Badger TraCS Guides
New TraCS Features Overview: Fall 2017
In addition to our regular updates to further streamline Badger TraCS to be as user-friendly, efficient, and intuitive as possible, we’ve made some significant improvements for the Fall 2017 Pack Update. We’ve highlighted some of the biggest changes below:
Pursuit Form — Beginning January 1, 2018, agencies will need to use the Pursuit form in TraCS to report their law enforcement vehicle pursuits. The fall update of TraCS must be installed prior to the end of this calendar year in order to be ready for the changeover. The current pursuit reporting website (accessed through WILENET) will not be available after January 1, 2018. Agencies are urged to update to the fall release as soon as possible.
TraCS Location Tool (TLT) Fixes— Made some major updates to fix long standing issues in locating. Some of the items that were addressed are:
Improved From/At Roadway handling
Improved private property handling.
Updated map files. County boundaries now extend into boundary waters.
A new “Where Am I” button opens TLT without needing to open a form.
GPS Improvements— UDP devices are now supported. Auto-detection of device is now available. New GPS status icon.
Crash document number on ELCI—can be added again.
Crash Form Fixes— Made several modifications and updates to the DT4000 Crash form in the Fall 2017 Update. Some of these changes include:
Modifications to the Truck/Bus reporting flow for simplified data entry.
Increased the Permit Number field size.
Fixed the rank issue.
Enabled data entry of all bus/train occupants regardless of injury/no injury, injury required no injury not required.
Added new status to unit of Illegally Parked.
Fixed validation rules for non-contact units.
Fixed the Vehicle Owner group issues.
Fixed adding and deleting of group along with mobile computers auto adding the Property Owner group every time the form is edited.
Add feature to enable adding of a vehicle owner for non-domesticated animal crashes.
Disabled the Drug/Alcohol fields for passengers, but left override so agency can enter information if desired.
All crashes need to be validated to transmit including non-reportable crashes, most non-reportable crashes will have relaxed validation rules.
Driver Exchange Report has New Feature—How to receive your Crash Report instructions were added to the report. There are State Level instructions for Reportable Crashes and a ‘Custom Text’ area for Agency Instructions. Print out the report anytime unless omitting units is desired. To print out just the instructions, upon opening the crash, fill out the summary and location, then print the Driver Exchange, no units will appear. Once the units are started only then will they appear on the report along with the instructions.
New Look and Feel—Look and feel of interface updated.
Transmission of forms—streamlined. Successful transmissions to the state will not trigger a duplicate error message.
Updated Current Reports—All ELCI and NTC reports now conform to the ½ in margin problem. ELCI citations, Driver Condition and Informing the Accused now include bar codes. Added attachments to the Driver Condition Report to be transmitted to the DOT, if the narrative does not fit in the 2000 character space. Driver condition version date was updated and the LEA zip code was added to the printed report.
New Citation Schema—the citation data transmitted to the WIJIS Workflow (eCtiation) will automatically change to include new data elements on 1/16/2018:
A PDF of the court copy will be included.
The CMV Waiver (CMV_WAVR_CD) now allows two new values: LE and RES. (Law Enforcement and Rescue.)
Restrictions have been removed on the vehicle make and plate type to make it easier to update these code values between schema updates.
A new element has been added for the 10-digit crash document number (CRSH_DOC_NB).
The field unit number (FLD_UNIT_NB) has been increased to allow up to 4 digits.
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