimann

Ho-Chunk Nation PD


Lt. Booker Ferguson

Sparta PD


Candy Tork

Stevens Point PD


Lt. Bryan Hasse

Town of Beloit PD


Jeni Lutz

UW Stevens Point Police & Security


Sgt. Timothy McCormack

WI State Capitol Police


Inspector Travis Lauer

Wisconsin State Patrol


Brenda Ray

DA Protect


Geri Polster

Badger TraCS


Brian Neil

Badger TraCS


Darlene Schwartz

TraCS Program Manager


Alesha Brown



Mac Dempsey



Gowri Karri



Derek Veitenheimer





Changes From last time:


Property Form

Nothing - changed

Incident Form

  • Added rule for count which is required for the eReferral

  • Added transmission to DAIT for eReferrals

  • Released in the Fall Pack

  • Showed the group

Property Form

  • Released in the Fall Pack

  • No rules included

Attachment Form

Released in the Fall Pack

User Conference

Incident Form session


Incident Form:


NIBRS Rules added to form

  • Mac sent Geri some validation rules to add to TraCS.

    • Geri is working on adding them and identifying those that are done, need follow-up or on hold for transmission.

  • DOJ will continue to send NIBRS rules and hope to have them all included by March or April


Questions from DOJ

  • Exceptional Clearance Indicator Field - The 'Date Cleared' was in the Document Section. Geri has added ribbons on the top called: Juvenile, Death of Offender, Other Jurisdiction , DA Declined to Prosecute and Unfounded.

    • Mac believes all the ribbon types includes everything they need, but will follow up with this.


  • In future - talk about the XML design so all of the RMS and TraCS use the same XML.

  • The second item Geri talked about - another XML issue

  • Cargo Theft

    • DOJ wants the Cargo Theft Flag added to the Summary Group - No one had any objections


Redacted Report


  • Geri went through a form and the team identified the fields they wanted redacted.

  • Fields to be redacted:

    • Subject Group:

      • If it's a juvenile - Name Field, (I'm assuming to redact the Phone Number also), Address Field, email field, Alias Field,

      • Everyone - Phone Number Field, Address Field

    • After further discussion, the Workgroup decided not to have any Public Redacted Report. Each agency will need to redact their own report based on their needs or the request/requestor

    • Geri will add the 'redaction' function to the Narrative.

Other Reports

  • Witness/Victim Report:

    • Travis will send Geri a sample of the report

    • Information for Victims of Crime in Wisconsin

      • This report is a mandated form for LE to provide to victims. Would be nice to have it in TraCS.


F2 Help

  • DAIT

    • TraCS Staff will contact Brenda and work with her to get

  • Other fields - not DOJ or DAIT fields

    • Overdose fields/Summary section/Agency fields/

    • Travis Lauer and Tim Strohbush

    • Geri will be contacting them in early January to go over procedures


Race / Ethnicity Field



Supplemental Form

  • Geri went through the Supplemental form with the group to show them the new form.

    • The report says Supplemental Narrative on top, but Supplemental Report on footer.

    • Travis suggested changing to Supplemental Report

  • Any reports?

    • Something for open records request

  • F2 Help

    • Booker and Travis volunteered to help

      • Geri will contact them to go over the procedures.


Evidence / Property Form

  • Geri went through the Evidence Group Notes from last week (December 7, 2020)

    • Topics of interest:

      • Signatures

      • Flow of Evidence - summarized it

      • Property / Evidence Forms

        • # of pieces of evidence and how to make sure this efficient in setting up the form to make sure TraCS doesn't get bog down.

        • Items owned by multiple people

        • Chain of Custody

        • Split chain of custody of multiple items

        • Multiple Agencies

      • Identified Fields Needed on the form

        • Add Document Group red header to your spreadsheet

        • Evidence Group - need to chain the name of that group to Summary Group

        • Allow 3 offenses


Comments from Side meeting with DOJ/Mac after full meeting:

  • DOJ wants to have the same XML for TraCS as they would for other RMS vendors moving forward.

    • We can discuss how this more in Janaury









Feburary 10th, 2021-Agenda

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

1:32 PM


  1. Attendance

  2. Feedback from the Field

    1. Jeni Lutz

    2. Others

  3. Changes from Last Meeting

    1. Changes Tab

    2. Rules added for fall

  4. Evidence form

  5. Questions

    1. Do you want warnings for all DOJ WIBRS related rules?

    2. Rules should they be prefaced with who they are for? DOJ/DA

    3. Enhance citizen contact to use as victim statement and witness statement form?

    4. Bug on other person section in public report

    5. Should we put age put on the arrest section for age arrested?

      1. Validate if they have date of birth for someone arrested?

    6. Jeni -- we tried to do an informational report no offense or subject associated to it, it will not let us delete the offense or subject group.  And for the top part it won’t let us put a 0 in for total offenses.  Not sure if you able to open our form up but here is the number

