Task 3.2: Create ELCI Citation Number Inventory

Badger TraCS Guides

Task 3.2: Create ELCI Citation Number Inventory

Task 3.2: Create ELCI Citation Number Inventory

Purpose:  Creates an inventory of citation numbers for use with the ELCI form (Uniform Traffic Citation).   This task may be omitted if your agency does not write traffic citations. Typically, once or twice a year, your agency will need to order a new batch of traffic citation numbers from DOT to replenish the inventory of available citation numbers to be installed on Mobile and Office computers.


  • Internet access is required for this procedure.

  • Office machine or web client.


To Order ELCI Numbers from EARS

  • Log into TraCS with a user with Supervisor access rights and click on Tools ribbon.


  • Select ELCI button and then Order Citation Numbers for Agency.

  • Enter the quantity of citation numbers you want to order for your agency, typically no more than what your agency would use in one year.


  • Click OK.

  • Enter your e-mail address. DOT will send a confirmation of the order to your e-mail address.



  • Click OK.



  • Confirm that the order is complete and click YES.

  • The order will be sent over the Internet and filled by the DOT server. When complete, you will see the citation numbers utility form showing the order details.



  • Close the contact.

  • You now have an inventory of citation number that can be used to installed Mobile and Office computers.

Understanding ELCI Citation Number Inventory Control Form Statuses

Ordered ELCI numbers are maintained in “ELCI Number Inventory Control” forms with a form status of Inventoried.  Sometimes this form is called Inventoried form.   Each “ELCI Number Inventory Control” form shows the range which was ordered (colored in red below) and the number of citations available to be installed on other computers (colored in Green below).    Open the form to see more de

Do not archive the inventory form until it has been depleted.  


User Conference Video talking about ELCI Citations


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email badgertracs@dot.wi.gov or call 608-267-2096