Badger TraCS Guides
New Features Fall 2023
New Badger TraCS Features Overview: Fall 2023
In addition to our regular updates to further streamline Badger TraCS to be as user-friendly, efficient, and intuitive as possible, Badger TraCS has implemented several significant improvements for the Fall 2023 Pack Update. We have highlighted some of the changes below:
New Status: Hold
An additional secondary status of ‘Hold’ is available in the Forms Manager. This ‘Hold’ status is used to ensure forms are not transmitted before a certain action is performed. There is an additional table that is required to be populated first, so your agency has more control over this new feature. This is what you will see in the grid with the Hold Options specific to your agency.
For More information on the Hold status see: Form Hold
System Admin Documentation: Table: Hold Reasons
Upgrade of User Attributes:
2 new user attributes are being added. All agency groups on all forms will be modified to include these attributes. We also fixed a bug with the agency group that would fill in blank attributes with secondary users that modified the form. Agency Group
Officer Phone Number: 2 reports
Ambulance Inspection
Fatal Notification
Officer Fax Number:
Ambulance Inspection
New Fields on Current Forms
Alcohol Form: Alcohol
Fields Added: Signature and Date Signed fields for the Informing the Accused Reports
Contact Summary form: Contact Summary
Versioned up the form removing the Unit and Individual from Common information and cleaned up the issue caused by them.
Fatal Supplement form: Fatal Supplement
Field Added: Underride/Override field
Field Added: “Were charges filed against the subject by a prosecutor?”
New Reports Added
Fatal Notification:
Updated Parking Ticket Fee Feature
The parking ticket fee function was upgraded to change how agencies manage the overdue fees associated with Parking Tickets. Overdue Fees can be calculated in multiple ways so that agencies can do more than just add.
Can make multiple adds to the current Parking fee, defaults to what is in the distribution but can be overridden. Agencies can set the default in a distribution.
Only multiplies the deposit/bail amount. Defaults to 2 but can be changed.
Manual Entry
If the parking fee is completely messed up, then can make a modification. Will not allow lower than the Deposit/Bail amount.
For more information see Parking Citations | Managing Overdue Fees
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