Viewing Deleted Form

Badger TraCS Guides

Viewing Deleted Form

Viewing Deleted Form

Once a form is deleted from TraCS, finding the log of that form can be difficult. There are 3 ways to view the deletion records. Instructions to delete a form can be found in the following article. Deleting Forms

Use a reporting tool that queries the database

You need an IT specialist to look at this.

The record of a deleted form is kept in the Log Database in the TraCSLog table. The valued of 'Deleted' will be found in the ActionName field, with the reason for the deletion in the Description field. They can use the FormName or FormKey to link back to other logs of the same form.

Use SQL Management Studio

You need an IT specialist to look at this.

The record of a deleted form is kept in the Log Database in the TraCSLog table. The valued of 'Deleted' will be found in the ActionName field, with the reason for the deletion in the Description field. They can use the FormName or FormKey to link back to other logs of the same form.

Use the TraCS log feature

  1. Log into TraCS as a Supervisor or System Admin with access to others forms.

  2. Highlight a random form.

  3. Click TraCS Log in the View ribbon

  4. Click Search All

  5. Click the Clear Button in the bottom Right Corner of the Search box and Adjust the Dates

  6. In the Action Name start typing Deleted

  7. If you would like to see more information on that form besides the deleted description.

    1. Type the Form Number into the Grid

    2. Delete the Action Name

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