Task 3.17(b): Create Users, Active Directory Alternative

Badger TraCS Guides

Task 3.17(b): Create Users, Active Directory Alternative

Task 3.17(b): Create Users, Active Directory Alternative

Purpose: Creates users accounts so that users can sign into and use TraCS. Enables Active Directory log in at master computer.

This task is required if you have a new user to add to TraCS.

Perform this task only if you use Active Directory to manage TraCS users. See the TraCS User Management alternative for this task if you use TraCS to manage TraCS users.

Requirements: Master computer; Active Directory administrative tools.

NOTE: you may have to create custom active directory attributions. This link can help http://www.showmehowtodoit.com/2012/create-custom-active-directory-attributes-for-user-properties/ provides illustrated step-by-step instructions for adding user attributes using the Active Directory Snap-In for MMC.

  • In Active Directory, edit the user attributes for each user that will be authorized for TraCS.

    • The sAMAccountName attribute is used as the User ID field in TraCS. You may use any identifier you want, but it should be unique within TraCS. User IDs should never be re-used; therefore badge numbers are typically not a good choice for user IDs.

    • The TraCSSecondaryUserID attribute, which is used as the DOT Officer ID field for the citation forms, may be anything you choose up to 5 characters. It is part of the citation data that is sent to the courts. Badge number is acceptable here.

    • The SN attribute is used for the user’s last name.

    • The givenName attribute is used for the user’s first name.

    • The middleName attribute is used for the user’s middle name.

    • The TraCSNameSuffix attribute is used for the user’s name suffix.

    • The TraCSUserDefDNROfficerIdentification attribute is used for the DNR officer ID if your agency is the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Otherwise, it should be skipped.

    • The TraCSUserDefBadgeNumber attribute is used for the user’s Badge Number.

    • The TraCSUserDefRank attribute is used for the user’s rank. Enter the code value for rank as per table. Appendix J -- Rank Table

    • The TraCSUserDefGroupID attribute is used for the user’s precinct, sector, or district number if required by your agency.

    • The Title attribute does not appear on any TraCS forms.

    • The TraCSLocationID attribute contains the three-digit TraCS agency number.

    • The TraCSUserDefaultsID attribute may be left blank and will default to the User ID automatically.

    • The TraCSLocationDefaultsID attribute is used to manage the agency level field default values. Enter Agency followed by your agency’s TAS number, for example, Agency012. Your agency’s TAS number is found on your welcome letter.

    • The TraCSEnterpriseDefaultsID attribute is used to manage the state level field default values. Enter Enterprise.

    • The mail attribute is used to e-mail TraCS notification. Enter the user’s e-mail address if available.

    • The TraCSEncryptionKeyLabel attribute may be left blank. It will populate from TraCS user template.

  • Add users to the appropriate AD groups depending on their duties, using the chart. See notes below chart for explanation of optional items.

Reporter tasks as found in User Guide



Office Administrative tasks as found Office Administrator Guide


(Clerical Staff)


Technical Support tasks as found Installation Guide


(IT Staff)

Office Support tasks requiring only view, print, and e-mail capabilities.


(Clerical Support Staff)






TraCSAccessLevelAll Forms

TraCSAccessLevelAll Forms

TraCSAccessLevelAll Forms

TraCSAccessLevelAll Forms

























*Give officers the ConfidentialAttachment access level if they will be using file link attachments and need to save the attachments to the confidential folder.

**Give supervisors the right to edit more of the ELCI and NTC citations, used in combination with an ini setting almost the entire citation can be modified.

Give office clerical staff the Reporter access level if they will be editing data on forms.

Give ConfidentialAdmin access level to staff responsible for marking records confidential.

Note: if you do not plan on using all the forms in the Badger TraCS suite, you can limit the forms available to users by removing the All Forms access level and adding each form’s access level individually.

Note: BasicUser and Statuses access levels are required for all users in order for TraCS to function properly.

Note: The TraCS Supervisor access level is the access level that allows the office administrative staff to perform their duties. This is only the name of the access level and it does not necessary indicate that these individuals are supervisors within your organization.


  • If the user performs actions on other users’ forms (including viewing) or other users perform actions on this user’s forms, then you must specify user associations by adding the user to one or more additional groups.

  • If the user’s forms are the target of another user’s actions:

    • Add the user to one or more groups which have names in the form of TraCSGroupgroupname. Consult your TraCS as-built documentation for details of user groups that are in use at your agency.

    • Example: Add the user to TraCSGroupAll if your agency has an “All” group. (This is very common.)

    • Example: Add the user to TraCSGroupTroop1 if the user belongs to troop 1. (Actual group names will vary depending on the needs and preferences of your agency.)

Note: Examples of this include someone other than the user approving and transmitting the user’s forms, or someone other than the user viewing and printing the user’s forms.

  • If the user performs actions on other users’ forms:

Note: Examples of this include a user who has the supervisor role in TraCS to approve and transmit forms for a group of users or a user who processes open records requests and must view and print forms on behalf of a group of users.

  • Add the user to the appropriate TraCSAUgroupname_accesslevel in Active Directory depending on the actions you want to allow this user to perform on their associated users. Below are some common examples. Actual group assignment will vary depending on the needs and preferences of your agency.

    • Example: Add the user TraCSAUAll_All Forms, TraCSAUAll_Reporter and TraCSAUAll_Supervisor groups so that they may edit, approve, reject, and transmit, .etc, forms written by users in the TraCSGroupAll group, which is everyone in the agency. (This is very common.)

    • Example: Add the user to TraCSAUTroop1_All Forms, TraCSAUTroop1_Reporter and TraCSAUTroop1_Supervisor groups so that they may edit and approve forms written by users in troop 1. (Actual group names will vary depending on the needs and preferences of your agency.)

    • Example: Add the user to the TraCSAUAll_All Forms, TraCSAUAll_ViewOnly groups so that they may view, print, and email forms written by any officer to respond to open records requests.

    • Example: Add the user to TraCSAUTroop1_All Forms, TraCSAUTroop1_ViewOnly groups so that they may view, print, and email forms written by any officer to respond to open records requests.

      • Example: If your agency does not allow officers to view each other’s forms, but your agency sometimes has multiple officers that work under the same police number for the case, you will have a situation where the forms in the case are only viewable to officer that owns the case even though other officers wrote some of the forms in the case. Add the user to TraCSAUAll_ViewOnlyCases to allow the user to work with their own forms in incident cases they do not own.


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email badgertracs@dot.wi.gov or call 608-267-2096