Badger TraCS Guides
New TraCS Features Overview: Fall 2018
In addition to our regular updates to further streamline Badger TraCS to be as user-friendly, efficient, and intuitive as possible, we’ve made some significant improvements for the Fall 2018 Pack Update. We’ve highlighted some of the biggest changes below:
Alcohol Form had two reports added and one modified:
New DNR Informing the Accused (4100-123)
New 24 Hour Out-of-Service Report (MV3546)
Modified Blood/Urine Analysis Report
Citations (DNR, NTC & UTC):
On printed citation reports the Appearance Required field now will say “NO” instead of being blank.
The term ‘Violator’ was changed to ‘Defendant’ on all citation reports.
Crash Form Fixes: Several modifications and updates to the DT4000 Crash Form were made. Some of these changes include:
Diagram auto-populates with Vehicle Symbol(s) according to the Vehicle Type as entered on the crash form.
Now allows “Unknown” for Crash Time and Time Arrived fields.
Bus/Train # Injured field label is changed to Train/Bus # Recorded.
Distracted By field is moved from the Vehicle section to the Driver/Non-Motorist section and it is split into two new fields.
Updated tables to be compliant with federal guidelines - Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC) version 5.
DNR Crash Form: Going online on December 3rd, just in time for snowmobile season. Transmits directly into the DNR’s system. The DNR Crash Form should be completed for boat, snowmobile, ATV, UTV, and off-road motorcycle only crashes.
Federal Inspection Form: Added Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) form to the Inspection suite of forms.
Attachments: File Upload replacing the file link feature. File Upload is an attachment on a TraCS form that resides on-disk instead of being stored within the form in the TraCS database. This is similar to the file-linked attachments, in that the location of the attachment is stored within the form, but the attachment itself is stored on disk. This new method allows for better handling of large attachments and has been made available for use in TraCS Web Services. It greatly enhances the ability of TraCS to allow larger numbers and size of attachments to be stored in a central location and referenced by the form for which they are attached.
New Diagram Tool: Redesigned and new features added. Highlights include:
New tabbed Ribbon control for the Diagram.
Home Tab contains new Drawing and Canvas sizing tools.
Edit Tab contains new Symbol editing, alignment, and positioning tools.
Layout tab contains Actions and Background tools.
View Tab allows for the toggling on/off of panels for the Diagram Tool.
New Property Grid for setting common Symbol Properties.
New Canvas sizes.
New Symbols and renamed Symbol Palettes.
Symbols resize in proportion to the canvas size selected.
Easier snapping of roadways with intersections and lanes.
Easier to create unique intersections by simply snapping lanes together.
Labels on vehicles now rotate with the vehicle.
New interface with TLT to create backgrounds from roadway map.
New rules to automatically set background and add Symbols to the Diagram based on information already filled-in on the form. Vehicle types auto-populated upon entering a blank Diagram
Memory leak fixed.
‘Toggle In Motion’ button added.
Statute/Ordinance Table Upgrade: With changes to CCAPs statute list, we made improvements to the Statute and Ordinance Tables. How officers enter statutes and ordinances on forms has been modified and simplified. Agencies should note that there is a new Ordinance Table for agencies to maintain. For agencies using the Ordinance and/or Shortcut tables there is an extra mandatory step to complete when installing the Fall 2018 Pack.
TraCS Location Tool (TLT) Improvements: Enable/Disable override feature set at the agency level, (Disabled upon install) and the TLT map can be imported into the diagram both, manually and automatically.
Transmission of forms: Memory leak issue resolved.
Updated Current Reports: All DNR reports now conform to the ½” margin. Added a 3-inch-wide parking ticket. Attachment report now available for all forms.
Vehicle Plate tables merged: All plate tables were combined and given 2 generic filters, DMV and DNR.
Vehicle Make tables merged: All make tables were combined and given 3 generic filters, DMV, DNR and Chassis.
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