Badger TraCS Guides
Task 3.30: Adding Custom Access Level To TraCS
Task 3.30: Adding Custom Access Level To TraCS
Purpose: You want to add a custom access level to TraCS to limit what a specific group of users can do in TraCS to meet the special needs of your organization. For example, you want your help desk staff to be able to install TraCS, but not do other administrative tasks.
Requirements: System Admin rights and Non – Hosted Environment (this is not available for any Hosted agency).
We strongly discourage agencies from creating additional access levels in TraCS. When new packs are rolled out, they typically include new actions which may need to be added your custom access level. We typically do not document these new actions in the release notes. Please talk to us ( if you feel you need to create a new access level. If the business need is common across many agencies, we will look into adding the access level directly into the WIPack.
Open the TraCS Configuration Manager using your TraCS administrative account.
On the Users ribbon menu, click Access Levels
Click the Add button.
Click the Access Level radio button and enter the name the new access level, for example, HelpDesk012.
Click OK to add the new access level.
Select the newly created access level and click Add.
Make sure the Action radio button is selected and select the desired actions from the Actions list.
Hints: The check boxes can be used to limit the types of actions. The Show Actions Labeled field can be used to enter criteria to further filter the list. If you are unsure which actions to select, contact Badger TraCS for advice.
Click OK to add the select actions to the access level.
Click OK to save the updated access level.
Add the new access level to the appropriate users.
I f your agency uses TraCS to manager users.
Click the User Editor button.
Select the user and assign the new access level. (See task 3-17 in the installation guide form information on editing user accounts.)
If your agency uses Active Directory to manage TraCS users:
Create a new AD group called TraCSAccessLevelXxxx, where Xxxx is the name you want to give to the new access level, for example, TraCSAccessLevelHelpDesk.
Add the users in your agency that will be using this access level to the newly created AD group.
Create a new distribution explained in task 4-3 of the installation guide to distribute the new access level to the mobile TraCS clients.
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