
Badger TraCS Guides




The Completed status is an optional status that you may use to mark form as completed. This helps distinguish forms that have merely been issued or validated from forms that have had the narrative added and are ready to transmit. Only crash forms (Crash, Deer Crash, Amended) with a status of “Accepted” can be completed. Citations may be in either “Issued’, “Voided”, or “Accepted” statuses prior to marking as completed.

NOTE: When in a web services environment this status is good for telling office personnel that the officer is now done with the form and they can review and process it. All forms are viewable in all web clients so once a form is opened and uploaded the office staff can now see the form. End-shifting used to tell the office staff it was ready for processing but that is skipped in a web services environment.

To mark a form as Completed

  1. Select the form to be completed.

  2. Click the Complete button in the Home Ribbon of the forms Manager or Viewer.



If the form is not in the correct status of Issued for Citations and the Warning form or Validated for all other forms an error message will pop up.

Crash suite, Citizen Contact, Driver Condition, Alcohol and Influence

Or Citation Suite and Warning form.

If a citation form is missing a narrative you will receive the following error message.


If the form is on hold you will receive the following message.

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