Badger TraCS Guides
Task 3.17(c): Create Users, TraCS Hosted Environment Alternative
Task 3.17(c): Create Users, TraCS Hosted Environment Alternative
Purpose: Creates users accounts so that users can sign into and use TraCS.
Once updated, the changes will immediately apply to all web services clients.
Requirements: send an email to
Gather the necessary Information
Either use the following shell or excel spreadsheet and email
Put the following information into the email
Email/User ID –
RMS ID (Not required) –
Last Name –
First Name –
Rank –
DOT user ID (5 characters long) –
Badge Number (Not Required) –
Person to copy for Access Rights –
If don’t have need to specify exact access rights.
There is a spread sheet if adding multiple users found Download from the bottom of this article.
Attributes for Users Needed in the Hosted Environment
User ID field, email Address fields. It should be unique within TraCS. User IDs should never be re-used; That is why a email address is used in the Hosted Environment. The User ID will never appear on any of the printed reports.
DOT Officer ID. This ID may be anything you choose up to 5 characters. It is part of the citation data that is sent to the courts. Badge number is acceptable here.
Last Name and First Name fields. Enter name in the corresponding fields. Title is optional and does not appear on the TraCS forms. There is a setting in TraCS if only the first initial is wished to be displayed on the printed forms.
Badge Number. This is the badge number of the user and a required field.
DNR Officer ID. This is required only if you complete DNR forms.
Rank. This is the officer rank, for civilians there is a civilian rank
Crash Agency Number. This is not used as much anymore but it would be a number shared by multiple agency jurisdictions.
RMS ID. This is not a required field in the Hosted Environment but might be required for some RMS systems.
Password. All default passwords for newly created users is tracs.
In the Access Levels field, select the appropriate access levels for the user from the drop down list depending on their duties, using the chart. See notes below chart for explanation of optional items.
You will receive a response when changes are complete. Re-Login once you receive the confirmation to have the changes take effect.
Just Highlight the box below and the copy icon will appear. click it and then paste into your email.
Email/User ID –
RMS ID (Not required) –
Last Name –
First Name –
Rank –
DOT user ID (5 characters long) –
Badge Number (Not Required) –
Person to copy for Access Rights –
Reporter tasks as found in User Guide (Officers) | Office Administrative tasks as found Office Administrator Guide (Clerical Staff) | Technical Support tasks as found Installation Guide (IT Staff) | Office Support tasks requiring only view, print, and e-mail capabilities. (Clerical Support Staff) |
All Forms | All Forms | All Forms | All Forms |
BasicUser | BasicUser | BasicUser | BasicUser |
Reporter | Reporter† | Reporter |
Statuses | Statuses | Statuses | Statuses |
| Supervisor |
| ViewOnly |
ConfidentialAttachment* | ConfidentialAdmin‡ | SystemAdmin |
| CitationAmend** |
*Give officers the ConfidentialAttachment access level if they will be using file link attachments and need to save the attachments to the confidential folder.
**Give supervisors the right to edit more of the ELCI and NTC citations, used in combination with an ini setting almost the entire citation can be modified.
†Give office clerical staff the Reporter access level if they will be editing data on forms.
‡Give ConfidentialAdmin access level to staff responsible for marking records confidential.
Note: if you do not plan on using all the forms in the Badger TraCS suite, you can limit the forms available to users by removing the All Forms access level and adding each form’s access level individually.
Note: BasicUser and Statuses access levels are required for all users in order for TraCS to function properly.
Note: The TraCS Supervisor access level is the access level that allows the office administrative staff to perform their duties. This is only the name of the access level and it does not necessary indicate that these individuals are supervisors within your organization.
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