    7. Unknown subject vs unknown number of subjects

      1. Unknown number of subjects, does the form address this?

      2. How should we handle?

    8. How should Justifiable Homicides be handled if they occur at the same place and time of reported crimes?

      1. Are they separate incidents?

  6. Box

  7. F2 Help

  8. Testing








Feburary 10th, 2021-Notes

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

1:32 PM



Lewis Yetter

Chippewa County SO


Chief Tim Strohbusch

Clear Lake PD


Kevin Barman



Chief Stanley Ridgeway

Durand PD


Chief Shawn McGee

Hartford Township PD


Officer Daniel Heimann

Ho-Chunk Nation PD


Lt. Booker Ferguson

Sparta PD


Candy Tork

Stevens Point PD


Lt. Bryan Hasse

Town of Beloit PD


Jeni Lutz

UW Stevens Point Police & Security


Sgt. Timothy McCormack

WI State Capitol Police


Inspector Travis Lauer

Wisconsin State Patrol


Brenda Ray

DA Protect


Derek Veitenheimer



Geri Polster

Badger TraCS


Brian Neil

Badger TraCS


Darlene Schwartz

TraCS Program Manager


Alesha Brown



Mac Dempsey




Feedback from the Field

  1. Jeni Lutz

  2. Others

Changes from Last Meeting

  1. Changes Tab

  2. Rules added for fall

  • Evidence form

  • Questions

  1. Do you want warnings for all DOJ WIBRS related rules?

    1. Yes, See answer below.

  2. Rules should they be prefaced with who they are for? DOJ/DA

    1. Yes, See answer below

  3. Enhance citizen contact to use as victim statement and witness statement form?

    1. If yes, then it would be a phased item, but not for this fall.

    2. Should this be an entirely separate form?

      1. Some witness statements are written by the individual

        1. How would this be incorporated?

    3. Needs more discussion. Also schedule this for a FAC discussion.

    4. Could the supplemental form be used?

    5. No decision made.

  4. Bug on other person section in public report

    1. This should be deferred to any agency that is using the form.

    2. Jenny: It is fine to leave, we redact most of the information on the public form.

    3. Decision: Wait for the fall to make any changes.

  5. Should we put age put on the arrest section for age arrested?

    1. Age at arrest may be different from date of incident.

    2. Age is not a field in this section.

    3. DOJ needs to have age at arrest for anyone arrested.

      1. How to handle.

        1. Require dob when arrested, then autocalculate the age.

    4. Validate if they have date of birth for someone arrested?

  6. Jeni -- we tried to do an informational report no offense or subject associated to it, it will not let us delete the offense or subject group.  And for the top part it won’t let us put a 0 in for total offenses.  Not sure if you able to open our form up but here is the number

    1. Form requires 1 offense and 1 subject.

    2. How can this be used when an incident has not occurred.

      1. Welfare checks and suspious activities

    3. Geri bypass: 1 subject 1 Offense and unknown as the subject

    4. If checked for an internal report, could this allow for this situation?

  7. Unknown subject vs unknown number of subjects

    1. Unknown number of subjects, does the form address this?

    2. How should we handle?

  8. How should Justifiable Homicides be handled if they occur at the same place and time of reported crimes?

    1. Are they separate incidents?

      1. DOJ would like this to be separate reports.

        1. Fields mean different when it is a justifiable homicide.

      2. What if we add Justifiable Homicide to report type?

        1. This may work.

      3. What about a validation rule that says if JH is selected no other offense codes are allowed.

      4. How about a popup that states JH needs to be a separate report.

      5. Decision: Go with the validation rule.

        1. Would like to have this early enough in the form so officers don’t complete the entire form and then get the rule. (batch and loose focus rule.)

        2. Popup message should state they should use replicate to create a new form for the other offense code(s) in this incident.

  • Box

  • F2 Help

  • Testing


Feedback from the field

Jenny Lutz:

Been using Incident for about 3 weeks. Officers are liking the form. Has had to do some workaround. Not sure how to add a officer to the report. Printing choices are Summary and Office. Would like to have another report for open records that did not include the watermark. Similar to the Office copy. Had question on DPPA and what needs to be redacted. DMV follows DPPA but your agency should consult your attorney for guidance on what should be redacted/released.

Decision: Remove watermark from Office copy based on Acceptance status. Remove if Accepted.



Incident form not transmitting to RMS when on RMS is chosen.

Agency tables are not able to be sent to mobile units.

Adding fields for DOJ

  • Incident Type

    • This field replaces the Agency Only Report field

    • Will have choices of:

      • Aagency Internal Report

      • No Incidents for the month

      • DA eReferral

      • WIBRS only

    • Reporting month and year for no report

    • Cargo theft - yes / no field.

