Task 3.13.5: Resolving Document Numbering Issues

Badger TraCS Guides

Task 3.13.5: Resolving Document Numbering Issues

Task 3.13.5: Resolving Document Numbering Issues

To help figure out what is wrong when a document number will not generate.

Table Of Contents

Restoring Document Numbers using Configuration Wizard

Requirements: Configuration wizard form completed for each computer on which you want to back up document numbers.

If you are using the configuration wizard form to back up document numbers, users logging into TraCS may rarely see messages like those below:


The user should simply click OK to accept the restoration of their document numbers.

These messages are typically seen after a system restore has been done on the computer or if the autonumber.ini file is deleted (or possibly corrupted.)

If you have not yet set up the configuration wizard to back up document numbers to your TraCS office database and the computers have access to the TraCS network folder during log in and log off time, you may do so by completing step 20 from task 4.2(a) for workstations or steps 20 and 21 from task 4.3(a) for field units.

Machine ID Conflict

Error: If a computer has an error stating “Machine ID Conflict”.

Reason: This means the TraCS machine number isn’t the same as the one saved in AutoNumber.ini file.

  1. How to determine what your machine number is?

    1. Sign into TraCS Configuration Manager as 00001

    2. Click the Settings button

    3. Expand MachineID.ini

      and navigate down to MachineID.

    4. Highlight MachineID and on the right side you will see the MachineID.

    5. Click Ok

  2. Update the AutoNumber.ini file to reflect the correct Machine ID.

  3. Click the Settings button

  4. Expand AutoNumber.ini

  5. The following forms will have to be reviewed for correctness. Step 6 explains how to review and correct them.

    1. Alcohol

    2. Arrest

    3. Case Summary

    4. Citizen Contact

    5. Contact Summary

    6. CrashV3

    7. DeerTag

    8. DNR

    9. Driver Condition

    10. Equipment

    11. Fatal

    12. Influence

    13. Inspection

    14. NTC

    15. Pursuit

    16. Task

    17. ELCI Number Inventory Control

    18. Warning

  6. Expand DNR and highlight LastNumberUsed

  7. On the right side under LastNumberUsed will be a long number.

    1. The 7th ,8th and 9th characters is the machine number. The example shows 503. This number should be the same as the one from step 1 above.

    2. Once all the forms from step 5 have been reviewed/updated click the OK button to save the information. Open TraCS and test every form to ensure they all open.

No Citations in Inventory

Error: Error Messages

  • There are no available numbers to bundle from inventory

  • No numbers available to install FROM inventory

  • Unable to process request. There may not be enough citation numbers left inventory or the inventory record is in use by another user. Try again later

Reason: This means that there are no citations in inventory to be bundled or allocated to a computer.

There are a few reasons this might have happened.

  1. Do you have an ELCI Number Inventory Control form in a Status of Inventoried and does it has enough citations to satisfy the amount trying to install?

  2. Has your ELCI Number Inventory Control form been archived? Citations cannot be installed from an inactive form. Look in the Archive for a form with a status of inventoried.

    1. The solution is to Un-Archive the ELCI Number Inventory Control.

  3. The old inventory has been depleted.

    1. The solution is to order more citation numbers from EARS.

Office Database Connection Missing

Error: Error Message

Unable to connect to TraCS office database. Please contact your TraCS administrator

Reason: This means that there is no connectivity to the office database from the mobile computer.

  1. Is your network location accessible to the mobile computer?

    1. MS AccessàNavigate using Windows explorer to the TraCS network share. Hint: Cannot have a password for TraCS to see it. If it is missing talk to your network admin to correct the issue.

    2. SQL Serveràhave your SQL administrator test the connection from this computer.

  2. Is your Data_FieldUnit database string pointing to the correct location? Follow Task 1-6(a) step #6 for Access databases and Task 1-6(c) Step 5b for SQL databases.

  3. Is DatabaseConnection.set.loc.exml missing from Files.zip in the Distribution/Mobile folder? If yes, complete a new distribution following Task 4-1 in the Installation Guide.

Inventory Form Locked

Error: Error Message

Unable to process request. There may not be enough citation numbers left inventory or the inventory record is in use by another user. Try again later.

Reason: This means that there are no citations in inventory to be bundled or allocated to a computer or the inventory form is locked.

There are a few reasons this might have happened.

  1. Do you have an ELCI Number Inventory Control form in a Status of Inventoried and does it has enough citations to satisfy the amount trying to install?

  2. Has your ELCI Number Inventory Control form been archived? Citations cannot be installed from an inactive form. Look in the Archive for a form with a status of inventoried.

    1. The solution is to Un-Archive the ELCI Number Inventory Control.

  3. The old inventory has been depleted.

    1. The solution is to order more citation numbers from EARS.

  4. The ELCI Number Inventory Control Record may have a Unit Number locked in the form. In the office, click on ELCI and choose Clear Transaction Lock.


Missing Start-Shift/End-shift settings.

Error: When trying to start shift a bundled citation this option is missing: Import/ExportCitationNumberBundle.

Reason: This means that when setting up the TraCS system a setting was skipped.

Enable citation number bundle import/export since field units under the connectivity option will not be able to connect to the database to receive new citation numbers for the ELCI form.

  1. Log Into the TraCS Configuration Manager with a System Admin user

  2. In the Transmission ribbon click Communications

  3. Expand Communication Instructions

    1. Expand Transmission: ExportCitationNumberBundle.

      1. Select Export

      2. Set the transmission instruction to Active.

    2. Expand Transmission: ImportCitationNumberBundle.

      1. Select Import.

      2. Set the transmission instruction to Active.

  4. Click OK to exit the Communications Editor.

  5. User accounts for all Office and web services clients are updated as soon as you click Apply and re-login into TraCS. However, a distribution will need to be created and run in order to push the changes to standard mobile clients.

    1. Complete task 4.1 to make a new distribution.

      1. Distribution will run the next time the user logs in and logs off if distribution is set to automatic download.

      2. Or when the user presses the run distribution button.


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