Badger TraCS Guides
Setting up a TraCS Windows Services “Batch” Server Machine
Setting up a TraCS Windows Services “Batch” Server Machine
There is a total of 5 windows services that can be used with TraCS Batch Services.
A Batch machine is recommended to be a separate computer that would that would only run these services on its own.
Smaller Agencies may decide to run this on the IIS server if that server has adequate memory, processing power, and is not processing many forms on a daily basis.
The Batch machine can be a virtual machine using full virtualization.
The Batch machine will need access to the network share.
Different types of hardware virtualization include:
Full virtualization – Almost complete simulation of the actual hardware to allow software environments, including a guest operating system and its apps, to run unmodified.
Paravirtualization – The guest apps are executed in their own isolated domains, as if they are running on a separate system, but a hardware environment is not simulated. Guest programs need to be specifically modified to run in this environment.
The following Windows Services will be required for the new Baseline:
Email Service
Notification Service
Import/Export Service
Communications (TransComm) Service
For active directory agencies:
Active Directory Service
This is the machine that runs the batch Transmission. This machine should only be accessed to modify batch transmission, updates or debug issues. Set up a ‘BatchUser’ login and use this when logging into TraCS. If the batch server is separate and the transmission fails and a form needs to be manually transmitted do that on the IIS Server.
Note: This will also enable all transmission emails to automatically work, and forms that transmit using the email system need task 1.4.1 SMTP and Task 3.21 set up to work.
TraCS installed as a Client (Office) machine (when the new 21-series baseline is released, the Server version will be required)
Must be running at least WIPack231201 (December 2023 Release)
If your batch server is the same server as your IIS Web Server, you will need to run TraCS as a Standalone Workstation and then run the Server Baseline over the top.
This is a workaround for a baseline bug in the server baseline. The current server baseline does not install the printer spooler.
Permanent connection to the TraCS network share
Permanent connection to the TraCS database
Local System Admin User to run the services. Should not be tied to a ‘live’ user.
Task 1.4.1 SMTP Set up an email database connection
All network share locations must use UNC mapping conventions and not drive letters.
If using a different diagramming software for Crash Diagrams, it will need to be installed on the Batch Server machine.
QuickScene or ScenePD are a couple diagraming tools used instead of the TraCS Diagramming tool.
These programs should be installed on the Batch Server machine to cooperate with the transmission of the crash form and it’s diagram.
Set up a TraCS system user with admin and all forms access ( i.e.; BatchUser)
Do not have password expiration on this user
You don’t want the password to expire because this would stop all services from running.
We do this because eventually a ‘live’ user will leave the agency and deactivating that user would also stop all services from running.
Here are separate pages on how to setup your batch server:
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