
Badger TraCS Guides


FAQ—New TraCS Features Overview: Fall 2015

Analysis Report Redesign— Currently in TraCS the Analysis reports are all found in the Advanced Tab of the Search Box. They generally have no logical order, they are still there but, going into the

Ribbon, they are now in a more logical order by form type.

  • Arrest Form—the arrest form is used to create a probable cause statement and is very similar to the paper CR-215 form. Includes the ability to import statutes from citations.

  • Distribution— distribution creation is now part of the configuration wizard form and is greatly simplified. Creating distributions is now quick and easy. SQL Server agencies no longer have to extract code tables using the SSMS import/export utility. Refer to the special install instructions for the Fall 2015 release or task 4-1 in the new edition of the installation guide for instructions on the new distribution process.

  • Inspection Form The CMV Inspection Form can be used to document warnings and citations for multi –unit configurations, such as truck and trailer operated by a business or by an individual. Officers using this inspection form should only be completing the brake section if trained by the WI State Patrol on Federal vehicle equipment standards when the vehicle to be inspected is exempt from Federal regulations and does not qualify for the use of the Federal inspection form, ASPEN. For officers not trained by the State Patrol the inspection form can be used for all basic vehicle equipment and size and weight inspections. Officers should qualify each inspection as operating Intrastate (In commerce, private business or for hire vehicle where configuration is over 10,000lbs and where the origin and destination are all in the State of Wisconsin ), Interstate ( In commerce, private business or for hire, where the vehicle configuration is over 10,000lbs and where the origin or destination is outside the state of Wisconsin ) , Private Individual Not In Commerce or In Commerce Vehicle(s) configuration under 10,000lbs, This form is transmittable to the State Patrol

  • Number Manager— Find out how many traffic citation number are remaining a computer from the table manager.


Table listings— Table listings for code tables are now available from the Table Manager menu. You no longer have to hunt for them in the analysis reports.






What You May have Missed Spring 2015/Fall 2014

  • Attachment Form Update—Linked attachments are savable in a confidential file location on the agency network.

  • Compact and Repair of MS Access Databases from TraCS—Agencies that use MS Access need ongoing maintenance for the 4 databases used with TraCS. System administrators look in the Tools Menu under Maintenance.

  • DNR Cover Letter

  • Enterprise Default Advanced Searches—The example default searches in the Office Guide were added to the Enterprise level defaults. They can be used by and modified by all TraCS personal if they can see the forms.

  • Equipment Inventory Form—is a new form which helps agencies manage their equipment inventories. Agencies can now manage computers, vehicles, firearms, cameras and total stations from within TraCS.

  • Form Number and Settings Auto Backup—gone is the duplicate form issue. The autonumber.ini and local ini settings can now be managed from the office. Will need TraCS system administrator to setup before it will start working.

  • Form Referrals—if your agency is involved in a joint investigation with State Patrol you may now refer copies of TraCS forms (read-only) to state patrol for their reference.

  • Look and Feel—new columns have been added to the Forms Manager:

    • Referred To/From Fields—Identifies forms that were sent to State Patrol using the Form Referral feature.

    • Form Disposition/Status—this pre-existing field now displays equipment status for the equipment form.

    • Modes—New traffic and natural resources modes limit the quick add menu to just the forms needed for most traffic and natural resources enforcement tasks.

    • Standard Display Themes—TraCS now contains only two standard display themes; a day mode in shades of light gray and a night mode.

    • Form Definable Fields Added—new fields have been added to the Forms Manager/Header to make searching forms easier. These fields are :Form Disposition, Court Date, Due Date, Completed, Reportability Status

    • Form Sub Status—for forms with a disposition code, DNR, NTC, ELCI, Warning, Deer Tag, and Task forms the sub status will now appear on the form title in the forms viewer.

  • On Behalf Of—Sometimes Agencies patrol other jurisdictions when this happens clicking the button will modify TraCS forms so that the other jurisdictions ordinances and courts show instead of their own. This behavior will last until either the button is clicked again or closing TraCS. Additional data entry by TraCS system administrators is necessary.

  • OWI Blood Draw Affidavit and Warrant reports—the Alcohol form was enhanced to generate two new reports for officers; the OWI Affidavit and OWI Warrant.

  • Print Pin Maps—when creating an ad hoc query, forms that have location information along with agencies using the ILT can place all incidents on a map and print them.

  • Vehicle Killed Wild Animal Permit Form—new form used to provide legal ownership of a Bear or Wild Turkey carcass that was killed by a motor vehicle.

  • Vehicle Wild Animal Killed Permit —now transmittable to the DNR.

  • Victim Information on the NTC-a victim group was added to the NTC citation.

  • Web Services—TraCS may now be run as a web application on an IIS. This is NOT TraCS running in a web browser.


Records Management Features

  • Case Management—Groups all forms created for an incident in one folder/case/contact. A new Dialog box was created to see the case level attributes. To make the case management more useful the following were added to enhance the feature.

    • Case Builder—is a tool for generating a zip file of reports and attachments. It can be used to fulfill records requests that you may receive the general public or other government agencies.

    • Case Level Statuses—New States were added to identify where the case is in the process flow of the incident.

      • Transmitted

      • Under Investigation

      • Opened

      • Completed

      • Closed

      • Assigned

      • Hold

  • Case Level Validation—validation rules were added for a case.

  • Case Number—Auto-update of case number when police number changes.

  • Case Summary Form—the new case summary form helps agencies keep track of the court case dispositions. Court case information can be entered manually or imported directly from WCCA.

  • Confidentiality (Not for Public Release)—agencies will now be able to mark forms as confidential, not for public release.

  • Five New Case Level Fields—Case Type, Court Case Number and Court Case Disposition along with 2 agency space fields.

  • Task Form—new form for managing the tasks associated with the case.

  • Involvement—allows an agency to look up an individual, vehicle, location or carrier and see what other cases it/they were involved in. Law enforcement can look for relationships, patterns or trends.

  • Master Index—A master index is a database that is used across an agency to maintain consistent, accurate and current demographic and essential data on the incidents seen and managed within its jurisdiction. Individual, Vehicle, Location, Carrier




email badgertracs@dot.wi.gov or call 608-267-2096