Task 1.7.2: Configure BatchUser Account

Badger TraCS Guides

Task 1.7.2: Configure BatchUser Account

Task 1.7.2: Configure BatchUser Account

Purpose: Creates DEFAULTS account to set agency level field defaults.

This account should have been created during the initial installation of TraCS, but may not be present depending on when you installed TraCS.

Requirements: Master computer.

  1. Double click the shortcut for the TraCS Configuration Manager, located on your desktop.

  2. Sign in with your administrative account.

  3. Click Users tab.

  4. Click the User button in the first row to open the User Editor.

  5. Click the Add button in the user editor to create a new user.

  6. Enter BatchUser in the Primary Officer ID field.

  7. Enter your agency in the Location Name by selecting it from the drop down list. The location number should match the TAS number that appears on you Welcome letter.

  8. In the Access Levels field, select the following access levels:

    1. All Forms,

    2. BasicUser,

    3. Reporter,

    4. Statuses,

    5. Supervisor, and

    6. SystemAdmin

  9. Make sure to add a generic Email Address that goes to multiple individuals. This is good to send notifications from tracs to this user.

  10. In the Associated Users

    1. Add the All Group with the same access rights

  11. Click Apply. (Since this account will never be used for completing TraCS forms, it is not necessary to complete the remaining fields.)

  12. Click Close.


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