The Transmission Process

Badger TraCS Guides

The Transmission Process

The Transmission Process

The Transmission Process

Transmission extracts, formats, and sends data from the TraCS office database to WisDOT, DNR, the courts, and district attorney offices. These locations should be able to download the data into their software within minutes of transmitting. During high volume days such as after the weekends or holidays it can be over 10 minutes. Badger TraCS sends out email notifications when there are issues with transmitting. Contact Badger TraCS if you want to be notified.

There are times when Transmission may also be used to move data into your RMS system if your TraCS coordinator has implemented this feature.

Internet access is required.

Forms are transmitted from the Forms Manager on an Office computer using the Data Transfer Ribbon


NOTE: Badger TraCS Hosted environment does not use these steps to Transmit, agencies mark forms as accepted to signal the form is ready for transmission. See more in Transmission BTHE


  • In the Forms Manager, select the forms to transmit.

  • Press the Transmit Button in the Data Transfer Tab

  • The following message will appear if more than one form was highlighted. Click Yes to continue.


  • The next message may or may not appear. Click Yes to Continue



  • You will be kept informed of the status of the transmission through a series of popup boxes.


  • After the forms have successfully exported the status of Exported will appear in the Forms Manager.


  • Click Yes to complete the transmission process, when the following dialog box appears.



  • This popup box will appear while data is being transmitted.


  • On completion of transmission, the Forms Manager will be shown with the statuses modified. Your forms have now been transmitted. Crash, Fatal Supplements, and Driver Condition forms have been transmitted to WisDOT. ELCI, DNR and NTC forms have been transmitted to the eCitation web service for forwarding to your court or district attorney’s office.




  1. If there is a failure, a dialog box will appear allowing you to view a TraCS log or report. After reviewing the log or report if you can’t determine the cause of the failure, contact your agency TraCS Administrator.

  2. You can open the Details Report and email it to badgertracs@dot.wi.gov and we can help.


NOTE: For the Hosted Environment mechanical failures are handled by TraCS staff, all data issues will be rejected and sent back to the Agency. See




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email badgertracs@dot.wi.gov or call 608-267-2096