Badger TraCS Guides
Understanding the Master Index
Understanding the Master Index
A Master Index is a database that is used across an agency to maintain consistent, accurate and current demographic and essential data on the incidents managed within its jurisdiction. TraCS maintains Master Indexes on the common information found on all forms. The following Master Indexes can be searched in TraCS.
Begin a Master Index search by clicking The Master Index can be searched from Office and Web Client machines only. Agencies can search the Master Index for any common information field.
Did You Know? Wild Card Characters
The following wild card characters are available for the Master Index search.
* (asterisk) is used to find any number of unknown characters when the number of characters is also unknown. Example ZZZM* will find all last names that start with ZZZM (ZZZMILLER, ZZZMOORE, ZZZMARTINEZ)
_ (Underscore) is used to find one unknown character. Example ZZZ_ILLER will find all last names that start with ZZZ have an unknown character and ILLER at the end. (ZZZMILLER, ZZZTILLER, ZZZKILLER)
, (comma) is used to find more than one item. Example ZZZMILLER, ZZZJONES will find both last names and will display both instances
~ (tilde’) is only used with SQL Servers to find words that sound like something else. For Example, ~JERRY would find all spellings of Jerry (Geri, Jeri, Jerry, Gerri, Gerry, Jheri, Jerri)
Officers can also use a combination of two or more special characters.
The following is an example of a search for an individual last name beginning with ZZZJ..
Pressing search will bring up all the ZZZJ…’s in the database. The search can be as refined as needed. You may fill in as many search criteria fields as needed.
Hitting Search will bring up the following screen.
This is the Master Index results screen.
Involvement – Do an involvement search looking for Individuals, vehicles, locations and carriers that an individual, vehicle, location or carrier has in common. See involvement chapter for more information.
History – List the forms that this common information record is attached to in TraCS. Officers can view any and all forms on this screen.
Flags – Agencies can add two types of flags to a Master Index record. Priority and informational. See section for adding flags.
Edit Confidential – Under Development, coming in 2015. Eventually agencies will be able to mark individuals, vehicles, locations and carriers as confidential and redact this information from TraCS for most users. You select only a handful of users as being able to view and edit this information.
Edit Record – If needed the Master Index record can be edited by hand.
Add New Record – If needed a Master Index record can be added by hand.
Refine Search – This allows you to modify your search criteria.
Copy to Common – This button will copy the Master Index to the common information on this computer for adding to a form.
Master Index Maintenance – The Master Index records might need maintenance from time to time. This is because the records might have some discrepancies. There are two ways to get the Master Index maintenance screen.
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