Group Lookup Button

Badger TraCS Guides

Group Lookup Button

How to Use a Group Lookup Button

Some fields on TraCS forms may require the lookup of another group so that that group sequence number can be entered.  The databar for such a field allows the user to see a list of choices based on field values in a group.  Wisconsin’s version of TraCS uses the Lookup button on the databar following searches.

  • Crash Form Individual Group for a Non Motorist will ask for the Striking Unit #

  • Crash Form Violation Group for the Individual that committed the violation in that unit.

  • Crash Form Property Group the Striking Unit of the Object struck.

The button will be titled with the name of the object needed.

For the Crash Form –Vehicle Lookup

Looking for a Unit Vehicle click the Vehicle Button on the databar

All the vehicles will show up in a message box. If a pedestrian then the unit will be missing.

Choose the unit and click OK and the correct unit number will be filled.

For the Crash Form –Individual Lookup

Looking for a Unit Individual click the Individual Button on the databar

All the individuals in the unit will show up in a message box.

Choose the unit and click OK and the correct individual number will be entered.


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