Additional Instructions for Batch Transmission

Badger TraCS Guides

Additional Instructions for Batch Transmission

Part B. Transcomm Instructions: Additional Instructions for Batch 2024 Transmission

Transmission Updates


These instructions must be completed for all agencies that have batch transmissions setup. Updates to passwords made

  • Aug 2024

  • Fall 2024

Task: Upgrading TraCS Software when Passwords update on Endpoints

  1. Install the current WIPack

  2. Update transmission endpoints by logging into your Batch Server

    1. Log into the Configuration Manager using the Batch User account.

    2. Navigate and click the Communication Button in the Transmission Ribbon


    3. Highlight and delete

      1. ufadToDOJ

      2. incidentToDOJ

      3. crashToTOPSLab

      4. fatalToTOPSLab

      5. shareToWiStar

    4. Highlight TransComm

    5. Click Import and choose the following


      1. Template

      2. No Let Me Choose

    6. Choose


      1. shareToWiStar

      2. CrashtoTOPSLab

      3. FataltoTOPSLab

      4. ufadToDOJ

      5. IncidentToDOJ

    7. Click OK

    8. Click Apply

    9. Click OK

  3. Exit the Configuration Manager

  4. Stop all the TraCS Windows services and then get all the services up and running

    1. press the windows key

    2. type services

    3. open the Services Application

    4. Scroll down to the 4 TraCS services that are running

      1. TraCS Batch Import Export

      2. TraCS Batch TransComm

      3. TraCS Email Service

      4. TraCS Notification Service

    5. Select each service, right click and select stop. (Do not select Restart - it does not work!)

    6. Select each service, right click and select start.

  5. Start TraCS and confirm that that the services appear in the task manager.

The following guides are available for viewing.

  • The Maintenance Guide has been updated. It places all the tasks that you might do on an ongoing basis in one convenient location. We recommend that you download a copy.

  • The User Guide has been updated. It places all the tasks that you might do on an ongoing basis in one convenient location. We recommend that you download a copy.

  • The Office Guide has been updated. It places all the tasks that you might do as an office administrator. We recommend you download a copy.

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