Badger TraCS Guides
Any citation or warning in all statuses except transmitted may be voided. Voided ELCIs should be transmitted so that the WisDOT citation number tracking database may be updated. Other voided citations (NTC, DNR) and warnings may be transmitted depending on your agency’s policies.
Voided ELCI Citations--Voided ELCI citations need to be transmitted to the state. All Uniform Traffic Citation (UTC/ELCI) citation numbers are monitored by DMV and tracked. If you have any outstanding ELCI citations that you opened but did not issue, they should be voided.
Go through and look at your Open, Validated, and Issued citations both in the current database and archived databases.
Void all citations that are not active.
Go through all voided citations and make sure they have a transmitted status
Note: Once you Void a Citation it cannot be reversed, you must reissue. You can replicate and all the information except the statute violation will copy over. FYI the officer that created the citation needs to replicate it otherwise the officer information on the bottom of the form will be incorrect.
Select the citation to be voided from the Forms Manager or Forms Viewer. To void an ELCI a disposition code and form number is needed on the form.
To void a citation:
Highlight the citation in the Forms Manager or Forms Viewer.
Click the Void button in the Citations Ribbon
You will get the following message box.
Enter a reason for voiding the citation
Click OK button, to continue with the void. Cancel will cancel the voiding process flow.
Note: Voided ELCI citations will still need to be transmitted to DOT.
How to tell a voided citation
A voided citation can be seen in the Forms Manager. The Status field along with the description field will say voided.
Note: the status will not always remain voided as it moves along the ticket cycle. Refer to the example below.
The reason for voiding can be found in the form log.
If trying to void a non-citation, this message will appear.
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