Badger TraCS Guides
Task 3.18.0(b) Create User Groups, Active Directory Alternative
Task 3.18.0(b) Create User Groups, Active Directory Alternative
Purpose: Creates groupings of TraCS users to aid in the configuration and maintenance of associated users.
This task is not required, but will make maintaining TraCS easier and save effort later.
Perform this task only if you use Active Directory to manage TraCS users. See the TraCS User Management alternative for this task if you use TraCS to manage TraCS users.
Requirements: Master computer.
Take a few minutes to consider how you may want to organize TraCS users into groups. At a minimum, there should be one group for each user assigned the supervisor role. Whose forms should these supervisors have access to? Are there users who will need access to their co-worker’s forms? How much access?
Decide on your base group names. One of the base group names should be All. You may want other groups if supervisors are only to have access to sub-sets of the users, for example, Troop1 and Troop2.
Double click the shortcut for the TraCS 10 Configuration Manager, located on your desktop.
Sign in with account 00001.
Click the Users tab.
Click the User Groups button to open the User Groups Editor.
Add a New User Group.
Click the add button.
Click the User Group radio button.
Enter a name for the group
Create the following groups in Active Directory for each of your base group names (decided upon in step 2) in Active Directory. Group names take the form of
TraCSGroupgroupname (Example: TraCSGroupAll, TraCSGroupTroop1)
TraCSAUgroupname_All Forms (Example: TraCSAUAll_All Forms, TraCSAUTroop1_All Forms)
TraCSAUgroupname_Reporter (Example: TraCSAUAll_Reporter, TraCSAUTroop1_Reporter)
TraCSAUgroupname_Supervisor (Example: TraCSAUAll_Supervisor, TraCSAUTroop1_Supervisor)
TraCSAUgroupname_ViewOnly (Example: TraCSAUAll_ViewOnly , TraCSAUTroop1_ViewOnly)
Add users to the appropriate TraCSGroupgroupname in Active Directory. For example, add all the users to TraCSGroupAll and add Troup one users to TraCSGroupTroop1.
Add the users to the appropriate TraCSAUgroupname in Active Directory depending on the access level you want to give.
Assign the users who should have supervisor access to all users to the TraCSAUAll_All Forms, TraCSAUAll_Reporter and TraCSAUAll_Supervisor groups so that they may edit and approve forms written by any user.
Assign the user who supervises troop 1 to the TraCSAUTroop1_All Forms, TraCSAUTroop1_Reporter and TraCSAUTroop1_Supervisor groups so that they may edit and approve forms written by users in troop 1.
Assign the user who must respond to open records requests on forms written by any officer to the TraCSAUAll_All Forms, TraCSAUAll_ViewOnly group.
Assign the user who must respond to open records requests on forms written by troop 1 to the TraCSAUTroop1_All Forms, TraCSAUTroop1_ViewOnly group.
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