Badger TraCS Guides
Deleting Forms
Deleting Forms
Deleting forms is something that should be done only rarely. Instead of deleting you should be archiving to move the form to the archive or rejecting to send the form back to the Mobile user. ELCI forms cannot be deleted because every citation number must be accounted for with WisDOT. NTC citation, DNR citation and warning forms cannot be deleted after they have been issued and should be voided instead.
NOTE: All forms other than ELCIs may be deleted; ELCIs may never be deleted. ELCIs must be Voided instead. See the ELCI section for more information.
To View deleted forms see the Office Guide. Viewing Deleted Form
Steps to Delete a form
In those rare instances where deleting is required
Select the form in the Forms Manager
Click the Delete Form Button in the Home Ribbon
You’ll receive a input box where you are asked to state the reason that the form is being deleted. This message is logged for future reference: It can be blank but if anyone comes back asking for it you you will want a reason in the log.
A message box will appear asking you to confirm that you want to delete the form:
If you click Apply to All you will not see this message again with the forms you have highlighted.
A log will be made that the form was deleted.
Error messages
Deleted forms cannot be retrieved again. If the form cannot be deleted following messages could appear.
For NTC, DNR and Warning – These forms cannot be deleted if the form has been issued or voided.
For the ELCI – Cannot Delete
For All other forms – Cannot be deleted once they have been transmitted.
What forms can be deleted
Form | Anytime | Never | Until Issued/Voided | Until Transmitted |
Alcohol |
| X |
Arrest | X |
Attachment |
| X |
Call for Service | X |
Case Summary | X |
Citizen Contact | X |
Contact Summary | X |
Crash |
| X |
DNR Crash |
| X |
| X |
Driver Condition |
| X |
| X |
Evidence |
| In Inventory |
Fatal Supplement |
| X |
Influence | X |
Incident |
| X |
Inspection |
| X |
| X |
Pursuit |
| X |
Supplement |
| X |
| X |
Vehicle Custody | X |
Warning |
| X |
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