Task 3.19: Associate Users

Badger TraCS Guides

Task 3.19: Associate Users

Task 3.19: Associate Users

Purpose: Configures the ability for a user to access another user’s (or groups of users’) forms. For Example, Jane Doe is responsible for reviewing and accepting all crash forms prepared by Troop 1 before they are transmitted. Therefore, the Troop1 group is associated to her user account.

Perform this task only if you use TraCS to manage TraCS users. If you use Active Directory, you associated users by adding them to the appropriate groups in task 3.17(b).

Requirements: Master computer.

  1. Double click the shortcut for the TraCS Configuration Manager, located on your desktop.

  2. Sign in with system administration account.

  3. Click Users tab.

  4. Click the User button to open the User Editor.

  5. Click the Search button to display the users in the grid.

  6. Select the user (typically users with the Supervisor or ViewOnly access level) to whom you want to assign associated users and groups.

  7. In the lower right corner of screen click the Add button.

  8. Choose the group, groups are always on the bottom

  9. Assign groups and/or users as needed.

    1. Place a check mark in the Enabled field by clicking on it for each group or user you want to associate with the user you are editing.

    2. The default access levels for the user you are editing will be added to the Access Levels field. You may make adjustments by clicking on the field and adding and removing check marks on the access levels as needed.

    3. Click the OK button when you are finished to close the Associated Users Editor.

    4. Repeat from step 5 as needed.


  • Your agency wants officers to be able to view each other’s reports, but not edit them or you have staff that respond to open records requests: Assign the All group and the All Forms and ViewOnly access levels in the Add Associated Users panel of the staff needing view only access to other users’ forms.

  • Your agency has multiple officers contributing forms to the same case (same police number). You do not want officers to be able to view their co-workers forms, but you want them to be able to work on their own forms even if they are not the owner of the case. Assign the All group and the ViewOnlyCases access level in the Add Associated Users panel.

  • Your agency has office clerical staff or supervisors that must accept/reject/transmit or perform other functions on forms that requires the supervisor access level in TraCS. Assign the All group and the All Forms, Reporter, and Supervisor access levels in the Add Associated Users panel.

  • Your agency has office clerical staff or supervisors that must accept/reject/transmit or perform other functions on forms that requires the supervisor access level in TraCS on a sub-set of officers that has been assigned to a user groups such as Troop1 or Boat Patrol. Assign the Troop1 or Boat Patrol group and the All Forms, Reporter, and Supervisor access levels in the Add Associated Users panel.


  1. Click the close button.

  2. If not in a Web Services environment create a distribution.

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