Appendix L -- Glossary

Badger TraCS Guides

Appendix L -- Glossary

Appendix L -- Glossary

eCitation - Workflow Services deals with routing of justice information among criminal justice professionals and criminal justice agencies. Workflow Services is generic technology that is flexible enough to accommodate a wide variety of information sharing business processes. Every professional in the justice system case flow—police officer, jailer, prosecutor, victim/witness staff, clerk of courts, judge, correctional officer, probation and parole officer—moves information through the judicial process. Exchange and workflow refer to criminal justice system documents that must be processed across multiple functional agencies. Workflow Services improves the efficiency and accuracy of criminal justice records by facilitating the flow of electronic information and documents among justice professionals. Workflow Services is the mechanism used to transmit eCitations and several other information exchanges like warrants, restraining orders, and no contact orders. Workflow Services has multiple potential applications and is the platform for taking on new general-purpose information sharing projects. The Workflow is ran and hosted by the Office of Judicial services.

Form Manager - The Forms Manager is the first screen a user will see when they log into TraCS. In the Forms Manager, users can select existing TraCS forms and perform a number of different actions on those forms. New contacts and forms can be created, and existing forms can be opened for editing. When a user opens a form, it will appear in the Forms Viewer for viewing/editing.

Forms Grid - All of the existing TraCS forms a user has access to can be accessed in the Forms Grid.

Forms Viewer - The Forms Viewer window will appear when a form is created or opened in the Forms Manager. In the Forms Viewer, you can enter data into new TraCS forms and view/edit existing TraCS forms. Each Forms Viewer represents a contact folder. Only forms within a common contact can be opened in the same Forms Viewer. Multiple Forms Viewers can be open at the same time.

Involvement – analysis tool used to find connections among items in the database. 

Master Index – links individuals, vehicles, carriers and locations to forms with which they were associated with. 

Navigation Panel - The controls in the Forms Manager Navigation Panel allow you to preview information about the forms selected in the Forms Grid, as well as create/open forms that will appear in the Forms Viewer for editing.

Ribbon - A ribbon is an interface where a set of toolbars are placed on tabs in a tab bar.

Ribbon Controls - Using the Forms Manager Ribbon Controls, a number of different actions can be performed on the forms selected in the forms grid (Open, Delete, Start Shift, End Shift, etc.).

RMS-Records Management System - is the professional practice of controlling records of an organization throughout the records life-cycle, which includes from the time such records are conceived through to their eventual disposal. This work includes identifying, classifying, prioritizing, storing, securing, archiving, preserving, retrieving, and tracking records.

Search Box  - The Search Box below the Forms Grid allows you to choose specific search criteria. Search criteria are used to filter which forms are displayed in the grid when you execute a search on the database.

Sub menu – A menu within a menu that has to be clicked on to appear.

WIBRS - The Wisconsin Incident Based Reporting System (WIBRS) is Wisconsin's version of the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) and thus includes all of the NIBRS data and edits as well as a few specific to the state. The program is used for collecting reliable and detailed criminal information that is then used in law enforcement administration, operations, and management. Wisconsin's Office of Justice Assistance houses the database, which is maintained by the Statistical Analysis Center. WIBRS ignores all state statutes and bases its data on facts from the police reports. There are four different classifications of police reports: Incident Reports, Arrest (Booking) Reports, Supplemental Reports, and Supplemental Incident Reports. Then the WIBRS offences are divided into three categories: crimes against a person, crimes against a property, and crimes against society. These are then broken into Group A and Group B offenses. The data are then categorized and stored. The incident-based reporting system is beneficial because it has uniform categories for the reporting of crimes in all 50 states.

WISLR - The Wisconsin Information System for Local Roads (WISLR) is an Internet-accessible system that helps local governments and WisDOT manage local road data to improve decision-making, and to meet state statute requirements. With Geographic Information System technology, WISLR combines local road data with interactive mapping functionality. The result is an innovative system that allows users to display their data in a tabular format, on a map, or both.


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