Badger TraCS Guides
User Editor
User Editor
The User Editor is where TraCS user profiles are created and modified, and the actions users are able to perform in TraCS are set by assigning access levels.
Every person that you want to have access to TraCS must have a user account in the User Editor.
General information
When adding a new user always copy an existing user saving time and preventing configuration errors.
Always click the Apply button in the lower right hand corner to save user changes.
Never delete an old user. Change the “Inactive User” from False to True. TraCS doesn't have the ability to delete users from the mobiles only mark them inactive.
Agencies using TraCS Web Services or Active Directory don’t have to create mobile distributions to get their new user to the mobiles.
Once a new user is added in TraCS, it is immediately available to all computers running the office version of TraCS or the web services client. Mobile clients that are not running in web services mode require a distribution to be created and run before the user files will be updated.
Optionally, you may configure TraCS to apply additional security on the password.
If Use Secure Password is checked, the user password must be at least 8 characters in length and contain at least one number or special character.
If Use Password Expiration is checked, the user passwords will expire every 90 days and need to be updated. The last 10 passwords cannot be reused.
Search for a User
When you first open the User Editor, no users will be displayed. Click the Search button to display all of the users in the database or enter search criteria before searching to narrow the results.
You can also use the User grid on the top two rows.
Top row can used to sort specific user attributes, add columns, or filter
The Second row can be sued to type the users name to quickly locate by user attribute using Wild Card Characters. For more information on using search grids use the Office guide.
User Data Storage
User data from the User Editor is stored in the Users, AssociatedUsers, UserDefinableFields, and EncryptionKeys tables in the Users database. The location of the Users database is defined in the Database Connections Editor.
Standard field units, which don’t have the ability to connect to the Users database, rely on .usr files that are exported during the distribution creation process.
NOTE: Users managed through Active Directory create entries in the Users database when they log into the office client or the web services client. While these accounts can be edited through the user editor, they have no effect on the logged in user. Any changes will be lost the next time the user logs in through active directory and the entries in the database are updated with the version of the account in Active Directory.
For field units running the standard mobile client, the .usr files are updated with information from Active Directory when the user logs in.
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