Badger TraCS Guides
Archiving is meant to hide forms flagged as “Archived” in the Forms Manager. When a form is archived, it will not appear for users in a default search for forms. It also limits the actions that a user can perform on the form. For example, a user may be able to view, but not edit archived forms. Archiving in TraCS is simply a way to move the form out of sight (out of sight, out of mind) and usually happens when the agency is finished with the form (i.e., it has been transmitted).
For SQL Server databases, TraCS flags the records as archived but does not move them anywhere. It is typically desirable to have archived and unarchived forms in the same database so that it is easier to report on that data for statistical purposes or for other backend processes.
NOTE: Offloading forms from a SQL Server or Oracle database to a different database or archive file after a retention period is not handled by TraCS and is considered a responsibility of the DBA for each database due to differing policies, practices and data retention and archiving laws.
For Access databases, archived forms are moved to separate databases named <Year>Archive.mdb and<Year><Sequence Number>.asm, which are located in the Archive folder under the TraCS application data root folder. This is done only because of the database size limitations inherent to Microsoft Access. The year of the PrdDate field in the Prd_Header for the form determines which database the form will be archived in. If a form is archived and has a year that there are not already archive databases for, TraCS will automatically create databases for that year.
When TraCS automatically creates a set of new databases for a year, a copy of the file in the Archive folder under the TraCS application data root folder is made and renamed to <Year>Archive.mdb. Also, a copy of the DataRest.mdb file in the DBData folder is made and renamed to<Year><SequenceNumber>.asm. The DataRest.mdb file is an empty replica of the Data.mdb file. If an .asm file for a particular year reaches 500MB in size, a new one is created with the next sequential number. The <Year>Archive.mdb contains a PRD_Header table that has one record for each form archived. Each record has a StorageDB column that lists the name of the .asm file the other records for the form are located in.
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