Badger TraCS Guides
Transmission BTHE
Transmission BTHE
To transmit in the Badger TraCS Hosted Environment, agencies need to set the form to Accepted status. Once a form is in Accepted status the form will Transmit to State Systems and create an export file for the RMS.
- 1 There are five steps to transmit forms to the State and RMS.
- 2 Only two steps below (#1 and #5) are needed at your agency.
- 3 The other steps are performed by the TraCS hosted environment automatically.
- 4 The Transmission process:
- 5 Need to Know
- 6 Daily Transmission Times
- 7 Daily RMS Export Times
- 8 Failed Transmission
There are five steps to transmit forms to the State and RMS.
Only two steps below (#1 and #5) are needed at your agency.
The other steps are performed by the TraCS hosted environment automatically.
Agency – Put form in Accepted status
BTHE Batch machine – Exports the form
BTHE Batch machine – Transmits to the State
BTHE Batch machine – Places forms in your agency folder to download
Agency – Presses RMS Download button to copies/uploads forms for RMS processing
The Transmission process:
Accepted: Law enforcement will need to put forms that are ready to be transmitted to the state or RMS into an Accepted status. The batch process will then pull all the ‘accepted’ forms and begin the transmission process.
Note: only non-archived forms will be processed.
ELCI Citations will automatically transmit when voided. This feature started December 2023.
Export the form: The forms that were in an ‘accepted’ status will be exported into an xml file to be sent to state agencies. After this has happens, the form will be in an ‘exported’ status. Forms that are not transmitted to courts/the State, such as the Warning form, will remain in ‘accepted’ status.
Note: only non-archived forms will be processed.
Transmit to the State: After the forms have been exported, the automated batch process will send those forms to the state agencies and placed in a ‘Transmitted’ status.
Note: only non-archived forms will be processed.
Export RMS forms to the Badger TraCS Hosted Environment: Daily, all forms will be exported to an agency folder located on the Badger TraCS Hosted Environment server. A date will be placed in the RMS Transmission Date column in Forms Manager once the form is ready for download to the RMS.
Note: only non-archived forms will be processed.
Download forms to agency RMS: Once the date is placed in the RMS Transmission Date column, the form is available for download to the RMS. Click the RMS Download button found under the Data Transfer Tab to download data into your RMS.
RMS Export Format: Agencies will choose a format for exporting and all forms will be exported in this format. DSP/TraCS Staff will set this up prior to the law enforcement’s migration appointment.
Current RMS Export batch process scheduling can be found in the Maintenance Guide for the Hosted Environment.
Need to Know
Invalid forms - Forms can no longer be Accepted if they are marked as Invalid. Invalid citations cannot transmit to the state because they are no longer validated. This happens when a form is modified after issuance and when closing, the message is ignored by the updater.
Locked forms – Locked forms will not export to the State nor your RMS, please make sure that they are not locked after you click the Accept button.
Forms that do not transmit outside of Law Enforcement Agency - Forms like warnings and parking citations when put into the Accepted status will not show Transmitted because they do not get transmitted outside your agency. Put these forms in the Accepted status if you want the form to be available for your RMS
Voided ELCI Citations – forms put in voided status do not need to be accepted, they will transmit during batch 1 or 3.
Transmissions are set to run at specific times and works in a 2-step process.
Cut off Deadline – If you click the Accept button after one of the cut off deadlines when the first step of transmission process starts, your form will not transmit until the next cut off deadline. You can always check the form log to see when and who clicked the accept button.
Exported Status – Since transmission is a 2-step process, there is a time frame when the form changes status. If you see a form in exported status, the form is in the process of being transmitted and has not completed the second step, so please do not touch the form at this time. Sometime after the cut off deadline, the form will change to transmitted status. This signifies that the form has been successfully transmitted and reached its destination.
Below are the transmission and export times.
Daily Transmission Times
Not for RMS
Transmission Steps | Citation Batch (every 2 hours odd hour) | Non-Citation Batch |
Transmission Run Time (Cut Off Deadline) (Exports Data, Creates XML files, Changes Status from ‘Accepted’ to ‘Exported’) | 1:00 AM - 11:00 PM | 9:00 AM & 9:00 PM |
TransComm Run Time (Sends XML files to destination and changes status from ‘Exported’ to ‘Transmitted’) | Within 5 minutes of TransExport (above step) completion | |
Estimated Time Transmission Completed | Approx. an hour after start | 11:00 AM & 11:00 PM |
Transmission Types | Citation Only ELCI, NTC, DNR | All Non Citation Forms |
As of January 5th, 2025, Transmission for Citations (ELCI, NTC, and DNR Citations) were modified to transmit every 2 hours
Daily RMS Export Times
These are grouped together and run right after each other, the entire process can take up to 4 hours. The start time does not match the actual start and finish times. When one is done the next begins.
RMS Export Type | Current RMS Export Run Time | Current RMS Export Run Time* |
TraCS10 XML | 10:15 AM | 10:15 PM |
TraCS10 XML with PDF | 10:20 AM | 10:20 PM |
TraCS73 XML | 10:25 AM | 10:25 PM |
TraCS73 XML with PDF | 10:30 AM | 10:30 PM |
TraCS10 XML with Tiff | 10:35 AM | 10:35 PM |
TraCS73 XML with Tiff | 10:40 AM | 10:40 PM |
TraCS Tiff | 10:45 AM | 10:45 PM |
TraCS PDF | 10:50 AM | 10:50 PM |
TraCS Voided Citations and Warnings** | 10:55 AM | 10:55 PM |
*Current RMS Export Run Times were added on 10/10/2023
** Added after the March 2024 Pack and only exports in TraCS 10 format if using 73 then your RMS needs to convert.
The RMS Export run times on Mondays take longer to generate due to the influx of forms created over the weekend but not marked for acceptance until Monday morning. This may cause delays on downloading RMS files that are to be generated Monday.
Failed Transmission
If for some reason the forms did not transmit properly, DSP/TraCS Staff will work with law enforcement staff to resolve the issue and retransmit forms as necessary. DSP/TraCS Staff will receive notice that there were transmission failures and contact the agency as needed to get the forms transmitted to their appropriate destination(s).
DSP/TraCS Staff will mark all Failed Transmission and set the form to Rejected.
The Owner of the form will receive a email stating they have a form in Rejected Status.
The Rejection message or the Form log will tell what needs to corrected in order to transmit the form.
Agency Personnel will fix the issue and mark the form in Accepted.
NOTE: Directions for dealing with Rejections is found: Rejected Status: Fixing a Rejected Form
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