Appendix I -- Legacy Office End-shift

Badger TraCS Guides

Appendix I -- Legacy Office End-shift

Appendix I -- Legacy Office End-shift


The end shift procedure that was begun on the TraCS Mobile is completed on the TraCS Office computer at agency headquarters. The end shift procedure transfers the forms into the TraCS office database so that you can work with them. Talk to your TraCS coordinator about setting up scheduled end shifts.

Note: If only one end shift method is configured, the Import selection pop up shown below will not be seen.

To manually end shift, do the following.

  • Start the TraCS application and log in. Should be in Forms Manager.

  • Click the End Shift Button in the Data Transfer Tab


  • Then select the appropriate communication method for your agency and click OK

NOTE: (Ask your TraCS coordinator if you are unsure which communication method to choose.)


  • TraCS will retrieve the end-shifted forms. The following dialog will appear.

Note: TraCS form(s) are enclosed inside .CZP files which are located in your Mailbox folder.


End Shift Failures

End-shift failures are caused by duplicate form numbers. A duplicate form number is a form which was opened on a field unit and the form number already exists in the TraCS database. Performing the end-shift on the workstation will cause a failure message to appear and the duplicate form will not be end-shifted into your database. The Failure message will allow you to view a TraCS log which shows the form type and the form number which was duplicated. In the example below the form type is a Warning and the duplicate form number is 0D916J8VN3.


When end shift failures happen, you need to determine the cause because the duplicate form is now deleted and the user who end-shifted it from the field unit thinks it’s ok. In order to tell which field unit, the duplicate came from use the decoder tool to decipher the machine number from the form number. See Appendix I for decoder tool details.


Searching for forms

End-shifted forms are stored in the TraCS office database. The Forms Manager allows you to work easily with forms. You may view, print, accept, and reject forms and also perform other tasks from the Forms Manager.

Sign into TraCS and the Forms Manager will open. You can tell you are in the Forms Manager because shows at the top of the screen.


Search Box

The search box is used to search for forms. Commonly searches may be saved for easy use. The search box is can be shown or hid by clicking the Show Search button located in two locations as shown below. By default, it’s located at the bottom of the Forms Manager on all Office computers.


Office Start-shift

Sometimes you will want to send forms back to the user for some additional work or corrections.  The office start-shift function allows you to send forms and other files to the mobile mailbox where the user can import the form back into their copy of TraCS.

  1. Open TraCS

  2. Click on the Data Transfer ribbon menu.  The following ribbon will appear.

  3. Highlight the form to send back to the user.

  4. Click Start Shift button on the ribbon menu. The following dialog box will appear. Highlight the location and click OK When the process is complete the following dialog will appear.  Unless there is red X, everything is ready to go.

  5. Click OK to Close the dialog box.


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