Badger TraCS Guides
Understanding User Access Levels
Understanding User Access Levels
Personal Access Level Assignments
Access levels are assigned to users to control what they can do in TraCS as it relates to forms they have personally created. For example, a user with only All Form, BasicUser, Reporter and Statuses access levels can do anything that a regular officer or deputy needs to do to perform their duties. If a user needs to approve and reject forms, they would additionally need the Supervisor access level. If the user is going to maintain and support TraCS, they would need the SystemAdmin access level. CitationAmend access level gives supervisors the right to edit more of the ELCI and NTC citations, used in combination with an ini setting almost the entire citation can be modified.
Associated Users Access Level Assignment
If they also need to perform actions on other users associated with them, then access levels also need to be assigned in the associated users section of the user’s profile. Anytime a user is performing an action on a form they did not personally create, it is because they have been given an associated users access level. For example, a supervisor might be given the ability to edit forms for the officers in the Troop1 user group. Or an office administrator responsible for transmitting forms for all officers in the might have access levels assigned on the All group.
Although TraCS allows associated users to be individually named, TraCS performs much better and users are easier to manage if the users are assigned to a group first and then the associated users are referred to by the group name. By convention, it is typical to call the group that contains all the users in the agency the All group.
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