Badger TraCS Guides
Injury Crashes at Intersection
Practice Query: Injury Crashes at Intersection
Form | Group | Field | Action | Value(s) |
Crash | Junction | JunctionJunctionLocation | Exact Match | Intersection |
Crash | Form Information | Status | Exact match | Transmitted |
Crash | Summary | SummaryTotalInjured | Greater Than | 0 |
Crash | Summary | SummaryDateOccured | Range | [User Entered Value] |
Navigate to the Advanced tab in the search area.
Click Ad Hoc Queries
Click the New button.
Enter the Query Name: ‘Injury Crashes at Intersection,’ Database, ‘Data,’ and Data Source, ‘All,’ as shown below.
Enter criterion 1. Select Crash in the Form section. Select Junction in the Group section. Select JunctionJunctionLocation in the Field section. Select Exact Match in the Action section and click the New button (shown below):
Select Intersection in the Search Value Editor window and click OK.
Intersection will appear in the Value(s) section. Click the Add button to add this criterion to the query. It will now appear in the Query Criteria section down below.
Enter criterion 2 from the Table above. Select Crash in the Form section. Select Form Information in the Group section. Select Status in the Field section. Select Exact Match in the Action section and click the New button (shown below):
Select Transmitted in the Search Value Editor window and click OK.
Transmitted will appear in the Value(s) section. Click the Add button to add it to the Query Criteria.
Enter criterion 3 from the orange table above. Select Crash in the Form section. Select Summary in the Group section. Select SummaryTotalInjured in the Field section. Select Greater Than in the Action section and click the New button (shown below):
Enter the number 0 in the Search Value Editor window and click OK
0 will appear in the Value(s) section. Click the Add button to add it to the Query Criteria.
Enter criterion 4. Select Crash in the Form section. Select Summary in the Group section. Select SummaryDateOccurred in the Field section. Select Range in the Action section and click the New button (shown below):
Check the Prompt user for search value box* and enter something like ‘Enter date range:’ for the Prompt Text. *Note: Checking this box will ensure TraCS asks the user for the Date Range every time this query is run. In the next steps, we add a default date range which will appear every time this box opens, but this can be changed each time the query is run.
To retrieve the correct amount of data four our training purposes, we will choose a default date range. Click on the down arrow on the selection box next to the “From:” box. This will open the calendar. Click on the Month Year (shown below) to switch to the month selector.
Click the year toward the top of the window to switch to the year selector.
Click Jan and 1 to set 1/1/2018 as the From: date. Repeat this process to set 12/31/2018 as the To: date.
[User Entered Value] will appear in the Value(s) section. Click the Add button to add it to the Query Criteria.
All four criteria should now be filled-out in the Query Criteria section. Click Finish to save your query.
*Note: Clicking ‘Next’ will quickly take you to the Ad Hoc Report Builder screen but clicking ‘Finish’ saves your query first, while clicking ‘Next’ does not. It is recommended to click ‘Finish’ before editing the Ad Hoc Report.
After clicking Finish you will be taken back to TraCS Forms Manager. Select Injury Crashes at Intersection and click View Results to proceed to the Ad Hoc Report Builder screen.
Under the Choose Field(s) column on the left, expand the Crash item. Expand Location and check the following boxes:
Click the Refresh button below the Choose Field(s) column to refresh the Report Viewer.
Change column header names:
Click the Edit Captions button below the Footer Text field (shown above).
Click the down arrow for Choose Column and select CRASH_SUMMARYSUMMARYDATEOCCURRED.
In the Caption field, enter ‘Date Occurred.’
Click Apply.
Click the OK button.
Repeat steps 2 – 5 until all column header names are changed.
Click the Export button and save the file to the desktop in the desired File Format (XLSX, PDF, etc.).
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