
Badger TraCS Guides


FAQ—New TraCS Features Overview: Fall 2016

  • 2017 Crash Form (DT4000) — Beginning January 1, 2017, all crashes must be reported using TraCS. There will no longer be a paper option. You must have the fall update installed prior to the end of this calendar year in order to be ready for the change over to the new form on January 1, 2017. Any 2017 crashes reported on the old form will not be accepted by WisDOT. We urge you to update to the fall release as soon as possible. Once the fall update is installed, TraCS will automatically use the correct form based on the date of crash.

  • New Location Tool—The location tool is no longer a separate program. It is now fully integrated into TraCS. It features a search box to enter addresses and is much easier to navigate than the old ILT. Each agency will receive a regional map that corresponds to the area that contains your county and the counties surrounding your county unless your agency specifically requests the full map pack.

  • Inspection Form—The CMV Inspection Form can be used to document warnings and citations for multi –unit configurations, such as truck and trailer operated by a business or by an individual. This form is transmittable to the State Patrol.

  • Enhanced Printing—PDF, Word Document, or Image File attached to a form will show as a printable item in the Report Manager. These items can be selected and printed like TraCS Reports.


Better QuickScene Support—If you have 64 bit Windows 7 or better computers that are not allowing the import of QuickScene diagrams into TraCS, send an email to badgertracs@dot.wi.gov and we’ll provide instructions on an alternative import method.



New Look and Feel Configuration Manager—The configuration manager now uses a ribbon menu layout instead of a grid layout for the buttons. User editor layout has changed.


Documentation Refresh—All documentation has been refreshed. Updated documents are available here: http://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/safety/enforcement/agencies/tracs/documentation.aspx


email badgertracs@dot.wi.gov or call 608-267-2096