Badger TraCS Guides
The Accepted status is an optional status that you may use to mark form as accepted. The Accepted status for Crashes however is required to Transmit the Crash to the DOT. This helps distinguish forms that have merely been issued or validated from forms that are ready to be transmit.
NOTE: in the Hosted Environment this is not an optional status. It is the status that tells the Batch server to process the forms for State/RMS transmission. Your forms in the Badger TraCS Hosted Environment will not transmit until placed in Accepted Status.
Select the form to be accepted
Click the Accept Button – Only forms with a status of “Validated” can be accepted. Citations may be in either “Issued’, “Voided”, or “Completed” statuses prior to acceptance.
If you cannot accept a form in the current status you will receive one of the following error messages.
Citation Suit of Forms
All other forms
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