  • WIBRS race for Subject and Victim groups.

Have been working on some of the rules.


Demo of Changes:

  • Incident Record type

    • No report shows that Month and year fields opening for entry.

  • Cargo theft

  • Unknown Number of Subjects

    • When selected, the number of units is set to 1 and I missed the other field that is defaulted.

    • Jenny Lutz: We had a similar situation last week and the officers were able to figure it out.

    • Travis: The terminology is good.

    • When the number of individuals becomes known, then this field can be changed and the fields will open.

    • Will need to have good F2 help written for this.

  • Property Loss field

  • Note that these changes will be included in the Fall pack.


Property/Evidence form review:

  • Waiting on state lab values for some of the tables that are used for dropdown lists.

  • Added a vehicle location group.

  • Evidence

    • Opens additional groups based on the type of evidence collected i.e. drugs etc.

    • Vehicle group is added as well.

    • Chain of custody group

      • Most likely will not be completed manually

    • Disposition group

      • For disposal of property

    • Narrative


Batch rules discussion:

  • Document with rules was reviewed.

  • Those that have been updated are highlighted with errors and warning.


WIBRS errors/warnings:

  • Should there be warnings if a non required WIBRS field is not completed?

    • Yes, a warning would be good.

  • Should we preface the messages with DOJ or DA rules?

    • Yes, that is a really good idea.

  • How would both be handled?

    • Would have DA/WIBRS for the preface.

Incident Date when incident date is unknown?

If date is not known, then a date range is opened up.


Property group:

  • Can have a total of 10 property loss types.

  • Fields are designed like the NTC property group

  • Travis: Sent a table of drugs earlier, have you been able to incorporate them?

    • We are using the DOJ tables and have not worked on them.

    • Prescription drugs are under schedule 2 through 5, not just prescription

  • Alesha: Are the list that is from SLH naming convention what officers are used to seeing? The naming conventions are a little different.

  • Review of drug list that Travis had sent. This is based off the statue table from CCAP.

    • Where would this table be used?

    • Travis: it should be used whenever drugs are mentioned.

    • Derek: Would like to have Mike Smith review this and comment.

    • We should this over to SLH to see if this will work for their needs.

      • Brian to send this to SLH for review.

Other Discussion:

It would be great to get all of the agenices in DOJ that we report to working.


Box Account

  • Review of the structure of the incident workgroup box.

  • Geri will be giving members access to Box by weeks end.

    • Most will have only view

    • If edit is needed, they can be assigned to a single item

  • This is a replacement for the SharePoint site.


F2 Help

  • We could use some individuals to help creating these files.

    • Travis and Tim had volunteered at the last meeting

  • The F2 Help document

    • Fields in white are those that need information added.

    • If you make comments on anything in the blue, please be sure to make it really visible.

      • Geri may be turning in tracking.



  • Working on getting a test environment running that outside agencies can log in and test.

    • Security can be an issue.

  • Will keep agencies informed


Additional Questions or Comments:

  • As agencies are using this form, they should send feedback so we can incorporate at changes and suggestions.

  • Kevin: when will this form become required.

    • Alesha: As soon as form does what it needs to do we would require it. There is a process to be NIBRS certified agency.

  • DNR needs to be able to test and is looking for a way to do this. This would be a good use of the virtual test environment.







Monday, March 29, 2021

3:00 PM


Hi Geri, we are looking at what internal items can be moved over to the TraCS Incident form.  I did some testing of the ViolationAgencyCategory and ViolationSubCateory.  It does not appear there is a way to link the two fields.  What we were looking for was a way to create a code in the category field and have that trigger what the options were for the subcategory field.

So if we had a Category option of Law Enforcement Search then in the Subcategory field we would then see Plain View, Probable Cause, etc..     If we selected Paper Enforcement Form in the Category field the SubCategory would have an entirely different set of options. 

Is this possible?






