Master Index

Badger TraCS Guides

Master Index

Master Index

A Master Index is a database that is used across an agency to maintain consistent, accurate and current demographic and essential data on the incidents managed within its jurisdiction.  TraCS maintains Master Indexes on the common information found on all forms.  The Master Index can be searched from Office and Web Client machines only.  The following Master Indexes can be searched in TraCS.

  • Individual

  • Vehicle

  • Location

  • Carrier

  • Property/Evidence

  • Equipment

The Master Index is a search tool used to help find individuals, vehicles, locations and carrier information.  Enter search criteria for one of more common information fields.

The following is an example of a search for an individual last name.

Pressing search will bring up all the ZZZJ…’s in the database.  The search can be as refined as needed.  You may fill in as many search criteria fields as needed. 

Hitting Search will bring up the following screen.

This is the Master Index results screen.  From this results screen law enforcement personal may set flags or copy the Master Index record to common information by pressing the Copy to Common.  If the results are not correct, then clicking Refine Search move the user back to the search screen.


Flags are used by the agency to bring attention to records that might need special attention. Flags are available on office machines and web client machines.  Common information can be flagged for many reasons. Two types of flag priorities are; Priority and Informational are available. 

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