Badger TraCS Guides
Start Migration to Web Services from Legacy Endshifting
Many agencies prefer to schedule an appointment with the help desk to assist in moving to web services. We ask that you at least Setup IIS on your server prior to the appointment.
Set up IIS - Web Services Module
Setting up Windows Server Manager IIS.
On the Web server that will hold the IIS server, press the windows key and type Server manager.
Server Roles
Web Server (IIS)
Expand each section and Activate ALL items checked in the screenshots. DO NOT SKIP ANY
Request Monitor
Dynamic Content
.NET and http://ASP.NET
.NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8 (screenshots show older .NET version) Activate latest version you have
Expand each section and Activate ALL items checked in the screenshots. DO NOT SKIP ANY
Issues / Troubleshooting?
Warning "Do you need to specify an alternative source path?
Not recognizing the source file paths, (When you install windows it installs all the back-end stuff. Virtual machines don't do that. Therefore, we need those for Web Services)
Adding http://ASP.NET 4.8 to get this to work.
Removed the .NET3.5
In order to proceed, you will need 2 things completed by the TraCS Help Desk. Many agencies stop here and request an appointment. You need:
The 19.02.20 Server Baseline
Your the Unlock Key
We recommend scheduling an appointment with us at this point. Here is a link to do so: Schedule a Web Services Setup Appointment
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email or call 608-267-2096