Task 3.1.1 Configure Citation Number Preferences

Badger TraCS Guides

Task 3.1.1 Configure Citation Number Preferences

Task 3.1.1 Configure Citation Number Preferences

Purpose: Configure Citation Number Preferences.

Requirements: Master Computer

  1. Select the Tools tab on the ribbon menu.

  2. Click Configuration and Distribution.

  3. Click Change Settings.

  4. Complete the Configuration Wizard dialog box

    1. Leave the unique machine ID blank and click OK If you are updating the configuration of the machine you are currently working on.

    2. Enter the name of the distribution if you want to update the settings for your entire agency. The distribution name is typically your agency’s TAS number (example: 012), but it is also possible that you used a different name.

  5. The configuration wizard form will open.

  6. You may set up TraCS to automatically install traffic citation numbers for the ELCI form when the master computer runs low or you may leave citation number installation on the master as a manual step. Typically, very few citations are written on the master computer and so auto-installation is not enabled on the master computer.

    1. Enter No in the Auto-install ELCI Citation Numbers field if you do not want to automatically install citation numbers for the ELCI form when a computer runs out of them. Note: This is the setting to use if you have mobile computers (field units) that do not have access to a network. (Use Thumb drives).

    2. Enter Yes in the Auto-install ELCI Citation Numbers in the Value field if you want to automatically install citation numbers for the ELCI form when a computer runs out of them. Note use this setting if the mobile computers (field units) have access to the network or SQL database.

    3. If you enabled auto-install, enter the quantity you want to automatically install in the Auto-install ELCI Citation Number Quantity field, which should be between 50 and 1000.

    4. With the exception of the ELCI form, the document numbers generated in TraCS are based partially on your TraCS agency number.

      1. If the TraCS Agency Number for Document Numbers field is blank, click the import button to the right of the data bar when you are in this field to import your TraCS agency number.

      2. If your agency was assigned a secondary TraCS Agency Number for document number, you may enter that instead of importing the primary number.

  7. If you are updating an individual computer, press the validate button to validate the form and apply the changes to the settings.

  8. If you want to update all the computers with these settings and you’ve opened the distribution copy of the configuration wizard, leave the form open and complete task 4.1 starting with step 4g.


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