April 21st 2021 Agenda

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

1:12 PM



  • Changes/Updates from the Last Meeting

  • Request/Questions

    • Agency tables

    • Motor Vehicle Theft

  • F2 Help

    • Box

  • Analysis Report

  • Testing

  • Evidence Form




April 21st 2021 Notes

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

8:49 AM



Lewis Yetter

Chippewa County SO


Chief Tim Strohbusch

Clear Lake PD


Kevin Barman



Chief Stanley Ridgeway

Durand PD


Chief Shawn McGee

Hartford Township PD


Officer Daniel Heimann

Ho-Chunk Nation PD


Lt. Booker Ferguson

Sparta PD


Candy Tork

Stevens Point PD


Lt. Bryan Hasse

Town of Beloit PD


Jeni Lutz

UW Stevens Point Police & Security


Sgt. Timothy McCormack

WI State Capitol Police


Inspector Travis Lauer

Wisconsin State Patrol


Brenda Ray

DA Protect


Derek Veitenheimer



Geri Polster

Badger TraCS


Brian Neil

Badger TraCS


Darlene Schwartz

TraCS Program Manager


Alesha Brown



Mac Dempsey



Gowri Karri








  • Changes/Updates from the Last Meeting

  • Request/Questions

    • Agency tables

    • Motor Vehicle Theft

  • F2 Help

    • Box

  • Analysis Report

  • Testing

  • Evidence Form


Changes from last meeting

  • Corrected some typo

  • Moved location

  • Race field is now working with

  • Worked on DOJ rules on the Arrest group

    • List of rules is located in the Box folder

  • Victim section

    • WIBRS Race and Ethnicity work

    • Rules worked on for Aggregated Assault

  • Validation rules have had organizations included.

  • Property group

    • Parent group was worked on

  1. Loss Type

    1. Property items

Validation rules were worked on.

Approximately 320 rules are used in the form.


Items left to do before release

  • Transmission to DOJ

  • Analysis report

  • Summarization of property



  • Agency fields

    • Agency sub category would like to be based on the Agency Category.

Sub category would filter based on category


  1. Would the sub category field an agency table?

    1. Yes, the agencies will be able to populate the list.

Decision: Yes, do this filtering.

  • Stolen motor vehicles

    • Should there be 3 fields or the 2 we have now? Splitting up the Stolen/RecoveredMV field.

  1. Stolen MV (local)

  2. Recovered MV (local)

  3. Recovered MV (other)


  1. Tim S. : Having 3 fields may be more confusing. How about creating a drop down.

  2. Jeni L.: but yes DOJ we currently go back into the case and would make it recovered and add the date it was recovered.

  3. Dar: Could the label of Stolen/Recovered MV be changed to say Number of…

  4. Jeni L: Seems like a lot, but you will most likely be doing a follow up report so you will see the flow.

  5. Mac: Is the naming and functionality of the field clear and understandable?

  6. Decision: Leave at two fields but enable both the stolen recovered fields.

F2 Help files

  • Box account created to share documents.

  • Attachment, Supplemental and Incident help has been completed.

  • Review of the form set up to create the help definitions.

  • If you don't have access, please email Geri who will grant access.


Box content

  • Within the Box folder are additional documentation

    • Validation rules

    • Data Dictionary

    • Meeting notes

  • Testing folder

    • Will contain testing instructions.


Analysis Report

  • Report for Incident form

  • Summary report

    • Could be modeled after the Crash Form report

  1. Crash Severity - what should we replace this with?

  2. Offense

    1. Put the multiple offenses

  3. Subject name

Do we need this type of report?

  1. Jeni - Yes

  2. Travis - yes

  • Could we have a Summary High Level and then a Summary on subject history?

  • Summary report of offenses by month and/or location

  • Would analysis report plot out location?

No, only ad hoc reports can do the plotting

TraCS provides many opportunities for ad hoc, could we just do them?

We, we try to provide one Analysis report for agencies.

  • Decision: Add Summary report, Report by Offense, Report by Subject

    • All will include a date range.



  • TraCS now has a test environment within the BTHE.

  • Would need a virtual machine or machine to dedicated to testing.

    • Can have more than one testing id per agency

  • Would be available by the end of May or start of June.

  • Updates would be pushed out to machines

    • Would not have to reinstall each update.

  • Any agencies that would like to help out in testing?

    • DNR would be able to help out.

    • State Patrol is working on getting virtual machines

    • Town of Beloit would test.

  • Geri will contact these agencies for list of people emails that will be testing.

    • Would like responses before May 17th.


Additional Questions or Discussion?

None put forward


Evidence form update

  • Notes from the last meeting are found in the Box account

  • Work done.

  • Next step is to work on the validation rules


Evidence form review

  • Loss type and property type will open the fields needing to be completed base on the information entered.

  • Submit to lab field.

    • If we have more items than need to be submitted to lab or have special handling how do we handle that?

The evidence form will only contain one item. You would need to replicated the form to add the second item and so on.

  • Location

    • Secondary location is where evidence was found, such as with a vehicle, not the literal location of the incident.

  • Chain of Custody

    • Contains some agency fields for drop down lists.

    • Still working on getting this working properly.



  • Created some new reports using the combination report.

  • Combination reports pulls information from different forms and places the information into a single report.

  • Reviewed some of the completed reports.

    • Still working on these for make them fully functional

  • A couple of additional reports are being created.

  • Hope to have these ready for testing by end of May.


Questions or Comments:

  • When testing gets closer, there will be another meeting to discuss resources and procedures.

  • Next meeting?

    • Set up close to when we start testing or shortly after testing has started.




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email badgertracs@dot.wi.gov or call 608-267-2096