Badger TraCS Guides
Task 3.17(a): Create Users, TraCS User Management Alternative-
Task 3.17(a): Create Users, TraCS User Management Alternative
Purpose: Creates users accounts so that users can sign into and use TraCS.
Updating users can be done on any office computer. Once updated, the changes will immediately apply to all office computers and web services clients. A distribution will need to be created and run in order to push the changes to standard mobile clients.
Perform this task only if you use TraCS to manage TraCS users. See the Active Directory alternative for this task if you use Active Directory (AD) to manage TraCS users.
Requirements: Office Version of TraCS.
Double click the shortcut for the TraCS Configuration Manager, located on your desktop.
Sign in with your System Administrator account.
Click Users tab.
Click the User Editor Button to open the User Editor.
Click the Search button.
Note: You will not see the user account in the grid until you click the search button.
Create a user by copying and existing user:
Select an existing user from the grid that is similar to the new user you need to create.
Click the Copy button.
Change primary Officer ID and DOT Officer IDs.
Change name and title.
Change password using the Set Password button.
Change access levels as needed. (See step 8.) Click Apply button.
If you want to create a user “from scratch.” Click the Add button in the user editor to create a new user.
Enter a user id for the user in the User ID field. You may use any identifier you want, but it should be unique within TraCS. User IDs should never be re-used; therefore badge numbers are typically not a good choice for user IDs. The User ID will never appear on any of the printed reports.
Enter a DOT officer ID in the DOT Officer ID field. This ID may be anything you choose up to 5 characters. It is part of the citation data that is sent to the courts. Badge number is acceptable here.
Enter name in the corresponding fields. Title is optional and does not appear on the TraCS forms.
Enter your agency in the Location Name by selecting it from the drop down list. The location number should match the TAS number that appears on you Welcome letter.
Enter the e-mail address of the user if available.
Skip the Picture and Signature fields.
Leave the User Defaults ID blank, this field will autofill with the Primary Officer ID
In the Location Defaults ID field enter Agency followed by your agency’s TAS number, for example, Agency012. Your agency’s TAS number is found on your welcome letter.
In the Enterprise Defaults ID field enter Enterprise.
Keep UniversalKey in the Encryption Key field.
Use Secure Password— each user password must be at least 8 characters in length and contain at least one number or special character.
Use Password Expiration— user passwords will expire every 90 days and need to be updated. The last 10 passwords cannot be reused.
Inactive User should be set to False. True turns off the user and they will not be able to log in.
Force Password Reset— will force the selected user to reset their password on their next login. This is typically used when creating a new user, or if an administrator needs to reset a user's password. This ensures further password security.
Account Locked—this should be set to false, do not change this setting manually. Used with enhanced security settings.
Enter the badge number in the Badge Number field. This field is optional.
If your agency uses the natural resources citation, enter the DNR assigned ID in the DNR Officer ID field.
If required by your agency, enter the local precinct, sector, or district number in the Crash Agency Number field.
Enter the Officers Rank. This field is optional.
Your agency may also specify a group ID in the Group ID field. This is typically used to record a precinct number or district number or other number (according to the agency’s preference) in the Local Agency Number field, which appears in the agency group on all of the form. This field is optional.
Click Set Password button and enter the password twice.
Note: When setting up TraCS, you entered this information in the User Defaults ID field, but in this task the agency level Defaults ID is put in the Location Defaults ID. This is by design and not a misprint.
Note: Depending on the security needs within your agency, you may choose to enable the Use Secure Password, Use Password Expiration and Use Force Password Reset fields.
In the Access Levels field, select the appropriate access levels for the user from the drop down list depending on their duties, using the chart. See notes below chart for explanation of optional items.
Reporter tasks as found in User Guide
(Officers) | Office Administrative tasks as found Office Administrator Guide
(Clerical Staff)
| Technical Support tasks as found Installation Guide
(IT Staff) | Office Support tasks requiring only view, print, and e-mail capabilities.
(Clerical Support Staff)
All Forms | All Forms | All Forms | All Forms |
BasicUser | BasicUser | BasicUser | BasicUser |
Reporter | Reporter† | Reporter |
Statuses | Statuses | Statuses | Statuses |
| Supervisor |
| ViewOnly |
ConfidentialAttachment* | ConfidentialAdmin‡ | SystemAdmin |
| CitationAmend** |
*Give officers the ConfidentialAttachment access level if they will be using file link attachments and need to save the attachments to the confidential folder.
**Give supervisors the right to edit more of the ELCI and NTC citations, used in combination with an ini setting almost the entire citation can be modified.
†Give office clerical staff the Reporter access level if they will be editing data on forms.
‡Give ConfidentialAdmin access level to staff responsible for marking records confidential.
Note: if you do not plan on using all the forms in the Badger TraCS suite, you can limit the forms available to users by removing the All Forms access level and adding each form’s access level individually.
Note: BasicUser and Statuses access levels are required for all users in order for TraCS to function properly.
Note: The TraCS Supervisor access level is the access level that allows the office administrative staff to perform their duties. This is only the name of the access level and it does not necessary indicate that these individuals are supervisors within your organization.
Associated Users | Permissions to Other Users Forms
If the user performs actions on other users’ forms (including viewing), then you must specify which users and groups are associated to the user and which access levels are permitted to be performed on forms not personally created by the users. User associations are typically only configured if the user has been granted the Supervisor or ViewOnly access level.
In the lower right corner of screen, under Associated Users click the Add button.
Select the group that is the target of the user’s actions and click OK. For example the All group.
Click Access Levels to adjust the access level for the associated group (or user). By default the user will be given the same access level on the target group’s forms as they have on their own forms.
You may make adjustments by clicking on the checkboxes to add and remove checkmarks on the access levels as dictated by your agency’s policy.
Most agencies all officers to view, but not edit each other’s forms. This is typically done by granted the ViewOnly access level in associated users for the All group.
If your agency does not allow officers to view each other’s forms, but your agency sometimes has multiple officers that work under the same police number for the case, you will have a situation where the forms in the case are only viewable to officer that owns the case even though other officers wrote some of the forms in the case. Add a checkmark next to the ViewOnlyCases Access Level to allow the user view their own forms in cases not owned by them.
Click the OK button when you are finished to close the Associated Users Editor.
Note: you may also choose individual users here, but TraCS is much easier to manage and performs more efficiently if you create groups of users to work with. Most agencies have an “All” group which represent all the TraCS users. You may have additional groups if those with the Supervisor role have a subset of users assigned to them.
Click Apply to save the changes.
Repeat from steps as needed for additional users.
Note: If your agency is not web services, then you will need to select all the users and click User Files. Then press OK.
Close the User Editor.
User accounts for all Office and web services clients are updated as soon as you click Apply. However, a distribution will need to be created and run in order to push the changes to standard mobile clients.
If your agency is not web services, then Complete task 4.1 to make a new distribution.
Most agencies will use 4.1(a) Task 4.1(a): Create Custom Installation Files, Standard Alternative
Distribution will run the next time the user logs in and logs off if distribution is set to automatic download.
Or when the user presses the run distribution button.
NOTE: Web Services Agencies do not need to create a distribution to get users out to the field units. Just make sure officer no to always log into TraCS in Online Mode.
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